War God Supreme

Chapter 1025: 3 major forces visit

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☞Chapter 1027 Three major forces visit

   "Three brothers drove to Piaoyun Valley, let Pingyun Valley flourish."

   "The younger brother has never been far away, the three brothers forgive sins, forgive sins."

   A hearty voice passed into the hall. On a hot day in June, this voice was like a spring breeze.

Hearing this voice, Luo Yunqing relaxed a little. If she waited like this, she would collapse. But this is the most powerful person in the face of the three major forces. Powerful martial arts.

  Okay, now that the elder Taishang has arrived, even if there is anything, it will be solved by the elders too.

   But now I am curious, I don’t know what exactly caused the elders of the three forces to come to Piaoyun Valley, and I don’t know how the elders of the three forces will deal with Piaoyun Valley.

   Just now the three martial gods might seem calm, but Luo Yunqing knows in his heart that the general anti-celestial strong are calm before the anger erupts.

  Now, it must have been angry after the arrival of the elders of Cloud Valley.

   However, a scene that shocked Luo Yunqing happened.

   "Brother Li is welcome."

   "Let's take the liberty to come to Piaoyun Valley to disturb Brother Li, and hope Brother Li to forgive sins."

   "Brother Li has been practicing. I haven't dared to come to visit Brother Li. I hope Brother Li won't see strangers."

  The elders of the three major forces heard the sound, all put down the fragrant tea in their hands and stood up, with a calm expression on their faces, showing a smile.

   When I saw Li Lingtian and others coming in, they all greeted each other, where there is still the appearance of being too elder, it is like the brothers who have not met for a long time.

  Luo Yunqing was blinded by this situation, which one was singing?

  When did the elders of the three forces become so talkative?

   But when she saw the elders of Taishang coming, she did not dare to be indifferent, and quickly stood up and saluted.

   "I have seen six elders too!"

   Luo Yunqing respectfully saluted Li Lingtian, then stood aside and waited for instructions.

  Li Lingtian and others came to the seat and made a please gesture, indicating that the elders of the three major forces were seated, looking extremely casual.

  After the last Tianyin Gate, several forces in the Luofeng Mountain Range regarded Li Lingtian as the owner of Piaoyun Valley.

  Li Lingtian was also above the throne, and a few people from the Tianyue Palace sat opposite the elders of the three forces.

  This action made Luo Yunqing's heart tremble.

  Because Li Lingtian sat in this position, he was not sitting on equal foot with the elders of the three major forces, but had a higher status.

  In front of the three most powerful martial arts strongmen, let the three strongmen wait for so long, and now they are in such a posture, which is really thrilling.

   But the eyes quietly looked at the three martial arts strongmen, only to see that there was no slight change in the faces of the three martial arts strongmen.

   "I don't know what happened when the three brothers came to Piaoyun Valley?"

  Li Lingtian waited for Zheng Yunfeng's three people to sit down and said lightly, with a faint smile on his face. The whole person was light and calm, calm and calm, without any slight unnaturalness.

   "Here I heard Pianyungu held a grand ceremony of martial arts, I really congratulate Brother Li."

"Yunfeng Mountain is also a part of Luofeng Mountain. The thing of Piaoyun Valley is also the thing of Yunfeng Mountain. The four major forces have always wanted to support each other to advance and retreat. The presence of a character like Brother Li in the Luofeng Mountain is a blessing to the Luofeng Mountain. Yunfeng Mountain is not talented and hopes to help Brother Li."

   Yunfeng Mountain Zheng Yunfeng looked at Li Lingtian's calmness. Although he had known Li Lingtian's strength for a long time, he still seems to be surprised, so young, he still has such a state of mind.

   It seems that the strength of this young man is not ordinary horror anymore, this mindfulness alone is not something that the strong can do.

   At this time, there will be no tucking, just say it directly.

   This may give the other party a good impression. If you play tricks in front of this young man, you will lose more than you get.

   "Yeah, the Luofeng Mountain has today, it is closely related to the younger brother."

   "This time, we also want to do our best."

After Yan Yunfeng finished speaking, Yan Tian of Lie Yanzong said, with a smile on his face.

   confronted the young man in front of him, with a trace of fear in his heart.

  Although Li Lingtian is now Wushen Double Heaven, but his reputation is not small, even the Sword Master is defeated, and Wushen Yazhong Heaven’s wind and rain are forced to explode. This is how powerful it is to build strength.

   The former Piaoyun Valley was suppressed by the three major forces, but now the situation has changed, and a demon appears in Piaoyun Valley.

   "Senior Brother Yan and Senior Brother Zheng are justified. In the next visit, they also asked Brother Li for an errand. The Tianyin Men are not talented, but they also want to contribute to the Luofeng Mountain Range."

   Tianyin laughed and laughed, and more than a thousand years have passed. Never like today, facing down with a person who is lower than his own cultivation.

   But in this world where the strongest is respected, strength is everything. Although the other party only has the two gods of Wushen to cultivate into the realm, the means of strength is very scary.

  After the three people finished speaking, they all looked at Li Lingtian and wanted to see some expression changes on Li Lingtian's face. In this way, they also knew Li Lingtian's thoughts.

   However, the expression on Li Lingtian's face has always been smiling, with no change at all.

   "The three brothers are welcome."

   "I'm going to find three brothers now, because of these things."

"Piaoyun Valley, Yunfeng Mountain, Blaze Sect and Tianyin Gate are the four major forces in the Luofeng Mountain Range. In the Cangnan region, there are countless powers and powerhouses in the Luofeng Mountain Range. Feng Shan holds its feet."

"We, the four major forces, must naturally consider the safety of the Luofeng Mountain Range, seek welfare for the disciples of the four major forces, and do their job in their place. As elders of the four major forces, we must naturally consider the following disciples. "

   "I was going to find three brothers in the first place, but I did not expect that the three brothers would be one step ahead of the next one, which is enough to prove that the three brothers have a foresight than the next.

  Li Lingtian said loudly, the expression on his face was serious.

   Speaks without dripping, does not raise Piaoyun Valley, nor does he degrade Piaoyun Valley.

   But this is how the three martial gods Seventh Heaven Strong felt that Li Lingtian was not simple. Although the speech lowered his posture, they all knew that Li Lingtian was retreating.

   Even if you lower your posture, even if you say that Piaoyun Valley is incompetent, but who dare to really think that Piaoyun Valley is incompetent, this is strength.

   "Brother Li is welcome."

   "Brother Li promotes us."

   "With Master Li's strength, we will become even stronger in Luofeng Mountain in the future."

  After listening to Li Lingtian's words, there was a look of happiness on their faces.

Li Lingtian is relatively easy to talk, but the three of them understand that although Li Lingtian is good at talking, they are all small things. As long as he does not provoke him, nothing will happen. If he is really angered, no one can easily resist his anger. Shenxi sword pavilion is a lesson.

   Often such a person is the most terrifying and easy to get along with, but it has to be in front of a certain bottom line. If he touches his bottom line, he will find himself dead.

   "This grand ceremony will take place after a month."

   "Some strong men in the distance can't arrive in a short time. The first strong men must live in Luofeng Mountain."

   "The three brothers understand the situation of Piaoyun Valley, and most of them are female disciples. It is somewhat inconvenient to entertain the strong outsiders. These things naturally require the three brothers to work harder."

  Li Lingtian didn't talk to the three, but spoke directly and said his own things.

  He didn't want other powerful people to make Piaoyun Valley black and white.

   This floating cloud valley is its own home, and no outsiders can destroy the atmosphere here.

   Since the three came here to visit themselves, they bowed their heads to Piaoyun Valley.

  At this step, naturally you will not be polite.

   "This is nature."

   "This matter is handed over to Yunfeng Mountain and Blazing Flame Sect."

   "For other reception matters, let some of our disciples at Tianyinmen come to assist."

In a short time, the three people not only did not have the slightest objection, but were also very interested.

  Li Lingtian showed a faint smile, he naturally understood that the three forces received these strong men, or had some relationship with these strong men~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But for him, Li Lingtian can be completely ignored.

  Because it was not him who came to find others, but someone else came to him, even if someone came to him, he did not want to.

   Actually, the three major forces did not know these things, but people were more dead than people.

   "In the next period, it is time to cultivate and stabilize the realm. What is the matter? The three brothers should pay more attention to it. Those who are not good for me will fall from this world."

   "By the way, three brothers came to Piaoyun Valley. There are a few red medicines here. I don't pay respect. The three brothers are just sugar pills."

  Li Lingtian waved with one hand, three jade bottles flew towards Zheng Yunfeng three people.

   The three were puzzled and immediately took the Jade Bottle. They immediately understood that Li Lingtian was known as the first Holy Pill Master of the Shenwu Continent. Although there are not many people who know this identity, but the strength is here, and the things they bring out will naturally be not bad.

   "I heard that Brother Li is a strong master of the Holy Pill, and I will open my eyes and be rude."

   Yan Tianhuo is Wu Wu soul, and his character is relatively straightforward. Under such circumstances, it would not open others to loose things.

  However, when he said this, Li Lingtian had a slight affection for Yan Tian, ​​because such people did not pretend to say what they wanted.

   "Haha, just a trick."

   Li Lingtian smiled heartily and was quite satisfied with this hot day.

   Such a strong person can't change his character. He has a very hot personality and temper. He likes to offend people, but he is very straightforward.

  At the same time, the Master Tianyue Palace and others sitting in the main hall looked at Yan Tian with a smile.

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