War God Supreme

Chapter 961: Opportunity, Tianzhao

The whole body breath sublimated, and Li Lingtian was startled.

Immediately, his eyebrows showed a look of excitement, and he never expected such a thing to happen.

The sublimation of the state of mind like this made the cultivation of the state of the state loose, and an opportunity was obtained.

Thinking of this, I was immediately happy, and an order was passed to Lan Xiaoman, telling Lan Xiaoman to leave the courtyard, he wanted to break through.

Simultaneously with the transmission of sounds, the law of the hand was quickly displayed, and countless array of arrays appeared suddenly.

"Ningshen Pill, two, it's up to you this time."

After Li Lingtian finished everything, and moved his consciousness, he took out the two Ningshen Pills.

There was a serious look in his eyes, and he began to talk to himself, and then the law decided to break the seal on the Elixir and throw it into the mouth.

Elixir entered the mouth and slid into Dantian.

Then the heaven and earth reincarnation formula started to operate, and the heaven and earth reincarnation formula operated quickly, slowly refining the pill in Dantian.

At the same time, the Tiandao roulette was unfolded and the whole person began to realize the Tiandao.

Realize this world, the magic of this world.

The martial arts journey from shallow to deep.

Each breakthrough of a realm will make the warrior more powerful. Before Wuzong, there was power.

When you reach the Wu Emperor, you will be able to realize this heaven and earth, from all the possessions between the heavens and the earth to your own, and use everything between the heavens and the earth to attack the opponent.

And Shou Yuan has also been promoted, and the whole person has been able to perceive some mysterious existence between heaven and earth.

After reaching the Wusheng, it is a fusion with this heaven and earth, and it has more control over everything in heaven and earth. It is completely beyond the category of power to perceive something cultivated.

And a lot of things are mysterious about the existence of the mystery. Reaching the Wusheng is also the ultimate point of reaching the warrior.

Wusheng is also a saint among martial artists, and no warrior is more powerful than Wusheng.

Unless, unless the martial arts god, that is the martial arts master.

The martial arts strongman has slowly divorced from martial arts, but has entered a divine state.

Everything about the Wushen, whether it is physique, consciousness, or supernatural power and thinking, as well as Shou Yuan and state of mind, has entered a mysterious state.

There is no way to describe this state, and it is finally called the God of War.

That is to say, between the warrior and the god, to reach this state is between human and god.

How difficult it is to reach the God of War is not so difficult as it is impossible.

Because becoming a **** of war is equivalent to becoming a god, a powerful supernatural power, a longevity against the sky, and a means to destroy the heaven and the earth.

To become a strong martial arts master, you must become a saint among martial arts, that is, martial arts, and also to be a supreme extreme, that is, Wusheng Jiuzhongtian pinnacle peak consummation.

To achieve such an achievement, it is almost comparable to the sky.

Every step you take is extremely difficult. There is no short cut to take you step by step.

Moreover, the higher the cultivation level, the more envious of the sky, the test of God, and the persistence of survival, without the persistence of perseverance.

This is the law of nature, even more so when it comes to Wusheng Jiuzhongtian.

Moreover, if you want to reach the God of War, you don’t know how much hardship you have to go through and how much life and death you have to go through.

All of this, chance, luck, talent and hard work are indispensable.

In the Shenwu Continent, among the hundreds of millions of warriors, there may be a martial arts strongman, and among tens of thousands of martial arts strongmen, there may be a martial arts god.

For others, it took decades, hundreds of years, and even achievements that could not be achieved in a lifetime. Li Lingtian only spent more than ten years.

Now, it is ushered in the opportunity envied by Wusheng Jiuzhongtian Peak's consummation of the strongest, and ushered in countless opportunities for trillions of warriors.

Opportunity, the opportunity to break through the God of War has arrived!

Lan Xiaoman was very excited when he heard that Li Lingtian was about to break through.

She knows that Li Lingtian is powerful against the sky, but she does not know that Li Lingtian's real cultivation is the realm.

However, it is clear that a strong man like Li Lingtian will break through a realm in the back, which is more difficult than ascending the sky. Now that Li Lingtian wants to break through, he is naturally happy for Li Lingtian.

However, as time passed, there was still no movement in the courtyard for a month.

Even so, she dared not go to check it, because she did not know how long it would take to break through.

If she checked it out and disturbed Li Lingtian's opportunity, she would regret it even if she died.

Forcibly endure, dare not go to the courtyard, but meditate in the distance to practice.


When Lan Xiaoman finished his cultivation and considered whether to check it out, a terrifying aura broke out in the distance.

The sky-shaking Aura rises into the sky, and a bucket-sized Aura column soars into the sky.

The Pillar of Reiki soared through the sky and disappeared into the sky. At the same time, the Reiki in the Cloud Valley continuously rushed toward the source of the Pillar of Reiki.

The aura in the air can be seen twisted with the naked eye, but I can imagine how powerful this aura's fluctuation is.

This movement, all the disciples and strong men who practiced outside in Piaoyun Valley were discovered.

And the strong men who practiced and meditated in the room also felt the vibration, and at the same time found that the fluctuations of the aura were quickly stopped, because the aura fluctuations affected their cultivation.

Some strong men who practiced to a critical juncture were interrupted by such annoyance.

One by one, I looked at the pillar of Aura, and was shocked by the pillar of Aura.

"That's the area of ​​Wuhuang disciples, how can there be such a strong aura fluctuation?"

"That place is the place of the spirit pill master. Isn't it the refining of the six-pin elixir?

"How is this going?"

"Even if the Emperor Wu breaks through, there can be no such movement."

"what is the problem?"

Suddenly, Piaoyun Valley was terrified up and down. The strong people of Piaoyu Peak and Piaoyun Peak looked at the pillar of Aura.

For a while, countless colorful clothes fluttered, countless female warriors flickered, and wanted to know what was going on.

Women like gossip the most. Three women in one play are now thousands of women. They are all very strong and beautiful women.

"Brother Li."

"Brother Li is really making a breakthrough, but fortunately he didn't bother."

"But Brother Li's breakthrough has such a powerful movement?"

Lan Xiaoman looked at his courtyard, and the pillar of Aura appeared from his courtyard. At this time, that place had become the focus of everyone in Piaoyun Valley.

Countless disciples knew that the place was Brother Lidan’s courtyard, and for a time, Li Lingtian’s name spread in Piaoyun Valley.

In the courtyard of the courtyard, Li Lingtian constantly used the heaven and earth reincarnation tactics to refine the medicine.

The two eight-level variegated panacea are powerful and shocking.

Any one is against the sky, but he used two at once, even if this panacea was made by him, but two of them had a strange change in everything.

While refining the elixirs, I realized heaven and earth. As time passed, my mood sublimated to the extreme, and I had a new understanding of the five elements of heaven and earth.

Unconsciously, the immortality has been refined and the world has realized that a month has passed.

It was at this time that the powerful stasis medicine in the body exploded into a powerful movement, and the breath-taking spirit rose into the sky.

The real element in the body keeps running, and the multicolored Jindan also starts to crack.

Jin Dan shattered and melted into Dan Tian's true yuan, and Li Lingtian suddenly became a person without Jin Dan.

The whole body began to change, continuously sublimating, tearing, and repairing.

The whole person is like going through nine deaths and nine lives.


The Pillar of Reiki disappeared, and the Reiki in the sky continued to refine Li Lingtian into Li Lingtian's body.

At this time, there was another shocking explosion.

But this time, it was a towering beam of light.

The pillar of light is two meters in diameter, destroying the void, and rushing to Jiuxiao with the power of destruction.

Piaoyungu shivered, and the world changed its color.

Countless strong men quickly retreated, and far away from the place where Piaoyunfeng Wuhuang strong men lived, several Lingdan masters left, daring not to approach.

However, the entire disciples and strong men of Piaoyun Valley were attracted and watched this amazing scene.

"You look at the sky."

"What a beautiful cloud."

"This is an auspicious cloud, an auspicious cloud, and the astronomical sign brought by the breakthrough."

"Who is breaking through?"

"That place is the place of the Emperor Wu, and there will be no sign that the Emperor Wu will break into Wu Zun. This is Wu Sheng's breakthrough in Wu God."

"It's impossible. No one of us, the elders of Piaoyun Valley, has broken through within this two years."

"Even if you want to break through, there are also the elders who protect the law, but also open the most powerful defensive formation in Piaoyun Valley."

"Yeah, last time the old man of the Green Shadow Palace made a breakthrough. The entire Pianyun Valley was sealed for a year. The Pingyun Valley was protected by the Green Shadow Palace."

"This auspicious cloud is still powerful and beautiful."

"No, this is not a colorful cloud, but a colorful cloud."

Gone with the clouds in the valley of Gone with the Clouds suddenly sounded.

I saw the sky full of auspicious clouds, colorful auspicious clouds.

Suddenly, the sky is beautiful and beautiful, women love beauty, like beautiful things, and see the beautiful auspicious clouds, are very excited.

At this time, Li Lingtian's face was dull, and his hands were constantly waving, turning the world's reincarnation tactics continuously.

Bao Yuan Shou Yi, let the golden pill in the body turn into true yuan.

He understood that he stood behind him.

In the past, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ took some precautions of Wushen breakthrough into mind.

Now I don't have such a panic in my heart, just let it go.

Two shocking auras burst out, and the horrible aura of Piaoyun Valley rushed over continuously. This aura has already met the requirements of the Wushen Powerful.

I felt a little lucky in my heart. Fortunately, I was in Piaoyun Valley. If I got an opportunity elsewhere, he would not find a good place to break through.

Now he understood that he had attracted the attention of others, and it was impossible to hide in the future.

However, I was calm in my heart, since I was found, then find it.


Finally, the third aura is soaring. This aura is about the same size as the beam in front, but the power is more terrifying.

Void shuddered in front of this beam of light, and at the same time a horrible roar erupted above Jiuxiao, as if the sky was roaring. ()

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