War God Supreme

Chapter 987: Wushen 6 Chongtian, falling...

"I don't know if I can resist this trick."

The Frost Palace Lord's face showed a worried color, which was also the first person she worried about in front of outsiders.

They are the four gods of Wushen. Although the strength is not as terrifying as other strong men, the power of Zheng Haotian of Wushen sixfold to exert the all-out strike of King Tota can be imagined.

They are absolutely not sure to catch it, only the qualification to dodge.

Now his little teacher is only Wushen, even if he is strong, he dare not imagine what the scene will be under Zheng Haotian's full blow.

"Little Master's body is good, even if you don't control the subtleties of the Great Void God's tactics, you should be able to dodge."

"You see there is no consciousness lock in Zheng Haotian's attack."

The owner of the Star Palace is also worried. At this time, he can only comfort himself.

I hope that Li Lingtian can dodge from this trick, and then when he defeats Zheng Haotian with the Great Void Magic and other means.

Now I suddenly felt that without Master, Piaoyun Valley had no hope at all.

Only relying on their own teachers and sisters and the younger brother to support themselves, otherwise they will only be bullied by others.

If there is a Master, she can come forward to stop and use Master's to suppress Zheng Haotian.

The comments and worries of the three sisters and sisters were all heard in the ears of all strong men, and they all agreed with the words of the three. Li Lingtian faced such an attack and only dodged.

However, everyone felt that Li Lingtian was stupid.

I saw Li Lingtian suspended above the void, and saw the devastating attack bombarded with the force to tear the void, but there was no slight movement.

"Since the death, this seat will fulfill you."

Li Lingtian said faintly, the look on his face was extremely cold.

Since the other party is looking for death, he must be completed, and he does not like this Haotian.

Dare to insult Piaoyun Valley three times and five times now, the other party first made a killing opportunity, even if he now kills it himself, it is also a self-defense counterattack.

"Brother Zheng, isn't this good?"

"Brother Zheng disregarded the friendship of the Luofeng Mountains and tried his best to kill him. The younger brother was helpless."

"The sword of domination, the realm of swords."

Li Lingtian said loudly that the voice reached all the warriors' ears and rang throughout the Tianyin Gate.

Immediately, the consciousness moved, a streamer flashed at the eyebrow, and when the streamer fell, Li Lingtian had replaced a long sword in his hand. This long sword is also three feet long, but the atmosphere between the two is completely different.

But all the strong men were shocked. They forgot that the long sword in Li Lingtian's hands had been changed. They were shocked that Li Lingtian did not dodge and tried his best.

And they all understand what Li Lingtian means, even if Li Lingtian killed Zheng Haotian, it was out of self-defense.

The momentum in Li Lingtian's body changed, and the horrible sword became a sword. In the air, within a hundred meters, there were endless sword filaments, which formed a world.

The whole space trembles in front of this world, and at the same time, all the sword filaments quickly condense together, and finally form a ten-meter-sized spiritual domain, the domain of swords.

The ruined realm of swords was brought out under the sword of dominance, and suddenly a realm of ten meters in size fell into Zheng Haotian's attack.


bsp; Zheng Haotian looked at the sword wire on the opposite side, and his heart shivered.

But it was too late at this time, and the landing of Jiansi was like a black hole landing.

It's just that the realm of this sword is not black, but endless sword silk.

"Pseudo realm."

"This is the pseudo realm of Kendo."

For a moment, the presence of the Wushen strongman saw the sword silk Li Lingtian was showing, and they were all shocked.

In front of this field of swords, all the strong come from the fear and fear of the bottom of my heart.


In the sky, the realm of the sword landed with Tianwei, bombarded with Zheng Haotian's attack.

Suddenly, the space shivered and the sky continued to shatter. Zheng Haotian's attack was also swallowed by the realm of the sword at this time. The realm of the sword was not blocked at all, and landed quickly downward.

A loud clatter sounded, Zheng Haotian was swallowed by the realm of swords, everything he passed by the realm of swords turned into nothingness, and even Zheng Haotian disappeared.

However, the realm of trembling in the realm of the sword, the space shook with the trembling of the realm of the sword.

Everyone knows that Zheng Haotian is struggling in the realm of swords, but he doesn’t know how many opportunities Zheng Haotian has to struggle out, because this realm of swords is too horrible, even if he knows that Zheng Haotian is powerful, he dare not say that Zheng Haotian can come out.

The whole process seems to be a long time, but in fact it is just a blink of an eye.

In order to reach the realm of Wushen, Li Lingtian's cultivation came out of the sword of heaven and the realm of sword. All other basics have reached the level of transformation, and they are all hand in hand.

However, the speed of the exhibition in the field of swords is also extremely fast.


The square of Tianyinmen was muffled, and a 10-meter-sized black hole was formed in the square by the sword field. The black hole did not know how deep, but there was no breath in it.

Calm was restored between heaven and earth, Li Lingtian was still suspended in the air, but the sword of the master in his hand had been put away.

The powerful of the four forces are waiting for Zheng Haotian to appear. If Zheng Haotian appears, then Zheng Haotian will not die. If Zheng Haotian does not appear, it proves that Zheng Haotian has fallen.

As time passed, the realm of swords disappeared long ago, and a faint sense of sword was floating in the air.

"Senior Brother Zheng Haotian took the opportunity to kill, and missed, please forgive me all the brothers of Yunfeng Mountain."

I don't know how long after that, Li Lingtian's body flickered, and his strange future was in front of the black hole.

At last he said lightly, a heavy look appeared on his face.

Then he made a salute towards the strong man on the side of Yunfeng Mountain.

All the strong men awakened at this time, Zheng Haotian Wushen sixth heaven, the king of the tower has been trained to the ninth floor, but was killed by Li Lingtian's three strokes.

In front of him, Li Lingtian was so terrifying that Wu Tingfei, who defeated Wushen Wuzhongtian for the first time, now killed Zheng Haotian, who had killed Wushen Liuzhongtian.

The methods exhibited are magical and unpredictable, with terrifying supernatural powers.

Moreover, Li Lingtian greeted him before and after the killing of Zheng Haotian, and his affairs were extremely smooth and the drip did not leak.

No longer dare to despise Li Lingtian any more, but from the bottom of his heart.

"Li Ling

God, you. "

"You obviously have the ability to dodge, but you want to kill Brother Zheng, it is abhorrent."

"Don't you take Yunfeng Mountain in your eyes?"

Qian Shijiao's five martial arts strongmen are all extremely angry, killing the strongmen of Yunfeng Mountain, and they are also hypocritical, almost abhorrent.

"Everyone knows that the sword has no eyes, and now it is compared with Brother Zheng Haotian. Brother Zheng Haotian has six layers of heaven, and the king of the tower has reached the ninth level, and he is also afraid."

"Inadvertently wounded Brother Zheng, but Brother Zheng ignored the friendship of the four forces in the Luofeng Mountain Range, and was desperate to kill him. He was also fighting back in self-defense. He also asked Brother Zheng to bypass him."

"Yunfeng Mountain is aggressive, and the six gods of Wushen have bullied me one by one. Now that something is wrong, I blame it. Is Yunfengshan really so unreasonable in the legend?"

Li Lingtian looked at Yunfeng Mountain's strong man and said lightly, his face showing grievances.

Immediately left the center of the square, and walked towards the Lord Frost Palace and others.

"Okay, okay, Piaoyun Valley does not put Yunfeng Mountain in its eyes."

"Brother Wu, leave at the next level."

Qian Shijiao was short in speech and didn't know what to say, because what Li Lingtian said was true.

But clearly knowing that Li Lingtian was intentional, he did not know how to refute it.

Angrily, Wu Tingfei at Chaotianyinmen said goodbye, and walked away with other strong men.

"Qian Shijiao, go back and practice hard. If you want to make a mess in the Fengfeng Mountains and let outsiders take advantage of it, this seat is waiting in Piaoyun Valley. This seat can be wiped out by Zheng Haotian, who dares to kill you Yunfeng Mountain, can also be erased. Zheng Batian."

Li Lingtian watched Qian Shijiao and his party leave and said aloud.

The look on his face was calm, without any slight fluctuations.

As if Zheng Haotian had just been killed, it had nothing to do with him. Such a calm and calm expression suddenly trembles the hearts of other powerful men. This young man is too horrible.

When Li Lingtian's words fell, the strong men of Tianyin Gate and the Blaze Sect faced each other.

I did not expect Li Lingtian to dare to say such a thing. This is obviously not looking at Yunfeng Mountain.

In the Luofeng Mountain Range, although there are some gaps between the four forces, there is no overwhelming force to defeat each other, because even if one side wins badly, the other two forces will take advantage, and at the same time, they are worried that the strong foreigners will break down.

Tianyinmen and Blaze Sect did not dare to say such things, but Li Lingtian did.

The most weak and low-key Piaoyun Valley, uncharacteristically, suddenly made the two schools feel wrong.

Wu Tingfei and Yan Wuji are wondering how powerful Li Lingtian is.

The God of War is a heavy day, defeating Wu Tingfei before and after, and killing Zheng Haotian behind, Li Lingtian is easy and simple.

Now I dare to say that I am going to erase Zheng Batian. I am afraid in my heart. Zheng Batian is the strongest of the Seventh Heaven Peak Consummation and the first strongest in Luofeng Mountain.

"Brother Wu, I'm going back to practice now, so I'll say goodbye."

Li Lingtian looked at the silence on the square, and the people of Yunfeng Mountain left.

His purpose has been achieved, and it doesn't make much sense to stay here.

When he finished speaking, he stood up, and the masters of the Frost Palace and the Star Palace, as well as Liu Yiyi, all stood up.


bsp;"Okay~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This time is in a hurry, next time I have the opportunity to have a good conversation with Brother Li."

"The three sisters, don't give it away."

Wu Tingfei watched Li Lingtian about to leave, a light expression appeared on his face, and he was relieved.

After a few words of politeness, Li Lingtian walked outside with three sisters.

But when he reached the edge of the square, Li Lingtian stopped, and the three girls stopped.

Li Lingtian turned and looked back.

This action suddenly made both the Blazing Flame Sect and the Tianyin Men's powerhouse feel a jump. I don't know what else Li Lingtian has to do, do I still have to find trouble.

All the strong men were scared by Li Lingtian this time, and they were all stunned. They looked at Li Lingtian with a smile on their faces, but they did not know how ugly their smile was, and it was even uglier than crying.

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