War God Supreme

Chapter 962: Tianzhao [Sixth more...

"Everyone returned to the square, all were quiet, and the offenders were dealt with according to the door rules."

At this time, seeing the Piaoyun Valley palm in the air, I no longer hesitated.

No matter what happened, if there was such a movement, the elders of the Supreme People must know that the things here are no longer under their control. The only thing they can do is to manage these disciples.



Suddenly, all the disciples flew towards the square and gathered in the square.

The auspicious clouds in the sky are getting richer and thicker, but after the third pillar of aura light soars into the sky, there is no more movement.

Between the world and the earth became quiet, and gradually, the space became silent.

Despite this, some knowledgeable strongmen knew that it was quiet before the storm.


Above the clouds, a few slender figures flew out of the two apartment pavilions.

Headed by a woman in white, a woman in green and a woman in green are next to her. In another apartment complex, a woman in red and a woman in purple appear.

"Sister, what's going on?"

"It seems that Yunling has just reached Wusheng Jiuzhongtian soon. In this way, it is obvious that the strong Wusheng is breaking through Wushen. We can't have someone break through Wushen in Piaoyun Valley."

The Lord of the Star Palace looked at the Lord of the Moon Palace and asked, looking at the beam of light on the cloud, rising straight into the sky, and the entire space was floating with a strong and beautiful auspicious cloud. At first glance, people with a clear eye are seeing someone breaking through the God of War.

In the eyes of several elders in Piaoyun Valley, they are staring at a few geniuses who are against the sky, and a few top martial arts strongmen, because they are the future of Piaoyun Valley.

For their disciples in Piaoyun Valley, they are very clear, it is absolutely impossible for someone to break through Wushen now.

"Someone is indeed breaking through the Wushen, but it is definitely not Yunling."

"This person is under Piaoyun Peak, the position of Lingdan Master, is that the new disciple?"

Tianyue Palace Master looked at the column of aura light in the distance, and his eyes gradually showed the intention to kill.

She naturally understands that although this breakthrough person is in Piaoyun Valley, it is definitely not a person in Piaoyun Valley.

"Someone mixed into my Piaoyun Valley to break through. Damn, this person should be killed."

"Obviously there is a problem with this person. The spiritual master's status is very high. No matter what school, he will pull in with all his strength. He will never join Piaoyun Valley in this way. The only purpose is to use my Piaoyun Valley's aura to break through."

Lord Frost Palace, with a cold expression on his face, his whole body's killing intentions soared, and his eyes were also very cold.

The forcible rescue of the Green Shadow Master sister by his own master must have fallen.

Master's decline, the sisters and sisters were all in a bad mood, and now encountering such a thing, it is naturally a murderous intention.

"Indeed, let's take a look first."

"This man is already at a critical moment, and he will soon accept the Heaven Tribulation."

"We can't do it in Heaven Tribulation, because Heaven Tribulation will be even more terrifying because of our true elements, and then Piaoyun Valley will be attacked by destruction."

"And then if he jumps the wall in a hurry, we will also be in danger. Only after the Heaven Tribulation, he has just reached Wushen, it is the weakest moment to cultivate, and we will shoot again at this time."

The Sky Moon Palace Master pondered for a while, and then took a few sisters and flew down.

At the same time, let the following disciples turn on the formation of Piaoyun Valley. Outsiders cannot enter, nor can those inside.

Between heaven and earth, the silence is extremely extreme. This kind of silence makes people feel extremely oppressive.

All the strong men felt breathless at this time and looked at the sky in horror.

The sky gradually changed. The colorful auspicious clouds were pierced by strange holes. I saw an arc of a size of a size from the far depths of the sky. The arc was bombarded with destruction and supreme power. , The target is the courtyard where Li Lingtian is located.


When the arc struck down, the sound only sounded. When the sound fell, the arc was already bombarded fiercely in the courtyard.

"Heavenly Tribulation, come down hard, this seat is waiting for you."

Li Lingtian looked at the arc that landed in the void, and a faint smile overflowed at the corner of his mouth.

Suddenly, the arc of destruction bombarded him.

A breath of destruction struck, and the whole person was bombarded almost to disappear.

Li Lingtian's mouth also overflowed with traces of blood, and his face was pale.

However, the first Sky Tribulation was so easily resisted, the sublimation of state of mind, the improvement of morality, and the strength of the whole person skyrocketed.

But he understands that the previous days of the Tribulation are very simple, and the back is getting stronger and stronger, almost destroyed the last time.

"Heavenly Tribulation."

"It really is where the Wusheng strong broke through."

"That place is the place where Brother Li, the Master of Pills, is Brother Li, who is Wu Sheng Jiu Zhongtian."

"This is impossible."

Countless disciples are terrified. Although they dare not talk loudly, they talk quietly.

Looking at the arc in the sky, they all understood that it was a Heavenly Tribulation, because they had seen Wusheng break through the Heavenly Tribulation of the God of War. Although they were not so perverted and powerful last time, they were sure it was Heavenly Tribulation.

The advent of the first sky-tribulation immediately aroused the shock and discussion of countless powerful men.

At the same time, countless disciples are excited because Piaoyun Valley needs another elder who is too old. In that case, his power in Piaoyun Valley will soar.

The other three major forces, because of the addition of a Wushen Taishang elder for the past two years, have been crushing Piaoyun Valley.

Now, some people in Piaoyun Valley have finally broken through. If they reach Wushen, they will add a Taishang elder.

"Someone is breaking through."

"Go and call Xiao Qingyu, how does she teach this, and let outsiders touch in."

The five masters of Tianyue Palace landed and came to a remote place. Looking at Li Lingtian's place, it was determined who was breaking through.

A new disciple is indeed Wusheng Jiuzhongtian's peak consummation, and it is obvious that he is here to borrow the aura.

If this matter is not handled well, it will not affect Piaoyun Valley in the future.

Immediately, the Master of the Star Palace heard the voice and found the teacher Xiao Qingyu.

"The disciples meet the elders."

Xiao Qingyu is a powerful Emperor of Wu Emperor. Although he is in charge of Piaoyun Valley and controls the affairs of Piaoyun Valley, the real big thing is to be handled by elders and elders.

I didn't expect that this matter would have alarmed a few of the elders, so I felt trembling.

In general, she consulted the elders of the elder group and had not been in contact with Taishang elders.

"Breaker, you should be clear."

"Give this palace a reasonable explanation, otherwise you will face yourself for ten years."

Tianyue Palace Lord looked at Xiao Qingyu, the expression on her face was extremely cold, she was generally not angry. Among the several martial gods in Piaoyun Valley, she was the most kind-hearted, taking into account the overall situation, and several of her sisters and sisters were convinced.

But now it was so cold that it was enough to see that she was angry at this matter.

There is nothing incomprehensible, because it is related to the life and death of Piaoyun Valley, which is also hidden by the strong, Piaoyun Valley, they do not know, if one day this Piaoyun Valley falls into the hands of others, they may still Do not know what's going on.

"Disciples convicted."

"This is a disciple enrolled last year. His talent is not outstanding, but he has the realm of a spiritual master."

"But this disciple has always been good with Piaoyun Valley. He has always been making immortality medicine for his disciples for free, and this person is also low-key. The disciple does not know that he is indeed a strong player of Wu Sheng Jiu Chong Tian Da Yuan."

Xiao Qingyu knelt down, her face pale.

She understands that she has already committed the crime of death, even if she is guilty of death.

If the enemy, all the disciples of Piaoyun Valley were killed by him, she would not know, thinking of the consequences of a terrorist enemy hiding in Piaoyun Valley, she would not dare to imagine behind.

"Bring his materials to this palace."

Tianyue Palace did not look at Xiao Qingyu. His eyes looked at the void in the distance, and his eyes gradually became horrified.

Because the colorful auspicious clouds in the sky are beyond imagination, I never thought that there are colorful auspicious clouds in this world, nor did I think this auspicious cloud is so terrifying.

Even if the auspicious clouds of their teachers and sisters broke through, they would not be as many as this one.

The more auspicious clouds, the stronger the strength of the martial artist's cultivation ability, and the more the achievements are against the sky. This strong man, I don't know how against the sky.

"Palace, this is the disciple's profile."

Xiao Qingyu quickly took out a jade jade from the shrine hall, and finally gave both hands to the owner of Tianyue Palace.

Then she couldn't stand on her knees and waited for punishment. Even if the owner of Tianyue Palace did not punish her, she would not forgive herself.

"Well, it's just a disciple of the seventh order of the martial king, the state of the pill master of the pill master, this identity is pretty good."

Master Tianyue Palace took over the jade jade, the consciousness read the news in the jade jade, then snorted coldly.

Jade Jane gave the Frost Palace Master a hand, and the expressions on the faces of several Palace Lords kept changing.

In the end, the jade jade fell into Liu Yiyi's hands, and the consciousness entered the jade jade, but his plain face changed.

However, he quickly calmed down the affection on his face, but his heart was shocked beyond recovery.

"I didn't expect to come to Piaoyun Valley~www.wuxiaspot.com~This is our fate."

"Over the years, it seems that you have changed countless times. This time, your change hopes to change the pattern of this world, so as not to disappoint my sister."

"Well, it's strange to not teach you a good meal at that time."

Liu Yiyi said secretly in her heart that the look on her face could not help changing again.

I thought to myself that when I met Li Lingtian in the past, this younger brother was the evil demon, but he was looked at the waste by Zongmen and suffered a lot of humiliation, but he rose against the sky.

The two's cultivation behaviors have been chasing after each other. When in the Dragon Kingdom, her cultivation practice was a little higher than that of Li Lingtian. Later, when Li Lingtian killed the Devil Clan 30,000, her cultivation behavior was only higher than that of Li Lingtian. a little bit.

Now, it must be catching up.

However, she admired her heart very much. This younger brother has always been a casual practitioner without a strong backstage, but she practiced so fast and rose all the way to become a legend in the legend. ()

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