War Lord

Chapter 602: Salvage the spaceship

Beyonce waking up in the soft morning light, her long eyelashes quivered slightly before opening her eyes.レm♠思♥路♣客レ【I saw the smiling zero at first sight, and she used her fingers around her hair. Beyonce smiled and reached out to touch Ling's face and said: "It's really like a dream. I heard the news of your return yesterday, I still can't believe it."

"I'm really here, and the battle last night is also real." Ling smiled.

Beyonce remembered the madness of last night, and suddenly couldn't help holding Zero tightly. Zero let go of her hair and walked with her big hands on her pink back. Beyonce groaned comfortably and said, "I really want to just stay like this."

"That won't work, we still have a lot to do." Zero deliberately said.

Beyonce raised her head and asked in confusion, "What's the matter?"

"For example, having a baby."

"Child..." Beyonce's face blushed slightly, and then she nodded and said, "As long as you want, I can do it anytime."

This time it was his turn to be zero surprise, but he knew very well that for women like Beyonce, career is far more important to them than childbirth. She is willing to give birth to zero children at any time, showing how much she loves him in her heart. Petty hugged her tightly and said, "Thank you, Bess. However, it is not the time yet. After all, we have more things to deal with than children. Moreover, I have one thing I hope you can help. ."

"Let's talk." Beyonce knew that Ling was about to discuss business, but she was still curled up in the quilt like a kitten, just holding Ling and listening.

Lingpai told her all about letting the Black Rose family leave Asgart to help him manage his finances in the Western Federation. As for Douglas's request, Ling did not hide her from her, and told her everything in detail. Again. From beginning to end, Beyonce listened quietly, without a word. It wasn't until Zero finished that Beyonce squeezed his waist and said, "You are really overbearing, and I have not asked me to negotiate terms with Douglas. Moreover, I am not satisfied with the abduction of the owner. , I have to take my entire family together."

"The sooner Douglas promises this, the better. That old grandfather is not a fuel-efficient lamp. I can't give him too much time to prepare and consider. Otherwise, I don't know what he would think. If you knew him yesterday afternoon I didn’t even talk about the Western Crusade and Tyre, and I knew how deep his scheming was. Moreover, I believe that it’s safest for you to leave Asgart, and I will never rest assured of putting you on others In the circle of influence. There was no way before, but now, I have enough strength to protect you." Ling said indifferently.

"Speaking of Tyre, Saul told me this secretly after he came back. I immediately asked someone to conduct a thorough investigation of the house and found a gas bomb in the house. Then I immediately investigated within the family, and Tyre even No matter how great the skill is, it is impossible to hide a gas bomb in my manor without knowing it, so he must have an internal response. Sure enough, I found a gardener missing that night. This man has already been working in the manor. For more than twenty years, Tyre did not know when he bought him to do this kind of thing. When we found him, he had committed suicide." Today I will have a meeting with the other members of the family to discuss the Ghat incident. But it shouldn’t be a big problem. As you said, we are always participants in Asgart. Going to the Western Federation has everything. Start all over again, but we are the pioneers. And the projects you have negotiated with Douglas are enough for us to earn start-up funds. As long as there are enough start-up funds, other things will be easy. You wait, I It will accumulate your wealth like a snowball."

"For me, you are already the greatest wealth." Ling smiled.

Beyonce said again: "You are coming back this time, shouldn't you just do something like this?"

"Of course, there are still a lot of things to do, so I will stay in Asgart for a while. I will have to apply for temporary pass for some people who are currently in the company base, as well as me and Feng. Several people got Doomhammer to write off their previous identities, and then exchanged the merit points they got into common currency to withdraw. Then take the time to meet with Mr. Theon, I hope he can help together. Well, you should know that the West Crusade is here. What about fighting in Shadow Canyon?" Ling asked suddenly.

"I know."

"There is an old city there, of course it is now in ruins. But there is still a part of the area. I plan to build a transit city for trade with Asgart based on it. It will be installed at that time. Purify the force field device so that the people there can live on the surface, and then deploy the necessary troops and build fortifications to ensure their safety. At that time, you and your family can live there. Once you come to the tundra environment, you may not Habitually, secondly, it is located between Asgart and the Federation, and it acts as a transit point."

Beyonce also nodded and said: "This is very good. When we establish a long-term trade relationship with Asgart, it will attract more businessmen to invest. Then the city can be expanded and the economy can be driven. Get up. After all, the environment of the tundra is not something that everyone can traverse. We can also let merchants on the federal side provide goods to transport to this transit city, so that the cooperation between buyers and sellers will be a hundred times easier than before. If you manage well. , I am confident that within ten years, this city will be built into the largest commercial city on the mainland."

"At that time, you will be the most beautiful mayor in this city." He nodded, knowing that this move was the right move. It is not easy to bring the Western Federation into the field of vision of mankind. But now with Beyonce and her family, the tundra aliens and humans interact with each other through commercial operations, and then gradually make different races reach a consensus. In this way, it will be sooner or later that the Western Federation will get out of the tundra. And as long as they continue to operate in this mode, the people in the Central Continent will gradually become accustomed to the existence of aliens.

"Okay, get up. It's time to work." Ling Pai patted Beyonce's powder back and said: "After dealing with these things, I have to go to the East Coast."

Beyonce's face changed, and she said, "What are you going there for? Now that the East Coast has become the back garden of the Dark Council, is it because Douglas has attached any conditions?"

"No, don't be nervous." Zero said, "This is my personal business. Remember when we first met, I mentioned to you about a spaceship from the last era?"

Beyonce nodded and said, "You said it wasn't true... wait..."

She jumped up suddenly, and just straddled on Zero's body naked, pointed to his nose and said, "Would you like to tell me that there is such a spacecraft? It's on the east coast?"

Smile without answering.

Beyonce took a bite on his shoulder, and then said fiercely: "Say, how many secrets you still have I don't know!"

"No, no...not much." Zero said with a smile, but the sincerity was lacking.

"The spaceship is on the east coast. Even if you want to bring it back, you have to pass through the circle of influence of the Dark Council. Then the route must be planned carefully, and only local people can reduce the attention of the Council. Of course, it is necessary Force is indispensable, but it’s not as expensive as it is, and then there is the issue of transportation. It’s impossible to bring such a large item out without disturbing the parliament at all. At least the parliamentary army in the nearby resident will find out, then they will definitely pursue it. So the power after breaking must be stronger..."

Zero had to admire Beyoncé, he only gave such a little information, but this beautiful Patriarch had already figured out the prototype of a plan within a few seconds. He grabbed Beyonce's hand and said, "There is no problem after the break. There are three people of Tier 9 and Tier 8, including me. There are several other abilities. If the number of people is not enough, I think there should be a few people of Tier 8 in Sol. Let me use it."

Beyonce looked at him carefully with beautiful eyes and said, "Good guy, you have won so many high-ends. It seems that this investment of this family should not be at a loss. Just use your own power, already That’s enough. The high-ranking guy Saul holds should have information on the parliament. If the parliament finds that there are high-ranks in the Hall of Valor, it will bring even greater variables. As I see it, I’m not sure about you. In the case of strength, the council discovered that you would only be regarded as some undocumented smuggling merchants, then you would only face an army of a few hundred people, plus a few officers with the ability to advance. In this situation, It’s enough for you to do it alone. Bringing other people is just like buying multiple insurances."

"Well, get up soon. You guy has so many things to do. I have to help you plan. You don't need to worry about routing and transportation issues. Go ahead and do other things." Bi Anris jumped out of the bed, showing her beautiful figure completely in front of Zero's eyes.

Just in front of zero, she put on the clothes one by one, covering up the great chūnsè.

Zero also got up from the bed, looked at her with interest and said, "You don't ask why you salvage the spaceship?"

"What can I ask~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Do you want to leave Central Continent? It doesn't matter where you want to go, you men always like to run around the world. Just don't forget, where is your home." At zero, Beyonce said affectionately.

Ling stood up and hugged her and said, "This is natural. How could I forget where Bess's warm and fragrant big bed is?"

Beyonce chuckled and said, "Unexpectedly, it turns out that you can be a **** sometimes."

"Thanks for the compliment."

At this time, the butler Cassillo's voice rang outside: "Miss, breakfast is ready."

Beyonce stuck out her tongue before saying to the door, "I see, we will come out now."

Then he said to the zero: "Let's go, a wonderful day should start with a good breakfast!"


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