War God Supreme

Chapter 1017: Valkyrie 8...

"Have you seen the wind and rain!"

"Congratulations to His Excellency Feng Qingyu for achieving Wushen Yaetian."

"Congratulations, Lord Feng Qingyu."

"Wushen Yaetian is also a top powerhouse in the Cangnan region, and the status of Shenxi Sword Pavilion can compete with several super powers."

"In the future, please carry it to the Lord Light Rain."


All the strong men pondered for a while, and finally came to the Shenxi Sword Pavilion.

Then he congratulated the wind and rain, and the congratulations continued.

The disciples of Shenxi Jiange also salute the wind and the rain, and suddenly the wind and the rain are like a respect for the worship of the subjects.


"When you congratulate you later, you see that Shenxi Jiange becomes like this. Are you watching the joke?"

What countless powerhouses never imagined is that Feng Qingyu refused to accept everyone's congratulations at all, and his body showed a spirit of domineering power, completely leaving no face to the powerhouses present.

As the saying goes, people reach out without making faces.

And all the strongmen still congratulated him. He spoke in this tone to all the strongmen present.

For a while, all the strong were as uncomfortable as eating flies.

But what about that, the other party is Shenxi Jiange, the strongest of Wushen Yaetian, and neither the power nor the strength is what they can provoke.

The air is awkward and strange.

The expression on Feng Qingyu's face was cold, and his own God Xijian Pavilion had become like this, and he was about to let him run away.

Although Li Lingtian was exterminated, his **** Xijian Pavilion was destroyed and his face was wiped out.

With cold eyes, she looked at the hundreds of miles of chasm. There was no breath in the chasm, let alone Li Lingtian's vitality. Li Lingtian had disappeared long ago, or else there would be no breath.

All the strong men are embarrassed, and they can only bear the humiliation of wind and rain.

This **** martial continent is respected, they have become a habit.


At this moment, a muffled noise appeared, and I saw a figure soaring into the sky.

The figure was in a state of embarrassment, and he never started that chic look again.

Seeing the appearance of this figure, the strong men present all saw it. This figure is the swordsman.

I saw that there was blood on the corners of the swordsman's mouth, and the whole body was covered with devastating injuries.

The breath on his body was also extremely weak. His body was suspended in the air, but his eyes looked coldly at the wind and rain, and his face was even more angry.

"It's light and rainy, very good."

"Don't you hear what my son said?"

The Sword Master said lightly, the blood on the corner of his mouth kept overflowing.

I just said in front of the world's strongman that before he had a battle with Li Lingtian, he would not let anyone shoot, otherwise it would be against him and against the sword sword pavilion.

I did not expect that the ancestors of a branch of Shenxi Jiange would dare to disobey him.

"Son Sword Master, he Li Lingtian is my opponent of Shenxi Sword Pavilion, destroying my Shenxi Sword Pavilion, do you still favor him?"

"Offended the son of the sword, then the deity will come to the sword sword pavilion to ask Lord Jiangsheng for sin."

Feng Qingyu stared at the Sword Master and was accused by the Sword Master.

He was also the ancestor of Shenxi Jiange anyway, and now he has reached Wushen Yaetian.

Originally after going out of the customs, he had to show his strength and deter the world's strongest, but he never expected that it would become like this after he went out of the customs, and now the swordsman blamed him.

If at ordinary times, I would never dare to talk to the swordsman like this. After all, the swordsman is a descendant of the Lord Sage Saint and a super genius of the sword sword pavilion, and the **** sword sword pavilion is just a branch of the sword sword pavilion.

"My Divine Sword Pavilion has a branch like your Shenxi Sword Pavilion, and my son is embarrassed."

"Anyway, you are also a strong player in the Eightfold Heavens, and even attacked a God of Martial Arts forever, the wind and rain, you will get back more and more."

The swordsman threw a pill into the mouth, and the injury was stabilized, and the blood at the corner of his mouth did not overflow.

But just in the realm of the sword, that trick almost destroyed him. Fortunately, there was a strong defense of the Excalibur Pavilion, which saved his life.

Although he was defeated by Li Lingtian's sword, but seeing Feng Qingyu killing Li Lingtian by sneak attack, he had no chance of revenge and naturally vented his anger on Feng Qingyu.

He did not expect the wind and rain to be so rude to him.

"Well, Master Sword, don't rely on Lord Juggernaut, you can be so rude in front of this deity."

"Shenjian Pavilion is not yours alone, let alone, Li Lingtian is his own useless, in this world where the strong is respected, the winner is the king and the loser is the coup."

"If he doesn't come to my Shenxi sword pavilion, the deity will not shoot him. This is what he asked for."

The light wind and the rain said that even if he was angry again, he would not dare to really fight against the swordsman.

As he spoke, he scanned the gulf brought by that swordmanship with his consciousness, but there was still no figure and breath of Li Lingtian, and it seemed to have vanished.


At this time, a devastating attack was bombarded from the sky, and the target was the light rain.

The speed is extremely fast, almost ignoring the distance between time and space, and in the blink of an eye, it has been bombarded over the wind and rain.

"court death."

How strong is the wind and rain, and feel a trace of crisis. Raising your hand is a wave, and a ruined sword is fiercely bombarded into the air.


With a loud explosion, two powerful attacks bombarded together.

The space trembled again, the air attack disappeared, and a sound was thrown straight out.

This white figure was thrown out more than ten miles before stopping, and at the same time a blood curtain appeared in the air.

The figure stopped to reveal a woman, a woman in white, with blood on the corners of her mouth, the gauze on her chest was also bright red blood, and her face was pale.

This woman is the owner of Tianyue Palace.

She personally watched her little teacher beat the sword master, but she watched her little teacher be calculated, causing the smoke to disappear.

No one can understand this pain.

Watching her younger brother die, her heart was already so painful that she was almost dying, but in the eyes of the enemy, she couldn't care much.

"Little girl Tianyue, do you want to destroy Piaoyun Valley?"

"Since I want to die, the deity will fulfill you."

Feng Qingyu looked at the Master of Tianyue Palace in the distance, and his face looked like frost.

Although he didn't know the reason, he understood that Li Lingtian was in Piaoyun Valley. The misty fairy in Piaoyun Valley had already fallen, and there was no concern at all. Now the people in Piaoyun Valley are destroying Shenxi Jiange, he It is also necessary to destroy Piaoyun Valley.

After that, his figure flashed with one hand, referring to the sword, and a sword blasted toward the main moon palace.

Wushen Yazhong Tian, ​​dealing with a Wushen Sizhong Tian, ​​is just as simple as pinching an ant.

Just now, even the main owner of Tianyue Palace made a full blow, but the attack fell on him, just like tickling, and bombarded the main owner of Tianyue Palace with a wave of hand.


The ruined Jianmang was bombarded fiercely, and a ray of light radiated from the space.

Before Jianmang came to the front, the main owner of Tianyue Palace was wounded by the coercion of the destruction, and his body shook, and at the same time, the Great Void God trick was displayed, and the whole person forcibly moved a bit, which was able to escape this destruction. Jianmang.

"Void is broken!"

At this moment, a faint sound rang in the air.

The sound was cold and ruthless, and at the same time, a death-like swordmand poured out in a vertical and horizontal direction, like the water of the Milky Way of the Nine Heavens.

Thousands of congratulatory strongmen on the Shenxi Sword Pavilion felt the devastating attack in the air. They were all horrified, their bodies flashed, and they quickly dodged away into the distance.

The swordsman saw the ruined sword mandala landed, and the look on his face changed.

Because of this sword mang, he couldn't be more familiar with it. This is a move in the sword pavilion.

I didn't expect this sword sword to appear here, and, more importantly, this trick, in the Excalibur Pavilion, there will be no more than ten people cultivated, he is one of those people.

In front of Jianmang, there appeared even a horrible black hole, first to devour everything in the world.

The space was temporarily silent, and the expression on Feng Qingyu's face was also shocked. I didn't expect myself to encounter such a thing.

In the previous battle between Li Lingtian and the Sword Master, he used this trick to sneak attack on Li Lingtian.

The retribution was unhappy, and someone immediately dealt with him in the same way.

Feeling the ruinous attack coming down, now I want to use the treasure to resist it is too late, and watched the black hole in the space land.

The body was bombarded fiercely. The black hole in front of Jianmang had swallowed the wind and rain. When the wind and rain were swallowed, the devastating man would bombard it.

The power of the void. Almost destroying the world, the power of terror has formed to the extent of a black hole.


With a loud explosion, a black hole with a size of several miles appeared on the ground, and Feng Qingyu was also bombarded by Jianmang into the black hole.

All of this, in an instant.

From the beginning of the wind and rain attacking the main man of the Tianyue Palace, to the sword mansions in the air hitting the wind and rain, the whole process seems to be a long time, but the real process is just a blink of an eye.

The speed was so fast that Wushen Yazhong's wind and rain had no chance of resisting it. What speed was it, what power was it.

The winds of space raged ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The breath of destruction pervaded the entire Shenxi sword pavilion.

Rather than saying that it is Shenxi Jiange, it is better to say that it is a ruin, everything is gone.

Countless disciples of Shenxi Jiange disappeared, and the architecture of Shenxi Jiange was destroyed.

All the strong men were shocked by the just happened.

Wan Wan did not expect that the wind and rain of Wushen's eightfold sky would be bombarded, but this world is really unhappy.

Just attacked Li Lingtian, and now he retaliated on himself.

Countless strong men are all looking at the sky and want to know who is in the sky. Even if there is such a terrible sword, they dare to deal with the wind and rain of Shenxi Jiange.

But after seeing the figure in the air, all the strong men were shocked.

There was a horrified look in his eyes, as if he had seen ghosts. ()

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