War God Supreme

Chapter 974: Lord of the Star Palace, Flame...

"Sister Tianxing, is there anything please?"

Li Lingtian looked at the Lord of the Star Palace almost attached to his body, and the body fragrance spread to his nose.

The feeling almost made him collapse. Such a scene made people want to get out of the way.

Seeing such a situation, he subconsciously stepped back two steps, and pulled himself away from the main star palace, and asked.

I was a little scared in my heart. The sister knew that he was afraid of her and deliberately teased him like this to make him play.

"Brother, can you tell me something about your past?"

The Master of the Star Palace changed the hot tone, and with a trace of a little daughter, spoke to Li Lingtian with a begging tone.

Suddenly Li Lingtian was amazed, and did not expect that the three sisters would be like children.

It is normal to think about it right away. This sister is a girl herself. She has never left Piaoyun Valley. She is often practicing or staying with her sister.

It's just like him, just to tease him, now it's also natural to talk like this.

"Of course."

"Oh, didn't you listen to Sister Yiyi?"

Li Lingtian answered, but immediately thought of Liu Yiyi's story about it, and the Master of the Star Palace should have heard of it.

"Little Sister doesn't know much about you."

"She just said that you saved her on Hidden Dragon Island, and said that you defeated Wu Zong by Wu Ling in Tianjiao Bang, broke through the Wu King and killed the Wu Emperor."

"I also said that you were angering the devil for thirty thousand miles, and nothing else was said."

"Sister, I'm curious, just tell me."

After seeing Li Lingtian's promise, the star of the palace of the stars was sceptical, and quickly explained.

I was really curious about this youngest brother. The main reason was that this younger brother was a casual student who walked on the verge of life and death.

Girls naturally worship heroes, and Li Lingtian naturally became a legend and hero in her heart.

"OK then."

Li Lingtian nodded, with a faint smile on his face, the smile was full of confidence.

Immediately, he took out thousands of years of fruit from the Dragon Ring and placed it on a small coffee table in the center of the square.

Then he sat in front of the small coffee table, and the Master of the Star Palace was also sitting opposite Li Lingtian.

Seeing the fruit on the coffee table, I was very excited.

This kind of Linguo is even good for the God of Warriors. The Millennium Lingguo has almost disappeared in the Shenwu Continent. I did not expect that Li Lingtian’s shot would be a Millennium Lingguo.

There was no slightness in front of Li Lingtian. He took one casually, took out the silk and wiped it. Instead of eating it himself, he gave it to Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian was stunned and took Lingguo for a bite.

Seeing Li Lingtian's appearance, the main face of the Star Palace was smiling, and he took a wipe and ate it. It looked very quiet, but his face showed an intoxicated look.

A thousand-year-old fruit is not an ordinary fruit.

Even a ten-year-old spirit fruit is thousands of times better than fruit. You must know that this is a thousand-year-old spirit fruit.

"Ten years ago, I was just a junior disciple of the Qinglong Tianlong Kingdom."

"In that sect gate, the most powerful is a fourth order of the martial emperor. Even so, that sect gate is also the four super powers in the Tianlong Kingdom, and I am a son of the Tianlong Kingdom. I entered the sect gate to practice."

"At the age of fourteen, you have reached the tenth rank of martial arts, which is also a small genius, but in the Tian Yunzong, you must reach the martial arts before the age of fifteen, otherwise you can only give up practicing and go home."

"According to my speed at that time, it should be able to enter the warrior, but the hail encountered in the millennium has interrupted my opportunity to break through the warrior, and has become a waste in the door."

"I never imagined that the hail in my body made me at that moment. I was caught by a disciple and fell into the Fire Dragon Cave. The heart of the Fire Dragon in the Fire Dragon Cave merged with the hail in my body and achieved me."

Li Lingtian ate Lingling while slowly telling the story of the year.

The look on his face has been calm, but his heart is not calm. Over the years, he has slowly come over and step by step, finally achieving his present achievement.

The owner of the Star Palace was also attracted by Li Lingtian's words, and the experience of Li Lingtian fluctuated.

"Later, my cultivation improved, and I had two Martial Souls of the Fire and Ice Departments. The strength surpassed the same rank, and my status in the Zongmen also improved slightly. That year, Hidden Dragon Island opened, and I followed Zongmen. Entering Hidden Dragon Island and meeting Sister Yiyi."

"In my experience, I didn't expect Sister Yiyi to be hunted down by a master of kendo, but also to humiliate Sister Yiyi. I saved Sister Yiyi."

"The two of us stayed together for one night, and finally separated from each other. I also knew in the Hidden Dragon Island that I was the flame body, the reincarnation of the powerful in the upper realm, and achieved the flame body, controlling the ice flame and the nine flames. "

"I also got some treasures, it was this dragon ring that made me a real dragon."

"When I met Sister Yiyi again, it was the competition of Tianlong Kingdom's Tianjiao list. At that time, Sister Yiyi's training was resolutely higher than me. Finally, I got the first place in the Tianjiao list, and I have never seen Sister Yiyi again."


Li Lingtian probably talked about everything from the age of fourteen to the present. Except for some of his secrets, he said everything else.

In this life, just ten years of experience, but it seems to have experienced tens of thousands of years in general.

This miracle is like that all the strong people have gathered together for millions of years. Even for millions of years, the Shenwu Continent has not seen such evil demon.

The owner of the Star Palace is completely addicted, indulging in the legend of Li Lingtian.

She didn't expect Li Lingtian to have experienced so many hardships, but also achieved so many legends and so much blood.

This is a perfect man, a man who is admired by everyone in the world, a man who is affectionate and righteous.

And wherever this man appeared, it was earth-shattering and everything he did shocked the world.

A person can create so many miracles, it is hard to imagine.

If Li Lingtian said it herself, she would never believe it. At most, it could be regarded as a miraculous story. Even if it is a story, it would not be so magical and retrograde.

For more than ten years, I have experienced things that others cannot experience in my life.

The star in the star palace is flashing small stars, and when he looks at Li Lingtian, his eyes are fiery.

I did not expect that this younger brother was so powerful and so against the sky, and all of this was the younger brother who climbed from the edge of countless deaths and robbed him from the death.

No wonder his mentor is so powerful, and he has so many legends against the sky, all from the experience of blood and fire.

She has never left the Luofeng Mountains, and the things she encountered are basically zero.

Thinking of Li Lingtian's life, she is also envious and admired.

Li Lingtian looked at the owner of the Star Palace, and there was a smile on her face. Her sister, a girl, was also normal.

"Yes, brother, can you borrow that flaming sword for me?"

After a long time, the owner of the Star Palace saw Li Lingtian looking at her with a smile, and when she looked at her, her eyes were full of appreciation.

And looking at any place on her body is an admiring look.

Suddenly made her feel a little shy, but she did not have the slightest shyness, because the appreciative eyes of this brother's eyes, and she did not have the slightest repulsive psychology, on the contrary is happy and proud.

There was a hint of blush on his face, but then his mind calmed down, leaving Li Lingtian to watch.

She did not expect that this younger brother would be so calm. She used to escape when she saw her, but now she looked at her with appreciation.

When Li Lingtian's eyes moved away, he felt an inexplicable loss in his heart.

However, it quickly calmed down. This is his brother, he will not always keep his eyes on her, which is also rude to girls.

"Flame Sword."

"Anyway, I don't need to stay with me now. This flaming sword will be given to Sister Sister."

Li Lingtian was stunned, the smile on his face remained.

Impressed by the consciousness, a box appeared in the dragon ring, and then the box was handed to the celestial palace master.

The flaming sword and the ice sword were originally intended for their wives, but their cultivation practices were too low and they were not given to them.

I have forgotten it all the time, and I am still in my hands now.

Thinking that they don’t need it now, it’s no big deal if your sister wants it and you give it to her.

And her sister is strong, and it is also good for herself.

After waiting for Huangfu Yuyan and others to come out of the Shenlong Ring, they will look for better treasures for them.

What's more, I don't know when I can rescue Huangfu Yuyan and others.

"give me?"

The Master of the Star Palace was immediately blindfolded, and never thought that Li Lingtian would give her this flaming sword.

This is an artifact, and it is a flaming sword. For a fire martial arts strong like her, use the flaming sword~www.wuxiaspot.com~ a lot of strength is necessary.

If other men promised to give her such an artifact, she would definitely not want it, because she knew that other men must be purposeful, she is beautiful and charming here, she spoke, and naturally someone would agree.

But she understood that she would never be the same because of this, because Li Lingtian had several peerless wives and several confidantes.

According to the words of her little sister, several of Li Lingtian's wives and confidantes, even her, may not be able to be pretty. The girls around Li Lingtian are peerless.

"Of course, Sister Star is an attribute of the Fire Department. This flaming sword is just right for Sister."

"Furthermore, Sister Sister is so beautiful, Sister Sister spoke, I will naturally not refuse, I have to use this flaming sword to please Sister Sister."

Li Lingtian said, and he laughed heartily after the speech.

If anyone else, the owner of the Star Palace absolutely believes that the other party is to please her, but the younger brother in front of him has absolutely no meaning to please her. ()

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