War God Supreme

Chapter 1052: Battle in the palace




Above the Jiuzhong Mountain, the air is constantly twisting.

The four figures cut through the space and flew upwards quickly. Some Wushen strong men saw these four figures, all showing a look of horror and envy.

These four figures are the real people of Sanyang, the real people of Longyang, the old monsters of Canyang and the concentric big devil.

After coming in, he distinguished the direction and flew directly towards the top of the mountain.

"Long Yang, we won't be slower."

Longyang, a concentric big devil, said while flying, not far away.

A few people are the most powerful existence in the Canghai, the venerable of Wushen Jiuzhongtian. This time they came in together to stop the four people from going to Jiuzhongshan.

"With our speed, it should not be slower than exterminating them."

"This is already the Seventh Mountain, and it is not far from the nineth Mountain."

"Other people, it is impossible to reach the Seventh Mountain so quickly, as long as we get rid of them in front of the Qingtai, they will be successfully resolved.

Longyang is a Taoist costume with a long sword on his back. The whole person looks like a fairy bone, and the concentric big devil and he are completely two extremes.

I haven't stayed in Jiuzhongshan for several months.

Their goal is not to find treasures in these, but to go to the top of Jiuzhong Mountain to stop the destruction.

It would be troublesome if the four people of Qingzai were allowed to enter the summit of the Jiuzhong Mountain.

"Then we will hurry up and wait for them at the top of Jiuzhong Mountain."

The old monster of the Canyang said, "This Jiuzhong Mountain is indeed too powerful. With the cultivation of their Wushen Jiuzhong Tianzun, it took only a few months to fly, and it had just reached Qizhong Mountain.

And the further up, the stronger the oppressive force.

"Okay, let's see who reaches the peak of Jiuzhong Mountain first."

"Then we bet, Sanyang, I use colorful make up stone, bet your crystal stone."

"Okay, I'll gamble with Yangpin once again."

"I also have a treasure here, just bet on it."

Several Venerable strongmen took out their treasures and began to bet.

After finishing talking, the figures of the four Wushen Jiuzhong Tianzun disappeared at the same time and disappeared strangely, just like a big move.

The tears of space, this torn space, continued to extend upward.

Wushen Jiuzhong Tianzun's strength is extremely terrifying, and the speed is even more terrifying.

At the same time, in the distance of the mountains, the three martial arts strong men were flying fast, and the speed was extremely fast.

If Qing Xiao sees them, they will not be forgotten by these three people.

Because these three men are his traitors, Qingmei, Qingzhen and Qingshui.

"I don't know what happened to the Seven Commanders?"

"If the three of us went, things would not be so easy to handle."

There was no slight change in expression on Qing Zhen's face, and his figure quickly flew across the air.

"This guy is unreliable, we have to rely on ourselves."

"I was just worried that the old guys in Tianmen and Qingyang Sect and Canyang Valley came here."

"If they come here, if we want to get things done, it will not be so easy."

The expression on Qingmie's face changed a little. In Canghai, as long as the strong men in the Qingyangzong superpowers were dispatched, they would have no worries.

If a few old guys come, it will not be so easy to handle.

"At that time, as long as they reach the peak of Jiuzhong Mountain, they will not dare to mess up."

"The premise is that we have reached the peak of Kokonoe Mountain in front of others."

"I don't know where the sapphire is, there has never been his breath."

Qingshui also spoke, but never stopped and flew up quickly.

Not only they, but also other powerful men, are also flying in the mountains to find herbs and treasures, and the goal is to fly in the direction of the peak of Jiuzhong Mountain.

No matter where it is, no matter when, the first reaction of mankind is to go to the center and the peak.

However, in a palace, dozens of martial arts masters confronted each other.

The palace is huge and extremely empty. This palace is as large as a few miles.

It's not so much a palace as an underground chamber, but the underground chamber is too wide, and the ground is very high from the top, hundreds of meters.

I saw a huge plaque in the center of the palace, engraved with three vigorous characters.

Nether Temple

In the Void Hall, a dozen or so powerful warriors confronted each other, and each of them had some injuries.

There are six martial arts strongmen on the ground, and there is no breath or vitality in him.

The falling six strong men, four martial gods sevenfold heavens, two martial gods eightfold heavens, such superpowers are placed in the Cangnan domain, that is the existence of the domineering party, but now it has fallen like this.

Moreover, dozens of other martial arts strongmen were also seriously injured.

"This is the site of Canghai. You people from Nanyu, come here, do you think I have no one in Canghai?"

He was talking about a Wushen strongman who was the pinnacle of Wushen Yaetian Peak. He was also scarred. Several Wushen strongmen around him also stood with him, obviously forming two camps with each other.

On his side, there are three Martial Gods Eightfold Heaven and five Seventh Heaven.

But the opponent, there are four martial gods eightfold heaven, four seventh heaven.

In this strength, there is no difference in the number of people, but the other side has an eighth day and a seventh day.

Seventh Heaven and Eighth Heaven are completely different from each other.

"Huh, Canghai?"

"Your Canghai is a pile of waste. This thing is an unowned thing. Besides, don't you look at what forces you have against us now?"

The powerful Wushen who speaks is also Wushen Yaetian. The strong around him has the same clothes. The clothes on each person are embroidered with the code name, and the code name on his body is two.

The other strong men are also embroidered with numbers.

"Brother Yang, we don't want this thing first."

"Because we can't get it, neither can they."

The person who spoke was Yu Zhicheng. When he spoke, he looked at the step in the center of the hall with a light mask.

The mask exudes a mysterious and attractive light, and a scroll lies inside.

It turned out that after he and Zhao Yu and Sun Mingyu met Li Lingtian in the palace, Li Lingtian took the scroll away, and Sun Mingyu chased them out, but he and Zhao Yu didn't have time, and was finally sent here.

The two knew the power of the mask and did not intend to move it, but looked for an exit.

But there is no exit at all in this place, leaving the two trapped here for two months.

Later, eleven strong men were sent in. When they saw the clothes of the eleven strong men, they were obviously together. The two of them suddenly felt bad.

Fortunately, at this time, several strong men were sent in, and the two sides fought together for the scroll inside the mask.

The strength of the two sides is almost the same. After a few days of war, the six martial arts strongmen fell and they were all injured.

"At this time, it is impossible to leave."

"And, this thing can't be given to the people of Nanyu."

Yang Hai looked at the strong man opposite Nanyu and said softly.

The identity of the other party is clear. If Nanyu's people steal the treasure in Canghai, then Canghai's face will be lost.

Moreover, there is no exit if I want to leave now.

"Do you have to forcibly remove this mask before you can send it out?"

A Wushen Yaetian strongman beside Yang Hai asked You Zhicheng.

"Yes, Brother Zhao and I were sent here when the previous scroll appeared."

"It's awful that the scroll was taken away by a young man of Wushen Ertian, and if he meets him again, Lao Tzu must tear him away."

You Zhicheng thought of Li Lingtian, he was angry.

They used them to get the scroll and escaped, but the two of them came to this dangerous place.

"Well, let's destroy this mask first, and everyone will die together."

A Wushen Seventh Heaven Strong said fiercely that the other party's strength is obviously stronger than that of his own side. If the battle really ends, the other side will definitely be the winning side.

Rather than doing this, it is better to forcibly remove this mask, so that either everyone fell here or everyone left here.

In other words, wait until the scroll comes out, and then fight for another.

"Okay, get started."

Yang Hai and other martial gods glanced at each other, and there was a serious look on their faces.

Immediately afterwards, the remaining True Elements were in motion, and the eight Wushen Powerhouses bombarded across.

There are eight people on both sides, and there is almost no difference between the cultivation and the realm. After the war, suddenly there was a loud explosion in the hall.

The strength of destruction raged, and the power of the Wushen Powerhouse was revealed at this time.





The shocking sound of the sky, but there was no movement in this palace.

More than a dozen martial arts super powers launched the death fight.

The strong men of the two sides, the uniform gray shirts of the Nanyu strong men, with the code name on them, the strong men of the Canghai, the clothes are different, but they are not similar to each other.

In this way, nothing happened by both parties.

Martial arts strong, under the circumstances of equal strength ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It is basically a difficult thing to want to distinguish between life and death, unless there are treasures and means against the sky.

Time is running out, and the war has not stopped for a moment. Although there are only a dozen powerful wars, they are more splendid than the thousands of wars.

At this time, numerous glare spots appeared over the hall, and the spots quickly formed an aperture.

Just as the aperture appeared, a ray of light came down.

In this case, the indisputable strongmen in the hall stopped.

With the figure flashing, the two sides once again formed a confrontation.

The eyes of dozens of martial arts strongmen are all looking at the light above the hall, and everyone's eyes are filled with anticipation.

We all expect the comer to be on his own side, because at this time, if there is one more strong on his side, the odds are even greater.

However, everyone saw a trace of regret after seeing the figure in the light, more disdainful look. ()

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