War Lord

Chapter 691:   miracle

Paul VI, the contemporary pope of New Rome. The orphan of the previous pope, in the dirty revolution fifteen years ago, the previous pope and all his relatives were cleaned up, and Sauron was in power. And Paul, who was only five years old, was pushed to the pope's throne and became the youngest pope. Naturally, little Paul is just a puppet, a puppet under the control of Sauron.

Sauron wanted him to live, only to pass through those turbulent days through Paul. After his power was stabilized, Paul didn't beheaded because of Paul's incompetence and fear of the voice of opposition from below. However, the Pope’s life was not easy. Sauron did not give him the opportunity to take over government affairs. Paul also learned mostly art and literature. Sauron gave Paul a lot of financial allocations, but the money has clear ways to use it. Most of them are used for Paul's enjoyment, and Sauron will completely turn Paul into a soft egg when Sauron has to spend his time.

In fact, Paul's performance is also the same. He is playing and having fun every day, and the most active thing is to talk about a false theism at the assembly. Even if Paul has the potential to become a lion, Sauron believes that he has cultivated him into a sheep in these days. In the eyes of many people, the young pope is handsome and gentle, but in the eyes of those politicians, Paul's strengths are not desirable, they are synonymous with weakness.

The meek sheep, this is zero collection, and it is also the evaluation given to Paul by people outside Rome. But now, the young pope is standing in the fortress of Cannon, and he appears as a supporter of Istar behind the scenes, and Zero can't help being surprised.

He looked up and down, and finally shook his head and smiled: "It seems that His Royal Highness is really far-sighted. He has arranged such an illusion from the beginning. Everyone thinks you are a sheep, but in fact, you are a sheep in sheep's clothing. Lion."

Paul smiled faintly and said, "If it weren't the case, I would have let Sauron kill. Mr. Zero, let me tell you, I have had a hard time in the past fifteen years."

"Understandable." Zero nodded, and said: "Then what can I do to help His Royal Highness Paul?"

"Many aspects." Paul's eyes darkened, and he said, "Ulson's incident was a huge blow to me. I didn't expect that Sauron would arrange Deborah the chess piece early in the morning, and this chess piece lurked so much. It took many years to use it."

"Once it was used, it destroyed most of Istar and killed Urson in battle. He was my best friend. I thought we could defeat Sauron together. Unexpectedly, he fell ahead of me. I'm gone." The young Pope said with a sad expression, then his expression changed, and his eyes became very firm: "To be honest, the appearance of Mr. Zero is both an accident and a hope. Originally because of Istar and Ulsen's affairs, My strength has been greatly diminished. It is expected that Sauron will chase Istar's remnants fiercely. But Mr. Zero appeared at this moment, and he did several major things in succession. Now Sauron's gaze is already gone. Locked tightly to you, we also earn a chance to breathe. It is also because of your performance that I will let Oran come into contact with you. Now it seems that Mr. Zero's strength is very good. I don’t know, do you have it? You mean to ally with me?"


"Yes, even our two forces can be combined into one. In this way, I think it will be enough to fight against Sauron and his knights!" Paul waved his fist to increase the weight of his words.

Zero smile.

This young pope is really ambitious. Zero thought, yes, the alliance and even the merger of the Poseidon and Istar are indeed huge enough to compete head-on with the Pope's Hall. But the question is whose will is the dominant one after the alliance. First of all, it is impossible for Zero himself to accept Paul's dominance. After he took over the green capital of Hamomis, his position was already enough to be on an equal footing with any power giant.

After becoming the spiritual leader of the entire alien federation, Asgart also chose an equal and cooperative relationship. Of course, Zero's current forces could not affect the Western Continent, but he had a frightening group of high-level abilities in his hands.

Coupled with his own power, it can be said that there is no power on the Western Continent that can make him surrender. Sauron can't do it, and Paul can't do it!

On the surface, Paul’s suggestion is good, but who knows what he thinks. Judging from the fact that he has tolerated for more than ten years and supported the establishment of resistance forces like Istar in his back, this young pope's ambition is naturally not too small. He wanted to form an alliance for nothing more than the combat power of the Poseidon Group, or more precisely, the combat power of Zero and its subordinates.

If you change positions with Paul, Zero will also have this plan. The Pope not only values ​​this power, but also scruples it. After all, no one wants to see a powerful combat force drifting outside of their own control, and this feeling of uncontrollability will leave every upper-level person behind. Paul would be jealous if he really defeated Sauron, then he would face the dilemma of being an enemy of the Poseidon regiment. Instead of this, it is better to grasp this force in your hands from the early morning.

He is very ambitious, but Ling believes that his power is not strong enough to support his ambition.

The zero silence gradually solidified the smile on Paul's face, and even a cold light flashed in his eyes. But it passed away in a flash, and he half-turned around to cover up his impatience and murderous intent. Ling watched silently, and finally broke the silence: "His Royal Highness Paul, I think we should adopt the same way of cooperation as we do now. As for alliances and mergers, I think it is not good. After the alliance, we are not scrupulous about each other. It will be less, but more. To be more precise, I don’t think you have the ability to control my forces, and similarly, Istar’s army will not obey my command. So you see, we still It's better to be independent."

A trace of anger flashed across Paul's face, but he quickly changed to a smiling face. The speed is so fast that people with poor eyesight can’t see it at all: "Mr. Zero said that, well, then we will maintain the current cooperative relationship. For your crude oil, mineral materials and mecha components, I will let Austrian Lan’s long-term acquisition. We can also sell you weapons and other things you need, even information from the Pope’s Chamber."

"That's enough." Nodded, then said: "His Royal Highness, I know what you are worried about. Don't worry, you will soon know that I am not what you think."

Paul laughed and said: "Mr. Zero, I think it is difficult to use anything as a guarantee for this kind of thing. Sauron is my life enemy, but now, I think you are no less threatening than him."

"What does His Highness Paul mean?"

"I wish I would go to war with you now."

Paul showed a distressed expression: "But this will only make Sauron cheaper, so now, I can only take one step and count one step."

"His Royal Highness, I don't know what proportion of faith is in your Roman city?" Zero suddenly raised another topic: "I mean, when faith is large enough, can it shake power?"

Paul's eyes turned around, and he pondered: "You mean to use the faith of the people of Rome to overthrow Sauron's power from within? Mr. Zero, the new Rome city was rebuilt in the disaster, although I have not personally experienced it, However, it is not difficult to see from some records that what supported people through the dark ages at that time was the firm belief in our Lord. Faith is the spiritual pillar of the city of Rome. If anyone can stand on the peak of this power, it is indeed possible. Being overpowered even shakes the cornerstone of Sauron's power."

"However, no one can achieve this level." Paul shook his head and said: "After all, the people believe in our Lord, not anyone, even if I am the Pope!"

Ling smiled and said: "This is hard to say, Your Highness Paul. Just imagine a situation like this. If you predict something will happen in a common situation, for example, a certain colonial island under Sauron's control attracts God's punishment, then the people Do you think you are the spokesperson of God, or the Son of God?"

"Not the Son of God..." Paul's eyes shone hot, and his voice trembled slightly: "Under our teachings, it is the Son of God that can convey the voice of God!"

"Okay, Saint Son." Zero shrugged and said, "Then if you appear as Saint Son, can this kind of belief of the people be tightly tied to you? Even, it can be against Sauron's Power has some impact."

"Yes, but first of all, how can I convince the people of my identity as the Son?"

"This is simple, as long as you show enough miracles." Zero got up, turned on the plasma panel ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and soon a map appeared on it, which was a complete map of the Western Continent. Zero said: "Come on, now you have delineated a few cities that belong to the roots of Sauron. What you have to do next is very simple, you are looking for opportunities to predict that they will be punished in public. Soon, they will It will become the miracle needed to support you as the Son of God."

"Mr. Zero, are you kidding?" Paul looked at Zero in disbelief.

"Do I look like a joke?"

Finally, Paul drew three circles on the map. Each circle represents a colonial island, and they are all Zhili Sauron. Two of these colonial islands are important military bases, and one is an experimental base. If they are destroyed by "Heaven's Punishment", it will deal a huge blow to Sauron's power and even his reputation.

After all, if a miracle appeared, then Sauron could be said to be standing on the opposite side of God. Natural punishment undoubtedly represents God's denial of Sauron, and for a theocratic country like Rome, the magnitude of this blow cannot be overstated.

ps: Don’t finish this chapter when you wake up in the morning, and you will get to the hospital again later.

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