War Lord

Chapter 603: Burning Legion 1

[Third more! Hey, that's the end of today's outbreak, maybe it's not a lot, just treat it as a Halloween gift! By the way, I want to beg for a subscription. You won’t call me shameless, right? o(n_n)ohaha~】

That night, a private cocktail party held in the name of Zero took place at the base of Zero Company. This is Beyonce's idea, and such a cocktail party will be held several times in the future. At the family meeting during the day, Beyonce had already put forward the idea of ​​Zero. Although giving up all the family industry was a huge impact for many people, Zero also came up with substantive things to make the Black Rose family important. The members saw the achievable vision, but what surprised Zero was. The most powerful guarantee for these family members is not the Western Federation behind Zero, but the strength of him and a few core subordinates. Three ninth ranks and several other high-ranking and advancement abilities, this is a stronger guarantee for the Black Rose family than the Western Federation.

After all, no matter how much property, if there is no ability to protect them, it is just a set of numbers that can change at any time. In turbulent times, only the strong can let people follow it with all their heart. Only strength is the foundation of everything.

After getting the approval of the family members, the Black Rose family will leave Asgart with Zero. Beyonce gave full play to her efficient working style, and immediately arranged for the family members participating in the meeting to work separately. The first thing to do is to liquidate the family property, and form a report and submit it to Asgart, which will be received by the military personnel; the second is to build momentum for Zero Propaganda, since Zero has already won and Asgart. There are several major areas and dozens of large-scale cooperation projects between Ghat. How can Beyonce not make a fuss about these things and absorb some other investments, so there is a cocktail party tonight.

The reception invited many high-ranking figures in Asgart. Although Douglas was not close to him, Valkyrie and Sol came together, which can be said to have given a lot of face. It also officially stated that Asgart fully supports Zero and his position of the Western Federation, which is undoubtedly an important message for many people. So the other two giants of Asgart, two old foxes, Charlotte and Austin, also came, and reached several verbal collaborations with Beyonce at the reception.

These three old guys are unprofitable and can't afford it early. The cooperation between the Western Federation and Asgart will maintain a long-term trade relationship, so how can there be few business opportunities here? For the two old foxes in Charlotte, naturally they will not miss the opportunity to share a piece of the pie. These two old men are notoriously shrewd in Asgartri, and even they have cooperated with Zero. Naturally, other powerful nobles will not miss this opportunity to make friends and cooperate.

So in one night, Beyonce got a lot of business for Zero. Ling secretly rejoiced that he did save a lot of worry with this beautiful and capable woman to help him. If there is a rank in business ability, there is no doubt that Beyonce is one of the strongest men. In this regard, Zero Self-Question Paima can't catch up.

"Do I have to congratulate you, it seems you have found an amazing woman."

A familiar voice rang behind him, and Zero turned around to see Theon's slightly vicissitudes of face. Compared with before, Xi Si seemed to be older, his two temples had been put on some silver frost, and the wrinkles on his forehead seemed to be a little bit more, it seemed that this man was not so happy.

"Mr. Theon, I'm glad you can come." Zero said sincerely, and toasted Theon.

Theon took a sip of wine and said, "You are now a super upstart in Asgart. Even Douglas has given you a lot of face. I don't know how many people will rush to curry favor with you. Naturally, I have to come here too."

"You laughed, Mr. Theon." Zero sternly said: "As you can see, I am ready to do everything. I really need someone like Mr. Theon to help me. I know you because of Remute back then. I am disappointed about the incident, but I still want to say that people can’t always live in the past. Here, I invite you to join me with great sincerity. Perhaps you will find something meaningful again.”

Theon kept smiling all the time. After he listened to Zero's words carefully, he said: "You know, you are just like me back then, looking for hope from the ruins. Even now, I still miss the development of mine back then. Mut’s life. Zero, the experience from scratch is the most touching and unforgettable experience of a lifetime. Such an experience is rare once. And now, you plan to give me a second chance, I have What's the reason for rejection?"

"After the fall of Remut and Pella's death. I have been living a life of drunkenness and death, with alcohol and women trying to numb myself. But who knows, the more so, the clearer the memory of the past. So I know, Pella She didn’t want to see me going down like this. She always reminded me, but I didn’t pay attention. Later I planned to do something seriously, but you know, without Remute, I am nothing at all. For Aspen For Ghat, no matter how good I do outside, I am only an outsider for this city." Theon exclaimed, "I thought I would be like this for the rest of my life, but you came back, and I haven't forgotten my friend. I was very happy when I received your invitation letter. Because I saw that fate gave me another chance to choose. This time, I will not miss it easily."

Zero said happily: "That's great. There is an old city ruin near the Shadow Canyon. We plan to build a commercial city there. The name is the City of Dawn. The Black Rose family will all move in. To. At that time, it was up to you and Bess to take care of me."

"Don't worry, I will do my best to assist our female mayor." Theon smiled, he knew his position very well. Although Zero fancy her own political and management abilities, Beyonce is not only a zero woman, but also pulls the entire family into a zero chariot. For this alone, her weight is much heavier than his bachelor. In this regard, Theon can at least distinguish who is the master.

At this moment, Beyonce came over and asked, "What are you talking about?"

Zero happily told Beyonce what Theon had promised to help. The latter shook hands with Theon quickly and then chatted. He had shifted from the polite talk to the future planning and other aspects of the City of Dawn. , But put zero aside. Zero didn't care, he knew that when Theon promised to help, his core members were finally complete.

There is Beyonce in business, Theon in politics and diplomacy, and himself and Feng and others in military force. Of course, this is just a prototype. After the City of Dawn was built and put into use, the Western Federation had to get out of the tundra and let Ademili and Merlin participate in the daily management of affairs. In the blueprint for the end of Zero, the high-level federation is not dominated by pure humans or aliens, but allows them to sit on an equal footing and participate together. Only in this way can we achieve the goal of mutual restraint and peaceful coexistence.

The reception ended successfully, and both the host and the guests returned with a full load this time. After the reception, Beyonce also left the base, and Ling stayed in the base overnight. In the underground base the next morning, the director of the company reported to him on the progress the company had made during the period of Zero West Expedition.

Thanks to the addition of Dr. Corder, a weapon expert, the company's development of weapons for the new era is progressing smoothly, and many orders have been obtained. Especially recently, the Dark Council and the Hall of Valor have been fighting, and Horizon's business orders have risen sharply. One of the alloy heavy snipers, which is the improved version of the "battleship artillery", has almost been ordered.

On the basis of the original battleship artillery, Dr. Kode improved the materials, weakened the kinetic energy, and increased the guidance system, so that the new battleship artillery can be used by ordinary soldiers. Of course, in terms of power, it can't be compared with the one previously used by Zero, but the new version is better than adaptable. Therefore, as soon as it was launched, it was purchased by Asgart's military department, and an additional order of 300 units was added.

In addition to weapons, Victor's potions of abilities have also made breakthroughs. After repeated failures and improvements, Victor can finally produce basic medicines without side effects in the laboratory. Although they are all first- and second-tier power, defense and agility abilities. But this means that after zero, he can also mass-produce his own low-level abilities, which is undoubtedly good news for him.

But what surprised him even more was the plan of Dr. Corder and Eva to jointly graduate the Legion. That was an important result obtained by combining Dr. Cod's Z substance with the biological weapon data in the dark crown in Eva's hand. Although the dark crown contains complete living corpse weapon information. But these materials are all based on weapons developed with Lilith's living corpse queen as the core. All weapons are implanted under Lilith's instructions during the cultivation process.

Therefore, even if Eva can use living corpses to breed biological weapons, how to make biological weapons obey orders is a headache for her~www.wuxiaspot.com~ until one time I heard from Dr. Cord that he could use z The matter generated a spawning army that obeyed his instructions, which made Eva interested. With Dr. Cord’s consent, Eva took a metamorphosis in his hand for research, and found that the metamorphosis and Dr. Cord were connected through the existence of substance z, and that Dr. Cord could use substance z Command derivation.

This gave Eva an inspiration. She imagined that if substance Z is implanted in a biological weapon, whether it can be ordered by Dr. Corder like a spawn. If this idea can be established, then biological weapons have a controllable way. Eva can design a biological controller with z-substance, which is much more reliable than the current practice of using smart chips to guide biological weapons. After all, the smart chip can deprive the controller of the biological weapon by means of program intrusion, and the special composition of the z material makes it almost impossible to interfere with external forces, let alone gain control.

More importantly, in the mouth of Dr. Kod, Eva knew that Zero possessed the core of substance Z. This is equivalent to saying that once the army is established, Zero will gain control of all biological weapons through the core, and Zero’s command will take precedence over the authority of any controller, which virtually eliminates the possibility of being taken by the enemy to the controller. , The whole army of creatures will suddenly fall in danger.

So after establishing that the plan is feasible, Eva and Dr. Corder immediately started research in this area. And recently, a sample has been cultivated!

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