War Lord

Chapter 558: Eve of the War 1

"My lord, just say how we are going to fight! I just want to end this war as soon as possible and go home. This terribly cold place is really unpleasant at all," a black officer said loudly. Just like a human bear, he is very violent on the battlefield. When he is capable of killing, he will occasionally attack his friendly army. Therefore, this guy has received a lot of punishment.

For combat meetings of this level, the Chief Sergeant was originally not authorized to participate. However, considering that the guy nicknamed Grumpy Bear has an excellent record, Tyre allowed Tyre to participate in the Grumpy Bear who likes battlefields but doesn’t like cold places. The long-term frozen state of the tundra makes him crazy

"Grumpy bear, I heard that you have found a new woman again. This is the first one. Those women must not stand your big guy and run away." A wretched man laughed. He had a big head. There is no grass on the head, only covered with black centipede-like surgical sutures. This guy is a perceptive person. The brain is particularly developed. It has evolved to a level that is one-third larger than that of ordinary people.

Few people in the army remember his name. They only know that his nickname is "Doctor." The doctor thinks he is best at understanding human psychology. On the battlefield, he prefers to use the ability of perception domain to induce opponents into the abyss of death regardless of the enemy. Fang is still a friendly army, not many people will like this perverted guy

The blizzard is no exception. He frowned and said, "Shut up, doctor, every time I see you, I would rather face a pile of shit!"

"Hey hey, you know what, when blizzard humans are always afraid of something, they like to use hatred to cover up their fears," the doctor said lightly. He took out a bug that he didn't know what type of bug from his pocket and put it in his mouth. When he chewed hard, the gray-yellow gravy came down from his mouth, his appearance was terrible and disgusting.

The violent bear stood up fiercely and said calmly: "Doctor, you want to make multiple holes in your head, right? In that case, I don't mind helping you!"

"Enough!" Tyr said with a smile

The God of War did not even get angry, but whether it was a violent bear, a doctor, or other eccentric guys, they had to curb their temper. People who are familiar with Tyre know that the more gentle he is, the more it means that he wants to kill at this moment. All the members know that their head is always smiling on the battlefield of fire and blood, smiling and killing every enemy that appears in his line of sight!

They didn’t want to be Tyre’s enemies, so they obediently chose to shut up.

Tyre patted the tactical board and said, "Gentlemen, I called you to ask you to make suggestions, not to make you bicker like children. You lost your face to the door of your house."

The officers of the Golden Tomahawk remembered that this combat meeting was not only attended by them, but also the friendly army with a loose attitude and no discipline at all.

Doomhammer has only nine people attending the meeting this time, but everyone is at the level of eighth. They are the elites in Doomhammer, but the elites are relative to the performance of the battlefield. In public, they follow the station to destroy The tradition of the Hammer, the rambling, proud, and undisciplined Doomhammer will not hold any combat meetings before the battle of Doomhammer. According to their commander Thor, we have only one mission, which is to bring destruction to our opponents. Instead of chattering like a preacher and fighting meetings? What is that, can it be eaten? This army has no tactics at all, but much depends on the flexible interaction of the various groups between the members.

So when they received Tyr’s invitation, they were more out of respect for the **** of war. In the whole golden battle axe, they only affirmed Tyr’s strength. They attended, but it didn’t mean they would listen. The so-called combat meeting For these arrogant guys, the so-called combat meeting is just a game for the weak.

Tyre is undoubtedly a strong man, but his golden battle axe is more like a guard of honor, even the senior officers who are qualified to attend this meeting.

At the beginning, the atmosphere in the camp was not friendly enough. Tyr didn’t know this, but he didn’t mind.

On the plasma electronic board, Tyr patted his hand in the direction of the Turashi Mountains and said: "Look at this, gentlemen, this is the problem we encountered this time. This mountain has become a natural barrier for the green capital. After it is the plains of the Pingchuan River. Because of the existence of this mountain range, our tanks cannot climb over. If we want to reach the other side of the mountain quickly, we can only march on foot. So this problem comes. If we march on foot, we can quickly reach the plain, and Launching a quick strike against Ludu, but in this way, without the support of heavy firepower, our firepower may appear weak, and it will take a lot of time for this matter to be attacked by a chariot bypassing the mountains. What do you think?"

A hand was raised, attracting Tyre’s attention. With his help, Renne stood up. To this officer who brought back zero mutiny news, Tyre has awarded him first-class merit and put it on his uniform. An additional medal was added. This once made the Golden Tomahawk jealous and other senior officers. Now he stands up and speaks. Except for the bear and the doctor, the other officers winked at each other.

Rehn didn’t know much, and stood up and said frankly: “My lord, I suggest riding lightly and hiking over the mountains. During the time when I was in contact with the Gregnias, according to my observations, they did not have the advantage of heavy firepower but Their soldiers are not weak in combat power, and the combination of arms is reasonable. They can meet the needs of most battlefields through flexible combinations. Moreover, this is their territory. I propose that our army must give relentless blows with a thunderous posture. We cannot leave them time to react, otherwise we will be very passive"

"Passive?" An officer laughed, and said: "I don't agree with Rennes Captain's statement. There is no doubt that Captain Hundred is a brave and capable warrior. Forgive me for speaking out, but Captain Rennes lacks a match. Commanding experience and control of large-scale wars. When commanding a war, every commander is trying his best to give full play to the advantages of our army, while avoiding unfavorable factors. May I ask the leader of a hundred, what is the biggest advantage of our army now? The colleagues present on this issue should be quite clear. That’s right, we have a mobile unit that is unmatched by foreign races in the west. With the cooperation of various types of tanks, we can achieve the tactical goal of position suppression. But we want us to abandon these advantages, just to gain some dispensable time?"

"Yes, even if the time left for the aliens to react? As long as we have the heavy firepower, we can use the advancement of the tanks to achieve the scorched earth strategy against the enemy. In the end, the aliens will find that they will eventually have no way. On the contrary, if the commander of a hundred people gave up the chariot and only relied on the thin firepower in the hands of the soldiers to fight this battle, as long as one link went wrong, according to what you said, the Gregnia can use the flexible combination of arms. Cooperating with their familiar terrain to disintegrate our battlefield, it was truly passive, right?"

These high-ranking officers, you and me, they refuted Renne's suggestion in an understatement. However, there was no movement on the Doomhammer side, except that the faces of several officers had an undisguised smile. It was obviously. Watching the joke of the golden battle axe

Renn is even more stern. If he compares his combat power, he has the confidence that he will not lose to any of these officers, but they are right. Renn is better at infiltrating raids instead of battlefields where the two armies are facing each other. Therefore, they have no backhanding power to refute

Tyre saw it in his eyes and coughed at the right time: "Your proposals are very constructive, but no matter what kind of tactics there are certain flaws, I think, maybe we can do a two-pronged approach."

"I, and a group of excellent fighters formed a commando team to climb over this mountain range on foot, and attack the enemy in the shortest time. While making a quick strike, it can also play a role in attracting firepower. At this time, other people The chariots bypassed the mountains and attacked our enemy forces from another direction with heavy firepower, in order to disintegrate their defenses in the shortest possible time. I think you have no objection to doing this, right?"

"My lord!" The violent bear stood up and said, "I have no objection. As long as you take me by your side, I will slap those aliens in the face as soon as possible!"

Tyre waved his hand, motioned him to sit down, and said: "As for the candidate for the assault team, of course you need excellent fighters like the blizzard, but I would like to invite the colleagues of Doomhammer to participate. For you, this is destruction. Isn’t the Hammer good at the battlefield?"

The Doomhammer officers who were still looking at the jokes, after hearing Tyre’s words, everyone reduced their smiles and looked solemn. They knew what the commando meant, that meant going with the Gregnias. A frontal impact and fighting without the support of heavy firepower will sacrifice a lot of people. All this is no problem if it is made by Sol, but the problem now is that the person who made this suggestion or order is Tyr.

An officer in Doomhammer said indifferently: "If Lord Tyr personally participated in this operation, then we naturally don't have the right to refuse, do we?"

Tyre smiled: "Of course I will participate. I am not a commander who makes soldiers charge on the front line and drink coffee in the safe rear."

"Then we will have no problem." Several Doomhammer officers looked at each other and said with a smile.

So the general direction of the strategy was set in this way

Tomorrow morning, Tyr will lead the Doomhammer on foot across the Turashi Mountains to attack the green capital. At this time, the golden battle axe will drive the chariot around the mountains and attack Gregnia from another direction. It’s just that the two offensives are in order, so the pressure on the assault team will be very high. If Tyre didn’t take part in this operation personally, even if he is currently the highest commander of the two armies, Doomhammer can still pass all kinds of Means to reject or modify the order

However, there is a provision in Asgart’s military rules that clearly states that if the commander personally participates in a military operation, the subordinate members must unconditionally obey. Therefore, the Doomhammer officer will ask Tyr’s questions. If Tyr personally Participate in this commando operation, then they have no right to refuse

Things were settled in this way. When it was still dark the next morning, Tyr was the first to appear at the exit of the camp. Three minutes before the ordered assembly time, the fighters of Doomhammer arrived one after another, including Nine high-level soldiers, hundreds of advanced-level soldiers, and a large number of low-level fighters and servants, totaling more than 2,000

Tyre looked at this army. There was no doubt that during the non-war period, they did not have any discipline to speak of. But now that they are on the march, a cold light flashes in the eyes of a servant soldier. Only those who are in the pile of corpses. Only the fighters who come out can have it, and this time, Tyre will lead them to true destruction.

He who had secretly touched Gregnia with Betsy and a few people knew better than anyone else that Gregnia was definitely not like Rennes said, only the murloc swordsman and the long-range support unit they still have. Suitable for the role of heavy ground firepower in the power armored unit, the haunting scout team, and the most destructive ghost force!

As long as the Green Capital dispatches these troops and cooperates with other defensive methods, it doesn’t matter if the people like Doomhammer have gone and never returned. Tyre thought happily, these people were meant to send them to hell. With Sol

If you knew that I would treat the Legion you left behind, my dear brother, you would probably be very angry, right? But on the western tundra ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ all I need is my own army.

When the first ray of light appeared in the eastern sky, Tyre said lightly: "Go!"

So the army began to pull out, and Tyr took the lead, leading them into the vast mountains and forests, toward the battlefield of death where they were buried!

In the dark world of will, there are misty brilliance rising from the deepest, chasing each other like bubbles soaring in the sea, and rising toward the sky of the will world. These are the rays of energy. In the process of collision and gathering, energy and energy inevitably undergo fission. At the moment of fission, the huge power generated makes the dark world of will Brilliant fireworks bloom

These fireworks disappeared a little bit, and it is difficult to be noticed. However, the flow of time suddenly becomes very slow at the moment when the fireworks bloom, so the process of blooming and disappearing of the fireworks is slowed down, so that a bunch of fireworks can be dropped on it. Will be observable

When he observed the fireworks, Ling opened his eyes

He finally felt the existence of nothingness!

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