War God Supreme

Chapter 975: Star's shock

"You are poor here."

The owner of the Star Palace gave Li Lingtian a white eye. Although she knew that Li Lingtian was joking, she was still very happy after hearing it.

Then he excitedly took the box and carefully opened the seal.

Suddenly, a strong flame breath burst out, feeling this terrifying flame breath, the expression of excitement appeared on the face of the main star palace.

The box opened, and I saw a delicate sword inside the box, which was fiery red, exuding a powerful breath of flame and pressure, and the pressure of the artifact.

This flaming sword, Li Lingtian did not know that it was an artifact of the above level, but it was definitely not an ordinary artifact.

You should know that this artifact is used by the powerful in the upper realm, and it seems to be very precious.

Li Lingtian was eating Lingguo, watching the Star Palace Lord look happily, and he was happy and relaxed.

"It really is an artifact, a blazing sword."

"Thank you Junior Brother."

After the Master of the Star Palace carefully looked at the Sword of Flame several times, the baby put it away and thanked Li Lingtian.

The generosity of Li Lingtian is beyond her imagination.

Originally I wanted to borrow it, but I didn't expect Li Lingtian to give it to her directly.

"Aren't you my sister, if Xie Lai Xie Xie, it seems to be alive."

Li Lingtian looked at the main star palace and said.

It is just an artifact, which is nothing to him.

As long as it is useful for his own people, please make those around him happy, not to mention that he owns it now, even if it is not, he will find a way to get it in his hands.

"Senior Brother is right."

"Sister Sister is so excited."

The Master of the Star Palace heard Li Lingtian saying this, and he was even more happy in his heart, more happy than getting this flaming sword.

"Now you are satisfied."

At this time, the Frost Palace Master who practiced in the palace room also came out.

She has been practicing inside. She, who is the strongest of Wushen, heard the two of them clearly, and was shocked by Li Lingtian's experience.

This younger brother exceeded her view of men in this world.

No wonder there are so many beautiful children following him, this is the perfection of his brother.

"Sister Frost."

Li Lingtian stood up and greeted the host of the Frost Palace, and then let the host of the Frost Palace make another place for the coffee table.

Lord Hanshuang did not refuse, and the three sat in front of the small coffee table.

This close distance is definitely the first time for the Frost Palace Master. She has never been so close to a man.

Li Lingtian took one of the Lingguo on the coffee table, wiped it with his sleeve, and handed it to the Hanshuang Palace Master.

Suddenly, the star of the star palace looked at Li Lingtian and Han Frost palace with a smile in his eyes.

She naturally knew that her second sister was cold and frost-like, and she was thousands of miles away, especially to outsiders and men.

No one has ever seen the smile of her second sister, and even rarely heard her speak.

Moreover, the second elder sister loves cleanliness. She has always done it herself. What she passes by others will not be needed, let alone eat.

Unless they are their own sisters and sisters, in front of their own sisters and sisters, it is slightly better.

Now that Li Lingtian is like this, his second sister will definitely not accept it. I feel a little embarrassed in my heart. If his second sister refuses, the atmosphere will definitely be bad.

But then, the whole person was petrified. It was like seeing the most amazing thing in the world, with an unbelievable look in his eyes.

I saw that Li Lingtian handed the wiped fruit to the Lord of Frost Palace. The whole person did not have any pretentiousness, nor did he find anything wrong. This look was extremely casual.

When handed to the Lord of the Frost Palace, the Lord of the Frost Palace did not hesitate. He stretched out his white, slender, and jade hands to pick up the Lingguo, opened his ruddy mouth, and quietly took a small bite. Intoxicated.

This action, this situation, has no pretentiousness and pretence at all, but is extremely arbitrary.

She was definitely the first time she saw such a situation with her second sister, and after being wiped with a sleeve by a man, she used it without hesitation.

This is simply the sun rising from the west, she also thought that her second sister did not make Li Lingtian embarrassed, but this situation of her second sister is absolutely not pretentious.

"Yes, younger brother really enjoys it."

"All of them have been used for thousands of years, and I’ve covered them all."

After the Frost Palace Master took a few bites, his face showed a satisfying color, and said lightly.

Although there was no smile on his face, he did not have that cold look.

What's more important is that there is a faint smile in the frost of the Lord of Frost Palace, which makes the Master of Star Palace puzzled.

"Where, there are only two sisters. At other times, I have used the fruit of ten years and hundred years."

"These are the fruits I have obtained before, and there are still a lot of them."

"If the two sisters like it, they will ask me to take it. If they take out too much at once, they will lose the spirit on it, so that it will be worthless."

"By the way, this spirit fruit is of great use to lower-level disciples. Although it can only be used once, it can slightly improve their physique. I still have some ten-year and hundred-year-old spirit fruit here, so that each of them One."

Li Lingtian thought of the disciples of Piaoyun Valley. There are more than 100,000 spiritual fruits in the Dragon Dragon Ring, and the spiritual fruit trees are all in the Dragon Ring. They can’t use so much, so they can be used by the following disciples.

His state of mind has been sublimated, cultivated for improvement, and his mind is very spacious.

Moreover, his cultivation techniques are different. To reach his level, general treasures are no longer needed. They are all ancient artifacts of extraordinary quality, and even mysterious and powerful treasures.

He will never keep the treasures under the superb artifact, and give it to anyone who uses it.

You don’t need much to use your own elixir. Only eight or more elixir works for you.

Cultivate the heaven and the Tao, cultivate the five elements of Taoism, and cultivate it against the sky. Everything you need, you don’t need to stay, and forget about the following disciples or relatives.

It's no use staying on myself. I was scared before, and I felt a bit stingy.

Even if these things are taken out now, it is also to increase your own power. A person’s strength is strong, but he does not need so many things, and he is not a three-headed six-arm, but his relatives and disciples are strong, and they can exert the power of these treasures and wealth come out.

"Brother, we know you have a lot of wealth, but you still have to keep it."

"If there is no wealth, even the strong will be embarrassed."

The Master of the Star Palace heard Li Lingtian's words and immediately spoke.

They were also scared, worried that Li Lingtian would have spent his wealth away.

"It's okay. Cultivation has reached our level. I don't care about it anymore. I used to have the same thoughts as my sister. I was so scared. Now I only figured out that wealth is used in key places and its power is exerted. This is the real power of wealth."

"In the future, Piaoyun Valley will implement a reward system to stimulate the following disciples to practice diligently."

Li Lingtian said with a smile, what he said made both Frost Palace Master and Star Palace Master stunned.

I didn't expect my brother to be so smooth, and his mind was so free and easy. The same martial arts strongman was too far away from him.

"We believe in your strength."

The Lord of the Star Palace and the Lord of the Frost Palace spoke in unison. Both of them looked at each other suddenly, and then they both laughed.

Although the host of Hanshuang Palace was only a faint smile, but this smile really interpreted the smile of the city and then the country, Li Lingtian couldn't help but look dumbfounded.

The second sister, ice-cold like an iceberg, cold and lonely, the giant thousands of miles away.

I never laughed, but also a little talk, but now it is definitely the most beautiful smile, and Li Lingtian is beating heartily.

"I'll just say it."

"Sister Hanshuang is the most beautiful to laugh."

When Li Lingtian saw the Frost Palace Master watching him, he felt a little embarrassed for a while, but he quickly reacted and recovered calm.

Immediately exaggerated this sentence, did not expect to make the Frost Palace Master a blush on his face.

"Young Master, your mouth is too sweet."

The Master of the Star Palace said with a smile, secretly thinking that this little teacher is the nemesis of the girl.

Even the iceberg fairy like his second sister was amused by the younger brother.

"What I said is true."

"Yes, Sister II, you happen to be the Ice Martial Soul. This ice sword is for you."

Li Lingtian was stunned, and then a smile appeared on his face.

It's not bad to practice with two sisters together.

Seeing the box in front of the Master of the Star Palace, I thought of my own ice sword, the flaming sword and the ice sword were obtained together, and I was useless.

Now that the Flame Sword of the Lord of the Stars is given, this Frost Sword will be given to the Lord of the Frost Palace.

"Thank you, Junior Brother~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Junior Brother, you are biased. I always asked for it, but you gave the Sister Ice Frost yourself."

Lord Frost Palace was very happy and thanked Li Lingtian, but Lord Star Palace would not follow.

She always wanted to borrow Li Lingtian's flaming sword, but waited a long time here, and finally Li Lingtian gave her, but the second sister did not speak, and the younger brother gave the ice sword to the second sister.

Although she was not convinced, she didn't have the slightest mustard in her heart, because they were sisters and sisters, not to mention nothing. She just deliberately looked for Li Lingtian to be numb.

Moreover, her character and temper are not the kind of angry person.

"Sister Star, I'm afraid you're done."

A slight bitter smile appeared on Li Lingtian's face, which looked extremely pitiful.

This expression makes both the Star Palace Master and the two are funny. The two of them naturally know that Li Lingtian deliberately did this, making them happy. ()

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