War God Supreme

Chapter 1052: Valkyrie 3

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☞ Chapter 1054 Triple God of Martial God

   Two months passed.

  Liu Yiyi's injury was completely recovered, and the power of Qipin's healing medicine raised her cultivation base to the pinnacle.

  After reaching the pinnacle of great consummation, taking advantage of this opportunity, with a unique mutation Ningshendan, shocked Wushen Double Heaven.

  The realm of Wushen's double sky is reached, which makes Liu Yiyi's face with an excited smile.

   However, when he saw Li Lingtian's breath, the smile on his face was even more intense.

  Because the breath of your little teacher is stronger than before, this breath is no longer Wushen Double Heaven.

   It's the three gods of Wushen!

   Yes, for two months, Li Lingtian's injuries did not have time to heal.

   is constantly refining the dragon qi. Only by refining the dragon qi can you have the opportunity to solve the injury. Only by refining the dragon qi of half of the world in your body can you heal the wound.

   But what I did not expect was that within two months, the dragon gas had completely refined, and the cultivation practice of martial arts also followed a breakthrough.

  Wu God Mie Tian, ​​has reached Wu God Mie Tian.

   Half of the world's dragon spirit is indeed terrifying, otherwise, with Li Lingtian Wushen Chongtian's cultivation practice, how could it be possible to defeat the pterosaur beast equivalent to Wushen Nineth Heaven Sovereign.

   But the use of a world of dragon spirits also comes at a price.

   The price is serious injury, almost let him die.

   Fortunately, he is a five-element sacred body, a body of sky swords, a body of a real dragon, a sacred body of flames, with an ice **** and a fire god, otherwise he would have vanished.

   For two months, refining half of the world's dragon gas that remained in the body.

   Turned half of the world's dragon gas into its own use, and the opportunity came to break through the triple sky of Wushen. The sixth layer of the real dragon body protection reached the peak of the sixth layer this time.

   Yinglong's power is many times stronger than before.

  Budo's breakthrough, the injury also recovered.

  Liu Yiyi looked at Li Lingtian Xiu as a breakthrough and was very happy.

   This time, the two of them shared pains together and broke through together, making her feel sweet.

   In such a dangerous place, if you cultivate it for a little improvement, you will have more chance to save your life, not to mention a breakthrough.

   If there is nothing else for others, because there is no big difference between Wushen and Chongtian, and no matter how big the difference is, it cannot be reversed.

   However, Li Lingtian is different. His cultivation ability is beyond the limit of the realm, from Wushen Double Sky to Wushen Triple Sky, and there are two grades between the two.

  If he now meets the No.32 Martial God Strong, he can definitely kill him easily.

   This is the gap between Wushen Double Sky and Wushen Triple Sky.


  Li Lingtian received merits and opened his eyes, his eyes were plain and clear.

  Feeling the powerful real element in the body, and the power of the Five Elements Yuanshen, Li Lingtian's face showed a faint smile of confidence.

   "Congratulations, little teacher."

  Liu Yiyi saw Li Lingtian woke up, and there was a smile on her face. She shouted gently and said to Li Lingtian.

   Now that she has reached Wushen Double Heaven, the whole person's temperament is more charming.

   "Sister Yiyi has also reached Wushen Double Heaven, and we are all blessed by misfortune."

  Li Lingtian smiled, slowly stood up, moved his hands and feet, two more time, has been meditating and practicing Longqi.

   If I don’t do it, I’m really not used to it.

   "I didn't expect this healing, I just passed two months."

   "I don't know what happened outside."

  Liu Yiyi came to Li Lingtian's side and took Li Lingtian's arm.

  The two of them healed at this place, I don't know what the outside world looks like.

   "Come on, I have something to ask about pterosaurs."

  Li Lingtian pulled Liu Yiyi, healed here, almost isolated from the world.

  He still has a lot of things to understand. Pterosaur beasts have lived here all the time, and they should know.

   When the voice fell, he waved with one hand, and a crack appeared in the formation. When the crack opened, Li Lingtian took Liu Yiyi away from the formation.

   flashed in shape, has come to the palace.

   saw that the pterosaur mad beast's injury had recovered, and it seemed stronger than when he first saw it.

   is mainly the breath of the body, with a slight dragon spirit.

   "The Lord's injury has recovered. Congratulations to the Lord's breakthrough and repair to a higher level."

   Pterosaur beast saw Li Lingtian and the two came out, huge eyes opened, stood up and said to Li Lingtian.

   Seeing Li Lingtian's breath change, he was shocked.

   didn't expect Li Lingtian to break through after being injured once.

   Such a figure against the sky is indeed worthy of control of the existence of the Dragon Ring.

   "You are familiar with this place, there are some things to ask you."

   "Where is the place above the Kokonoe Mountain?"

  Li Lingtian looked at Pterosaur Wild Beast and asked faintly.

   This is what he is most curious about, and also something he wants to clarify.

   "Go back to the Lord, I have been in the pterosaur maze, and I don't know the situation in this place at all."

   "However, it is said that in the pterosaur maze, there is a teleportation array directly sent to the Seventh Mountain, but if you want to find this teleportation array, it is simply as difficult as going to the sky, because this palace is a maze."

   "Even if I dare not enter, I won't be able to get out after entering."

  Pterodactyl beast heard Li Lingtian asked it, and he answered, but there was a trace of confusion in his eyes.

   doesn't even know the situation of this place, because it rarely leaves the pterosaur maze, even if it leaves, it won't go far.

  Because there are countless powerful monsters in this mountain, each powerful monster has its own chassis. If you enter the territory of other monsters, you will fight.

   "Teleport directly to Seventh Mountain?"

   "This maze, let me see what is powerful."

   "Go, we will not go out, find this teleportation array."

   The look on Li Lingtian's face was stunned, and he was very surprised.

   This mountain is strong and unmatched. I have been flying for so long without flying out of the mountain. If I want to reach the mountain, I don’t know how long it will take.

   And met the strong men outside, each strong man is a seven-eighth heaven strong man, and a powerful monster.

   If you want to fly outside to the Nine-Story Mountain, it is not a difficult word.

  Now there is a teleportation array. Naturally, he needs to look for the maze that fears others, but he is not afraid, because he is a Taoist master, a powerful Divine Master.

  No matter what kind of maze, it is based on the design of the array. As long as you find a way to crack, it is not difficult to find the teleportation array.

When    speaks, the Divine Array has been displayed.

   Between the flashes of the figure, he randomly found a passage and flew in. Liu Yiyi followed closely, and the Pterosaur Wild Beast did not hesitate, quickly followed Li Lingtian towards the passage and flew away.


   The sound of breaking the sky sounded, and three figures shuttled through the passage.

   This passage has always been upward.

   flew for hundreds of miles, and finally came to the end of the channel, but there were countless channels that appeared in front of him. Seeing this, Li Lingtian was stunned.

   Go on like this, every time one channel encounters countless channels, if you want to find the transmission array, it is impossible.

  In the maze, it is impossible to see what the route of this palace looks like.

   "Is it the Yanyu formation?"

  Li Lingtian saw this situation, he had thought of the following situation.

  If you choose a channel to enter, and fly to another end, there will be countless channels again. In this way, you will always find the exit and you will not find the last position.

   Such a situation, above the array, is the formation of the formation, like the Promise of Tai Chi, Tai Chi produces two instruments, and two instruments produce four images.

   In the end, this channel will never endlessly evolve.

   "Yanyu formation?"

  Liu Yiyi looked at Li Lingtian and said inexplicably.

   She didn't know anything about the battlefield, so she didn't know what a battlefield was.

   "Yes, it should be the formation of Yanyu."

   "We are now making a mark here, if there is still such a passage in front, this maze is built according to the Yanyu formation."

   "Don't be the formation of Wuxing Yanyu."

  Li Lingtian nodded, and the look on his face was also worried.

   If it is just the formation of Yanyu, it is better to say, because as long as you follow a passage, you can find the location.

   But if this maze is an array of five elements, it would be troublesome.

  Because inside, there will be five-line conversion, even after the mark is made, it will be changed, confusing and confusing the sight.

   finished, with one wave of his hand, a true breath stayed above the exit of the tunnel.

  Liu Yiyi and Pterosaur Wild Beast were also left not far from Li Lingtian. The breath of one person was easily erased, but the breath of three people was not so easily erased.

   The breath left by yourself will not be forgotten as long as it is not erased.

  After making the mark, Li Lingtian once again flew towards a channel~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The channel selected this time was flying according to the cracking method of the Yanyu formation.

   A moment of kung fu finally passed through the passage. When he came to the entrance of the passage, the look on Li Lingtian's face changed.

  As he really thought, there are countless channels appearing again, and the channels are constantly swapping positions, which looks like an illusion.

   "Five Elements Yanyu formation."

   "It really is an array of five elements."

  Li Lingtian said lightly, the expression on his face was dignified, and now he would not be able to go back, because they had touched the formation, and were inside the formation.

  After going back, the five elements were disordered, and the original passage was simply found.

   Moreover, in front of the formation of the Five Elements Yan Yu, the breath left behind will also be erased, because the spirits of heaven and earth are inseparable from the Five Elements, and the Five Elements will naturally erase all breaths between heaven and earth.

   Worried things still happened, Li Lingtian sighed.

  In the formation, to break such a formation is a challenge to the formation.

   "Is there a way to crack?"

  Liu Yiyi looked at Li Lingtian's face and asked.

   "The cracking method should be able to be found."

   "Wait a minute, I will break this formation."

  Li Lingtian nodded and gave Liu Yiyi a soothing smile.

   Then the consciousness stared at the countless channels in front. The consciousness noticed these channels. The channels gave people the illusion as if they were automatically shifting.

  He now is to determine the origin of this formation, because there are countless pseudo arrays in the array, and the pseudo array is used to confuse the line of sight and attention of the powerful players.

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