War God Supreme

Chapter 1030: Come to Shenxi Sword Pavilion again

"Yeah, I will go out to travel in the future. Naturally, I have to encounter some things. If there is one more person, there will be one more way. >"

Li Lingtian nodded and was satisfied with his second sister's words.

In Piaoyun Valley, the Second Sister Hanshuang Palace Master is Zhiduoxing, which is really good.

"Then this exchange meeting will be held for a few days."

"Everyone has problems with cultivation. If this continues, it will definitely take a long time."

Tianyue Palace Master looked at Li Lingtian, and it didn't matter to solve some cultivation problems, mainly because it would delay Li Lingtian's cultivation in this way and delay Li Lingtian's work.

If it affects Li Lingtian's cultivation, it is more than gain.

"No, just a few days."

"Similarly, their cultivation problems are also my cultivation problems. Although I have not encountered these problems, I can get a lot of benefits from their cultivation experience.

Li Lingtian said with a smile, martial arts go from shallow to deep all the way, the more difficult it is to progress.

I have encountered more and more problems. Now I am faced with thousands of martial arts strongmen, although my practice is stronger than them.

But these strong men are extremely experienced, and finally it is difficult for them to speak of cultivation problems to him who is not fortified. He can just study these problems well, and after encountering them in the future, there will be more methods. solved.

No profit, no early rise, no matter who it is, it will not do anything that is not good for you.

Li Lingtian's breakthrough in the double **** of Wushen and holding the argument on martial arts have several purposes in it.

One is to let the Luofeng Mountains settle down, and the other is to let the strong people of the Coral Sea know the power of Piaoyun Valley, so that these forces and the strong dare not provoke Piaoyun Valley.

In the third place, when I traveled by myself, I knew more people and gave him a little face. In the fourth place, I wanted to find some medicinal materials and materials, and other powerful people would not be uncommon.

"That's fine, I'm worried that this will affect your cultivation."

"Okay, let's go back to rest."

Tianyue Gong heard Li Lingtian's explanation, and his face was a lot lighter.

Although she understands Li Lingtian's strength, she reminds Li Lingtian from time to time for Piaoyun Valley and for her little teacher.

Next, Li Lingtian exchanged with the strong who came to participate in martial arts for several days in a row.

Piaoyun Valley held a discussion on martial arts for seven days.

In seven days, no strong man left, even after solving his cultivation problem, he still listened to Li Lingtian communicate with other strong men, because they understood that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. [A lot of beautiful novels]

It was shocking to see Li Lingtian's unique insights into practice.

Never imagined that there is such a powerful person in this world, no matter what the cultivation problem is, he will not fail him.

It's no wonder that in his twenties, he achieved the Wushen Double Heaven, or the first Holy Pill Master of the Shenwu Continent. Without such a retrograde, where can he achieve the Wushen Double Heaven, and where can he have time to practice the pill.

After all the strong men have solved the difficult problem of cultivation, they all leave to Li Lingtian.

For seven days, Piaoyun Valley has become a holy place for martial artists, because they all got precious cultivation methods here, precious precious medicine.

And there is also a holy princess division, the first holy princess division of Shenwu Continent.

With the anti-sky Dan Dao Xiu Wei and Wu Dao Xiu Wei, with a generous spirit, countless strong people are here to gain tremendously.

For a while, the Coral Sea is rumored to see and hear the Piaoyun Valley, and the Piaoyun Valley has become the enviable place of the strong coral sea.

Piaoyun Valley's status, for a while, reached a height that people looked up to.

After the celebration was over, Li Lingtian and Tianyue Palace Master and others also closed their doors in the palace for three months.

Li Lingtian digested all the experience gained in the past few days, and after three months of closed-door practice, the state was stable.

After a brief explanation, Li Lingtian left the Piaoyun Valley and shot towards Shenxi Jiange.

This time he went to Shenxi Jiange, he was not alone.

But with Liu Yiyi, the last time brought the Frost Palace Lord and the Star Palace Lord, the attributes of the Star Palace Lord and the Frost Palace Lord were helpful to Li Lingtian.

But both Frost Palace Master and Celestial Palace Master are practicing retreat, and have reached the peak of the fourfold heaven, and the retreat impacts the realm of the fifth heaven.

And Liu Yiyi also wanted to go out and practice, more importantly, Liu Yiyi was careful, so that Li Lingtian could also be taken care of.

After the two left Piaoyun Valley, they flew directly in the direction of Shenxi Jiange.

The Shenxi Jiange is now ashes, and the Shenxi Jiange has become history, so naturally there is no need to worry about anything.

However, Li Lingtian didn't care about it at all, because Shenxi Jiange had the secret of Shenxi Phoenix. Only by obtaining Shenxi Phoenix would it be possible to find the secret of the lost pearl.

He did not expect that the jade pendant he obtained in Maple Sect was the jade of the **** phoenix. The jade of the **** phoenix bears a mysterious atmosphere. This jade pendant is the same as the jade pendant that Shuntian Zhou gave him.

The five master and sister sisters of Tianyue Palace also have this jade of the Phoenix.

Now the Shenfeng Jade is gathered together, and there is also the Phoenix Heart.

The Shenfeng Jade and the Phoenix Heart gather together, and they almost open the Shenfeng Palace to get the Shenxi Phoenix. This Shenxi Phoenix is ​​the key to losing the pearl.

Therefore, if you want to get the Pearl of Lost, you must get the Shenxi Phoenix. You can only find the secret of the Shenxi Phoenix and find the secret of the Lost Pearl from the Shenxi Phoenix.

"Little Brother, you tell me the last thing again."

Along the way, Li Lingtian was controlling the spaceship, and the whole person stood on the spaceship, looking at the clouds in the sky, and there was a light cloud in his face.

Liu Yiyi on the side was curious about Li Lingtian about the last Shenxi sword pavilion.

You should know that World War I, but it shook the Coral Sea, allowing countless powerful people to spend in horror.

The young swordsman was defeated, and the wind and rain were forced to explode and destroy. This was done by his own younger brother.

"Sister Yiyi, I have said it three times."

Li Lingtian looked at Liu Yiyi and smiled on his face. On the way, he was basically talking about Shenxi Jiange, but after each time, Liu Yiyi had to listen to it after a long time.

"The last time, okay."

There was a gentle look on Liu Yiyi's face, and he begged, just like seeing his idol.

Subsequently, Li Lingtian told the story of Shenxi Jiange again.

In this way, the two were talking and laughing while flying the spaceship. After ten days, they came to the position of Shenxi Jiange again.

The Shenxi sword pavilion has now become history, and it is completely in ruins, without any big power.

Even the mountains within a thousand miles of this place have been destroyed and become completely unresponsive.


When a gust of wind rang, Li Lingtian took Liu Yiyi's jade hand down and landed the spaceship.

It landed in mid-air, stood in suspension, and looked at the ruins of Shenxi Sword Pavilion. From time to time, you could see what some warriors were looking for here.

You must know that this place is the ruins of the super-power Shenxijiange. When Li Lingtian was destroyed, countless Shenxijiange strongmen and disciples fell here, as well as countless strongmen who came to congratulate.

The storage bags and treasures of these powerful warriors are here.

Moreover, such a powerful force as Shenxi Jiange, although submerged by destruction, can make a fortune if it finds a little bit casually.

Naturally, countless warriors are looking for treasure in this place, which has completely become the site of the treasure hunt of the middle-level warriors.

"Ten seconds later, out of sight of this seat."

Li Lingtian looked at the warrior below, and said lightly, the expression on his face was extremely dull.

He also climbed up from the lower-level martial arts step by step, naturally knowing the difficulties of the lower-level disciples, but now he has important things, these warriors must leave, so as not to get what it means when they appear.

This is also him. If other strong men came here, they would be bombarded and destroyed by the coercion of heaven and earth.

"who are you?"

"It's too arrogant to want to swallow the wealth here."

"Are you looking for death?"

"Don't you see everyone in your eyes?"

"Not good, hurry and go, he is His Excellency Lingtian in Piaoyun Valley, the first Holy Pill Master of Shenwu Mainland.

Hearing Li Lingtian's voice, countless warriors were indignant.

However, some people recognized Li Lingtian, because after many strong men returned to their forces, they drew a portrait to remind the following disciples that when meeting the person in the portrait, they must not provoke, how far they hide.

Seeing the youth in the air, it is indeed a legendary person said by the elders in the door. Such legends, even if the elders in the door meet, they must be confessed as uncles. Naturally, these low-level disciples must have more How far to hide.


"He is His Excellency Lingtian in Piaoyun Valley?"

"He is His Excellency Ling Tian, ​​the first Holy Pill Master of Shenwu Continent?"

"How did you come here, Ling Tian?"

"This Shenxi Sword Pavilion was destroyed by Lord Ling Tian. The son of Excalibur was defeated by Lord Ling Tian, ​​and Feng Qingyu was killed by Lord Ling Tian."

"What should happen to Your Excellency Ling Tian~www.wuxiaspot.com~We hurried away."


Hearing that the youth in the air was Li Lingtian, they were all shocked.

Immediately left the ruin, they naturally understood that someone else, the first holy princess of the Shenwu Continent, and the super strong Wushen, naturally would not come here to seek treasure. There must be other things.

In an instant, there was no one above the ruins.

Li Lingtian watched everyone leave, and the consciousness of his eyes slowly came out, and at the same time, he held a dharma in his hand and began to feel the altar of cold.

No one can shake this altar of altar, unless they are taken away with divine consciousness, otherwise they do not want to take away the altar of alpine cold, but if someone takes away the altar of alpine cold with divine consciousness, it must first Erase the breath that Li Lingtian left on it.

In this way, Li Lingtian would immediately find that someone used his consciousness to cut off the connection between Tianhan Altar and him.

Therefore, he determined that the Tianhan Altar was here and was not taken away. .

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