War God Supreme

Chapter 1018: Wind and rain

"Li Lingtian!"

"Little brother."

"It is Li Lingtian at all."

"Isn't he killed by Lord Feng Qingyu?"

"It's Li Lingtian."


All the strong men looked at the figure in the air and exclaimed.

The sky moon palace lord who had evaded the wind and rain and destroyed Jianmang also appeared in the air. When he saw the figure in the air, he exclaimed.

But there was endless excitement in her exclamation, because her little teacher did not fall.

At the same time, Li Lingtian was destroyed by the Tenth Heavenly Tribulation when he broke through the Piaoyun Valley, and finally achieved an undead body. Now his little brother is almost the same as last time.

It was just that the last time Li Lingtian was blown away by the Heaven Tribulation, but these, Li Lingtian was just bombarded by Jianmang into the gap, disappeared for some time and appeared again.

Yes, the person who appeared in the air was Li Lingtian.

He was bombarded into the chasm, his breath disappeared, and there was no sign of survival.

However, he is the Five Elements Eucharist and cultivated the Five Elements Taoism.

The blow from the wind and rain is also not bad. If other strong people, this sword fell.

But looking at Jianmang's shooting down, the real dragon's body was unfolded, and the Promise Feathers opened, resisting the blow.

The power of the true dragon's body protection, after he reached the Wushen, the six-layer Yinglong's strength was extremely terrifying. In the face of this sword, although he played half-death, he did not let him fall, and the Wuji Feather was completely scrapped.

Entering the chasm, the five elements of Taoism are quickly displayed, and the Taoism of the earth is displayed, and the spirit of the earth system disappears into the earth.

Later, it hid until the injury was stabilized, and then it quietly hid in the air, waiting for the opportunity to kill the wind and rain.

It was also luck. Fortunately, the swordsman and Feng Qingyu talked to each other, giving him a hint of breathing, otherwise he would not be able to suppress the injury in his body.

"Li Lingtian, you didn't fall, your son didn't see you within five years. Where you are, my son detoured for three thousand miles. Five years later, my son and you decided against you."

"Remember to pay attention to the gods and souls of the God Soul Palace, anyone can provoke them, but you should be careful about this person."

"Feng Qingyu, since you offended the boss, the boss will not tell you the good news for you. In fact, even if I tell you, you have no chance, haha."

"My son is gone. Five years later, Shenzhou Tiancang Mountain will never die!"

The swordsman looked at Li Lingtian in the air and said aloud.

When I talked, I was hurt by the injury, and there was blood spilling from the corner of my mouth. At the end, there was a reminder in my voice.

When the sound fell, a mysterious crystal pillar appeared in the hand. A brilliant glare erupted above the crystal pillar. The glorious appearance, the Excalibur had disappeared into the space, and there was no breath, just like the Excalibur Been here in general.

All the strong men were shocked to see the sword swordsman disappear.

At the same time, it is also full of blood. This is the real covenant of the strong, and it proves that Li Lingtian is powerful. Even the swordsman must detour three thousand miles.

But they were all curious, why did the Excalibur son tell Feng Qingyu the so-called news.

But the reaction came immediately. It must be that the swordsman thought Feng Qingyu was not Li Lingtian's opponent, and it was useless to tell.

Sword Master, the evil spirit of the sky, is naturally powerful and unmatched.

Even if Li Lingtian was injured by the wind and light rain, Li Lingtian appeared strangely in the air. He is also a strong man against the sky, and Li Lingtian stays without escaping. There must be some amazing means.

I also thought of Li Lingtian's words, if he caught the realm of the sword, he would leave, because no one could catch the next one.

He really wanted to see Li Lingtian's move, but he was worried about affecting his future cultivation, so he forced his curiosity and hurried away.

"Son swordsman, it really looks good."

"Indeed, although arrogant, it is always a dragon and a phoenix."

"The ten sons are indeed against the sky."

"Now Li Lingtian, I believe there will not be any inferior top ten sons."

"Affirmatively, even the swordsman son was defeated by one move. After detouring for three thousand miles, the other nine sons would naturally not be able to defeat Li Lingtian."

"Yeah, the **** swordsman also admits that he is not Li Lingtian's opponent now, naturally he has his grasp."

"Now, Li Lingtian and Shenxi Jiange are fighting against the wind and rain. I don't know how to win."


All the strong men watched the Excalibur's departure, they were envious. Although they were defeated, they were envied and admired by everyone.

It's much better than starting to be a hate for everyone.

But now, Feng Qingyu was hit by Li Lingtian and has disappeared into the black hole. I don't know how.

He turned his attention to Li Lingtian, and looked at the black hole with supernatural consciousness, to see how many chances Fengqing Yu had to come out. If Feng Qingyu had just reached Wushen Yaetian, even if the state was unstable, it was not an ordinary strong man. Can be compared.

"Little Brother, how are you?"

Master Tianyue Palace wiped the blood on his lips with his jade hand and came to Li Lingtian, asking with concern.

At this time, I was seriously injured, but I was concerned about Li Lingtian.

At the same time, he took out his silk and wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth for Li Lingtian. His small face was pale, but he was comforted. At least his younger brother was not killed. Instead, he hit the wind and rain into the black hole.

The horror of the strong swordsman is really not comparable to the ordinary strong.

Every move is a sword against the sky, a trick to destroy the world.

Helps wipe the blood stains, the movement is extremely natural, and the appearance is extremely gentle.

After doing everything, she looked at Li Lingtian seriously. Now, only if Li Lingtian is okay, she can solve all the problems. If she can't even solve her own little teacher, she can only wait to be killed.

Wushen Yazhong's wind and rain can't be killed so easily.

"It's okay, I can still do two tricks."

"At that time, you will take me out of here, life and death, it will depend on your sister."

"With these two moves, Master Uncle's revenge can also be reported. Sister Sister, you quickly step back."

Li Lingtian didn't look at the Master of Tianyue Palace from beginning to end, but his eyes looked at the black hole, and the consciousness enveloped the whole space.

At the same time, the space control of Yinglong’s power was exerted, and he used powerful consciousness and five elements to sense the changes in space. As long as the wind and rain were in this space, he could not escape his eyes.

All the strong men, looking at Li Lingtian, also stepped back a lot, but were reluctant to leave.

Everyone wants to see this rare duel, Wushen Yazhong and Wushen Yizhong's kendo confrontation.

This battle is a kendo matchup.

The strong man present has admired Li Lingtian to the extreme. Although he dare not approach Li Lingtian now, he is shocked.

Wushen Yizhongtian, the **** sword son who defeated Wushen Qizhongtian, did not fall under the wind and rain of Wushen Yazhongtian.

Moreover, one stroke hurt Feng Qingyu, and now Feng Qingyu is unaware of life and death.


A roar sounded, and this sound was heard from below.

At the same time, when the sound rang, a figure rose into the sky. Who is this figure not wind and rain?

But now the wind and rain, the look on the face is ugly, the blood on the corner of the mouth, the clothes on the whole body are ragged, there is no look like a strong man, but it is no different from a beggar.

Wind and rain hung in the air, looking at Li Lingtian from afar, his anger reached the extreme.

The sword in the whole body exploded, and the space stirred up.

Although his sword intention is strong, but compared with the sword intention of the sword master, it is completely two grades. Although the sword master is only the seventh heaven of the **** of war, the sword master is the heir of the sword sword pavilion, and the skills of practicing swordsmanship are all top.

Although Feng Qingyu is Wushen Yaetian, he is just a branch of the Divine Sword Pavilion, and the swordsmanship controlled by him is naturally inferior to the Divine Sword Master.

The sword of destruction is skyrocketing, forming a real coercion of destruction.

This sword intention bombarded with the coercion and might of Wushen Yazhongtian, and pressed Li Lingtian fiercely, just like crushing Li Lingtian with coercion.

Reaching his realm, and just breaking through the Wushen Eightfold Heavens, it is when the scenery is proud. It was originally intended to use this celebration to worship countless powerful people, but now it is such a scene, which he can never imagine.

The gap between the idea and reality is too great for him to tolerate.

Without leaving the gate, the movement of Shenxi Sword Pavilion was found to ruin the world. After exiting the gate, Shenxi Sword Pavilion was almost destroyed.

All of this was caused by Li Lingtian. Naturally, he angered Li Lingtian on his body. A sword wounded Li Lingtian and pushed Li Lingtian into the chasm.

All thought Li Lingtian fell, but did not expect him to be injured by Li Lingtian one stroke, the two have not owed each other.

"Wind and rain, today you are destined to fall, no one in this world can save you."

"You, the ancestor of Shenxi Sword Pavilion, this seat gives you a powerful way of death, if you can catch this trick, even if you are powerful."

The look on Li Lingtian's face was so solemn that he was injured now.

In the face of Wushen Yaetian's strong man, he has no heart.

When speaking, the consciousness moved, a streamer appeared in the eyebrow, when the streamer appeared, a roulette appeared in the hand.

Seeing Li Lingtian abandoning ancient artifacts without using them, he came up with a roulette, and all the strong men were puzzled.

The key is that Li Lingtian will use Kendo~www.wuxiaspot.com~ instead of using the sword of the ancient artifact, he will come up with a roulette. Isn't it a joke? I don't know which one is singing.

Not only are there many strong people in the room who are puzzled, but even the wind and rain are also puzzled.

In the same way, the Master of Tianyue Palace was also puzzled. He spent a few years with this young teacher. He knew that this young teacher was strong against the sky, but he didn't know how much Li Lingtian had.

Now that Li Lingtian is exhibiting this roulette, he is also worried about Li Lingtian.

"Li Lingtian, right, you are strong and arrogant."

"The deity will wipe you out today. If you are left, it will definitely be a trouble for Shenxi Jiange."

Shenxi Jiange Feng Qingyu watched Li Lingtian's movements, and the look on his face changed several times, but no matter what, he would kill Li Lingtian.

When the voice fell, the horrible coercion of the sword became more horrible, and all the sword and coercion came to bombard Li Lingtian. ()

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