War Lord

Chapter 614: Call me captain 1

The sky is blue, and here is very close to Tianyu.レm♠思♥路♣客レwudu novel website high-quality update. Looking up, you can almost see the stars of the outer universe through the atmosphere.

When his gaze changed from looking up to looking up, in his eyes, it was a majestic city. There are squares paved with white rocks, simple temples, and an ancient altar in each of the four directions of the square. Above the altar, there is a gold crystal ball with a diameter of three meters. They exude a hazy energy flame, and when the flame reaches the richness, it will continuously pour into the altar below from the bottom of the crystal ball like water, then flow to the ground through the groove, and finally wander through the entire square. From a high altitude, the groove pattern on the square exudes a mysterious atmosphere, it is like an electronic circuit. The energy light is transmitted to the entire city through the grooves of the square. The four crystal **** on this altar are the energy source of the city!

The square is the center of the entire city. It starts from four altars. On the edge of the square, there are four arch bridges constructed of gray-white giant rocks leading to the city below. There is a ring-shaped river between the square and the city. The water is clear and green, and you can see aquatic creatures swimming in the river from time to time.

Connecting the square through the Baiyan Giant Road is the inner city, which has gorgeous palaces, straight and spacious streets, neatly planned green vegetation, beautiful sculptures and colorful fountains. This is the private land of the nobles, and only people with prominent status are eligible to live in the inner city. After the inner city is the outer city, which is separated by a circular wall.

The area of ​​the outer city is more than dozens of times that of the inner city. This is an area where civilians live, and it is also an important commercial area. From time to time, there will be spacecraft taking off and landing in the outer city, it is a busy scene, representing the frequent business contacts with people on the ground. The reason why people on the ground are said to be because this city is floating in the air, on the top of the white clouds.

Its name is Atlantis!

How familiar the picture is, even the fresh smell in the wind is the same as before. He wanted to reach out to touch and feel it, and then a woman's whispering came from behind: "Franklin..."

So when he turned his head and couldn't see the figure in front of him, violent vibrations and explosions appeared. The flames filled his eyes, and he shouted "No", but he couldn't save the figure swallowed by the flames.

When the flame passed, what you saw was a burning city. The gorgeous palaces of the past are now ugly ruins, the white and tidy streets are stained with black burnt and red blood, sculptures and fountains have become broken stones, and even the clear river is now It has also become contaminated. The sky was no longer bright, and the huge shadow enveloped the entire city. When you looked up, you could see the black nebula that almost covered a small half of the planet beyond the sky.

On that day, Prosius reached the edge of the universe across the endless sea of ​​stars. It entered the Milky Way and came towards the only Earth in the Milky Way that had a life response.

In the black nebula, dense clouds like tentacles burst into the air. They passed through the atmosphere and landed on the suspended sky city, and more land fell on the earth, rivers, and mountains. These pitch-black cloud pillars are constantly extracting the vitality of the planet, and some cloud pillars that fall in the sky city or the earth city state are constantly falling out of black clouds. High-quality updates are on Wudu Novel Network

These clouds are like cocoons of some creatures. When they land, dark demons will emerge from them. These demons are like reptiles, without entities, they are like energy beings. Only the hedge of energy can inflict damage on them. Atlantis' army fought bravely against them, but the number of energy bugs was so large that there seemed to be no hope of victory in this war.

In the burning sky, countless lives are dying. The trembling earth is playing the movement before the collapse!

"Do not!"

He yelled and woke up. What I saw was a shallow shoal, and most of his body was immersed in the smelly sea of ​​radiation, undulating with the ups and downs of the waves. Looking up, the sky was gray, and the thick radiating clouds blocked the deadly cosmic lines, but it also made the creatures on the earth have not seen the sun for decades.


This is a noun that flashed through his mind, and then the explanation about this noun was automatically generated in his mind. This is one of the knowledge of this era that he downloaded after connecting to the brain hub of the Pope's Hall, and it also made him understand that the world today is no longer his Atlantis, but a brand new era.

It is also an era of disorder.

The head hurts and the memory becomes chaotic. He can't remember what happened to Atlantis in the end, but judging from the current situation, it was mostly destroyed. What about Prosius? Has the cosmic star beast that feeds on planet life been expelled? This is also an unanswered question.

He has too many questions, the biggest of which is how he survived. Moreover, it has been out of the form of ordinary life. Otherwise, he would not be able to generate fish-like organs in his body to allow himself to swim in the sea of ​​radiance, and he would not be able to change his hands and feet to adapt to the navigation in the sea. He now looks like a murloc, and as he touches the land, the changes in his body begin to disappear again, and eventually he reverts to his normal shape, a male human being more than three meters tall.

Franklin. He repeated his name in his mind, then climbed up the beach with difficulty, and then saw a pair of legs. The owner of these legs quickly backed away a few steps and fell onto the beach. This was a girl who wrapped herself in a cloak. Judging by the knowledge that Franklin had downloaded from the intellectual brain of the Pope's Hall, she was a fifteen or sixteen-year-old female. Before the cataclysm, women at this age could only be called children, but in this era, they are fully capable of giving birth.

Just looking at the exposed calves and part of the face covered with ugly pink polyps, it is inevitable that ordinary people like her living on the surface will inevitably appear abnormal tissues. These things are like parasites, and one day they will cover the whole body and press on the host's vital organs and cause the host's death. But before that, they can separate the spokes for their hosts and provide them with the capital to survive on the surface.

Judging from the girl's expression, Franklin judged it to be a fearful expression. Of course, anyone who sees a giant who is nearly three meters tall suddenly rises from the sea will be afraid, especially the girl who is obviously an ordinary person in front of her. High-quality updates are on Wudu Novel Network

"You... are you a pirate?" the girl asked hesitantly.

pirate? Soon, an explanation for the word appeared in Franklin's mind. In the old days, pirates did exist. However, in the new era, especially near the mainland of Xizhou where the New Roman City is located, this kind of angle has only appeared in the past ten years. In the beginning, they were just some refugees who were oppressed by the Pope’s Chamber and fled the New Rome, and used some old sailing ships from the old era to live in the nearby waters to escape the pursuit of the New Rome.

Gradually, with the support of the rebels, they had better equipment, and they began to looting the caravans of New Rome in gangs. The Xizhou Continent is not a complete continental plate like the Central Continent. After the Asia-Europe plate of the past split, it became an island-like structure. The location of New Roman City is undoubtedly the largest piece of land on the Western continent, but besides that, there are hundreds of islands of various sizes around it, like global satellites, distributed around the mainland.

The population of New Rome had reached the upper limit ten years ago, so the troops of the Knights of the Seal began to go to other islands to open up new residential bases, and in the past ten years, at least half of the islands fell into the hands of the Pope's Hall. The bases on the islands basically adopt an autonomous management model, but in order to be protected by the Pope’s Hall, they must pay tribute to the New Roman City in two quarters a year like the ancient dependent countries.

In addition, there are often commercial exchanges between the mainland and the islands, which has contributed to the vigorous development of the pirate industry. The first batch of pirates funded by the rebel army was originally only to retaliate against the merchant ships belonging to the Pope’s Hall, but later, as more and more refugees joined the business, the rules gradually changed.

Except for a few pirates who insisted on acting only with the Pope’s Hall, many pirates have no principles and positions at all. Regardless of whether the target is the Pope’s Hall or ordinary civilians, they will be attacked as long as they target it. Sometimes, there will be a large number of pirates running to the island to kill people and set fires. This is also an important reason why the islanders are afraid of pirates.

For this reason, the Knights of the Seal has repeatedly encircled and suppressed pirates. Helplessly, the water environment between the islands is complex, and the currents in the radiating currents vary widely, and there are hundreds of tributaries between the islands, which can not form an effective encirclement and annihilation. Therefore, pirates are still rampant to this day.

These materials flicked through Franklin's mind.

"No, I am not a pirate." He propped up on the beach, half-kneeled on the ground and said to the girl: "My name is Franklin and I am a refugee..."

"Escaped from New Rome?"

"Yes, just like you said." Franklin looked at his body and said for a while: "My clothes broke when I escaped, you..."

Only then did the girl realize that the giant in front of her was not wearing clothes, her eyes fell on Franklin's strong chest, and finally came to the majestic place where he stepped, blushing suddenly. Then he said: "Wait here, I'll get you some clothes, I don't know if there is a suitable size for you."

Franklin nodded, looked at a coconut grove not far from the beach, and said, "I'm waiting for you there. You can call my name when you come."

"Okay." The girl stood up and said again: "My name is Ainiru, I will be back soon, you wait for my big one."

After speaking, the girl ran away.

Franklin stood up, looking away. The line of sight passed through the sea of ​​spokes, through the water mist on the sea, and fell on the outline of a continent far away. He escaped from there, but he had to go back again, because there were some compatriots waiting for him. He silently glanced at the side of the sea before taking a stride towards the coconut grove.

It didn't take long for Ainilu to return. She brought some clothes, but there was no one that Franklin could wear. In the end, she was too careful and brought a shabby bed sheet. Wrap it around Franklin's waist and hang down into a robe, which finally covers the important part of the giant's body. Anilu told Franklin that this was a small island, and there was only a village on the island where a hundred people lived.

The village usually relies on capturing aquatic life near the island, and those abnormal aquatic life will be stored. Every month, merchants will come to buy them, and the villagers will use them in exchange for living supplies. Although life is very hard, but it is finally able to make it through. Franklin listened in silence. Of course he didn't want to stay on this island. He also wanted to return to the Western continent to save his compatriots. But when downloading the information, he also understood what kind of power he was facing.

The New Roman City cannot be compared with his Atlantis in terms of scale or technology, but now he has only one person, but he has to face the Knights of the Seal of 10,000. Obviously, it is almost impossible to rescue one's own compatriots in this way. However, when downloading the information, Franklin also came into contact with a term.


They are a force that opposes the Pope’s Hall, Franklin thought, or they can use their power. But the first task is how to contact the rebels.

After Anilu introduced the general situation of the village, and promised that he would let an old tailor from the village make a suit for him, she said with a flat face: "But you have to do me a favor."

Franklin nodded and said, "There is no such thing as a free lunch. It's fair. Come on, what can you do for me."

Ai Nilu's eyes became moist. It turned out that her parents died in the hands of pirates a long time ago, and Ai Nilu was brought up by her grandfather. Her grandfather has been fishing for a living, but he lost a pair of legs when he was attacked by ferocious creatures in the sea when he went out to sea not long ago. Now he can't work. This is a very cruel era. Inability to work means no income. If there is no income, you will naturally starve to death.

Even the people in the village sympathized with the Anilu family, but they themselves were struggling and couldn't come up with extra food to support them. Today, Ai Nilu planned to go to sea on her own, but unexpectedly met Franklin as soon as she arrived at the beach. Ai Nilu said: "We have a fishing boat. I hope you can go fishing with me. So we can change to food and clothing, and you can live in my house, how about it?"

Franklin nodded and said: "Deal."

He intends to stay on this island temporarily, so that he can inquire about the rebel army and learn how to integrate into the human society of this era. After leaving this small island in this way, he knew how to face other humans.

Ai Nilu looked at Franklin and said, "There are very few people as tall as you. Are you a capable person?"

For those with abilities, there are also relevant records in the information of the Pope's Hall. They can be said to be the supermen of the new era, possessing power beyond the reach of ordinary people. In the era when Franklin lived, even though human beings were as tall as him, they did not have the ability to appear as many stars. The Atlanteans conquer the sky and expedition to the endless seas rely on technological civilization that is unattainable in this era.

And until Prosius appeared, the life of a person of similar ability appeared in the latter part of the war. But there are only two lives of that kind. They are a giant called a **** and another life called "Gaia", but they were not created by Atlantis, but...

"what happened to you?"

Anilu stretched out her hand and waved in front of Franklin's eyes, shattering his memories. Franklin shook his head, then nodded and said: "Yes, I am a capable person. The Seal Knights are about to conscript me into the army, I refused and escaped."

On this small island, Franklin gave a disguised background, and Anilu believed in this. On this day, the whole village knew that this girl picked up a giant from the sea. In the beginning, the villagers were very wary of Franklin. But as the time got along for a long time, watching Franklin work with Aini every few days, every time he returned with a full load. Then Franklin would distribute the excess aquatic life to the villagers, and gradually won the villagers’ favor.

Ainilu told everyone that Franklin was a capable person, and the big guy used his own power to do real things for the villagers from time to time. After such a month, he seems to have become the protector of the village. When Franklin doesn't have to go to sea for homework, there are always a few children who pester him and ask Franklin to teach them to fight. Of course, this big guy would just laugh it off.

It was another dusk, and Franklin was sitting on the beach where Rì and Ainilu met. Through this month's photos, he has gained a deeper understanding of the world ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and not just staying in the cold information. He heard from the villagers that the rebel army was hiding on an island called Istar, which was named "The Paradise of the Fallen" by the Pope's Hall and was also a concentration camp for criminals and murderers. But to go to Istar, you have to pass the Roaring Bay, where there are many undercurrents and the fringe area where pirates gather. It is not so easy to go there.

Even if Franklin can change his form according to the surrounding environment, it is impossible to swim across the Roaring Bay to Istar with his bare hands.

"Anyway, we need a boat." He sighed.

Footsteps sounded behind him, and when he turned his head, he saw Ainilu. Still covered in the hooded cloak, the girl walked quietly to Franklin's side. Looking at Anilu, Franklin wondered: "Isn't it time to cook now, Anilu."

"That kind of thing, I'll let this little girl do it again. How long have we not seen each other, Franklin Yate?" Anilu said in a low tone.

Franklin suddenly stiffened, and then stood up like a hill, exuding an astonishing sense of oppression, and said in a penetrating voice: "You are not Ainiru, who are you? Why do you know me? full name!"

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