War God Supreme

Chapter 983: Wu Tingfei

"Yes, yes, since our four forces gathered together, it would be really boring if we didn't discuss it."

"My Yunfeng Mountain is indispensable."

Zheng Haotian also spoke after Li Lingtian said.

The strong men present were shocked to hear that Li Lingtian was going to ask Wu Tingfei, because Li Lingtian in Piaoyun Valley showed that the cultivation practice was a **** of Wushen.

Wu Tingfei is a five-fold heaven, or a strong man who has practiced the Tianyin tactics to the eighth floor.

The purpose of Zheng Haotian is to let Li Lingtian say what he said cannot be returned. He is helping to repeat what he said. As long as Li Lingtian does not want to lose face, he will not return.

At the same time, he hated Li Lingtian in his bones and wanted to teach Li Lingtian once.

"Since Brother Zheng from Yunfeng Mountain has this interest, I can't fall behind."

Yan Wuji said with a smile on his face and said aloud.

"Brother Li, please."

Wu Tingfei saw Li Lingtian facing the game, and was very upset, already thinking of Li Lingtian's defeat.

After talking, with one hand flick, a flute with gold jade appeared in his hand.

The flute exudes a simple atmosphere, but at first glance, this is an amazing artifact.

"Kyushu Golden Jade Flute, did not expect Tianyin Sanren to pass Kyushu Golden Jade Flute to Brother Wu."

"Brother Wu's cultivation practice, Tianyin Jue has reached eight floors. This Kyushu golden jade flute is even more powerful in Brother Wu's hands."

Looking at the golden jade flute in Wu Tingfei's hands, Zheng Haotian and Yan Wuji were surprised.

This Kyushu golden jade flute is an amazing artifact. Although it is only a medium-grade artifact, for powerful players who practice sonic attacks, this golden jade flute is more powerful than a unique artifact.

"Brother Wu please."

Li Lingtian left the seat and the Wushen strong contested, all of which were shocking.

He didn't want to hurt the Frost Palace Master and others, because he understood that Wu Tingfei's shot was definitely the killing move, and there must be a killing move to show, and he wished to solve the Piaoyun Valley on the spot.

Immediately, both of them came to the center of the square. The center of the square was two or three miles away from the seats of the strong players present. In this way, as long as the strong players present displayed defenses, they would not be affected.

Li Ling, sitting cross-legged, sat in front of a small coffee table with a calm look on his face and a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

All the strong men and disciples looked at Li Lingtian, and when they looked at Li Lingtian, they all showed a contemptuous look, because they felt that Li Lingtian was ignorant and dared to fight Wu Tingfei.

Moreover, it was compared with Wu Tingfei to test the sonic attack. In the Luofeng Mountains, the sonic attacks of the Tianyin Gate were unmatched. Not to mention in the Luofeng Mountains, even in the Cangnan region, it is a well-known existence.

It can be said that Wu Tingfei's sonic attack is one of the best in the Cangnan region. Although the strong men present were strong, they did not dare to fight Wu Tingfei easily. Now Li Lingtian is going to die.

"Sister Li, the strong contest, the sword has no eyes, it is inevitable that there will be casualties, and the sonic attack is even more terrifying. Brother Shi should be careful. If there is a miss in the next, everyone please block it, and the three sisters must also forgive me."

Wu Tingfei's hand held the Kyushu Golden Jade Flute and made a chic movement.

Immediately greet the fierce flames and the strong men of Yunfeng Mountain, and then greet the three strong men of Piaoyun Valley, as if they believed that they would defeat Li Lingtian as soon as they shot.

"This nature."

"Senior Brother Wu really looks magnificent."

"Brother Wu gave guidance to the younger brother. Thank you, sister, here."

Yan Wuji and Zheng Haotian naturally wanted Wu Tingfei to kill Li Lingtian directly, so Pianyungu and Tianyinmen would fight.

Liu Yiyi also spoke, with a slight smile on her face.

However, the Master of Frost Palace and Master of Star Palace felt worried. Although his younger brother was strong, his opponent was Wu Tingfei from Wuzhongtian. He played the Kyushu Golden Jade Flute. He also practiced the Tianyin recipe to the eighth floor.

"The ugliness is underway."

The smile on Li Lingtian's face didn't change from beginning to end, the consciousness moved, and the streamer flashed.

I saw that when the streamer landed in front of the small coffee table, a three-foot guqin appeared on the coffee table.

Guqin exudes a light breath, can not see what level.

However, this movement surprised all the people present because Li Lingtian's weapon was Guqin, which should have been attacked by Sonic.

It seems that the two really attacked Pinyin.

Unexpectedly, this young man is still prepared.

Tong Yan was Wu Tingfei and he took a serious look at Li Lingtian. He began to think that Li Lingtian would use other methods to compare with him. Now he understands that the other party is using sound waves.

He smiled secretly in his heart, this is to find death, using sonic attacks in front of him, completely to death.

"Zheng, Zheng, Zheng!"

"Zheng, Zheng, Zheng!"

After Li Lingtian finished speaking, the momentum of the whole person also skyrocketed.

Wushen's realm of concentrating the pinnacle of the heavens, the terrifying breath showed, and the smile on his face remained the same. At this moment, he was no longer the weakest, but a strong man against the sky.

Immediately, both hands shook the sky magic piano, and suddenly an ethereal piano sounded.

The strong men present all have the illusion that the young man in front of him is powerful and unmatched, giving people an unmatched feeling.

With the sound of the piano sound, the beautiful sound of the piano sounded between heaven and earth. The sound of the piano was beautiful, just like the sound of nature.

At the same time, the expression on Li Lingtian's face also became serious. His eyes looked at the sky, just like missing someone. His fingers were flipping, and a faintly beautiful piano sound appeared in the sky.

"Sure enough, this master, underestimated you."

Wu Tingfei looked at Li Lingtian's breath. The whole person was integrated with this Guqin, and the sound of the piano was extremely beautiful.

He is a super powerhouse attacked by sonic waves, and naturally understands the killer behind the beautiful piano sound.

When Li Lingtian took out the Guqin, he understood that Li Lingtian was not simple. A warrior can refine the Guqin, and it must be that the Guqin is regarded as a treasure of life.

He didn't dare to care about it at this moment. Although Li Lingtian was not seen in his eyes, it would be an insult to a strong man like him if he was seized by Li Lingtian's piano tone.

As soon as the flute was horizontal, the whole person's momentum soared, the horrible real element was running, and the long and distant sound of the flute sounded.

Powerful sonic attackers know that the sounds are beautiful and abnormal in front of them, but they are all hidden killers.

Suddenly, the sound of the piano and the flute blended in the square. The beautiful sound of the piano was like the sound of nature. The long flute sound with a strong penetrating power straight into the mind of the strong.

Between heaven and earth, presented a perfect feast, beautiful sound, heaven and earth peaceful.

For a moment, the strong men present were all drunk.

Liu Yiyi and Lord Hanshuang Palace, as well as Lord Tianxing Palace, are looking at Li Lingtian.

His face was surprised. Although Li Lingtian's piano sound was beautiful, they didn't know how powerful they were. Now facing the Wushen Wuzhong Tianqiang, they behaved very calmly, and the whole person was elegant and elegant.

"One tone, everything is drunk."

Li Lingtian's face showed an intoxicated look, his fingers flipped, and a lot of beautiful natural sounds came out.

The sound of the piano in the air is constantly entangled with the sound of the flute, but there is no slight conflict between the two, but a perfect fusion.

"Tianyin Juice, first floor."

Wu Tingfei's face was also extremely relaxed. The whole person walked in the square, and the golden jade flute appeared in a chic and elegant manner.

I was a little shocked at this time. At this time, the other party only played the first note. Although he didn't know what law to practice Li Lingtian, the number of the other party is definitely not simple.

However, gradually, he found that his first layer of Tianyin Jue couldn't keep up with the rhythm of the other party.

"Tianyin Juice, second floor."

Jinyu flute swayed in the air, the figure flashed a bit, and the dull sound rang, and then the flute rolled out, and a stronger flute sound was scattered, and the penetration was even more terrifying.

In this situation, the powerful people around the square were shocked. They didn't expect Li Lingtian to be on top of it, and they forced Wu Tingfei to display the second layer of Tianyin tactics.

"Sisi, Sisi."

"Oh, yell."

The air was gradually torn apart, but the sound of the tear just appeared, and was suppressed by the sound of piano and flute.

All the disciples were intoxicated, completely intoxicated by the wonderful sound of nature.

"Tianyin Juice, the third floor."

What made the four major powers unexpected is that Wu Tingfei exhibited the third layer of Tianyin tactics.

What this means is that Li Lingtian's piano sound is strong. Wu Tingfei can only use the third layer of Tianyin Jue to suppress. The second layer of Tianyin Jue is comparable to Li Lingtian's first tone, but he wants to suppress Li Lingtian's piano tone. It's impossible to make a layer of sound.

As a strong player of Wushen Wuzhongtian, practicing Tianyin tactics, if he has been entangled with Li Lingtian for a long time, even if he wins, it will not be a skill. All want to simply defeat Li Lingtian.

"Second note, the world Xiao Xiao kills!"

The smile on Li Lingtian's face is still ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There is a trace of disdain in the corner of his mouth.

There was a faint voice in the corner of the mouth. When the voice fell, the fingers changed.

The ten fingers are like turning butterflies, and the body is more powerful. There are strange runes on the strings, and the real elements also appear at this time.

Suddenly, there was an air of despair between the heavens and the earth, like a battle of thousands of troops.

All the disciples felt that they had entered the battlefield of the Destruction War, and the expression on their faces was gradually pale.

Even the Emperor Wudi was horrified. Such a horrible piano sound is almost a destruction of general existence.

At this time, they were all shocked. At first, the drunken sound of the sound of nature disappeared, and what Xiao Xiao got in exchange for it did not dare to underestimate the sound of the piano, and run Zhenyuan to resist Xiao Qi's anger.

Most of the powerful Tianyinmen practiced sonic attacks. At this time, they felt the air of Xiao Xiao killing in the air, and the expression on their faces was constantly changing. ()

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