War God Supreme

Chapter 1031: Mysterious passage

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☞Chapter 1033 The Mysterious Passage

   Shenxi sword pavilion is not big, but in the last war, it spread very widely.

  Now Li Lingtian himself is not sure where he fell, the only way is to slowly sense with the consciousness.

According to the master of Tianyue Palace, he was crushed by the Tianhan Altar to a depth of 100 meters below the ground, which made the search more difficult, and the Tianyue Palace master had mud buried the Tianhan Altar at that time. Too.

   But Li Lingtian's consciousness is powerful, his consciousness is thousands of, and he glances at a large area.

  Half an hour, finally found the whereabouts of Tianhan Altar.

   But what he never thought was that the Tianhan altar was in contact with him, but the Tianhan altar was not in the Shenxi sword pavilion.

   To be precise, the Tianhan altar is still in Shenxi Jiange, but it is definitely not the previous place, but moved by people.

   found this problem, the look on Li Lingtian's face changed, and it became difficult to look.

   "Brother, what's going on?"

   "Any trouble?"

  Liu Yiyi looked at Li Lingtian's expression on her face and suddenly felt puzzled.

   immediately asked, wanting to know what happened to Li Lingtian, even with such an expression.

   "Tianhan altar, was taken away."

   "However, that person is not far away, let's be more careful."

   Li Lingtian's face was dignified, and the strong man who could take away the Tianhan Altar was definitely not simple, and he took away the Tianhan Altar without his knowledge.

   This is the first time that such a strong man has met. I don’t know who the other person is.

   "Can someone come against Shenxi Phoenix?"

  The look on Liu Yiyi's face changed, and he looked at Li Lingtian seriously.

   "Coming against Shenxi Phoenix?"

"This thing really feels wrong. The last time Shenxi Jiange was destroyed, but Shenxi never showed up. Although it was said that he was in retreat to heal, but when Shenxi Jiange was destroyed, Shenxi did not see it. ."

   The look on Li Lingtian's face changed, and this thing became more and more strange.

  Shenxi was injured, it should be retreat in the secret room. Last time, the sword pavilion of Shenxi was destroyed. Shenxi should not be affected in the secret room.

   Such a long time has passed, he has no time to deal with these things here, which is also negligent.

   "If it comes against Shenxi Phoenix, this matter is really a bit troublesome."

   "Although Shenxi Phoenix knows not many people, it is not that no one else knows."

  Liu Yiyi said seriously that although Shenxi Phoenix is ​​about the pearl of loss, it has a certain relationship with the Great Void God's Secret, but Shenxi Phoenix itself is a treasure, and there is a secret in Shenxi Phoenix.

   And this matter of Shenxi Phoenix is ​​not only known by Shenxi Jiange and Piaoyun Valley, but also by other super powers.

   "Let's go check it out first."

   Li Lingtian pondered for a while. This time he came to Shenxi Jiange just to get back Tianhan Altar and Shenxi Phoenix.

  Now there is an accident in the Tianhan altar, so naturally we can't stop there.

  Finally, he took Liu Yiyi and flew towards Tianhan Altar. Although he did not see Tianhan Altar, he was able to contact Tianhan Altar.

  This altar of altar is five hundred miles away from his current position. Although it is still within the scope of Shenxi Sword Pavilion, it is not that simple to really see this altar of altar.

   "The approximate location is here. Sister Yiyi, let me go first. I will find a way to get through here and go directly to the Temple of Heavenly Cold."

   The two came to the approximate location of the Tianhan altar, and Li Lingtian glanced again.

   Make sure that the Tianhan Altar is below this, and the approximate location is here.

   finished, with one hand waving, a long sword was suspended in front of him, eyes closed slightly, and the consciousness controlled the long sword.

   Suddenly turned into a meteor, and continued to fall towards the ground, and a crack appeared on the ground.

   Afterwards, the dirt kept flying up and moved towards other places. Gradually, a huge pit appeared in front of me.

   The pit was dug deeper and deeper, and it was two hundred meters long. I still didn't see the Tianhan Altar.

Moreover, the connection between Tianhan Altar and him has always been the same as before. If you see that the pit has been dug for 200 meters, if you give up now, you will be defeated. Too.

   He has now determined that this altar of cold was brought into a hidden underground chamber by the strong.

More importantly, this strong man should deliberately lead him to go, or else he should use his opponent’s consciousness to cultivate his behavior, and if he wants to get the Tianhan altar, he will completely wipe out the breath and the consciousness above the Tianhan altar, So Li Lingtian couldn't find it.

   The other party didn't do this, obviously it attracted Li Lingtian.

   This treasure was left by Li Lingtian, and Li Lingtian will naturally come back again to find the Tianhan Altar.

   "Ding Dang."

  When the pit was dug to a thousand meters, Li Lingtian's consciousness felt a tremor, and the consciousness controlling the long sword was hit.

  Because this long sword meets a hard object, generally speaking, with his cultivation power, even without a long sword, he can cut off the heavenly objects with strength.

   And now his long sword is an artifact, plus his cultivation behavior, it is completely indestructible, but at this time the long sword encountered a hard object, even the artifact can not be destroyed.


   found this problem, Li Lingtian's figure flashed.

   disappeared, and when he appeared again, he had entered a pit thousands of meters deep.

   entered the pit, sending out all the mysterious hard things underneath, and there was a trace of mysterious breath on it.

   "I didn't expect this to be the case."

  Li Lingtian looked at the hard ground, no matter what method was used, he could not shake this hard ground.

   And the connection breath of Tianhan Altar is just below this.

  It can be seen from this that this should be a passage or a secret room. If you can use such a hard thing to build a secret room, naturally there is nothing to hurt.

   "The meaning of the earth, the power of the earth."

  Li Lingtian pondered a little, the real elements of the whole body condensed together, and the earth's Taoism in the five elements of Taoism started to work.

   Suddenly, the whole person disappeared into the pit, and a breath disappeared into the earth.

   has a strong sense of earth and cultivates the Five Elements Great Consummation. In this place, he is his territory.

   merged in this earth, looking for how big this hard ground is.

   Time, one second and one second passed, Liu Yiyi looked worriedly inside the pit.

  Ten minutes passed, Li Lingtian's figure appeared hundreds of miles away from digging himself.


   The sound of breaking the sky sounded, and Li Lingtian's figure appeared in the air.

Seeing Li Lingtian's figure, Liu Yiyi quickly flew over and looked at Li Lingtian curiously.

   "There is really a secret room below, the entrance and exit of the secret room is near this, we look for it carefully."

  Li Lingtian's eyes looked down at him, his consciousness glanced continuously.

   Just now he used the way of earth to sense the size of the hard ground. By the way, he looked for the entrance and exit below. Sure enough, he did not disappoint him. He found this entrance at a hundred miles away.

  The way of the earth can only roughly find the location, but cannot determine the real location, because this place only lacks the hard ground.

   Immediately, the two began to land and search, and finally found an altar among the ruins.

   This battlefield is the back mountain of the former Shenxi sword pavilion. During the last war, the wind and rain came out of this place.

   Last time Li Lingtian didn't go looking for it, and didn't expect this place to actually have a secret room entrance.

   "Sister Yiyi, you are waiting for me here, I will go in alone."

  Li Lingtian looked at the battlefield, waved his hands, and the **** array was sacrificed.

  A series of legal decisions were displayed, and suddenly the altar was opened, and Li Lingtian said to Liu Yiyi.

   "Let's go together."

  Liu Yiyi refused to consider Li Lingtian's arrangement without any consideration.

   This is an adventure. Even if there is any danger, she has to face it together. At this time, she will not let Li Lingtian go alone.

   "Okay, then be careful yourself."

  Li Lingtian glanced at Liu Yiyi, knowing that he would not be effective no matter what he said.

   flashed immediately, pulling Liu Yiyi into the battlefield.

   The two disappeared on the altar. When they reappeared, they have entered a secluded underground chamber~www.wuxiaspot.com~The chamber is about 100 meters in size. The chamber is also an altar on the ground.

   In the secret room, surrounded by a gray halo, this gray wall is the hard ground that I first saw.

  Li Lingtian looked around. The walls were as smooth as mirrors. There was nothing else besides this battlefield. There was a passage on one side.

  I don't know the end of the passage. When I look at the passage, it looks like a monster's big mouth, as if I want to choose someone and eat it.

  Liu Yiyi looked at the surrounding environment and couldn't help but tremble. She quickly took Li Lingtian's arm and leaned tightly beside Li Lingtian.

  Although she is a strong **** of martial arts, the girl is naturally timid, and naturally feels afraid of encountering such an environment.

   "This place is an underground passage."

  Liu Yiyi held Li Lingtian's arm, and she felt that her fear had decreased a little.

   asked Li Lingtian softly, his eyes were looking around.


   "We are going to the Tianhan Temple now, but be careful."

   "This place doesn't look easy."

  Li Lingtian yelled, his heart could not help but thump.

  Liu Yiyi held his arm, and the proud and full chest next to his arm made him almost lost.

   Fortunately, the light below is not very good, I can only see a rough look.

   Otherwise, Liu Yiyi was embarrassed to see him embarrassed, and then took Liu Yiyi towards the passage.

   Suddenly, the two seemed to be swallowed by a huge monster and disappeared into the passageway of the secret room.

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