War Lord

Chapter 673:  The opposite ability

Hearing that Sauron invited Lambonis and the old leader's subordinates to the palace to discuss for a while, Mendriza raised an eyebrow and said, "Master Sauron, then I..."

"Master Bishop doesn't need it. I think the teachers are more than competent in the marching battle." Sauron rebuffed unceremoniously.

Mendrisa wanted to say something, but Lambonis stopped him and said solemnly: "Don't worry, I will avenge Habes for you!"

Mendriza nodded heavily, and said nothing. Sauron glanced at him and smiled coldly. After another wink at Wither, the guard commander didn't know that Sauron's palace had now become a magic cave, but he also knew that there was something unusual in it. As for what was unusual, he naturally wouldn't take a long time to explore it. Now that Sauron's eyes are not good, he naturally won't make any good ideas.

Hearing the song and knowing the elegance, Wither nodded immediately, put on a respectful expression and said: "Mr. Lambonis, please come with me."

After Lambonis, the **** knight, left, the atmosphere in the conference hall eased a bit. Mendriza stepped back wittily, and the meeting could only continue when the fainted ministers woke up leisurely. It's just that the content of the next meeting was a bit lackluster. After bypassing Mendriza's revenge for his son Habes, the agenda just followed the previous session.

Only one thing is strange, that is, the Oudson family did not make any remarks during the entire meeting, even if they were as furious as Mendriza some time ago. So Sauron appeared to be a little drowsy in the bland reports, and it was not until the affairs of the Knights that he was a little refreshed.

In the Knights, a tall and handsome figure came into Sauron's eyes. That was the commander of the 11th Division "Blood Rose" Yafidi, and the appearance of this commander was recognized as the most beautiful in the Knights. Yafidi has long aqua-blue hair, and his skin is so white that water will overflow when pressed. His eyes are like flowing water and Yafidi's graceful face is matched. Stopping casually will make some aristocratic masters with special hobbies drool.

But no one would dare to hit the legion commander's idea, after all, the name "Rose" that matched the appearance and temperament was prefixed with "blooded".

After Yafiddy stood up, he saluted Sauron first. He half-ran to the ground, punched the ground, and pressed his other hand on his chest. This is the etiquette of the Knights. After the salute, Yafidi said with his neutral and slightly feminine voice: "Master Sauron, Head Sine asked me to tell me before the meeting that he seems to have important things to contact you remotely."

"Understood." Sauron nodded and said: "Connect me to the brain of the 4th Division Command Center. I want to communicate with Signe."

This order is not clearly given to whom, but there is always someone who executes it. So after a while, a light screen appeared in front of the abutment, and then an image appeared inside. The tall, melancholic Head of Division 4, Signe, appeared in the light screen.

"What's the matter, Signe?" Sauron asked directly.

Just like before, Sine turned the nameless ring on the tail habitually before saying, "I need reinforcements, Lord Sauron."

"Reinforcement?" Sauron's eyes flashed and said, "Do you think those pirates will attack Fassero?"

"There is at least a 50% possibility." Signe said lightly: "After all, we are too close to Roaring Bay, and Fassero's resources are so disproportionate to its defenses. If I were a pirate, so too. They will choose to attack Fasero. After the Battle of Roaring Bay, they don't have much resources. If they want to get supplies, even if they have such a little ambition, Fasero is their best choice."

"If there is only me as a knight order, obviously, I can't keep it. Besides, the real mission of my 4th division is to protect the path of destiny!"

"That's true, I understand, let Yafidi help you." Sauron quickly made a decision.

"Thank you for your support, sir." Signe said.

After the communication was cut off, Sauron only gestured to Yafidi. The latter nodded and stood up. The cloak passed, and the handsome legionnaire left the hall with graceful steps.

At the same time that Yafiddy left, Lambonis and a group of subordinates came to Sauron's palace. These subordinates brought by Lambonis are almost all former colleagues. Among more than a dozen people, the youngest is in their forties. The average abilities of these people are around ranks six and seven, and their personal combat power is not adequate, but their ability to lead troops is not comparable to those of officers of the same rank.

Among these people, two or three have pioneered the blood-stained road with Lambonis. In addition to the ability ranks that did not meet the standards set by the Knights, all other aspects were adequate for the post of legion commander. Originally, these retired officers were given a colony of different sizes as the welfare of these veterans, and Lambonis even got a rich colonial island.

Now they give up their easy lives and are ready to go to the front line. On the one hand, it was out of respect for Lambonis, the old boss, on the other hand, the unfailing fighting heart was calling them. So they stood here, under the leadership of Wither, Lambonis and the others came to Sauron's palace.

Lambonis frowned his pale eyebrows, and Sauron's palace seemed a little too deserted. He said lightly: "When did that kid Sauron no longer need guards?"

Since Gaia occupied the palace, Sauron withdrew the Silver Hand outside the palace's confines. With Gaia sitting in town, anyone who doesn't have eyesight to break into the palace can only be regarded as unlucky for him. It's just that this arrangement fell into the eyes of Lambonisi, and it seemed a bit abnormal.

With a smile, Wessel said, "Master Sauron's mind is far beyond what we can figure out. If Teacher Lambonis has any questions, why don't we wait to ask the adults in person?" The guard commander gave this a few simple words. The question was skillfully kicked to Sauron. Lambonis just felt strange, but didn't plan to delve into this issue.

The guard leader opened the door, and from the dim palace blew out a cold wind that made blood freeze. It was in the afternoon, but the light in the palace was not so sufficient. But Lambonis was not too dim in his eyes, and when he glanced away, he saw that there was almost no furniture in the palace, which made the palace look a little empty.

"Teacher please." Wessel Dui smiled.

Lambonis nodded heavily and stepped in. But when the old officers behind were about to go in, they stopped Weiser, and the guard leader smiled and said, "Everyone, please hand over your weapons."

An older officer stared, but saw Lambonis nodding before handing over his weapon. In a moment, Wither received four or five long swords and seven or eight pistols. He gave all these things to a silver hand knight, and then said: "Thank you for your cooperation, please rest assured. When you leave, I will return the originals."

Then he made a gesture of please, watching these retired veterans walk into Sauron's palace, Wither smiled imperceptibly. Not to mention the fact that these people have taken back their weapons, whether they can come out is still unclear. Wither slowly closed the door for them. When the door was completely closed, the unhappy veteran just whispered: "Master Lambonis, it feels a bit strange."

"Don't worry, this is the Pope's Hall. Forgive Sauron doesn't dare to mess around. Let's wait for him to see what tricks he can play." Lambonis hummed heavily in his nostrils and circled around. Then he said, "What the **** is Sauron doing? There is not even a chair in the palace of Nuo Da."

When one of the veterans turned to the load-bearing column, suddenly he squatted down and watched for a while, as if he had discovered something. Then he said, "My lord, it's a bit strange here."

Lambonis walked up, and under the finger of the veteran, a deep mark appeared on the pillar. The notch goes from top to bottom, leaning across the column. The incision is smooth, it's almost like a high-energy beam traversed by something to make such a smooth incision. Lambonis put his hand on it, but read more. Among them is the residual murderous aura, not strong enough, but deep enough, as deep as a dark pool, enough to submerge anyone in it.

"My lord? My lord?"

The call of the veteran next to him made Lambonis come back to his senses. He couldn't help thinking about why such a murderous incision appeared in Sauron's palace? Even if something happened before, Sauron should have ordered someone to repair it. And now this incision is still here, does it mean that there is still danger in the palace?

"Go!" Lambonis made a decisive decision, stood up and said: "Let's leave..."

Before he finished speaking, a sharp murderous intent like a sword out of its sheath gushed from the depths of the palace. Lambonisi felt cold and painful all over his body just because of the sympathy of Qi and machine, as if he was hit by a cold blade.

"Careful!" Just in time for the warning, a few dark rays appeared in Lambonis' eyes. These lights all appeared on the body of these veterans brought by him, either between the neck, or the waist, or straightly or horizontally! One of them swept towards him diagonally, Lambonis clearly caught the trail of light, but it was as if people were in the mud. In any case, the long sword pressed on the handle couldn't be lifted.

He was the only person allowed to enter the palace with weapons, and it was a matter of life and death, and Lambonis finally came up with the level he should have. In the violent shout, the power of his body soared, breaking through the feeling of binding hands and feet in one fell swoop. Immediately, people seemed to break through the water, and all kinds of reactions were extremely rapid.

Draw the sword!


The black line was printed on the body of the sword that had only been pulled out, and there was a loud sound. The force came, pushing Lambonis involuntarily back. The old head snorted, pulled out the remaining sword body forcefully, picked it up, and finally flew the black thread out, hitting the dome of the palace, leaving a smooth incision like a pillar.

But the others were not so lucky anymore, a dozen veterans still maintained their previous postures. Then some of the upper and lower bodies were misaligned, some of the first stage flew up, and some were directly divided into two halves. They died in different states, without exception, after their bodies were dismembered, they all exploded one by one. After more than a dozen muffled noises, the flying blood and minced meat spilled all over the floor, and Ken Jian was stained with blood.

Lambonis was trembling all over, and shouted in anger: "Who is it!"

Only his voice reverberated in the palace, and Lambonis heard a cold voice behind him when the end sound disappeared: "I should have asked this sentence, I have clearly explained... .Oh, I see. You are the food from Sauron, right."

Lambonis turned around in a cautious manner, without revealing the slightest flaw, showing the level of a regiment leader. Then he saw a man standing quietly behind him, with long silver points hanging on his shoulders, on his handsome face, but the pupil on the left was strangely golden. His lips were pulling out a cruel smile, and the look in his eyes made Lambonis feel familiar.

In an instant, Lambonis knew why it felt familiar. Because when he was hunting, he would also show such eyes when he looked at a dying prey.

The man is wearing a black leather trench coat, with a buckle-breasted decorative belt that looks like a military uniform. There was no wind in the room, but the hem of the windbreaker flicked slightly, like the burning black flame. He was carrying the scabbard in one hand, while in the other he was holding a long and narrow battle knife nearly three meters long. On the tip of the knife, a free black electric fire leaped gently, and from time to time a beam bounced across the space.

So there was a smell of burnt in the air quietly.

"Who are you? Why are you here!" Lambonis looked at the man up and down and shook his head: "You are not from the Pope's Hall, why are you in the palace of Sauron!"

"It seems that you don't know at all. I understand. The guy Sauron is planning to kill someone with a knife." The man smiled slightly and said, "Forget it, although it's a bit unpleasant. But now, I'm really hungry. It looks like you are. Older, but barely worthy of being my food."

"I feel honored, human?" the man smiled faintly.

"You call me human?" Lambonis' pupils contracted: "Then what are you!"

"I am a god, so I naturally stand at a different level from yours!" With a light smile, the man leaned forward, turning into a black light and hitting him.

"This joke is not funny at all!" Lambonis yelled, and the long sword in his hand suddenly glowed with dazzling energy. Cut out in an instant, and hit the void, but there was a man's figure and his excessively long sword.

The energy flame rose and shrank, quickly condensed, and gathered into a little brilliance at the contact point of the opponent's sword. Then it exploded, and the beam energy ripples violently, pulling the blast wind and pushing the two away.

"Interesting." The silver-haired man chuckled, his body seemed to violate the laws of physics. Propelled by the explosion, it floated up, and with a light step in the air, the person would be killed like an electric shock.

Lambonis' pupils dilated sharply, and his coat exploded into thousands of butterflies in a loud shout, and flying debris covered the man.

Every piece of debris in it was filled with the energy of the old leader, no less than a grenade. But the silver-haired man walked through the debris without fear. The strange thing is that the energy on the fragments disappeared completely, so the fragments really became fragments, and flew away weakly.

Lambonis opened his eyes wide and could hardly believe this fact.

In the next second, the man was already killed, turning into a ball of sword light and entangled Lambonis.

Lambonis was good at swordsmanship, otherwise he would not be able to teach a student known as a sword magnate. However, the combat skills in front of him were even better than him. The long and narrow sword was in the hands of the silver-haired man. Sometimes it opens and closes like a two-handed broad sword, slashing straight and slashing, and the sword is heavier than the mountain; sometimes it is endless like a trickle of water, one knife after another, the knives are so delicate that there is no gap.

A war knife played the best of various weapons in the hands of a silver-haired man. Only then did Lambonis know that his own sword skills were simply incompetent in the eyes of the opponent. What made the old leader even more chilling was that the man's eyes always fell on his body, and Lambonis became chilling as he beaten him.

After forgetting how many knives he had blocked, Lambonis suddenly felt the pressure from the front disappeared, and the dazzling light of the knives disappeared. But the next moment, the man slashed again.

This knife cut out, and immediately produced a sharp howling sound. Lambonis didn't have time to think about it, and he stopped with his sword, but suddenly felt that his body was empty. Since Fang woke up, every time he blocked a man with a knife, the energy in his body dropped by one point. At first he thought it was natural consumption, but now it seems that in less than 3 minutes, his energy has been exhausted. This speed is too abnormal.

The silver-haired man finally smiled and said, "I found out now? It's too late!" After saying that the saber speeded up, Lambonis had to grit his teeth.

When there was a sound, the loud clashing sound reverberated in the palace.

The silver-haired man took the knife leisurely~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The long knife returned to its sheath, and he gave Lambonis a light look. The latter suddenly shook his whole body, and then a blood line appeared in the middle of his forehead, and the blood line quickly extended straight down. It passed the old head's face and finally sank into the neck socket under the collar. The next moment, a wave of blood sprayed out of Lambonis' body, and then the body of the old head fell straight to the ground.

"Unexpectedly, it can't be split, there are two times." The silver-haired man smiled, and then glanced at the palace, everywhere was stained red with blood. He didn't speak, just made a deep breath.

So Lambonis' corpse and other veterans turned into a colorful brilliance, and these brilliance spread away, whether it was internal organs, blood or bones. The remains of the deceased scattered in the palace turned into clusters of brilliance, and finally gathered into beams of energy and flames, and all of them crashed into the body of the silver-haired man.

Suddenly, flames filled the palace. However, in the blink of an eye, all these flames were condensed into the man's body, and then looking at the entire palace, where is there any trace of blood? Not to mention the blood, even the corpse disappeared.

If Zero is here now, then he will definitely be surprised. Because what the silver-haired man did just now was a technique of transforming matter into energy and then absorbing it, which was completely the opposite of his ability!

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