War God Supreme

Chapter 923: The Dragon Ring changed, and...

Wu Shen's anger was violent, and the world shivered.

The terrifying dragon constantly bombarded the void and the sea, venting the rage in his heart.

However, Divine Consciousness has been scanning the sea, because he knows that Li Lingtian has been hit hard, and it is impossible to hide for long.

Moreover, Li Lingtian has become a deity, no longer Ying Long, and has no fear at all.


The figure flashed, and the dragon disappeared, showing his deity.

The black shiny awl in his hand was tightly held, and the space was trembling in front of the awl.

At this moment, a smile appeared on Ouyue's face, and his eyes looked at the void, as if waiting for something.


Deep in the sea, Li Lingtian's face was pale, and a thin layer of mysterious air around him blocked his breath.

The blood on the corner of the mouth kept flowing out, the breath on his body was getting weaker and weaker, and the whole person seemed to cut off his vitality.

However, at this time, my heart was full of anger, and there was the color of despair.

Because when the Dragon Dragon Ring was divided into five areas, the Demon Dragon, who was the incarnation of Yueyue, came after him, and interrupted his consciousness, and the inside of the Dragon Dragon Ring suddenly changed.

Huangfu Yuyan, Tang Zimeng, Tang Qingyue, Qingling, Shun Meier and Xuanyuan Yingying were imprisoned.

Moreover, now even other places are imprisoned.

The only thing that is not imprisoned is that there is a separate space in the medicine garden and the world of three thousand dragon spirits.

Seeing all this, the whole person is almost crazy.

All my loved ones, as well as all wealth and treasures, are imprisoned.

This dragon dragon ring, only a single space and the dragon world can be used, everything else is imprisoned.

In other words, I have lost everything.


On the bottom of the sea, Li Lingtian found everything about himself, and his face showed a crazy look.

The remaining true elements were running wildly, and the Taoism of the water reached an extreme suddenly. The Taoism of destruction destroyed the world, and the sea area boiled in front of the Taoism of the water.

If you lose your treasure and wealth, you will lose it, and you don't care at all.

However, his relatives have a little grievance, he will be uncomfortable.

Now, all the relatives are imprisoned, the dragon ring is imprisoned, everything is gone, and I returned to ten years ago.

The dragon has a counterscale, and his loved ones are his counterscale.

All his loved ones are imprisoned, why he is not crazy.

Suddenly, the breath of destruction rose into the sky, and the madness of the water's way of mind restored the true unit of his body to full prosperity, but the physical injury was even more terrifying.

The whole person is almost at the end of the strong bow, completely like burning his own life.



Suddenly, a breath of destruction erupted in the sea, and the whole seawater was turbulent, and the water column was soaring.

And there is a crazy breath in this breath, which makes people tremble.

Anger, monstrous anger, destroy all anger.

"What a terrifying anger and murderous opportunity."

"It's terrifying."

"He couldn't be crazy, and the dog jumped the wall."

In the air, Ouyue looked at the void and waited for his teacher's arrival, but at this time he felt the breath of death and the horror of the sea.

Suddenly the whole person was shocked, and the expression on his face became dignified and frightened.

It turned out that when he cast the Devil's Move, he had already cast a mysterious technique to notify the coming of the battle. Now that the battle has been chased, it should be coming soon.

But I did not expect Li Lingtian to explode with such a terrifying anger. The crazy anger made his Wushen Qizhongtian also tremble.


Just as the monstrous waves set off in the sea, the flames on Li Lingtian exploded.

Suddenly, the sea is like a volcano erupting, the destroyed water column, the destroyed flame, this world has reached the ultimate destruction.

In the past, he never dared to be so crazy, even if he practiced ice-fire compatibility and cultivation, but he was also careful.

But at this time, he did not care any more, and operated two extreme attributes.



A burst of whistling sounded from the sea water, and Li Lingtian's figure appeared in the air.

Suddenly, the space also broke up, and there was a terrifying cold breath and flame breath on his body.

More is the madness and the breath of death.

His eyes glowed with blood and red, as if he had gone into flames.

"Dare to dare to come out, this Demon Emperor will fulfill you today."

Ouyue saw Li Lingtian's crazy look, and her heart shivered subconsciously.

Feeling the tremor in my heart, I was suddenly angry, and my terrible God of the Seventh Heaven, trembling and fearing in front of a Wu Sheng youth, if I did not kill this young man, I would leave a shadow in the future, and I would never make any progress.

"This seat does not want to provoke you Mozu, but you are pressing every step of the way."

"Destroy everything in this seat, and this seat will destroy all your demons."


Li Lingtian's eyes were blood red, his body's anger was violent, and the flames and coldness of his body were even more terrifying.

With both hands at will, a beam of destruction suddenly bombarded towards the Yueyue.

The whole person is completely crazy, and he no longer cares about the consequences at all. Any bombardment by his own strength is like destroying this world.


There was a shocking explosion and the ruined beam of light bombarded hard.

"Dead, dead."

"Dead, dead."

Li Lingtian kept bombarding, and had no defense at all. This situation was completely a suicide attack.


Ouyue was bombarded by continuous destruction, and he stepped back step by step, with black blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth.

The whole person was constantly attacked, and his face was also horrified.

There was a trace of fear in my heart. The young man didn't know what was going on and was completely desperate.


Ouyue finally couldn't support it, a blood donation spurted out, and his figure was thrown out.

The look on his face was terrified. The Demon Race of the Seventh Heaven of Wushen, even powerful, was defeated by the desperate attack of destruction.

"This seat has lost everything, but it is still useful to keep yourself."

"The sword of domination, the realm of swords."

There was no more peace in Li Lingtian's eyes, and the whole person was completely violent.

Feeling the threat of coming from afar, no longer dare to hesitate.

Impressed by the consciousness, the Sword of Domination was displayed, and a violent sword intention broke out all over the body. The sword intention destroyed the world.

The owner is crazy, the sword is also violent.

The shocking sword intention broke out, and the sword momentum also followed.

The sword in his hand is swayed at will, and the true element of the whole body is exhausted.

In the space, a sword field with a size of a hundred miles appeared. The sword field in the destruction was full of sword silk, and the world began to tremble.


Looking at the sword field in the air, and the dead sword wire, Ouyue couldn't bear it anymore, shouted in horror, and watched the sword field land.

In front of this sword realm, even his Seventh Heaven of Wushen, had no sense of resistance.

Coupled with Li Lingtian's desperate attack, he was already psychologically frightened. When Li Lingtian exhibited the domain of the ruined sword, the whole person wanted to rebel.

A hundred miles of sword territory, Li Lingtian became the master, the space of the world, the space where the sword territory passed, and even the air was devoured and destroyed.

However, at this time, Li Lingtian's face changed, but only slightly.

A devastating murderous air came in the air, and at the same time, the demon qi bombarded him regardless of the distance in space.




Between heaven and earth, two explosions, the first is the destruction brought by Jianyu's landing on Bo Yue.

The second sound was the bombing of Li Lingtian's destroyed magic energy.

Li Lingtian was thrown out into the distance like a broken kite. A spit of blood spewed out in the air, and an amazing blood curtain was drawn in the air.



In the air, an angry voice sounded, with a trace of sorrow in it.

In the Demon Race, such things are rarely encountered, but Ouyue was killed and shouted loudly.

However, he witnessed the destruction of Ouyue in the sword territory with his own eyes, and finally disappeared.

The sword field poured down like the water of the Milky Way and bombarded directly in the sea area. The sea water was also swallowed up to a hundred miles in size, and a black hole about 100 miles in size appeared in the sea area.

The sea water is also banned, and the black hole created by this sword field will last for a long time.

"Li Lingtian, the demon emperor wants to pump souls and revenge, to avenge his brother."

Li Lingtian, who was staring into the distance with cold eyes, was angry all over.

As soon as his figure flashed, he bombarded Li Lingtian, forgetting that his brother was also killed by Li Lingtian, and he felt a trembling sword.

"This seat is going to destroy your entire demons."

"Yu Yan and they are all imprisoned. Everything in this seat is gone. What more is Shou Yuan."

"This seat takes the years of heaven and earth, consumes the life of heaven, and sacrifices the sword of heaven and blood."

Li Lingtian looked at the fierce battle coming from the sky, the same as the Seventh Heaven of Wushen, there was no fear at all in his heart, he had nothing in it, and what was Shou Yuan.

Even if you become a **** of war and become a true god, all this is meaningless.

Since let him all disappear ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then let the Devil be destroyed.

His eyes looked coldly at the magic energy from the bombardment, and a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The corners of his mouth grumbled, and a series of laws appeared.

Suddenly in front of Tiandao roulette, a halo appeared on the roulette. The halo formed a long sword, and the long sword exuded a mysterious breath.

Shou Yuan in Li Lingtian's body is constantly losing, but at this moment there are no worries and fears.

Instead, there was a trace of relief, grasping the long sword with one hand, staring at the void, then the long sword waved out.

Between heaven and earth, it is still at this moment.

Heaven and earth are like being imprisoned. At the same time, mysterious and obscure Taoism appears in the sky.

This Daoism is unclear, but at this time, all mysterious Daoisms turned into swordsmanship, and they bombarded the devil qi that had fought fiercely. ()

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