War God Supreme

Chapter 965: Emperor Dao destroys Sky Tribulation

"Yu Zefeng, what's going on?"

Seeing Yuze Peak in the distance, the main owner of Tianyue Palace hurriedly asked, she knew that Yuze Peak's position was strong, but what could make Yuze Feng so scared was definitely terrifying.

It is now in Piaoyun Valley. She dare not leave, and she has to think about the safety of Piaoyun Valley. Naturally she has to make things clear.

Suddenly, after the main speaker of Tianyue Palace, all looked at Yu Zefeng with a horrified expression.

"Emperor Dao destroys Heaven Tribulation!"

"This is Emperor Dao's destruction."

"The Great Palace Master, this is the destruction of the emperor's path."

Yu Zefeng said incoherently, the look on his face was terrified, as if he was desperate at the moment of death.

In this situation, the Master of the Moon Palace was also terrified.

She didn't know what the Emperor Dao destroyed the Heavenly Tribulation, but what made the Holy Array Master so terrified was that it was definitely the Heavenly Tribulation, and it was still the kind of Heavenly Tribulation that the warriors could not resist.

"There are cracking methods."

The main owner of Tianyue Palace hurriedly asked, and encountered such a thing without paying any attention.

And this is the battlefield, she didn't even know.

"The Emperor's Dao destroys the Heavenly Tribulation.

"Even if he is destroyed, this sky-tribulation will still come down, and either he will escape the disaster, we can all survive, if he destroys, we will all destroy."

"And, even if we destroy, he will have a big chance of survival."

"This is not a catastrophe, but a catastrophe, a calamity of emperor morality."

The look on Yu Zefeng's face was numb, and his eyes looked far away, because everything depends on the breakthrough person.

If this breakthrough person survives, he will sacrifice Piaoyun Valley, and the life and death of Piaoyun Valley will be in his mind.

However, it is impossible for this person to give up his cultivation and life and death to Piaoyun Valley.

"In this way, the life and death of Piaoyun Valley is entirely in his palm?"

"Can we leave here?"

Lord Frost Palace and others also flew into the formation.

Faced with the moment of life and death, they will naturally not fall behind, because this is their home, where they grew up.

"It's useless. In the face of Emperor Dao's destruction of Heavenly Tribulation, all the Holy Spirits within a thousand miles are remembered by Heaven, and within this thousand miles, they will disappear, unless he escaped Emperor's Daoist destruction of Heavenly Tribulation."

Yu Zefeng said lightly that the whole person was desperate.

A Wu Sheng Jiu Chong Tian, ​​why has it attracted Emperor Dao to destroy Heavenly Tribulation.

This Emperor Dao destroys Heavenly Tribulation. Only one hegemon, or the emperor against the sky, will be encountered, but it is encountered by a warrior.

He has determined that this person is definitely the man who slaughtered the city. In the past, he has killed countless holy spirits, otherwise there will not be a robbery of merit.

"Uncle Rain, why did he attract the sky-tribulation in the front?"

"Don't he be an array master?"

A Master of Lines puzzled and asked Yu Zefeng, this sky-tribulation was already in the line-up, and only the strong line-up had the opportunity to contact these sky-tribulation.


"what is that?"

Without waiting for Yu Zefeng to answer, the other warriors exclaimed.

Suddenly, all the people looked towards the distance. That place was exactly where Li Lingtian broke through.

I saw that at the place where Li Lingtian broke through, there was a burst of mysterious light.

The mysterious light carries the air of heaven and earth. Among these lights, there are obviously bursts of grids, just like a large cross-border formation.

At the same time, the light is quickly condensed. In the center of the light, a word is gradually formed. Everything mysterious makes everyone stunned. I have never seen such a magical thing.

"The formation of Divine Array Master!"

"He is a Divine Array Master. How could this be possible."

"It turned out to be so, no wonder it was so. It turned out to be so, but I didn't expect to be a Divine Array Master."

"I am unable to understand the strength of the Divine Array Master. The Divine Array Master, in this life, finally saw the Divine Array Master and died without regret."

Yu Zefeng said incoherently, his eyes dulled, as if he saw a treasure of the world.

Everyone is puzzled, but Yu Zefeng of the Holy Array Master has become like this. I can imagine that the magical light is powerful, and that the person who breaks through is powerful.

"Master of Divine Array?"

"He is a Divine Array Master!"

Lord Tianyue Palace and Lord Hanshuang Palace said to themselves, the elders of the Drifting Cloud Valley too much, the God of the Four Gods, the peerless Tianjiao, were shocked by everything in front of them.

"It's him."

"It's him, he can't be wrong."

The owner of the Green Shadow Palace showed a look of excitement on his cold face.

The whole person was very excited, just like seeing a loved one.

This situation attracted the attention of the Master of the Moon Palace and others, and looked at the Lord of the Green Shadow Palace curiously.

"Si Shimei, what's the matter, do you know him?"

The Lord Frost Palace asked, the voice was very low, while both the Lord of the Star Palace and the Lord of the Moon Palace looked at the Lord of the Green Shadow Palace.

I can't bear to hate this person who is hiding in the Piaoyun Valley to practice. Now, because he has caused the Piaoyun Valley to be destroyed, he is all angry, and I did not expect the Lord of the Green Shadow Palace to say that he knows this person.

Suddenly I was very curious. My Green Shadow Master sister left the Piaoyun Valley very few times, but I knew this powerful character and was really curious.

At the same time, I also want to know what kind of character it is.

"He is the young man who saved me and Master. Although I can't see him now, this breath can't be faked."

"The sixth sense and sensitivity of the girl told me that this person is the one who saved us, and he cast that amazing sword."

"I didn't expect this person to be in my Valley of Clouds."

There was a trace of memories on the face of the Lord of the Green Shadow Palace. This is the only thing that can comfort his master.

I have been looking forward to seeing this person again, but I did not expect this person to have been in Piaoyun Valley.

I immediately understood that this person knew his whereabouts, and it was not a coincidence to save them, but intentional.


"He saved you and Master

people. "

"How is it possible, how is he in Piaoyun Valley?"

"When he came to Piaoyun Valley, it was earlier than when Master had an accident. Is it really him."

"By the way, the day the little sister came to Piaoyun Valley last time, when I went to Sister Piaoyunfeng, I felt someone was peeping, it was just a feeling, and I didn’t find it. Now that I think of it, there is someone Peeping."

"In this way, he just heard us talking, and then went to Shenxi Jiange."

"By the way, during this time, he just disappeared for three months. Counting this time, it is exactly the time to come and go to Shenxi Sword Pavilion, which is about the same as the time that the Green Shadow Master sister goes back and forth."

"In this way, he came back after that time, he should have been injured, or he would have returned early."

Suddenly, the main owner of Tianyue Palace was terrified. Immediately everything was linked together, and he felt that this person was the one who saved the younger sister and master.

The people here, only Liu Yiyi did not speak, with a faint smile on his face.

But I was also shocked. Although I knew Li Lingtian was in Shenzhou, I now found Li Lingtian in Piaoyun Valley.

But I did not expect that Li Lingtian was the one who saved his sister and respected master. Now, he is so happy, and he is very happy. He feels more happy than when he became a martial god.

Natural and decent, gentle and caring, she thought that Li Lingtian was shocked to heaven by other sisters, she was happier than anything.

"That girl, like his sister, followed him into Piaoyun Valley and followed him all the time."

At this time, Xiao Qingyu checked the following information and immediately found Lan Xiaoman.

Seeing Lan Xiaoman staring blankly at the distance, Xiao Qingyu hurried to the front of Tianyue Palace Master and said Lan Xiaoman.

"Shout her and ask her in the palace."

The Sky Moon Palace pondered for a moment, and then asked Xiao Qingyu to call Lan Xiaoman over.

At the same time, I was also curious, hoping to find some news on this disciple.

Hearing Xiao Qingyu's words, Liu Yiyi looked at Lan Xiaoman and felt a little angry in her heart.

But then he calmed down.

"Disciple Lan Xiaoman, have seen Master Zu."

Lan Xiaoman came to the Master of Tianyue Palace, and her heart thumped. She knew that Brother Li had made a breakthrough and would definitely reveal her identity. When she came here, she knew that her identity and others had been exposed.

"Your name is Lan Xiaoman."

"He, do you know?"

"How do you know, you know his identity, and his cultivation behavior."

The Lord Tianyue Palace glanced at Lan Xiaoman. The girl in front of her was only 16 or 7 years old. She was also a beautiful girl, and she could not see the slightest situation.

"Know, she is a disciple's brother."

"The disciple was originally from Lanling Valley. Brother was injured and came to Lanling Valley, and then we came to Piaoyun Valley."

"The disciples didn't know his cultivation practice, but they knew that Brother Li was well-rounded and cultivated a great deal of magic. He was the first holy priest division of the Shenwu Continent and the honorary elder of the prince's association."

Lan Xiaoman felt the strong breath in the main body of Tianyue Palace and felt a tremor in his heart.

For her, even if Li Lingtian is even more powerful,

Can be an opponent of several martial arts strongmen.

Now only the strength of Li Lingtian can be said, so that several palace masters can be feared, and they will not start their own brothers.

"Lanling Valley?"

"Maple Sect is below, you don't know his cultivation behavior, how do you know he is strong?"

"What? He is the No. 1 Holy Princess of Shenwu Continent?"

"Honorable Elder of the Danshi Guild?"

A few people in Tianyue Palace~www.wuxiaspot.com~ was shocked when he heard Lan Xiaoman's words.

At this time, I felt extremely hot.

This man is too far away from the sky, has a strong five elements of Taoism, and provokes the mysterious heavenly disaster.

I didn't expect to be the first Holy Master of Shenwu Continent, the honorary elder of the Danshi Guild.

If the others are okay, but they are absolutely the first Holy Pill Master of Shenwu Continent, they absolutely can't believe it, because no one dares to call it that way.

Besides, how powerful is the Holy Pill Master.

There is also the Danshi Guild, which is one of the ten major forces recognized by Shenwu Continent. There is no family and force in Shenwu Continent to match.

Now, this person's identity has exceeded their imagination.

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