War God Supreme

Chapter 924: 1 Angry Slaughter 30,000 Miles

The sword of heaven, the might of a sword, is like the coming of heaven.

The sky is also trembling, the bursts of space are tearing, and the whole world is terrifying, just like the destruction.

In the presence of the sword of Heavenly Dao, the demon-qi attack of Wushen Seventh Heaven also appeared to be insignificant.

After fighting, I finally thought that my brother was destroyed by a sword.

After he was angry now, he didn't think about the horror of this young man at all.

With eyes watching the sword of heaven coming, the whole person's mind shivered and there was no sense of resistance at all.

"Tear it."

The demonic qi of destruction was destroyed by the smoke, and the sword of heaven and earth was moving forward without any hindrance.

Jianmang did not arrive, the sky burst apart.

Moreover, among the sword mansions, there are the terrifying Tianwei and Shenwei, and Tianwei and Shenwei will imprison the war, and there will be fear in their eyes, and finally they will become desperate.


I don't know how long it took, whether it was a second or a century, no one knew.

In the sky, a mighty wind blew past.

The blood stains on Li Lingtian's mouth kept pouring, and his body continued to fall into the sea.

The battle flies in front of the sword of heaven and earth, and between the sky and the sea, a gorge that is thousands of miles long and hundreds of miles wide appears, and the sea is directly split in half.

"Even if this seat falls, it will destroy your Demon Race."

Li Lingtian, who was falling straight into the sea, gave a sharp light in his eyes.

In the light, more is crazy, and the whole body exudes endless murderousness.

Moreover, there is a trace of devil qi on the body, and the devil qi and Zhenyuan continuously radiate from the body.

At this time, Li Lingtian's body injury had reached the limit of destruction.

The meaning of water, the meaning of fire, the damage of destruction, the Shou Yuan consumed by the sword of heaven, and the death damage caused by the sword territory.

The real element and the devil qi appear in the body at the same time, and the situation is unimaginable.


Suspended in the air, let the devil qi and the true element tear and hit in the body.

The consciousness constantly checks the dragon ring, the dragon ring can be opened, but only to enter the dragon gas world and the medicine garden.

Looking at Huangfu Yuyan and others from afar, he was unable to speak. Huangfu and others were imprisoned in the world of the Dragon Dragon Ring, as if frozen.

Seeing this situation, Li Lingtian burst into roar and was completely disappointed.

There was a blood-red light flashing in his eyes, and the whole person had reached the point of getting into trouble, even if he practiced the true solution of the Holy Devil, the situation at this time was also terrible.

"Ah, ah."

The violent anger in my heart, the terrifying murderous opportunity, reached the extreme at this time.

The figure cut through the void and flew away into the distance, completely disregarding that the body was already on the verge of collapse.

The heart is completely filled with killings, and the whole demons are to be slaughtered.

Time, one second and one second.

I don't know how long it has passed. From time to time, strong creatures hunted sea beasts in search of treasures.

However, I saw the figure across the sky.

And this figure exudes a breath of destruction, and that anger that makes countless powerful people tremble.

The space is also rubbed by the speed of this figure into a terrifying airflow, and the air becomes hot.

The figure left the sea and flew straight towards Youzhou.

More and more powerful people, seeing this figure, are shocked by the anger on this figure.

"Who is this, a terrible killing intention."

"Yeah, this figure is so fast, I never thought there would be such a fast speed in this world."

"What a terrible anger, I don't know what makes him so powerful."

"The strong man's anger is trembling, and the world is shaking."

"This figure has no chance to kill the warrior, and flew straight to the direction of Youzhou. Could it be that it caused a killing opportunity to the demon race."

"It's a powerful breath, but it's very unsteady, Zhenyuan is disturbed, and there are other breaths in Zhenyuan. It seems that the injury is serious."

"It looks like the last moment is to send anger on the demon."

"Go, go and see."

"Look at who this person is, there is such a powerful cultivation practice, such a terrifying anger."

Countless strong men who met this figure couldn't see who this figure was because the speed was beyond the sight of the warrior.

All of a sudden, the strong men on the edge of Cangzhou and the strong men in the Tianhe River were shocked.

All followed this figure and flew towards Youzhou.

Youzhou, Olympic City.

Aocheng is the closest city to the Tianhe region and the first city between Youzhou and humans.

The Austrian city is not big, only three thousand miles in size, but there are countless demons in it, and there are countless demons.

Aocheng is the territory of the Demon Race. There are many small battles and kills, but there is not much movement, but this day, a sky of anger comes from the sky.

This anger shocked countless powerful people.

No one has ever thought that there is such anger in this world, and found that this anger, countless demons strong, all flew up, and inquire who this is.

Just when these strong men just flew, the anger of destruction came over the city.

The ruinous anger and the terrifying coercion directly suppress all the powerful players in the Austrian city.

"Not from the Demon Race, get away now."

In the air, that white figure, suspended in the air, exudes terrifying truth and magic energy around the whole body, and the whole person has reached the edge of collapse.

The sound is as cold as hell.

At the same time, this voice is like the judgment of the devil, with no room for negotiation.

"Whoosh, swish, swish."

"Whoosh, swish, swish."

Suddenly, countless magic repairs quickly left Austrian City. They are all human beings and naturally not stupid.

In a blink of an eye, the entire Austrian city powerhouse disappeared by half.

However, at this moment, the figure in the air burst into a breath of destruction, which could not even be controlled by himself, and reached the edge of the runaway.

"The Demon Clan destroys this block, and this block kills the Devil Clan."

The sound was extremely cold. When this sound fell, the power of destruction exploded from the figure, and suddenly the world trembles.

On the edge of Youzhou, the most powerful is Emperor Wu, and there are only a few Emperors, and the others are low-level demons.

Li Lingtian's cultivation is his strength, and killing the powerful under Wudi is completely the same as crushing ants.


A breath of destruction was pressed down from the sky, and the emperor suddenly collapsed and the space burst.

"Ah, ah, ah."

"Ah, ah, ah."


The screams of screams kept on and on, and Li Lingtian's hands were constantly waving in the air, and the devastating attacks landed. In a blink of an eye, the city of three thousand miles in size disappeared.


The figure disappeared and flew straight away into the distance.

The demons they encountered were all destroyed by the strength of destruction. The figure passed by is endless killing.

Moreover, the demons are massacred, whether they are martial-level demons or martial emperors, they are all smashed.

"In a blink of an eye, slaughter a city!"

"What a powerful killing intention."

"Who is it?"

"I can see that this is Prince Ling Tian."

"What is Prince Ling Tian."

"The son of Ling Tian in Qingzhou, the son of Ling Tian sweeping Cangzhou."

"How did the demon provoke him, actually slaughter the city."

"A while ago, the Demon attacked the Tianhe Holy City. The people in the Tianhe Holy City were evacuated. It should be that his loved ones were killed by the Demon, so there was such anger."

"I don't know how many demons to kill."

"That's fine, it can just weaken the devil's strength, revenge for Qingzhou, and revenge for mankind."

Aocheng was destroyed. After that figure disappeared, countless strongmen came and saw that Aocheng was slaughtered, all shaking.

Someone saw Li Lingtian and recognized Li Lingtian, which was even more shocking.

All the strong men trailed behind Li Lingtian far away, watching the monstrous anger, and saw countless demons being killed.

As long as it passes, as long as the Demon Race is inevitable to be destroyed.

Time, one day passed, two days passed...

Five days passed, eleven demon cities were destroyed, and all demon cities were slaughtered.

Even Wu Sheng and Wu Shen could not stop Li Lingtian's footsteps.

However, Li Lingtian's body has collapsed more and more, and has reached the limit of destruction.

The whole person is completely supported by anger. The ruined real element and devil qi in the body are constantly striking, and he can only bombard the destructive force on the demon.

The eleven cities were destroyed, and the whole demons were shocked.

Countless Mozu strongmen are coming here, want to block Li Lingtian, and also want to get the demon **** array on Li Lingtian.

At the same time, Cangzhou and Tianhe, as well as Youzhou, all the strong are shocked.

The eleven cities were slaughtered in five days, completely desperate, and the consequences were not taken into account at all.

Fengmo City is 30,000 miles away from the Tianhe River, which is also the twelfth city of Li Lingtian who came to the Demon Race.

However, when I came here, the whole person was on the verge of collapse.

And here have gathered countless demons against the sky strong, Wu Shen strong enough to reach 30 people, and also came a super-strong Wu Shen God seven heavy days.

A strong lineup awaits Li Lingtian's arrival. Li Lingtian looked at the powerful lineup. Not only did he not have the slightest fear on his face, but he showed more killing spirit.

"This seat is ruined, and you have become backers."

"Since you want to kill this seat~www.wuxiaspot.com~ then let's fall together."

Li Lingtian's eyes looked coldly at the big city in front of him, and there were countless demons strong above the big city.

At this time, Li Lingtian also knew that he had reached the extreme, and no longer had the strength to shoot.

At this moment, even if you want to fall, don't let others kill, you must fall together.

The sound of madness was revealed in the voice, the breath of the whole body was chaotic, and it could no longer be controlled, even if the Five Elements Taoism and the heaven and earth reincarnation tactics could not be controlled at all.

"The sword of domination, the realm of swords."

"The sword of heaven, destroy it."

When Li Lingtian's voice fell, without any hesitation, the Sword of Domination was displayed, and the realm of the Sword of Destruction broke out.

After the Sword Realm was exhibited, the Sword of Dominance disappeared, the Sword of Heavenly Dao sacrificed out, and the Sword of Heavenly Dao severely bombarded the powerful men above the Great City. ()

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