War God Supreme

Chapter 1032: Meet Shenxi again

"Da Da, Da Da."

"Oh, ya!"

In the quiet gray passage, there was no humidity except for the footsteps of the two.

Feeling Liu Yiyi's trembling and delicate body, Li Lingtian stretched out with one hand, his palm gently embraced Liu Yiyi's slender waist, and at the same time the palm carried a trace of Zhenyuan, Zhenyuan swam all over the body.

Liu Yiyi shuddered, like an electric shock.

But then I felt a burst of safety and warmth, and my heart thumped.

She didn't expect Li Lingtian to hug her waist, this feeling was never imagined, almost intoxicating.

Unable to help, Jiao's body was closer to Li Lingtian, and her small face leaned on Li Lingtian's arm.

At this moment, this passage is not cold and horrible, but like it is in a fairyland.

The warm palm was on the slim waist and felt extremely sensitive.

No one has ever approached her, no one has touched her, let alone like this.

Before, if anyone dared to approach her, she would definitely be hit by destruction, but now she didn't expect to feel a touch of sweetness in her heart.

Because you are surrounded by your own brother, this palm is also your brother.

Li Lingtian also found Liu Yiyi's situation, but he didn't talk about it.

Although he had a good impression of several senior sisters in his heart, only Huangfu Yuyan and Tang Zimeng were in his heart. Before Huangfu Yuyan and others were not rescued, they would not have a touch of emotion for anyone.

The two walked while glancing around with their consciousness. In such a place, traps and organs may appear at any time.

If he was not careful, he would never be able to get rid of it. He wouldn’t want to see the boat turning in the gutter.

In this way, the two did not dare to fly, so as to avoid danger, they could only accelerate walking.

But no matter how you go, it is a channel, and this channel is like there is no end.

However, Li Lingtian found that there is no formation method in this channel, but a very long channel, and the more the channel goes to the front and the lower, the moisture becomes stronger and stronger.


At this moment, a loud rumbling sound appeared.

There is no sign of the destruction of this life, it seems like it appears out of thin air.

I saw a huge photomask appear, the photomask enveloped the two inside. After the photomask appeared, it didn't mean to stop, and quickly took Li Lingtian and them through the passage.

This movement made Li Lingtian and Liu Yiyi both startled. They never thought such a thing would happen.

"Don't move, this is the ancient secret formation."

Li Lingtian saw that Liu Yiyi was about to perform an attack and intended to break up this mask, but Li Lingtian quickly stopped it. This mask was a formation. If he took a risky attack, the two of them instantly disappeared with this formation.

As a Divine Array Master, he was no longer familiar with these basic knowledge.

Now, the most important thing is to protect the safety of the two of you. After the mask stops, you can find a solution.

This place is extremely mysterious, and the Tianhan altar was brought here, and the appearance of the light mask must have been a trap set by others.

Take a rest and look carefully at the photomask. The photomask is the same size as the channel, with a three-meter diameter and is grayish brown.

There is also a mysterious grid on top. This situation is a sign of the formation.



The mask takes the two of them to cut through the space of the passage, like a meteor flying toward the ground in the distance.

The speed ripped through the air, producing waves of wind.


At this moment, a tearing voice appeared in the air.

At the same time, Li Lingtian also felt that the whole person was imprisoned, and found that he was suspended in the air, and the mask was also reduced to debris.

But this air has countless mysterious breaths, which hold him in the air.

Li Lingtian felt his breath eroding himself constantly, and the look on his face changed.

Instinctively subconsciously looked at the surroundings, and I saw that this place is a space of a mile, a gray stone wall above, and a deep abyss below.

There was a mysterious breath everywhere. Upon seeing this breath, the look on Li Lingtian's face showed a strange look.




In the air, a series of dark arcs flashed, flashing beside Li Lingtian, the whole situation was terrifying.

The look on Liu Yiyi's face was pale, and the whole person was under the erosion of the evil spirit.

"Your Excellency, pretend to be a ghost."

Li Lingtian looked at the opposite steps and said lightly.

In addition to the bottomless abyss underneath, this space is a step.

There is a huge stone door on the edge of the steps, but now the stone door is tightly closed.

Although everything is extremely quiet here, Li Lingtian doesn't think so. If you come here by yourself, there must be someone waiting.


"Click, click."

"Li Lingtian, we met again."

Just as Li Lingtian's voice fell, there was a burst of sound at the stone gate above the steps, which was harsh.

At the same time, the stone door opened slowly, and a faint voice sounded. This voice Li Lingtian felt a bit familiar, as if he had heard it above.

And this sound sounds bland, but there is anger and murder in the sound.

Li Lingtian was curious in his heart. At the moment he understood, the stone door above the steps was also fully opened, and a figure appeared in sight.

The person in front of me was really a person-Shenxi, the sword pavilion of Shenxi.

It's just that Shenxi now gives Li Lingtian a weird feeling. He doesn't have the sharp edge of the sword-cultivator and the sword intention of the sword-cultivator, but he has an extra shadow and gloom.

Shenxi slowly came out and looked at Li Lingtian coldly.

Suddenly, Li Lingtian seemed to be stared at by a poisonous snake, and his body could not help feeling a tremor.

This feeling is the first time I have encountered it.

"Shenxi, I didn't expect you to know this seat."

"Last time I didn't kill you, you are lucky."

Li Lingtian smiled, the look on his face changed, because the endless mysterious breath had entered the body.

However, the look on his face quickly faded, as if nothing had happened.

The last time I fought against Shenxi two times, but he never showed his true face. It seems that after the destruction of Shenxi Jiange, Shenxi already knew his identity.

"However, you will fall here today."

"You are looking for it."

Shenxi looked at Li Lingtian coldly, and saw Li Lingtian struggling in a mysterious atmosphere and still calm down, and the look on his face became ruthless.

Then one hand stretched out, and a dark object the size of a shield appeared in his hand.

"Tianhan Altar, did not expect that you really took it."

"It really exceeded the expectations of this seat."

The look on Li Lingtian's face changed, and the dark thing in Shenxi's hands was the Tianhan Altar.

It's just that there are countless cracks on the Tianhan altar, and it is only the size of a shield.

Seeing Shenxi holding the Tianhan altar with ease, Li Lingtian was extremely shocked. You know that this heavenly altar has trillions of kilograms, which is heavier than a mountain range.

Even if he is himself, he can only put it into the dragon ring with divine consciousness.

I didn't expect Shenxi to take away Tianhan Altar without his knowledge, and Li Lingtian's consciousness and breath were not erased.

"You, destroy the good things of the head of the cabinet, and make the head of the cabinet look like it is now. You will have to pay a heavy price for all this."

"However, you have made the patriarch more powerful. Today, you will use your blood to make blood sacrifices."

"Now you can't move, the head of the cabinet let you taste the pain, and wait for your cultivation to slowly disappear."

The breath on Shenxi slowly changed, and the whole person became furious.

The originally powerful Kendo strongman has now become this way. The main warlord of the seventh heavenly **** Xijian Pavilion, who is a magnificent martial god, was beaten to death by Li Lingtian.

The Shenxi Sword Pavilion was also destroyed, and the wind and rain were also killed. A powerful force would have risen in the Cangnan region, but did not expect the Shenxi Sword Pavilion to disappear.

The enemy is in front of him, wishing to cramp his skin.

After that, the Tianhan Altar in his hand landed on the ground, and then his hands were waved, and a dark and rich atmosphere pressed against Li Lingtian.

Suddenly, both Li Lingtian and Liu Yiyi felt a sense of oppression.

As long as Shenxi has an idea, the two of them will disappear and disappear in this world.

"To kill this seat, you are not enough."

"Since this seat is here, let's talk."

"This should be the most important place of Shenxi Sword Pavilion and the entrance of Shenfeng Palace. Is this seat right?"

"You want to kill this group, revenge is just one of them. You want more to get the Shenfeng Jade and the Shenfeng Heart in your hand. You also have to get the Shenxi Phoenix and the Pearl of Lost."

The look on Li Lingtian's face changed, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

His eyes looked at Shenxi and he spoke lightly.

This calmness made Shenxi almost collapse and run away.

Originally, I wanted to put a little pressure on Li Lingtian and slowly tortured Li Lingtian, causing Li Lingtian to fall through the torture, but I was completely disappointed to see Li Lingtian's appearance now.

However, Li Lingtian's words made him stunned.

"Huh, you are smart."

"Yes, it is imperative to kill you~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It is also by the way to get the Phoenix Heart and the Jade Phoenix Jade."

"As long as you fall, the Lord of the Phoenix Cabinet will be at your fingertips."

"What else do you have to say?"

Shenxi looked at Li Lingtian coldly, the black breath in his hand slowly condensed, and at the same time, Li Lingtian felt a stronger oppressive force, and Liu Yiyi's face was pale.

"Nothing to say."

"Because what I want to know is already known."

"You can also fall, die."

Li Lingtian's face was originally pale, and suddenly changed, returning to the most open and normal color.

At the same time, Li Lingtian shook his body strangely, waving with one hand.

Under this action, the look on Shen Xi's face changed drastically, as if he was shocked by the sight of ghosts, and his eyes showed a color that he couldn't believe. ()

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