War Lord

Chapter 615: Call me captain 2

Faced with Franklin's questioning, Anilu remained unmoved. She just took off her hood gently, revealing a small half of her face occupied by the abnormal tissue. Ai Nilu's soft brown hair dangled like a wave behind her as the sea breeze blows. She raised her head, and the green pupil color was completely transformed into a bright yellow like gold.

A golden light radiated from the depths of the pupil, and in this light, there seemed to be endless majesty.

This shouldn't be the gaze that appeared on Ainilu, it should belong to those high-ranking beings that would obviously look up at Franklin, but give the latter the taste of overlooking.

Franklin felt that this look seemed to have been seen somewhere before, and then some pictures flashed in his mind, and then he said in a deep voice, "It's you! Agradis!"

"Have you finally remembered? My old friend." A meaningful smile was drawn from the corner of Ainilu's mouth.

Franklin was silent suddenly, but his power did not decrease but increased. He suddenly mentioned Anilu, and a fist the size of a blue fist was clenched: "You know? Agradis, what a great opportunity. The great planetary will has come into the body of a mortal. , Then as long as you kill this person, even you will die? I really want to see what happens to this planet without its will. Isn’t this what you have always wanted to do?"

Ai Nilu shook her head and said, "I know you won't do this, the endless brilliance of kindness, after all, my present body is an innocent little girl. Besides, it doesn't matter if you kill me, but Prosius will give Released."

Franklin's pupils shrank, and finally slowly put Anilu back on the ground: "Sure enough, isn't that monster dead yet?"

"If it is so easy to destroy it, then you don't need to catch your Atlantis." Anilu smiled bitterly. This is a very human expression, and it can be seen that the planet's will will be helpless. when.

As soon as Atlantis was mentioned, Franklin was furious: "That is not thanks to you, if it weren't for the creation of the two monsters "God" and "Gaia", we Atlantis How to use up energy and resources, will finally be conquered by Prosius and his servants!"

"What makes me chill is that the gods and Gaia you created are not for the destruction of Prosius at all, but for yourself!"

"I don't agree with this accusation." Ai Nilu stared at the angry giant and said tit-for-tat: "Isn't the **** I made to fight Prosius for you? Didn't Gaia re-assimilate the insects through capture? , Try to reverse the disintegration of the life system of the universe star beast through the connection between them and Prosius? Everything I have done is not for this planet and you created by me!"

"Fart!" The giant roared: "The arrival of Prosius allows you to see the hope of another life form. It's just that you don't want to become an extreme life form like Prosius, so try to get out of another one. The way. God and Gaia are just appendages to your path, and we, the so-called strengthening and transformation are just experiments in the process of your exploration! Your ultimate desire is to get out of this in a perfect posture Planet, and thus become an independent life, isn’t it?"

"So Agradis, don't put yourself under the pillar of righteousness anymore, your face makes me sick!"

Ai Nilu looked at the giant in front of her quietly, the brilliance in her eyes became a little dim, and she calmly said: "If this can make you feel better, then please vent your anger on me as much as you can. It doesn't matter if I am the object of revenge. In this way, you will also have the motivation to live, right?"

"You overestimate yourself. I do have the motivation to live, but I will not only take revenge on you. More, it is for my compatriots who have not yet awakened."

Ai Nilu nodded and said: "No matter what you think, but I want to tell you. Until now I don't think I did anything wrong then. You can't deny that if I hadn't kept the seeds, the planet would have changed. You have no chance of awakening into a desert. Look at this girl, and many of her fellows. Franklin, Atlantis has not really been destroyed, it has just been reborn in another form."

Franklin was shocked suddenly, and said in astonishment: "Could it be that these people now..."

"Yes, just like you think." Ai Nilu nodded and said: "Just to prevent similar things from happening, I limited them a little, so the entire evolutionary process became extremely slow, at least for the time I can foresee. Here, they cannot reach the height of your time. In this way, Prosius would have to stay in prison for a longer period of time. But when that day came, everything began to gradually get out of my control.. ....."


"It seems that you know a lot." Anilu smiled and said, "Yes, the disaster from outer space is not under my control, and it completely disrupted my script. The prisoner of Prosius. A gap was broken, and I also had to untie the shackles that bound human beings, so that there was some hope."

Franklin sneered: "Don't you still have the weapon of God? And Gaia, after so many years of evolution, it should surpass God and become your strongest weapon?"

"I hope so too, but in fact, some of the things I control include God and Gaia." Ainilu sighed: "The former has been acquired by humans, but they can't control such a powerful weapon. But. There is no denying that they are very smart. God was broken down by them and turned into a weapon that transcends the knowledge of this age. As for Gaia, even I don’t know where it is now. To be sure, Prosius conceals it. My perception of it."

"Always know, this is a very bad era. And your awakening will bring endless variables, I just want to tell you. No matter how much you hate me, please try not to disrupt my hard work. Framework, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous."

"Is it an advice? Or a threat? But no matter which kind, I am already proud of being able to show the will of the great planet." Franklin laughed at himself.

Ai Nilu shook her head and said, "Don't underestimate yourself. In the life I have created, only a few people can win my respect. You are one of them, the lord of the great Sky City. After all, your brilliance An era was once illuminated."

When she said the last word, the golden light and majesty in Ainilu's eyes gradually receded, and when she finally disappeared, the girl collapsed to the ground. Franklin knew that the will had left. He was so angry just now, but as Agradis left, his anger disappeared completely. Franklin knew very well that no matter how much he hated Agradis, his time was over long ago, and the world now is not the one he is familiar with.

But no matter what, he can't leave his compatriots alone.

When thinking like this, Anilu groaned and sat up on the beach with her head supported. At a glance, I saw the silhouette of the giant in front of my eyes, and Ai Nilu was puzzled: "Why am I here, big man? I remember to cook..."

"Crap! What time is it now!" The girl finally remembered the dinner she hadn't made yet, and she jumped up and said with a sad face: "I have to scold grandpa to death, hey, why is the sky so red..."

Turning to look in the direction of the village, Anilu exclaimed. Franklin also raised his head, and saw that after crossing the coconut grove, the sky over there looked bright red, like a fire burning. Franklin stood up suddenly and said solemnly: "Go, there may be something wrong with the village!"

He lifted Anilu and put her on his shoulder. Anilu rode on Franklin's neck, and as soon as he held his pin-like hair, the giant was already galloping. Franklin stepped ten meters, leaving huge footprints on the beach, extending all the way to the coconut grove. Behind the woods is a steep **** that leads diagonally to the flat land where the village is located.

Looking down from the slope, both Franklin clearly saw that the whole village was burning!

The sound of cursing, calling, and crying came from the village, mixed with the sound of burning and crackling of the house, forming a chaotic movement.

Ai Nilu opened her eyes wide and said in disbelief, "How could this be?"

Franklin looked up and saw the dock on the island. In addition to the fishing boats that the villagers usually park, there was also a brig. The ocean and sky in the new era have strong radiation, which is hundreds of times or more radiation than the earth's surface, making electronic instruments unable to be used in these two fields. Therefore, the ships used near the Western continent are basically sailing ships, while some large ships in the Pope’s Hall and the Rebel Army use hybrid ships that use both wind and manpower. But now only a medium-sized ship is parked on the side of the small island dock, carrying about 30 to 50 people. The portholes on both sides of the ship have black muzzles sticking out, just like array cannons.

A huge iron hook is installed at the bow of the ship, and the skull is engraved on the base. On the ship’s mast, a black flag was fluttering. On it was painted a silver hook through the skull pattern. This is the symbol of pirates and represents one of the forces.

"It's Harry the Silver Hook!" Anilu said nervously, "He is a murderer. There are already more than a dozen ships robbed by him. I heard that there are at least a hundred people killed in his hands!"

In the village, most houses were built with wooden boards and iron sheets, and now they fell to the ground after being burned by the fire. Villagers, men, women, young and old rushed to a clearing and were pointed at by more than twenty pirates with gunpowder rifles from the old age. A man in his thirties who was blind was holding a saber and gesturing in front of the villagers: "Quickly, get all your valuables, Lord Harry will save you from death!"

A villager looked up and said, "My lord, you all have seen it, our village really has nothing of value!"

"Really?" The one-eyed man grabbed the villager's hair, then put a knife on his neck and said, "It's okay if you don't have money. The man catches the boat and works as a slave, and the woman sells it."

"What about the old man and the child?" a pirate asked hehe.

"That kind of trash is killed naturally, don't we have to raise them for nothing!" The one-eyed man shouted loudly, and the other pirates burst into laughter.

"You can't do this, I'll fight with you." The villager who was pulled by the hair by the one-eyed man suddenly reached out to grab the pirate's face, and for a while, the other pirates all saw the excitement. The one-eyed man was very angry. He was also the captain's deputy, so it would be detrimental to be scratched by a villager. He cursed and wiped the villager's neck with a knife.

"Do not!"


A woman and child screamed, watching her husband and father being killed by pirates. The man fell to the ground, his eyes widened, blood flowing from his neck gradually stained the ground. In the man's out-of-focus eyes, a figure of a giant and a girl was reflected.

"Uncle Jack!" Ai Nilu cried, but couldn't change anything.

Franklin grunted, and when he ran past a house, he picked up a harpoon outside the house. He held it in his hand and waved his arm to make a throwing motion. The harpoon was already submerged in the monocular man's chest.

The single-eyed man's expression was stagnant, and he looked at the harpoon on his chest in disbelief. The end of the harpoon was still trembling, and he had only time to let out a scream. But the call was short, and the ending sound quickly disappeared in the air. The one-eyed man fell down, just next to the villager he killed just now.

The other pirates were taken aback for a moment, and then they reacted. Several raised their rifles and fired at Franklin, but they didn't think that this seemingly clumsy man was actually very flexible. They raised their guns, and Frank's land had already rolled on the spot, taking advantage of the trend to put Ainilu off his shoulders. After he rolled to a house holding Enilu, the gunshots of the pirates rang.

Naturally, only the open space was hit.

Putting Anilu down, Franklin whispered, "Stay here and don't move."

Then he jumped up suddenly, let out a terrifying roar, leaped over the house like a monster, and leaned forward and ran towards the pirates. The pirates quickly opened fire, but Franklin only covered his head and face with his hands, and let the bullets go elsewhere. These old-age gunpowder rifles can only threaten ordinary people. The bullets they found hit Franklin, and he was right to scratch it. The evasion just now was purely for fear of hurting Anilu. Now that he is alone, how can Franklin be afraid of these ill-formed attacks.

He rushed into the group of pirates in a blink of an eye, swept a pair of big hands here, and photographed them there, but like a lion into the flock, the pirates screamed. Even if Franklin didn't use other powers, the brute force of his body was enough to make the pirate suffer. The skin was cracked by the fist of this giant, but within a few seconds, all the more than two dozen pirates lay down.

Only the residents of the small island who were afraid to tremble were still alive at the scene.

Harry the Silver Hook is resting on the edge of the dock. He is the captain of the pirate ship, and he also has two levels of power and defense. In the early years, his right hand was bit off by the ferocious water beasts in the sea, and now only a bare wrist is left. Later, he installed a silver hook on it, originally for the convenience of taking things. After he became a pirate and killed more people, the pirate called him Captain Silverhook.

There were rapid footsteps, and someone yelled, "It's not good, Captain. Barr, Barr is dead!"

Harry was sleeping and sleeping with his eyes closed. He couldn't sit still anymore. He jumped up from the old-time single-seater sofa that he didn't know where he found. He is nearly two meters tall, but his body is not sturdy, and the layers of fat tremble because of this violent movement, forming a breathtaking wave of flesh. Yin Hook was wearing a long windbreaker, which he said was a windbreaker, but he wore it as a cloak. The back of the windbreaker is printed with a pattern of raising the middle finger, and underneath is a set of English "n", which means the captain.

This trench coat was taken from the corpse of a hapless guy during a robbery, and Harry fell in love with it because of the line of English at the back, and regarded it as a symbol of the captain. He wore a trench coat and roared: "What's the matter?"

The pirate who came to report stumbled to Harry, panting and saying: "Giant, a giant killed Barr, and there are twenty of us!"

"What?" Harry turned and yelled towards the boat: "What are you still doing, roll me off. I want to see who is so brave to kill Captain Silverhook!"

A dozen pirates left on the ship yelled and jumped off the ship one after another. When one of the thin pirates jumped to the ground, a faint vibration suddenly came from the ground, causing him to float up gently, and then fell to the ground. He looked around a little puzzled, and found that other companions also had weird expressions on their faces.

Harry felt it too, and then a deep but penetrating voice rang behind him: "Don't look for it, I did it!"

Then the captain saw the wonderful expressions on the faces of his subordinates. All of them opened their eyes wide, and they all pointed behind him as if they had seen sea beasts. Harry turned around and found that the sky suddenly became dim. It took him a moment to realize that it was not that the sky became dim, but that a giant blocked the sky. The same huge shadow shrouded Harry in it.

Harry was already considered a tall man, but he was insignificant compared to the giant nearly three meters tall in front of him. He had to look up at the giant, then backed up a few steps, and then cried out, "You killed me?"

"Yes." Franklin didn't look at him, but looked up at the brig in the dock, and said, "Who are you?"

"I'm right. I'm the captain, Harry the Silverhook!"


Franklin stepped forward and pressed Harry's face with one hand. Before Harry could react, Franklin rolled his hand, and a chilling fracture sounded. When he let go of his palms again, Harry's head drooped. Franklin pushed his body down, then took Harry’s long windbreaker and put it behind him, then calmly looked at the dozen or so pirates who had fallen to the ground and said: "From this moment on, I have It's the captain!"

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