War God Supreme

Chapter 1024: 3 states of power...

Countless major forces were shocked by Li Lingtian's power, but did not feel threatened.

After all, Li Lingtian's strength is only a matter of Wushen. Besides, the power in the Coral Sea depends not only on the strength of the strong, but also on the overall strength of the sect and power.

The only thing is to disappoint some strong people, that is, the chassis of Luofeng Mountain has no chance to get.

After all, Li Lingtian is a strong player in Piaoyun Valley. Piaoyun Valley is one of the four forces in the Luofeng Mountain Range, and the four forces have been advancing and retreating together. If you want to step into the Luofeng Mountain Range, you are against Li Lingtian.

Now that Li Lingtian is so powerful, who dares to easily provoke the Luofeng Mountains?

Yunfeng Mountain

Yunfeng Mountain is the most powerful force in Luofeng Mountain Range, much stronger than Piaoyun Valley.

But since Li Lingtian appeared and killed Zheng Haotian, Yunfeng Mountain hated Piaoyun Valley, but Li Lingtian was too weird and his power was abnormal to dare to do it easily.

Unexpectedly, it didn't take long for Li Lingtian to defeat the son of Shenjian, and one move forced Wushen to blast himself and destroy the Shenxi sword pavilion.

This kind of thing shocked the core staff of Yunfeng Mountain.

Although Yunfeng Mountain is very powerful in Luofeng Mountain Range, it is still far away from Shenxi Jiange.

Now Li Lingtian alone wiped away Shenxi Jiange, and forced Wushen Yazhongtian to death, defeating the Shenjian son, such strength is simply appalling.

What kind of character is the Swordsman? No one in Cangnan can compete with the Swordsman, but he is defeated by Li Lingtian. He also believes that he is not Li Lingtian's opponent. Where Li Lingtian is, the Sword Swordsman detours three thousand miles.

On the Shenwu Continent, the face of the warrior is very important. The person who can let the Sword Master talk like this is definitely the person who admires the Sword Master. Even the Sword Master admires the existence, so it is like a god.

Fortunately, Yunfeng Mountain did not have the trouble to find Piaoyun Valley, otherwise Shenxi Jiange was the end of Yunfeng Mountain.

Now Piaoyun Valley invites powerful people from all over the world to come to Piaoyun Valley to discuss it with martial arts, which makes Yunfeng Mountain feel at a loss.

Piaoyun Valley Li Lingtian, defeating the **** of swords, killing the **** of the **** Wuzhong, or the first holy princess of the Shenwu continent, must have a relationship with the princess of the princess. Such strength and identity cannot really provoke.

"Do you have any good strategies?"

Yunfeng Mountain Zheng Batian looked at the few Wushen five or six strong men below and said aloud.

When the voice fell, he looked at the old man sitting first.

This old man is the Taishang elder of Yunfeng Mountain, the only Taishang elder Zheng Yunfeng, the complete existence of the pinnacle of Wushen Qizhongtian is more powerful than Zheng Batian Wushen Qizhongtian.

"Hegemony, Piaoyun Valley is powerful, and has been low-key before. I didn't expect such a terrible strong man to appear."

"A while ago, Zheng Haotian was killed, and I felt that Li Lingtian was powerful. Li Lingtian was able to defeat them in front of the two swordsman and Feng Qingyu. It is definitely not a simple generation."

"We Yunfeng Mountain and Piaoyun Valley have always supported each other to stabilize the control of the Luofeng Mountain Range. Now that Piaoyun Valley is stronger, it is not without benefits for us."

Zheng Yunfeng looked at Zheng Batian. He was Zheng Batian's uncle and the only elder who was still alive.

It has been hundreds of years since it reached Wushen Seventh Heaven. It is extremely powerful, but there is no chance to reach Wushen Eighth Heaven.

To Li Lingtian in Piaoyun Valley, an old fox like him is naturally more experienced. If he can't offend, he should get close. In this way, Yunfeng Mountain's status in Luofeng Mountain will not change, but it will benefit Yunfeng Mountain.

If it is really against Piaoyun Valley, Piaoyun Valley Li Lingtian will definitely make Yunfeng Mountain the second Shenxi sword pavilion.

Piaoyun Valley has not been involved in Yunfeng Mountain and the other two forces. It can also be seen that Li Lingtian did not want to make trouble in the Luofeng Mountains, or disdain to make trouble in the Luofeng Mountains.

"Second Uncle, are you close to Piaoyun Valley?"

Zheng Batian looked at Zheng Yunfeng with a respectful look on his face.

"Yes, the Cangnan region is staring at the countless powerhouses and forces of the Luofeng Mountain Range. If we are fighting inside, other powerhouses and forces would be like this."

"Now the appearance of Li Lingtian has just solved the crisis in the Luofeng Mountain Range. If we do not perform better this time, other forces will find ways to break through each."

"Besides, if we really fight with Piaoyun Valley, even if the two of us join forces, you say how many chances we have to beat Li Lingtian."

"In the face of a war like the Shenxi sword pavilion, just one move, we Yunfeng Mountain disappeared."

Zheng Yunfeng nodded. For Yunfeng Mountain, he used his life to maintain it.

If you really fight with Li Lingtian in Piaoyun Valley, Yunfeng Mountain will be the loser. If Li Lingtian is anxious, even if the two Wushen Qizhongtians join forces, Li Lingtian will show his killer skills, and Yunfeng Mountain will also disappear.

The core members in Yunfeng Mountain are talking about the same, as are the Blazing Flame Sect and Tianyin Gate. They feel uncomfortable with the power of Piaoyun Valley, but the facts are a foregone conclusion and cannot be changed at all.

Gradually, the three forces visited Li Lingtian in Piaoyun Valley.

At the same time, I went to Piaoyun Valley to visit Li Lingtian.

On this day, Li Lingtian and several sisters were exchanging their experiences in Piaoyufeng, and the following voice was transmitted, saying that it was the elder Zheng Yunfeng of Yunfeng Mountain, the elder Yantian of the Flame Blaze, the Tianyin scattered people of the Tianyin Gate, and the three strong men. Go to Piaoyun Valley to visit Li Lingtian.

"The three old guys visit the younger brothers at this time, don't know what the purpose is?"

Master Tianyue Palace got the news and said lightly, looking at Hanshuang Palace Master and Li Lingtian.

In Piaoyun Valley, the main leader of the Frost Palace is Zhiduoxing. Li Lingtian is powerful and profound, and he has a steady understanding of the general.

"The three of them came over, and there should be nothing malicious."

"According to the situation of the Shenxi Sword Pavilion, the three of them definitely did not dare to easily go to see the three of them. It is not necessarily a good discussion to come to Piaoyun Valley."

"The only explanation is that I don't want to be an enemy of Piaoyun Valley, so to come to Piaoyun Valley to visit the younger brother, that is to respect Li Lingtian and lower my posture."

The Frost Palace Master pondered for a while, and slowly said what he thought.

After a little analysis, several sisters and sisters nodded constantly, agreeing with the analysis of the Lord Frost Palace.

"Sister II is right."

"The three of them came, if they were to deal with me, the three of them would not come alone."

"It's good to be able to let the three most powerful figures come to Piaoyun Valley, that is, to reconcile with Piaoyun Valley, and deliver a peaceful message. I will go to meet these three old guys and a few sisters do you want to go?"

Li Lingtian nodded to the Second Sister with satisfaction, and also agreed with her analysis of the Second Sister.

The Luofeng Mountain Range is the foundation of the four major forces. If they are satisfied with the certainty of a blow, they will definitely not do it, because they are worried that the enemy will be damaged by one thousand and damage 800.

Now Piaoyun Valley has a figure like him. Yunfeng Mountain and the Flame Sect and Tianyinmen naturally don't want to start with Piaoyun Valley.

"Okay, it's just that we have to look at the attitude of the three old guys."

Liu Yiyi said happily that she stood up first and took Li Lingtian's arm gently, just like a gentle little wife.

At the same time, several other sisters also stood up with smiles on their faces.

A group of people flew down to the hall behind the square.

Piaoyun Hall is the most important place in Piaoyun Valley. Whether it is an introductory ceremony, other celebrations, or defeating ancestors, it is carried out in this hall.

Undoubtedly, this Piaoyun Temple is a holy place in the hearts of countless disciples.

Piaoyun Valley's current palm master is also a woman. She looks like she was twenty-seven or eighty years old. She was born beautiful, just like a fairy.

Wu Dijing’s cultivation practice is stable and he has won the trust of several Taishang elders, as well as the disciples trained by a few Taishang elders.

Seeing the elder Taishang, the most powerful of the three forces, visiting Piaoyun Valley, the expression on Luo Yunqing's face changed.

So quickly notify a few elders too, such a person, only the elders too can handle, she simply does not have the qualifications to deal with.

Wu Emperor Realm, in charge of Piaoyun Valley's affairs, was also reluctant.

But the strong men of Piaoyun Valley have to practice, and this burden naturally falls on her.

Now seeing the Taishan elders of the three major forces arriving, while informing the master of Pianyunfeng Tianyue Palace, while greeting the three martial arts strongmen to enter the Piaoyun Temple and wait.

The following disciples put on the fragrant tea and pushed it down, leaving only her and three martial arts superpowers.

Facing the three super martial arts strongmen, Luo Yunqing is like an ant followed by three giant dragons. He feels a lot of pressure in his heart, and his face is pale, but he can only bear it forcibly and dare not show a trace of it. Tension, so as not to affect the face of Piaoyun Valley.

"Three seniors please use tea, and the juniors have informed several elders too."

Luo Yunqing made a please gesture~www.wuxiaspot.com~Jade's hand shivered without contention.

"No hurry, no hurry."

The three martial gods Seventh Heaven Strong waved their hands, without any slight expression change on their faces, and said lightly.

What shocked Luo Yunqing was that the tone of the three Wushen strong men was very plain, and there was no such domineering look.

But then I realized that it should be because of the elders of Piaoyun Valley, otherwise they would not come to visit like this.

In the past of seconds, Luo Yunqing seemed to be suffering in hell.

But the three martial arts strongmen talked to each other, complimented each other, and did not get angry because of waiting.

If in other places, the identity and status of the three martial arts strongmen, absolutely others wait first, without them waiting for others.

This situation puzzled Luo Yunqing, but there was a voice outside. Suddenly Luo Yunqing felt the pressure diminished, as if he was rescued. ()

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