War God Supreme

Chapter 964: 5 Ways of Heaven Tribulation [...


In the sky, the auspicious clouds were broken apart, and a breath of ruin fell.

However, although the sky seemed to be destroyed, but did not see the destruction of the sky.

This strange situation suddenly shocked countless powerful people. The Master of Tianyue Palace and several teachers and sisters were shocked. This situation was the first time I saw it.

Several of them have made breakthroughs, and have also seen breakthroughs by their teachers and sisters.

The power of the breakthrough is almost the same. According to the power of the Heavenly Tribulation, the stronger the Heavenly Tribulation, the higher the achievement of the Warrior and the stronger the strength.

This man hidden in Piaoyun Valley is undoubtedly a perverted strong man.

However, they have never seen such a strange sky-tribulation. At the time of shock, a terrible atmosphere of destruction erupted between heaven and earth. In front of this atmosphere, even their martial arts strongmen felt a little fear.

"Golden Taoism."

"Heavenly Tribulation is Jin Daoyi. It seems that this person is the Jin Wuwu Soul, and he has also realized the Jin Daoyi."

"What a terrible golden meaning."

"The horror of the Golden Way is enough to destroy any martial arts strongman."

"I didn't expect that Heavenly Tribulation was the golden way, and there was no such thing in ancient books."

Suddenly, countless martial emperors and martial arts masters, as well as a few people from the Tianyue Palace were horrified.

At the same time, the defense is displayed, and the powerful formation is operated to the extreme, resisting the golden meaning of space.

I saw that a faint golden light of destruction erupted in the air. In the golden light, everything was destroyed.

Moreover, in the place where Li Lingtian is located, the golden light is almost real.

Li Lingtian did not think of this situation, nor did he think that this sky-tribulation had become the golden meaning.

"Golden Taoism."

A flash of fine light flashed in his eyes, and his consciousness protected the consciousness of the sea.

The Five Elements Eucharist works, and the Five Elements Taoism is unfolded. The Five Elements Taoism balances this space, and at the same time strengthens the Golden Taoism, and a powerful Golden Taoism bursts out.

Severely collided with Jin Zhiyi in the air.

Suddenly, there was a popping noise in the air, and the popping noise was constant, just like never ending.





The banging continued, Li Lingtian's eyes were very dignified, and he never thought that the golden Taoism in the sky was so powerful that it would be impossible to destroy it.

However, in the current situation, it can only be resisted with the golden way of mind. If these ways of thinking come into their own hands, they must be destroyed.


There was more and more blood on the corners of the mouth. At the end, a spit of blood spurted out, and Jin Zhiyi was also trembling.

In such a trembling, a gap appeared in the Jin Daoyi exhibited, and the Jin Daoyi landed by the Heaven Tribulation rushed in wildly.

This gap is like a break of the Yellow River, and it quickly collapsed. Suddenly, the horrible golden thought entered the body.

Found this problem, Li Lingtian was horrified.

The look is constantly changing.


However, what he didn't think of was that this golden Taoism entered the body and did not destroy him, but merged with other Taoism.

This situation surprised Li Lingtian very much, but he relaxed a little bit in his heart, at least this Jin Zhidao did not destroy him.

"So it turns out."

Li Lingtian understood that he was a breakthrough in his sublimation of the state of mind.

Understand this truth, no longer shocked.

His eyes closed slightly, and he felt the power of Jin Daoyi and the destruction and sharpness of Jin Daoyi.

The way of gold means destruction of the Lord, sharp and unparalleled.


In the sky, the golden light disappeared and was completely absorbed by Li Lingtian.

But these golden ideas were compressed by him, and they could not be refined for a while, because the void had already landed on the fourth Heaven Tribulation.


A sound of flowing water sounded, and above the Nine Xiaos, it was like the Milky Way pouring down, and the way of ruining the water appeared.

The disciples and strong men of Piaoyun Valley seem to have entered the boundless sea.

At the same time, in the face of the horror of the water, everything is like a lonely boat in the stormy waves, which may be destroyed at any time.

"The meaning of water."

"It's Dao again."

"Is it Jinshui Shuangxiu Wuhun?"

"But why was he able to refine the panacea."

"Alchemy must have fire and wood, and now there is the golden water Dao Yi, is he the four martial spirits that can't succeed?"

The Master of the Star Palace and others, after seeing the Golden Dao Yi Tiancai landed, ushered in the Tian Dao of the Water Dao Yi, and they were suddenly unable to sit still, which is too horrible.

However, at this time, they were not given the opportunity to be shocked, because the ruined Daoism was gentle and gentle like water, but this time the Daoism was terrifying, even more terrifying than the Golden Daoism. .

Li Lingtian looked at the Dao Yi of the water, a smile appeared on his face, this time there was no slight resistance, but the Dao Yi of the water used to greet this day.

It seemed terrifying in the sky, but he was not afraid, but felt expectant.

As before, the Taoism of the water is used to meet the Taoism of the water. The Taoism of the water circulates in the body and the whole person is tempered.

Next, the sixth Sky Tribulation is the meaning of fire.

The seventh Heaven Tribulation is the meaning of earth.

The eighth Heaven Tribulation is the meaning of wood.

After the Eight Daotian Tribulation landed, Li Lingtian did not suffer much damage, but the disciples and strong men of Piaoyun Valley seemed to have survived the death and death disaster.

The destruction of the golden ideology, the horror of the water ideology, the destruction of the fire ideology, the thickness of the earth ideology, and finally the restoration of all the ideologies of the wood ideology, let everyone experience everything in the world.

Everyone was shocked. A person is so powerful that he can't imagine it.

Dao, only the Emperor Wudi can get it, but 10,000 Wudi have a chance to get a Dao.

However, get the moral

The strong ones are not necessarily able to cultivate the Taoism.

Like Li Lingtian, a strong man with five elements of Taoism and perfection has not appeared in Shenwu Continent for millions of years.

"Sure enough."

"I didn't expect that there are powerful people with five elements of Taoism in this world."

The main owner of Tianyue Palace said faintly that the look on his face had changed several times, and the eighth Heaven Tribulation was over.

However, most of the disciples and strong men of Piaoyun Valley sit cross-legged because they have learned a lot in this Five Elements Taoism.

This is a rare opportunity for hundreds of millions of years, and will naturally not give up.

Everyone got a lot of insights in their hearts, and some even broke through the bottleneck directly.

Master Tianyue Gong also felt that his bottleneck had been loosened, and his understanding of his cultivation was elevated to another level.

Without these disciples and the burden of Piaoyun Valley, she would sit cross-legged to practice and digest her feelings, but she, as the elder of Piaoyun Valley, could not do so at this moment.

"This is a prelude to the sky, the five elements of the Taoist Consummation, the myth of Shenwu Continent."

The main celestial palace sat cross-legged, with a horrified look on his face.

At this time, we can only have a solid feeling and wait until things are resolved before practicing.

This time the five elements of Taoism have given her a lot of insights, especially for her who practiced the Fire Soul of the Fire Department, and she has a greater understanding of the Taoism of the Fire Department.

"I didn't expect that there are really strong people with five elements of Taoism in this world."

"And it also appeared in Piaoyun Valley, I don't know how powerful this person is."

Lvying also said in horror. Of the four of them, only the three sisters, the Master of the Star Palace, had the meaning of fire, and none of them had the meaning.

It can be seen how miraculous and powerful the Taoism is, not only the talents that need to go against the sky, but also the luck to go against the sky.

The expression on the face of the Lord Frost Palace fluctuated several times, but he did not speak, and he was shocked.

Anyone who sees such a thing will be shocked.

Now she was thinking, if the time left this person in Piaoyun Valley, what are the pros and cons of Piaoyun Valley.

Most people who can have a five-element Taoist consummation are not evil generations.

Liu Yiyi was also shocked. Although he knew that Li Lingtian was powerful, he didn't expect to be the person who fulfilled the five elements of Taoism.

In the sky, it is extremely quiet, it can be said to be silent.

There is no sound at all in Piaoyun Valley, and the rich aura keeps rushing in the direction of Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian's eyes were slightly closed, and there were multicolored lights all around. These lights were all Taoist ideas gathered from the Five Elements Daoism, and there was also a spiritual aura.

At this time, he didn't dare to relax easily, and he didn't have time to consume these colorful lights, because there was another Sky Tribulation that didn't land. Only after the Ninth Sky Tribulation landed, he successfully broke through.

However, this class is a full hour.

Everyone was curious, and even Li Lingtian felt uncomfortable.

Because only after the Nine Dao Heaven Tribulation, he can break through and stand up, his golden pill has been broken, but there is no breakthrough, so if you continue, if you don't disappear, you are a complete waste.

Because Jindan is broken, his true yuan is powerful and he cannot control it. He dare not use true yuan, which is different from waste.

Besides, it will stay in this state forever. If you don’t move forward, you will never have a chance to break through. This is mortal and uncomfortable.

But ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Watching the sky change, Li Lingtian calmed down gradually.

Because the sky is slowly brewing the ruined heavenly disaster.

It's just that ordinary people can't see it, even the martial arts strong cannot see it.

In Piaoyun Valley, only a few array masters and a saint array master could see.



The only Holy Array Master, watching the changes in the air, waved with one hand, a compass appeared in front of him, then quickly changed, and after a few minutes, he exclaimed suddenly.

The look on his face was extremely ugly, like a fear of encountering ghosts and ghosts.

This situation shocked several other lineup masters and alarmed the Master of Tianyue Palace and others.

[Today is still seven chapters, ask for the gold keyboard ticket]

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