War Lord

Chapter 674:  The flame of inspiration

After absorbing all the energy and flame, Gaia exhaled. Indifferently smiled: "The taste is not good, but I can barely satisfy my hunger. But don't expect that I will forget that you used me once. Sauron, my appearance fee is not cheap, I hope you can get the corresponding price. "

After speaking, walked straight back to the depths of the palace. But when he said these words, Sauron's hair on the other side of the conference hall suddenly stood up, and after a while, he returned to normal.

The world is connected. When Gaia converted the flesh and blood corpses of Lambonis and others into energy, Zero jumped up from the bed.

The bed was in a mess. Leah wrapped herself in the sheet and asked a little tiredly: "What's the matter?"

"It's nothing, I just feel a little uncomfortable." Ling sat back on the bed, gently squeezed Leah's face with her hand, and said, "You will sleep well, I will go for a walk."

Leah blushed, struggling to get up and said, "No, it's the afternoon, I have to work too."

However, Ling resolutely pressed her on the bed, and said with a pun: "Okay, you can rest for a while. You have done enough work just now."

After the Battle of Roaring Bay, Leah also came to Sea House with Destiny. However, she was not idle either. During these hours at Sea House, Leah was helping Mr. X many times. Because she is a perceptive person, Leah's memory is much higher than that of ordinary people, and it is normal for her to remember her life. Normally, this ability seems insignificant, but now that a huge amount of materials are processed, it shows the importance of this memory ability comparable to the brain.

At least in the recent period of material in and out of the warehouse data registration, Leah did not make even a slight error, which saved Mr. X a lot of effort. According to the development trend of Zero in the Western Continent, more and more material data will inevitably need to be processed. Of course, when the time comes, Zero can be equipped with some intellectual brains and necessary auxiliary tools, but tools are always tools, and there is always someone to operate it.

Mr. X has played the role of logistics management in the Sea House for a long time, but it would be a waste to have a Tier 8 capable person as the logistics supervisor. So it is foreseeable that Leah should be responsible for part of the logistics functions. So Leah is very busy lately, so busy that she doesn't even have time to meet the zero side. Today she sorted out a recent material report and sent it to Ling. Only then could Ling have a chance to stay with her for a while.

Although Leah is already active in logistics, her stage is still not this area, but the battlefield. It's just that it's not a battlefield for the capable, more precisely, in a large-scale war dominated by ordinary soldiers.

After transforming the pirates into the Poseidon regiment, Zero disrupted the original configuration of the captain and crew. Instead, he integrated all low-level abilities with ordinary pirates, and then used the remaining twenty on Destiny. Soldiers acted as their instructors. Train at the Sea House in batches and points every day, and use militarized management to transform these desperadoes.

Naturally, it didn't go so smoothly in the beginning, and the twenty or so soldiers who were zero were in the end just ordinary people, so some low-level capable people in the pirates began to challenge their authority. But the guy who questioned or challenged these soldiers was quickly beaten by the man who had personally left the field and couldn't find the north, and then Manshan himself said that he would train with everyone.

As a result, naturally no one dared to protest. Soon, Barbarian Mountain has become a part of the zero soldiers, and privately consulted them a lot of military expertise. To be honest, as a high-level ability person, Man Yamamoto doesn't have to be like that. Because their battlefield is not in this aspect at all, a saying that has been circulated in the Central Continent is a good one, and the only ones who can deal with the capable are the capable!

This fundamentally tells the difference between capable people and ordinary people.

When a large-scale war occurs, the ability of the capable person is more like penetration, deterrence, etc., and the opponent of the capable person will only be the capable person. Like the Whisperer Strait, using the capable group to intercept a huge army is not an option. No commander would be so extravagant to use such a high-end combat power.

So now, Baranshan's performance is somewhat disapproving. When asked, Manshan only used the word "interest", and no one knew where his interests were. Zero also heard these actions about Barbarian Mountain, but he chose to remain silent.

However, under the leadership of Manshan, the training of the Poseidon Group seemed to be much smoother. According to the requirements of Zero, these soldiers transformed from pirates also began to classify them simply according to their qualities and specialties, supplemented by targeted training, so that they could be divided into the three most basic battles: infantry, firepower, and engineer. unit. Among them, infantry accounted for 60%, firepower accounted for 30%, and the remaining 10% were engineers.

This is limited by the size of the existing soldiers of the Poseidon regiment. Otherwise, if the subdivision is continued, the infantry and the firepower can also be divided into several other types of arms, and a perfect combat strike is not only as simple as these three basic units.

While carrying out the division of arms training, among the infantry, Zero also selected a team of about a hundred soldiers. This team of soldiers are all low-level capable people, basically possessing basic abilities such as Tier 2 to Tier 3 strength or agility. These soldiers are equipped with electromagnetic weapons. They will be the first special operations squad of the Poseidon regiment, an anti-mecha group that appeared specifically to deal with the mecha units of the Pope's Hall.

After the recent training of the Poseidon soldiers had begun to bear fruit, Zero divided them into two camps, the blue side and the red side. The soldiers on the red side are commanded by ordinary officers, while the team on the blue side is equipped with an extra capable person on the original basis, and that person is Leah.

Leah’s chain of mind has been able to allocate ten places as her level increases, when she joins the blue camp. One quota was used for commanders, and the other nine quotas were matched with second-level officers. In this way, Commander Leah can immediately issue his orders to the second-level officers, thus eliminating many unnecessary communication links.

In addition, Leah has several abilities. Combining two abilities such as mental scanning and perception sharing, the commander can accurately control the battlefield situation like Leah and make timely dispatches. The other ability "excitement" can greatly increase the soldier's fighting spirit, and at the same time increase the strength and agility of ordinary soldiers by 10% in a short period of time.

Perception sharing and excitement are both newly formed abilities of Leah. Both of these are not combat-type abilities, but they play a very huge auxiliary role in war. Especially excitement, this kind of ability is difficult to act on capable people. Because this kind of ability stimulates the human potential through a method similar to hypnosis, and the ability is difficult to be hypnotized unless it is suppressed by hierarchy.

However, the effect is obvious when used on ordinary soldiers, except that there are only 300 active units, and the duration is only half an hour. However, as long as Leah continues to advance and the excitement is upgraded to encouragement, the unit of action will be tripled, and the duration will be increased to one hour.

But even so, after Leah joined, the combat effectiveness of the blue camp soared. With Leah's assistance, the blue commander is as divinely helpful. Use several tactics such as confusion, stealth, outflank, gouge, cut, etc., and adjust them in a timely manner according to the battlefield situation. Soon, the blue camp beat the red camp to pieces with an absolute advantage that was almost overwhelming.

This simulated battle also explains from another aspect. Whether a war is capable of participating in a war is completely based on two concepts.

So in later training, there will be an extra position. That position was prepared for Leah, and it was a necessary process for soldiers to get used to cooperating with capable people. Due to the consideration of Leah's own abilities, Leah could not satisfy the allocation of thousands of people in the real battle. The number of about a thousand people just happened to be able to maximize her ability, so Zero allowed her to stay in Hindrella's team.

Now Leah has a full schedule every day, training with the soldiers during the day, and helping Mr. X at night. After I was busy, I only had five or six hours to sleep. But even so, the girl seemed to be energetic and always happy.

While the soldiers of the Poseidon regiment were busy training, the captains who had been deprived of their soldiers were not idle either. After the last battle, there are 76 remaining captains. These captains are all capable of rank advancement, with an average ability of around ranks six to seven. Most of them are capable of fighting domain, and 20 to 30% are capable of elemental domain. These people can be said that the role of a single person in a large-scale battle is limited, but if they are a whole, they can play a very important role.

So Zero integrated them into a group of first- and second-class capable people, and Zero's idea was to train them into a special force. It’s not that there are troops formed by purely capable people, such as Doomhammer or the Fallen Angels of Augustus’s family.

But there is a slight difference between the two, the former is based on each capable person as the core, and then equipped with a varying number of servants as independent combat units. In the history of Doomhammer, the ability group battles have only occurred once, and that was when the Green Capitals faced Tyr. Except for that time, Doomhammer is also synonymous with undisciplined and undisciplined. The reason why they can assemble into a legion is purely due to the personal charm of Thor.

As for the fallen angel, it is a core force belonging to the Augustus family. However, Augustus' use of this family force also belongs to a very loose form. Zero had conflicts with this force when carrying Destiny. The fallen angels are undoubtedly a group of purely capable persons, but these capable persons not only obey the order, but at the same time, they are on the edge of the order.

Simply put, they will do what the commander orders, but as for how to do it, they have the final say.

Therefore, neither the Hammer of Doom nor the Angel of Fallen Legion mode is zero-wanted. The zero-important is to make the capable men absolutely obey like soldiers, wherever they can fight. He didn't hesitate to deal with the order, so as to be able to exert the maximum combat effectiveness.

Even if on average only the ability of Tier 6 can't play an absolute role in the high-level battlefield, if it is put in the next-level battlefield, it is a terrible team. With this idea, Ling gathered the captains together, and let Feng and those who had already gotten better to train them.

These captains are much more sloppy than the crew, but after a few days, after Feng and Su had suffered enough, they began to look like an army. Later, after listening to Feng's words, once when he was a trainer, he used his own woman's identity to trample on the dignity of such a guy as a man, and they started to attack one by one. I have to say that a strong woman at this time will also play some unexpected roles.

So this team was established, and Zero gave it a name, called the Poseidon Trident. On the day the name was announced, Petty said in a calm tone: "Despite the name, if you don't deserve this name, you have to fight for it yourself."

The implication is that naturally they are still some distance away from the strength represented by this name. Suddenly, the pride and wildness in the blood of the pirates aroused. In order to win the name, those guys all trained like their lives. After half a month, the rank has naturally not increased, but the momentum is quite different from the past.

This afternoon, Ling left his house and walked on Haizhijia on foot. After strolling through a clearing, the soldiers of the Poseidon regiment were training for surprise attacks. Not far from this open space, the members of the Trident are training hard. They are in teams of two and are engaged in a free fight. Feng Hesu acted as an instructor, and sometimes he would personally go off the court to compete with the players.

At this moment, Su, who was still wearing a bandage on one hand, went off in person. Her opponent was Grim Bear Weide, the man who was the first to lose to zero by the Sea God at that time, now has a much more condensed temperament than he was then, and he has restrained his arrogance and carefully took in the element. Then he roared forward, leaning forward, with both hands wide open trying to hug Su. However, Suqing easily stepped on his ankle and immediately lost his balance. Su gently moved forward with one hand and threw the big man with his feet upside down.

The other members of the Trident immediately slapped their chests and yelled. Weed stood up and compared his **** to those yelling guys. Then he bowed solemnly to Su before retreating.

Looking at them, I feel very happy. Knowing that these desperadoes are in their own hands, they have finally gradually evolved from a stray sand into an army that can fight for supremacy on the battlefield.

The Poseidon and Trident are busy training, but now it is Zero the most leisurely. He circled the island idly, and finally saw the Poseidon Arena. There, an aura attracted his attention. When he was free, he walked over and came directly to the auditorium. Looking at the arena, there are two girls with different styles.

Hai Wei, who had just recovered from a serious injury, looked paler, but she was still in good spirits with her body wrapped in bandages. She was doing warm-up exercises such as stretching her body and lowering her waist, her eyes gleaming with high flames and staring at Ye Liu on the opposite side.

Compared with Haiwei, Ye Liu's sense of existence was too weak to detect. The aura that Zero felt just now belonged to the blatant Hai Wei. Since the natural dull girl stood there alive, she would always make people unconsciously ignore the past. This is due to Ye Liu's career. After she was promoted to the night dancer, she would even lose her in concealment.

"You're just right, it's best not to make too big moves. And you see, this kind of contest is meaningless." Ye Liu gave advice blankly, but Hai Wei was furious with her serious appearance. itch.

"I've been lying down for almost half a month, and my body is about to rust. No matter what, you have to fight with me today." Hai Wei said again: "Don't worry, sister won't hurt you."

"I'm afraid you will get hurt." Ye Liu reminded.

Hai Wei made a grimace, and then rushed up violently, opening the battle between the two girls.

Ling looked at the two girls fighting each other with interest.

Hai Wei's movements are full of masculinity and domineering, and he walks in a magnificent way with one punch and kick. It was nothing more than appearing on a man, but it appeared on a girl like Hai Wei, so she kneaded into another special temperament. In contrast, Ye Liu's movements are clean and tidy. Whether it is evasion or counterattack, the natural girl is incredibly small, but every movement is just right.

The advantage of this is that every bit of the body's strength is used perfectly, and at the same time that it is consumed, Ye Liu can also restore energy and physical strength at the same time. This means that if you can't fight quickly with thunder means, once dragged into the vortex of the tug-of-war, no matter who is Ye Liu's opponent, it will probably be a nightmare.

In this way, Zero can understand why Ye Liu was the least injured after the battle in the Whisperer Strait. After all, it is indeed not easy to get such her injured.

Seeing Ye Liu, who walked easily in Haiwei's fist, felt free to think.

Since entering the ninth-tier realm, Zero has also been exposed to the realm of subtle manipulation. Otherwise, he would not be able to maintain his usual energy level at about rank six or seven, to cover people's eyes and ears, and to reduce the burden of huge energy on the body itself, even if it seemed to be a trivial matter in normal times.

However, even after being exposed to the subtle state, Zero Consciousness did not have a deeper understanding of this state. Seeing Ye Liu's actions now, Ling Cai realized that the girl should have also been exposed to this realm and had done a better job than herself.

The comprehensive strength of a capable person includes several major aspects such as rank, equipment, aspirations, skills, domains, and special abilities. In the case of the same rank, from equipment to skills, these levels are all areas where the capable people compete.

In these aspects, the higher the ability, the lower the dependence on equipment. As for the three aspects of mind, field and special ability, it is impossible to see obvious growth in a short period of time. So relative to time, the time required for art is the shortest. Or an inspiration, an insight, can make skills advance by leaps and bounds.

What many capable people lack is just an opportunity, a flame that ignites inspiration.

At this moment, in the eyes of Zero, the dexterous Ye Liu is the flame!

ps: Thank you, Jiang Yuan, Aoshi Guangyao for the big monthly tickets, and the rewards of Brother Xiang~

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