War God Supreme

Chapter 985: Heavenly Demon's 8-tone talk...

The sound waves of lore were all pressed towards Li Lingtian, and even Li Lingtian's piano sound was suppressed.

In the sky, the piano sounds were almost completely extinguished.

Seeing this situation, all the strong men's faces changed drastically, but they didn't expect the eighth floor of Tianyin Jue to be so terrifying.

Even Zheng Haotian was not sure to catch this trick.

At the same time, it is a pity for Li Lingtian, but more is gloating, and the absence of a Wushen in Piaoyun Valley is more beneficial to them.

Lord Frost Palace, Lord Star Palace, and Liu Yiyi, can't sit still at this time.

Just as the three men were about to rescue Li Lingtian, strange changes appeared in the air.

"Fourth note, talk and laugh down!"

I saw that Li Lingtian's body continued to explode, the look on his face was pale, and the blood on the corners of his mouth kept overflowing.

However, there was a smile in his eyes. This smile made Wu Tingfei feel puzzled, and even felt a trace of fear, because the young man in front of him was too strange and too horrible.

The smile in Li Lingtian's eyes became stronger and stronger, his figure dodged and backed away continuously, and the sonic wave of destruction was too strong to breathe.

However, at this time, the look on Li Lingtian's face changed, and the body's momentum surged.

This momentum is no longer the strength of Wushen God, even if it is Wushen Wuzhong’s strength, it can’t be said to be stronger than this.

At the same time when the momentum soared, the gestures became even more weird, and a rune flashed across the entire person's eyebrows.

Exquisite lotus-shaped rune, this rune makes him appear even more strange.


Tianmoqin exhaled a breath of destruction, and the breath of destruction skyrocketed rapidly.


"Zheng, Zheng, Zheng..."

Endless piano sounds are endless, and each piano sound draws a strange sound wave, which blocks the horror in front of it.

In an instant, the advantage of the destruction of the eighth floor of the original Tianyin Jue was resisted. All the strong men were shocked, but the next thing was even more terrifying.

The fourth sound of the heavenly demons eight sounds and laughs, and there is no power at all, but in front of these sound waves, the world and the world are quiet, everything is very quiet.

The piano sound drowned out the flute vigorously, and there was no more flute between heaven and earth.

Moreover, everything that Li Ling Tianqin said is still.


A crisp piano sound was particularly harsh, and I saw a tear in the space.

As the space torn apart, the original flute and piano sounds turned into a huge sound wave, and they bombarded Wu Ting fiercely. The sky and the earth were still still, but this sound wave flew in the air.



The huge sound wave, with the power of destruction, bombarded Wu Tingfei hard.

Seeing the sound waves of destruction coming, he had no resistance at all. Wu Tingfei's face was full of fear, and his eyes were full of despair.

A mouthful of blood spurted out, and the sound waves burst into the air like air.

The piano sound disappeared, the flute sound disappeared, and everything was so quiet between heaven and earth.

Wu Tingfei threw it out fiercely, flew out of the square, and finally fell to the ground, no trace of blood on his face.

Li Lingtian landed on the ground and walked toward the square step by step. The smile on his face did not disappear from beginning to end. Finally, he came to Wu Tingfei. At this time, Wu Tingfei had been lifted up by his disciples.

"Brother Wu gave in."

"There is no difference in the next shot, please Brother Wu forgiveness."

Li Lingtian came to Wu Tingfei and saluted Li Lingtian without any slight malice on his face, and he was sincere.

When the voice fell, he shot Wu Tingfei's chest with one hand, and a true element was injected into Wu Tingfei's Dantian.


Tianyinmen's disciples were horrified when they saw Li Lingtian's actions.

But seeing Wu Tingfei is no different, and did not shoot, but looked nervously at Li Lingtian.

At this time, several strong men of Tianyinmen had already feared Li Lingtian, and did not expect this young man to be so horrible, completely beyond their imagination.

The strong men of Yunfeng Mountain and the Blaze Sect are also ugly.

For a moment, the whole scene was extremely quiet.

"Thank you Brother Li."

"I didn't expect Brother Li to be so high, and the sonic attack was even more terrifying. It would be better to sigh in the next, and I still hope that Brother Li will give me more advice."

After Wu Tingfei waited for Li Lingtian to take back his palm, he thanked him with respect.

I was just injured by Li Lingtian, and the sound wave continued to wreak havoc in Dantian. If Li Lingtian did not take action to suppress it, after a little delay, even if his father came there would be no way, he could only fix it to the point of becoming a waste.

He didn't expect Li Lingtian to take action to save him, but he also knew that Li Lingtian was not malicious. If Li Lingtian really wanted to deal with him, he wouldn't have to shoot at all, and he would be eroded and destroyed by the breath in Dantian himself.

And I admire Li Lingtian's cultivation behavior and strength in my heart. The hero cherishes the hero. The young man in front of him is against the sky, and it is not bad to make friends now.

Tianyinmen wanted to suppress Piaoyun Valley, that was impossible.

"Brother Wu is polite, Brother Wu's Tianyin formula is indeed terrifying."

"Sister Brother dare to say that Shenwu Continent can beat Brother Wu in sound wave attack, and there is no second one."

"Although I haven't seen Tianyin Sanren in the next time, I dare to say that even if Tianyin San's old people can't beat Brother Wu."

With a faint smile on Li Lingtian's face, he began to speak.

Suddenly all of them suddenly booed, saying that Tianyin Sanren can't beat Wu Tingfei, Wu Tingfei's fivefold heavens. Isn't this looking down on Tianyin Sanren?

However, Wu Tingfei's words shocked the strong people of Yunfeng Mountain and those of the Flame Sect.

"Brother Li really is the strong man. Brother Li is right. Although his father's elders have a high level of cultivation, they are indeed superior to the sonic attack. Otherwise, they will not give the Kyushu Golden Jade Flute."

Wu Tingfei did not hide anything at all, Li Lingtian saw through, and he was not good at hiding anything.

In fact, there is nothing to hide, even if Wushen Qizhongtian can't beat him on the sound wave, but other means are against the sky.

"Tianyin scattered people and his elders, and the practice of Tianyin tactics is no longer necessary for this Kyushu golden jade flute. If you think about it well, the 9th floor of Tianyin tactics has reached the realm of Tianyin."

Li Lingtian smiled and shocked everyone, but now he knows that Li Lingtian will not be a big word.

Wu Tingfei and the several Wushen strong men of Tianyin Gate were stunned, because what Li Lingtian said was like what he saw with his own eyes.

"Haha, haha."

"Brother Li is a real person. Real people don't show their faces."

"Let's go, please sit down, and I want to see the progress of your fellow teachers and brothers, and have a good discussion."

Wu Tingfei didn't answer, but judging from the face of Tianyinmen's strong man, Li Lingtian said nothing wrong, but exactly the same as Li Lingtian said.

Then Wu Tingfei invited everyone to sit at the edge of the square.

Li Lingtian and the three sisters of Hanshuang Palace Master together made the coffee table in front of one side.

Fighting on the square, and messy, naturally can not sit down.

"Worried the three sisters."

With apology, Li Lingtian spoke to Lord Hanshuang, Lord Tianxing, and Liu Yiyi. The look on his face was like a child doing wrong things.

In this way, the three masters of Hanshuang Palace laughed.

My own brother, too darling, is a strong man against the sky outside, making the super strong people tremble.

But after the war, in front of a few people, it was like this, but my brother like this.

"Come, look at you."

Liu Yiyi saw a **** look on the corner of Li Lingtian's mouth, a distressed look on her face.

Immediately, he took out the silk from his sleeve and stretched out his jade hand to wipe away the blood from the corner of Li Lingtian's mouth. It looked extremely gentle, just like a little wife.

There was a smile on Li Lingtian's face, he didn't care, and he behaved naturally.

"Brothers, I have already discussed with Brother Li underneath."

"Don't you hide it?"

Wu Tingfei said aloud, although the look on his face was not very good, but it didn't hurt.

When speaking, his eyes looked at the strong flames and the strong men of Yunfeng Mountain.

"Yeah, Brother Yunfeng Mountain's King Tianta's tactics are unmatched, and we should let us know."

The look on Li Lingtian's face was relaxed, and he looked at Zheng Haotian.

Liu Yiyiyu held Li Lingtian in his hands, looking very sweet.

"Okay, since Brother Li and Brother Wu have said that, if I quit, it would be hypocritical."

"I heard that the Master of Frost Palace's Great Void Magic has been cultivated into the state of Dacheng. I want to see it next. I don't know if Lord Frost Palace can enlighten me."

Zheng Haotian stood up, but his eyes turned to the Lord of Frost Palace.

Suddenly, both the Master of Frost Palace and the Master of Star Palace were surprised. They did not expect Zheng Hao's God of the Sixth Heaven, and Utopa's tactics to reach the ninth floor, so she came to her to ask a woman of God of the Four Heavens of the God of War. what.

Above the square, the strong of the Blaze Sect and the strong of the Tianyin Gate, the look on his face is calm~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but somewhat with a shameless expression.

Yunfeng Mountain's Heavenly King Tota tactics are powerful and unmatched. They are all shattered by the show, and now they have found a woman like the Frost Palace Master, which is ashamed.

But all understand that Yunfeng Mountain is looking for the stubble of Piaoyun Valley, just to insult Piaoyun Valley.

"Brother Zheng, but the strong man of Yunfeng Mountain."

"Nine Kings Tota tactics are on the ninth floor, Wushen is on the sixth heaven, and their strength is comparable to the Seventh Heavens. My sister and a girl are not suitable for hands-on. As a man, Li Lingtian naturally wants to help her."

"Thank you Brother Zheng for giving me the next chance to please Sister, and to discuss Brother Zheng's Tota tactics next time."

In everyone's eyes, Li Lingtian stood up with a consistent smile on his face.

His eyes looked at Zheng Haotian, his mouth widened and said lightly.

Suddenly, the powerful of the three forces, including the three sisters and sisters of the Pianyungu Hanshuang Palace, were all surprised and looked at Li Lingtian. ()

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