War God Supreme

Chapter 982: Wu Tingfei's challenge

A terrible chill appeared in the center of the square.

But in the center of the square, there is a flame of destruction and a whirlwind, and in a moment, a world of flames and a world of coldness form.

The powerhouses in the square were shocked to see a person who could display the flame world and the cold world, although they didn't know what power the two extreme attributes would produce.

But it is understood that if the two extremes collide together, the power of destruction will erupt, and the strong man present, even the God of War, will be affected by the destruction.

When I saw the situation in front of me, I was horrified.

Even a few martial arts strongmen in Yunfeng Mountain have a look of fear on their faces.

At the same time, he also displayed a defense. Although he believed that Tianyinmen did not dare to mess up, he instinctively played the defense, because everything in front of him was too terrifying.

Zheng Haotian also had a strange breath on his body, and the expression on his face kept changing.

He has six layers of Wushen, and his nine-story Heavenly King Tota tactics can also compete with Wushen Seventh Heaven, but the two people in front of him pose a threat to him, and he also understands the power of the two Wushen Triple Heaven. And horror.

Flame Zongyan Promise, looking at the world of flames, the look on his face is also very surprised.

The main methods of the Flame Sect practice are the true martial arts tactics of flames, which are powerful and unmatched. I did not expect anyone to be more powerful than his true martial arts of flames. It was a slap in his face.

On the side of Piaoyun Valley, the face of the Lord Frost Palace also showed a horrified look, as did the Lord of the Star Palace, because the two sisters and sisters practiced the ice system and the fire department.

Moreover, the two often joined forces, and their power is unmatched. Now that they see each other joining forces of the ice and fire systems, their power is even stronger than them.

Only the expressions on the faces of Li Lingtian and Liu Yiyi were calm, and they looked at Yinfeng and Yinping.

"Sister Yinping and Brother Yinfeng, the strongest of the two is the fusion of ice, wind and fire, which produces the power against the sky. This power, even the father and the elderly, should take it seriously."

Tianyinmen has many disciples and strong men. Looking at the power of Yinping and Yinfeng, they are all very excited.

Wu Tingfei was shocked when he saw that the three powerful men were stunned, with a faint smile on his face, and said.


Just as Wu Tingfei's voice fell, all strong men's eyes showed an unbelievable look.

Because the silver wind is trying to merge the world of coldness and flames, and the hurricane is even more violent. Suddenly, the beam of coldness merges with the flames.

Silver wind is also a roar, cold and flame, and hurricane, the three are combined together, a strange world of 100 meters in size, inside is full of strange space distortions.

All the strong men's eyes were stunned. They looked at this world of 100 meters in horror, and understood that this world is a world of destruction, and in it, the silver wind of this world is the absolute master.

"Pseudo realm."

"What a powerful pseudo-realm."

"What a terrifying power."

"This trick, I believe that even Wushen Qizhongtian will not dare to take it."

Suddenly, the strong players present were exclaimed.

In the Shenwu Continent, it is impossible for the spirit domain to appear, and all the pseudo-realms appear because this is a limitation of this world and also a limitation of the plane.


At this moment, Yin Feng's hands waved strangely, and the two worlds disappeared.

But this pseudo-realm world, which is about 100 meters in size, is also broken, like a mirror is broken.

Space, quiet after a long time, but the hearts of all strong people can not be calm for a long time.

"Okay, really powerful."

"Tianyinmen really came out strong."

"No one in the younger generation has been able to contend. With this move, Wushen Qizhongtian did not dare to resist easily."

"Congratulations, congratulations."

After the strong men of the three forces reacted, they were all Dao Xi and felt some bitterness in their hearts.

The presence of such a strong man at Tianyin Gate is indeed not good for Luofeng Mountain.

Now, Yunfeng Mountain and Tianyin Gate, as well as the Blaze Sect, all three forces have their strengths. If this continues, the Luofeng Mountain Range will definitely fight, but they will ignore Piaoyun Valley.


The silver screen that disappeared in the air also landed at this time and appeared beside the silver wind.

As soon as it landed, the silver screen looked towards Piaoyun Valley.

"Little girl silver screen, I have long heard that Sister Frost and Sister Tianxing of Piaoyun are strong ice and fire."

"The little sister is not talented, and I would like to ask the two sisters to enlighten me about one or two. The two sisters will not look down on the two sisters and not enlighten me."

Yinping had a faint smile on his face, and looked at the Lord of Frost Palace and Lord of the Star Palace.

The voice came out softly from the mouth. Although it was asking for advice from others, the tone did not mean asking for advice.

Suddenly, there was silence on the square, and the Blaze Sect and Yunfeng Mountain, as well as the strong men of Tianyin Gate, all looked at Piaoyun Valley.

I just showed my strong strength, and it's just like Piaoyungu for advice. This is a challenge.

If Piaoyun Valley did not agree, it would have no guts, and if it was accepted, it would definitely be defeated, knowing the terrifying power just now, even the strong man present was not sure to catch it.

Moreover, the Master of Frost Palace and Master of Starry Palace in Piaoyun Valley are only the fourfold heaven of Wushen, and they have no strength to resist.

"Brother Yinfeng and Sister Yinping, they are indeed strong and unmatched."

"I believe that even the Seventh Heaven of Wushen can contend, but Sister Hanshuang and Sister Star have never liked to do it."

Both the star palace and the frost palace are dignified.

At this time, the three major forces did not speak, obviously to see the joke of Piaoyun Valley.

Liu Yiyi spoke at this time.

When he spoke, he did not stand up, with a faint smile in his eyes.

"Oh, wouldn't it be an excuse for the two sisters?"

Yin Feng's face showed a disdainful look, his tone was aggressive.


Li Lingtian's icy voice sounded, and his eyes looked coldly towards the silver wind, flashing a world of flames and a world of ice in his eyes.

Since the three forces didn't speak up, they definitely wanted to read jokes. It's a joke to see Piaoyungu's jokes.

I was arrogant before, but I was not blindly confident.

Originally wanted to be low-key, but was aggressive, if at other times he would not get angry at all other occasions, but if he wanted to bully his loved ones, it would be death.

Huangfu Yuyan and they are still imprisoned in the dragon dragon ring, and now their own sisters are to be bullied again, which is unbearable.

Moreover, he had already murdered these two men.

"Kick kick."

The expression on Yinfeng's face changed drastically, and he took several steps involuntarily before finally forcibly standing.

There was a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth, and his face was pale.

Suddenly, the audience was stunned.

I did not expect Li Lingtian to dare to call Yin Fengguo on such occasions, which was beyond their imagination.

On the scene, even if Zheng Haotian's Wushen sixfold heavens, coupled with the power of Heavenly King Tota Ju, did not dare to be so polite with Yinfeng, but Li Lingtian shouted directly.

Among the four forces in the Luofeng Mountain Range, the number of gatherings is not known how many times. No one has ever been so rude, at most it is to hold back on the spot, and then settle the account after the autumn.

What shocked everyone was that he didn't see Li Lingtian shot, and the silver wind hurt him with just a sound.

The strong man of Tianyin Gate showed a puzzled look on their face. They practiced sonic attacks. They were definitely the strongest in sonic attacks. However, Li Lingtian’s voice was not found to have attacks, but Yinfeng was injured.

For a moment, the whole square was quiet, and the atmosphere was extremely strange.

Li Lingtian has also become the focus of everyone.

Both Yinfeng and Yinping are horrified. Now they don't even know how to step down, whether they want to continue to stand here or leave.

If you leave, it is tantamount to being screamed by Li Lingtian. If you don’t leave, the other party shouldn’t fight. You two are like fools and you’re not good here.

"Brother Li is angry."

"Under the teacher and the younger brother, it is like the two sisters to ask for advice. Why should Brother Li be so angry."

"It seems that the younger brother is also an expert in sonic attacks. I don't know if I will ask you one or two next?"

The faces of Tianyinmen are very ugly. Wu Tingfei also saw the awkward situation of the two people. Yintianmen was held for the two of them. If he was suppressed on this occasion, Tianyinmen’s face No face.

Now, if Li Lingtian is not taught a lesson, Tianyinmen's face will be swept away and his face swept away.

He is Wushen Wuzhongtian, and Tianyin Jue has cultivated to the eighth level, and his strength is unfathomable, but he is not yet an opponent of Silver Wind and Silver Screen. If he defeats Li Lingtian himself, he will also save Tianyinmen's face.

Everyone knows that the combination of Yinfeng and Yinping is equivalent to the Seventh Heaven Wushen. If Wu Tingfei of Wushen defeats Li Lingtian, then it means that Li Lingtian is not qualified to fight Yinfeng Silver and gives Li Lingtian a slap.

Coupled with the fact that the Master of Frost Palace and the Master of Starry Palace in Piaoyun Valley did not face the battle, in this way, Piaoyun Valley face was swept away.

"Brother Wu learned a lesson."

"This time it is Tianyinmen's celebration~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is rude and I hope Brother Wu will forgive me."

"We fell in the Fengshan Mountains, and we are all together now. We believe that the elites in the door are present. Such an opportunity is not boring if we don't discuss one or two."

"Then see the Tianyin recipe of Tianyin Gate below."

Li Lingtian watched Wu Tingfei stand up and talk, and salute.

Although the appearance is generous, the tone and momentum are aggressive.

Then there was the opening, with a smile on his face.

But from beginning to end, he did not move a bit, but sat on the position.

He began to call Yin Feng rolling, he didn't move a moment, and now he did not stand up when he talked to Wu Tingfei, which suddenly attracted a shocked look on the faces of the Blazing Flame Sect and Yunfeng Mountain strong man, but it was more gloating.

Tianyinmen's strongmen and disciples are all angry and staring at Li Lingtian fiercely. ()

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