War Lord

Chapter 557: Eve of the War 2

Another morning

The violent bear bent and hugged, and fell to the ground like a meteorite from a height of 100 meters. The surface of his body even wiped out a bright flame, followed by strangely without making any sound. It fell to the ground and the ground sank silently like cooked butter. Going down, there are no cracks. The edge of a circular shallow pit is surprisingly smooth in the center of the pit. The blizzard opens its body comfortably, then touches his bald head and stands up.

After observing the surroundings, he made a gesture, followed by people jumping from the cliff behind and falling like raindrops to the ground. When he stood up again, an army had arrived in the icy tundra.

Tyre's strong body outlined by a black tight-fitting tactical suit and golden soft armor appeared in the crowd. He moved forward boldly. A tactical watch in his hand had a laser beam staggered to depict a plan. The plan showed the square and the square. The straight-line distance between the green cities is about 700 kilometers. If you march at full speed, you can reach this distance in the middle of the night.

It’s just that Tyre intends to lead the Hammer of Doom to real destruction, but he doesn’t want them to die worthless, so he clicked on the map and said: "Go ahead at full speed. At sunset, we have three hours of rest before continuing. Moving forward, when it is expected to arrive at the destination around dawn, let us give these aliens an unforgettable surprise for a lifetime!"

"But before that, I need a few good scouts"

Tyre turned around, and a silver-haired man in the army came out. He was handsome, his blue eyes were so quiet that there were no traces of impurities, and his short silver hair was unforgettable.

The silver-haired man pressed his hands on his chest, bent over and bowed, saying, "Nero is willing to serve adults."

The display content of the tactical watch on Tyre's hand has changed, from a topographic map to a data table. Above is a bust of a silver-haired man, and below is a data introduction: Nero Lucas, a member of Doomhammer Elite , The eighth level of perception domain, good at terrain survey

Nodded, Tyre said, "I need a detailed topographic map of Ludu, including the distribution of their troops, military information and other information. Can you get these for me, Mr. Nero?"

"My lord, please rest assured, I will deliver these materials to you before you arrive." Nero believes

"Then leave it to you!" Tyre said solemnly

Nero straightened his body and blew his whistle to the back. Seven or eight subordinates walked out. They hurried to the direction of Ludu under Nero's signal, and in a blink of an eye they turned into a few black spots on the plain. These people are not slow, including Nero, have at least Tier 6 agility. That is to say, the information about the members of Doomhammer in his hand is not detailed.

Tyre frowned, and an uncomfortable feeling passed through his heart. Looking at the army behind him, they were standing there, but at least half of them were hiding in the shadow of the mountain behind him, just like their information. How many secrets you don't know are hidden in the shadows? Tyre thought

But now that the arrow is on the line, there is no time for Tyre to recheck the abilities of each member. Under his order, the army began to advance north, like a black flood surging through the tundra, towards the direction of the green capital. Away

After leaving the Turashi Mountains, it is a hard tundra. This land is a huge glacial belt. The depth of the ice rock that has not melted over the years can reach nearly 100 meters, but the lichen below is difficult to destroy. On the vertical ice, it’s difficult to make bullet holes when a machine gun is shot at the ground. Therefore, almost no plants can survive under the tundra, except for the special cold-resistant plants like frozen moss.

A hundred kilometers north of Tulash Mountain, they gradually entered a special ecological circle of frozen moss. These hardy plants hung on the ground, looking like a vast green coat from a distance. Their surface is often covered with a very thin layer of frost. , The new era frozen moss has undergone a fundamental genetic change. They can melt ice and snow into water at a very slow rate through the frost on the surface and then absorb it to maintain vitality and form a special life form.

Just walking on these frozen moss is not a pleasant thing. When they are trampled on, they will secrete a very thick sap. These sap will gradually seep into the ground, and then be absorbed by the huge frozen moss family under the ground, and become accumulations. The nourishment for the members of Yuxin is only before they have penetrated. People step on them not only to make a noise, but sometimes slip, and their smell is very unpleasant. On the way of marching, many soldiers have stepped on the frozen moss, but instead Slipped by their juices, and then covered with foul-smelling juices, which makes people very distressed

The blizzard fell down so badly. This big man has a lot of strength, but his balance is very poor. It didn’t take long to step into the tundra. I don’t know how much frozen moss, and a layer of dark green has accumulated under the soles of the thick military boots. At this time, the thick liquid slipped and fell to the thick liquid under the sole of the foot, and the whole person fell to the ground in a big shape, and I don’t know how much frozen moss was crushed.

The body was full of foul-smelling green liquid, which annoyed the bear, especially the expression on the doctor’s face when he passed by. It made the bear want to burn the **** tundra. He got up and grunted. The huge fist smashed the frozen moss underneath heavily into the ice rock. When the fist was raised again, the frozen moss did not flow out any sap. They had already disintegrated the energy of the violent fist before it was secreted.

The violent bear let out a nasty breath, and then got up again and smelled at his body before frowning and chasing up to the front team.

However, he didn't know that the fist with a strong hatred just now fell on the frozen moss. The frozen moss was not destroyed. What was destroyed was only the branches and leaves on the surface, but its root system was safely located. Under the glacier that is difficult to be dug, and phenomena like this, under the large-scale march of the army, the damage range of the frozen moss gradually expands, and when it accumulates to a specific value, a certain signal is in this vast area. The signal is transmitted on the frozen moss from the veins of the frozen moss on the surface of the glacier to the root system. If someone digs the glacier, it will release the moss coat on the tundra, which is like roots and veins on the glacier. Complex kingdom!

These root veins entangled under the glacier are like a complex neural network. After the signals from the surface are summarized, they are assembled into bundles and sent to a certain place through the connection between the root veins.

The transmission speed of the signal is extremely fast, and it is finally received by a special device and an image is displayed in the intelligence room of Ludu. It is still early in the morning, and there are only a few Gregnias working in the intelligence room. The content of the small talk is very wide, from my own affairs to those human guests who have recently resided in the green city.

At this moment, the picture of the violent bear blasting towards the camera with a punch silently unfolded in front of the eyes of the few Gregnias, one of them was talking about zero, and then the ending continued to stretch, and finally disappeared in the air. I looked at this picture in astonishment, followed by a yell from someone who didn’t know, and then several people rushed to their jobs.

During a series of short-term operations, small windows were continuously opened on the main display of the intelligence room, and a corner of the tundra could be seen in each small window. In these windows, at least one-third of the windows After showing a human marching, a murloc resembling a supervisor took a breath and shouted in Luduyu: "Quickly, notify Ademili and Merlin! Attack, humans are coming!"

After getting the intelligence of the human army north, when all the organs of the Green Capital began to operate, Zero still stayed in the world of will of Hamemis.

Counting it all, he has been in Greentown for 14 days, and he has been training in the will world of Hamemis almost every day. Strictly counting, he has been in this world for 42 months, a total of three years and six months. In the past three years, he has spent at least half of his time perceiving the existence of nothingness, and he has achieved certain results.

Today, when it’s time for acceptance, Hamomis hopes that Zero will not only perceive nothingness, but also learn to guide it out.

"Are you ready?"

On a wide grassland, Hamomis asked with his arms around his chest.

Zero nodded. After more than three years of training, especially after feeling the existence of nothingness, Zero’s temperament has further changed. He has become more concentrated and has a low breath. If he deliberately pretends, probably many capable people will take As an ordinary person, he is like an ocean with no margins. Although the sea is calm, a terrifying tsunami can be set off at any time!

Seeing zero nod, Hamomis snapped his fingers and then ten tons of round stones appeared in the air, and fell heavily around Hamomis. Soon, the surrounding area of ​​the King of Green City had become The stone array, hundreds of cobblestones fill the surrounding space, like cannonballs ready to go

"Let's start then!" Hamomis picked up a boulder in his hand and threw it towards zero like a bowler.

The distance between the two is a thousand meters, and the ten-ton weight of the boulder rubbed bright fireworks in the air, passing a parabola and falling from the mid-air towards Zero's head with a huge howling!

Zero inhales, raises a fist, and then blasts out a point in the center of the center of the fist front. The energy impact instantly traverses the entire boulder with the front of the fist as the center. Underfoot

After breaking the boulder, Ling shook his head and said, "No, come again!"

Then another cobblestone whizzed up, zero-rotating his body, and his right leg swept across the cobblestone. Amidst the huge explosion, this big stone also couldn't escape the end of the bones.

"Still not working, come again!"

In Hamomis’s hands, one after another boulders blasted towards Zero’s position like a cannonball, while Zero used his fists, feet, elbows, and knees. He was a humanoid weapon. Constantly using every part of his body to explode the stones blasted by Hamomis, but this result is not zero desired. It is his own power that explodes the cobblestone, not the power of nothingness.

However, Zero is in no hurry. In order to feel the nothingness, he has undergone monk-like training, coupled with the original patience, now he always maintains a cold heart all the time, which allows him to always calmly treat the things in front of him. , But also keenly aware of every subtle change from one's body to the will

What he has to do is to feel the subtle changes in the energy in the body while fighting, and to catch the moment when nothing happens, and finally guide it to the real level to form an effective attack.

It’s simple to say, but the process is extremely complicated. It’s like feeling the different changes in the breath every second. This is not a simple job.

Another boulder volleyed into the air!

Zero takes a deep breath, and time seems to slow down at this moment so that the huge stone stays in the air for a long time, and in Zero’s dark will world, energy rises from the deepest like bubbles and surges. While facing the surface of the world, it continuously collides, annihilates, and fisses. In this process, an extremely dazzling spark quietly appears.

Zero's will instantly casts on this spark, that is the power of nothingness

That's it!

The will is like an invisible shackle. They bound the spark heavily, and pushed it to the surface of the will before the spark disappeared. After breaking through the barrier between will and reality, it turned into real power and followed zero punches. Unreservedly transmitted to the booming boulder!

At this moment, the world is silent

Hamomis seemed to sense something, his eyes brightened to reveal that he was staring at the cobblestone, refusing to let go of any detail.

There was no explosion. The cobblestone seemed to be stuck to Zero’s fist and disappeared in the blink of an eye. Only a very small muffled sound rang in place. However, when a gust of wind swept around from under Zero’s feet, the whole ground was shaking, and then The earth waves one after another, with zero as the center, continue to spread in all directions. UU看书www.uukanshu.com extended to a range of hundreds of meters before announcing a stop. Only the ground under the zero foot remains intact, while the rest of the ground is covered by an unknown force. Shocked into powder, revealing a round pit with a radius of three hundred meters

Zero is in the center of the pit, and there is a straight stone pillar at the foot

After a while, Hamomis slowly exhaled, and then said loudly: "Success! Zero, you finally did it, you led out the power of nothingness!"

Zero himself looked at his fist incredulously. His fist was still trembling slightly. The power of nothingness is really terrifying. The power of this third form of the universe far exceeds the two forms of energy and matter. When the two forms of energy and matter are transformed The resulting great energy is more completely destructive. The effect of the force of emptiness is a way of destruction that is more concentrated than the point. It acts on the target at a more subtle hierarchical level than the molecule, from atoms, even protons, neutrons Damage at the particle level

Therefore, the cobblestone thrown by Hamomis disappeared like a magic trick. When there was no explosion, no fragments were in contact with nothingness, it was broken down into something finer than molecules, and it was in a form that even powder could not describe. At this time, Zero finally understood why Hamomis would call this power nothingness

Because its power is to guide everything into nothingness!

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