War Lord

Chapter 672:  Bloody Knight

Recently, the guards in New Rome have increased significantly. Every main street in the city, you can always see teams of soldiers passing by in a hurry. The air is full of tension, and the curfew announced a few days ago has pushed this atmosphere even higher. Even people who feel dull, they smell a different taste from this atmosphere.

That is, the head of the Knights of the Seal, the true master of New Rome, is in a bad mood now.

That is for sure.

Representing the majesty of the Pope’s Hall and the mighty force of the city of Rome, the combined army of the three legions of the Knights of the Holy Seal was defeated in the Roaring Bay!

It is estimated that whoever sat in the position of Sauron could not be taken lightly.

This is news that shocked the people of New Rome. You must know that since the end of the **** battle with aliens and high-level mutant beasts, in the next few decades. In the past, rebels appeared, and later pirates emerged, and there were no fewer than hundreds of battles with the Knights. There have been wins and losses between each other, but no one loses so thoroughly or so tragically.

After all, behind this fiasco, it means that the lives of nearly three thousand years have been left in that bay forever, and as many as two army commanders have died in battle! This is definitely the first time in the history of the Pope’s Hall. It is only the two commanders of the legion whose significance is higher than that of the soldiers who died in battle. After all, soldiers can regenerate through conscription and training, but the eighth-tier ability is dead and one less.

On different continents of the Western Continent, the number of capable people is small, and the level is generally not high. Therefore, Caromon and Habes are definitely a valuable asset for the Knights. Two died at a time, and the other legion commander, Mamiro, was missing. It was strange that Sauron was not heartbroken.

But when it comes to heartache, no matter how painful Sauron is, there is no family pain behind the two commanders.

Caromon’s family, Odson, and Habes’ family, Karki, were both one of the wealthiest families in Rome. The former was originally a family of generals in the old days, and he still had the blood of the royal family, no matter what era he was a great minister; the latter was a veteran nobleman, and there were many cardinals in the family history. Habes' grandfather was the only cardinal surviving after the cataclysm. His father was one of the few behind-the-scenes supporters of Sauron, Habes's teacher, and the former head of the 7th Division, Lambonis.

It can be said that the two commanders, whether they are themselves or their families, are inextricably linked to the Pope's Hall.

After receiving the bad news, both Oudson and Karki reacted fiercely, and petitioned the Pope’s Hall to send troops many times, which caused Sauron quite a headache.

It's just that when these two big families were furious, some people were secretly happy. After all, the Oudsons and the Kalkis are both supporters of Sauron, and relying on their support for Sauron, they have gained a momentary political height today. At the same time, how many pairs of eyes were watching them silently behind their backs. There will be shadows when there is light, and the brighter the light, the thicker the shadow behind it.

So when these two families are angry, some people will naturally be happy. Of course, this cannot be shown on the face.

Half a month after the battle of Roaring Bay, Sauron came out of his palace with a gloomy expression on that day. Accompanied by the head of the guard, Wessel, went to the meeting room. During this time, Sauron's face hadn't even smiled, and Wessel could only carefully figure out the thoughts of his boss. But the limit he could think of was nothing more than the defeat of Roaring Bay and the fall of the two legion commanders that made Sauron feel bad.

Of course, he wouldn't want it. The death of the two legion chiefs made Sauron feel bad, but Franklin cared about Sauron most. On the surface, the war was to defeat the pirates, but most of the reason was just for the beast that escaped from him. gentlemen.

Sauron's original intention was to defeat pirates so that Franklin consciously had no place to stay at sea. As long as he could force the beast ashore, Sauron would be sure to catch him. It is a pity that things went against the original. Not only did the battle fail, but it also took the lives of thousands of soldiers and two army commanders.

Failure to catch Franklin meant that the demon who still occupied his palace would be unhappy. If the silver demon is unhappy, Sauron will have no hope of advancing, and if he fails to do it, he will attract some punishments and the like. Fortunately, I went to visit the palace these days, Gaia has been in a deep sleep state, so Sauron knew that he still had a chance. As long as Franklin is caught before Gaia wakes up, then he is still expected to get a glimpse of the tenth-order realm.

God knows how much he desires to advance, this is the instinct of almost every capable person. And the higher the level, the stronger this desire. Similarly, the higher the level, the more difficult it is to go further.

While thinking about how to go next, the meeting room arrived. Today is the quarterly summary meeting in March. Sauron can already predict that the two big families will definitely take advantage of this opportunity to send troops, regardless of whether it is the Oudsons or the Kalkis, and he has been in contact with him many times in private. In every contact, without exception, the topic was directed towards revenge.

This gave Sauron a headache.

He has never liked people to point fingers at him, and he is also not afraid to kick these two giants out of the political circle, even if they were once his supporters!

After kicking them out, for a while, Sauron couldn't find another family to replace them, either in terms of background or financial resources. However, just take it one step further. As long as you can step into the tenth-tier threshold, you can shock anyone with absolute force. When the time comes to kick some self-righteous guys out of this circle, and then directly confiscate their property, it will not have much impact on Solomon City.

On the Pyramid of Power, Sauron never intended to set aside a place for others at the top of the tower. On the pyramid, he alone is enough!

When Wither pushed open the side door of the conference room, the noise rushed out violently, which made the guard leader frowned. He glanced at Sauron secretly, he didn't have any expressions, and the iron-green face just faded away. But after serving Sauron for so long, Wither knew that the calmer he was, the more terrifying he was.

The conference room is different from the war room. This is a vast hall with marble floors that can be used for reflection. The gray and white pillars surrounded by five big men are arranged on two sides, and each pillar is decorated with angel sculptures. The arched dome is equipped with gorgeous crystal lamps. When the lights are fully turned on, the dome is as beautiful and magnificent as the universe of galaxies.

On the walls on both sides is a row of stained glass windows, and the mosaics on the windows are mostly based on biblical stories. In the hall of the meeting room, there is a scarlet carpet, which extends to the abutment at the end. There are two gorgeous seats decorated with precious stones on the abutment, which are for the Pope and Sauron. The Pope is still the spiritual leader of New Rome, but by looking at Sauron's seat alongside him, he knows that Sauron's power over Rome is overwhelming.

Two vertical flags were hung on the wall behind the abutment. On the left side was the banner of the Papal Hall, and the other was the battle flag of the Knights of the Seal.

Sauron strode to the throne in front of the battle flag of the Knights and sat down, then glanced at the blank chair next to him, and said lightly: "Where is the Pope?"

After Wither whispered softly in his ear, Sauron was expressionless, just nodded, then looked at the ministers in the hall and said: "Then, let's start the meeting."

The camps between the ministers were also very distinct, and the officials belonging to the Knights and several legion commanders naturally stood on Sauron's side. The opposition is naturally the bishops and officials of the Pope’s Chamber. After Sauron announced the start of the meeting, a man with an exquisite moustache and gorgeous costume walked out. He is Jutus, Minister of Finance of the City of Rome. He first bowed to Sauron's courtesy before saying: "Master Sauron, our total revenue in Rome has increased by 15% this quarter. But in my personal opinion, this figure can be increased by 5% to 5%. Between 10%, the reason why it is lower than I expected is because the taxes paid by several of our colonies seem to have been lost unexplainedly..."

As soon as Jutus opened his chattering box, he expounded his opinions endlessly. This person does have his own way of managing finances, otherwise Sauron would not let him be the chancellor of finance. But Jutus’ long-windedness is well-known, and it can be long-winded. Obviously one sentence can express things clearly, but he can use ten sentences to explain it without repetition. It must be said that he is equally good in eloquence and his financial management.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer started with the taxation of the colony, through various explicit and implicit declarations, and finally faintly talked about the great figures in the hall. Suddenly, the faces of a few noble masters faintly changed color, and Sauron was a little bit dumbfounded about this minister. Jutus has no contact between the church and the knights. Sometimes, if he speaks, he will often reach out to some big people. In it, people on both sides of the church and the Knights would give him some points, and neither of them can take advantage.

But also because Jutus is such a personality that no one is afraid to offend, Sauron secretly kept him, or the old boy had died on the belly of a certain woman on a drunk night. Of course, Sauron didn't value him, but he needed a standing person to make some sounds that were inconvenient for him to speak.

Seeing Jutus talking with great interest, Sauron was afraid that if he continued speaking, the whole meeting would not be able to hold. So he glared at him. Jutus was also alert, knowing that his performance time was almost up. But at the end he couldn't help saying: "Master Sauron, you should be in charge of His Royal Highness. Your Royal Highness's financial subsidy has increased by 10% this quarter. This money is enough to control a hundred civilians for a year."

Sauron nodded and said, "Indeed. I heard that His Royal Highness is very keen on speaking recently. In this regard, I will persuade him when he comes back."

Jutus was exasperated, and even the Pope named him this time. The Chancellor of the Exchequer has done what he did, and it can be said to be dead without regret. Jutus saluted Sauron contentedly before returning to his position.

Then another minister wanted to report something, and was suddenly caught by someone. The minister suddenly became frightened, but he saw his colleagues constantly winking at himself. He just noticed that just before the team's precedent, a red shadow appeared more and more. The minister quickly retreated. It was a cardinal, and it was Bishop Mendriza. In addition to being the head of the Kalki family, he was also the father of Habes, the commander of the 7th regiment who was killed in battle.

Mendriza is over fifty years old this year, and it is the year of the sixtieth birthday. But the power of the seventh-order light element makes him look like a man in his forties. His face is exactly like Habes, but he has a bit of vicissitudes that Habes doesn't have. As soon as Mendriza stood up, Sauron knew what he was going to say, and said first: "Honorable Bishop Mendriza, I am deeply shocked by the death of Habes. At the same time, I can assure you that the crusade against pirates is It’s imperative, but you can’t rush it for a while. After all, it’s a big deal, and I think the bishop can understand it.”

Mendriza raised his head and looked at Sauron, saying: "Habes is the best of my five children. He has been contributing his strength to the Pope's Hall and Lord Sauron without any regrets. But now, he died in the hands of those dirty pirates, and even the remains were missing. As a father, I cannot bury my favorite son in the family cemetery. As a bishop, I cannot Lead a believer’s soul to the last path. No matter what my status, I am ashamed of Habes. If my desire to avenge him cannot be realized, what face does Mendriza have to face? My clan, and those followers?"

"Bishop Mendriza, I think I have made it clear enough just now. This hatred is not not retribution, but now is not the time." Sauron said impatiently.

"Then Lord Sauron, what is the time?" Mendriza stepped forward.

When Sauron was about to get angry, the door opened and a silver hand knight trot in. After whispering something next to Wither, the guard leader whispered next to Sauron: "Master Lambonis is here, and he seems to have brought a group of retired officers from the Knights."

Sauron snorted before saying, "Let him in."

So Wither made a gesture, and the knight retreated quickly. Then the door opened again, and an old man in armor entered from outside the door. Although this person is already a sixtieth, his body is condensed, and the murderous intent that bursts out of his body is as real. Obviously, the whole body is clean, but since he walked in, there was a **** smell in the hall.

"Lambonis? It's the **** knight, why did he come?"

Such discussions suddenly sounded quietly in the hall, and Lambonis could be said to be a veteran of the Knights. The thirteen commanders of the Knights are now his students, including Sauron. In the dark history of the Papal Hall and the confrontation between foreign races, Lambonis is always active on the front line. And the blood-stained road through the Eternal Mountain Range was made by his leader from blood and fire.

It can be said that Lambonisi's merits are all played out, and that's why he has the name of a **** knight.

Now he is here, no doubt, also for Habes. After all, Habes was his last student and one of his favorite students.

Seeing Lambonis, Sauron also had to stand up and frowned, "Teacher, I thought you were in Sequoia Island."

"Fart! My student is dead, what mood do you make me stay in Sequoia Island!" Lambonis roared like a wild lion.

"I am also your student, not only me, there are several other students here who are all yours," Sauron reminded.

"But Habes is different from you. He is the purest and my most ideal successor." Lambonis emphasized.

"He is also a legion commander, and there are twelve legion commanders, including me. We can sacrifice ourselves for the Pope's Hall at any time, and Habes is no exception!" Sauron said tit-for-tat.

Lambonis hummed heavily, a voice that sounded like a slight, but it struck everyone's chest like a heavy hammer. The officers on the knights' side are basically accepting it calmly, but there are many ordinary people on the ministerial side. Suddenly, more than a dozen fell, including the Chancellor of the Exchequer Jutus.

Sauron's face sank and said loudly, "Lambonis, this is the conference room!"

He directly called the **** knight's name, but he suddenly awakened Lambonis. The student in front of him was not the young man of the day, but the real master of Rome with great power. At the moment, he said slightly and said: "I am the one who is presumptuous. Please forgive me, Lord Sauron."

Seeing Lambonis finally gave his face back, Sauron's expression eased and said: "Teacher, I understand the mood of you and Bishop Mendriza. But..."

"I know!" Lambonis nodded and said: "I understand your concerns. The Knights have lost two commanders, and the other one is dead. You can't afford the same loss, so I'm here. I'm here. Brought some old subordinates, as long as you allocate enough soldiers and ships to me~www.wuxiaspot.com~We will fight this battle for you!"

At this time, Jutus, who was waking up, just heard these words and suddenly shouted: "No, the soldier's pension will exceed the budget!"

Lambonis gave him a fierce look, and Jutus rolled his eyes and fainted again.

Sauron's face was gloomy, and Lambonis was violating his taboo. For him, the teacher can assemble a group of old subordinates for Habes, even though these old things are not as powerful as before. But force is force. Sauron didn't want another force besides the Knights to exist under his nose. In particular, this force is not yet under his control.

Almost immediately after another thought, Sauron didn't intend to let Lambonis and his old subordinates go back. But how to solve them was a problem. Suddenly Sauron thought that Gaia had said that no one except him was allowed to step into the palace. If Lambonis and the others accidentally broke in, Sauron could push it clean if anything happened.

So Sauron smiled and said, "Teacher, it's important, why don't you come to my palace for a while. After the meeting is over, I will discuss it with you?"

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