War Lord

Chapter 692:  Chasing

[ps: There is still a chapter in the evening, the debtor. By the way, thank you Kiwi Xiansen and Feng Mu Chunjiang for their big monthly tickets! ]

"But, this way, it pushed me in front of Sauron. I also lost all the advantages of being in the dark..." Paul showed hesitation on his face.

With zero hands around his chest, a calm smile appeared: "His Royal Highness, everything always costs a price. As long as the gain is more than the effort, then there seems to be nothing wrong. Besides, I thought that if you could be the Pope A layer of gold called the Son of God is added to his identity, so the threat to Sauron is also great for consolidating your throne in the future, isn't it?"

"It is true. If the people of Rome believe that I am the Son of God, even if this war is won by you, it only needs some means to transfer the victory to me. You think so, Mr. Zero. "Paul smiled.

Zero nodded: "I've heard such a sentence, demons are good at deceiving, and gods are artists who lie. I think as a holy son, you should also have this ability."

Paul shrugged and said, "I can take your words as a compliment. Then, when will this miracle be achieved?"

"At least after the counterattack of the Pope's Hall, I think, they can't wait to fly over right now."

"Indeed, Sauron is now anxious to chew your bones up and send them down with wine." Paul laughed: "Whether they didn't want to, we are already helping you buy time. But there is not much time, and they will have one more month. Will call me."

"I will be ready for the battle."

"You'd better not underestimate Sauron." Paul frowned slightly: "Just treat it as the deposit I paid for the miracle. To tell you the truth, there must be someone strong behind Sauron. Although. He concealed it well, but it was inevitable to show it from some traces. Not long ago, an old general of our Knights and some subordinates disappeared in the palace of Sauron for no apparent reason. It was a high-ranking man, and his subordinates were also weak. Wherever he went, no one appeared again."

"One more thing, not long after you defeated Canon, Sauron summoned the two commanders of the 2nd and 9th legions. They also went to Sauron's palace, the difference is that they came out. . And judging from the information I have on hand, these two people just went to the palace and turned around and they improved by one level! Yes, when they entered, they were only level eight, but they were already level nine when they came out!" Paul smiled bitterly: "Do you know what this means?"

Zero horror said: "Artificially raising the ranks? This is really scary, but it should be paid a lot. Otherwise, if there is such a way, Sauron would have created an army of high-level capable people. Let's not They said that they would kill Canon if they only went to Fracture Bay."

"It should be so." Paul sighed: "But no matter what, at least within a short time, Sauron already has two Tier Nine. If other commanders can do the same, then he will have more Tier Nine capable people. Many. So this counterattack, if you don’t come, it must be thunderous. You have to be careful."

"I see, we also have Tier 9 powerhouses here. In addition to my words, there are three people, so in terms of high-end combat power, at least I have the confidence not to lose to the Pope's Hall."

"Of course, if this is not the case, I would not dare to put heavy bets on you." Paul closed his hood again and said: "I have to go back, at least before the miracle comes, I have to play that Harmless sheep. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Zero, destiny is an incredible force."

"Yes, I hope we can cooperate happily." Zero stretched out his hand.

Paul didn't hesitate, stretched out his hand and shook it hard, then smiled and separated.

He left, leaving Oran quietly. At this time, Zero had time to sit down and watch the pile of reports he had accumulated over the past few days on the table. He couldn't help smiling wryly, thinking that the job was not easy to do. Thinking of returning, I sat down and picked up the report to look.

First, it was about the construction of the mecha squad. The report came from Mamirotti. After the former legion commander and Mr. X came to the fortress of Canon, they received zero orders to select suitable candidates from the Poseidon regiment to drive the Essien Round Table Knights and the twenty Paladin mechas seized from Tucson. .

Originally, in the Knights of the Seal, only the leader of the Round Table was qualified to drive. This is not to say that only Tier 8 can drive this big guy. It's just that for the Knights, letting the captain drive it is even more a status symbol, and only King Arthur needs to use the eighth rank or higher. Its operating system does need to be level eight or above to be able to exert its maximum effect.

As for the other Knights of the Round Table, the more emphasis is on the combat experience of the driver. Of course, driving from Tier 8 will play a greater role. And the low-level, as long as the operation is skilled, it is not much worse than the high-level. In particular, Essien, the Round Table Knight, is a general-purpose model, and has not been re-modified according to the driver's fighting style like Habes.

The round table knights of the general-purpose model use standard equipment, which means that it is not much different from letting people other than Essien drive.

Based on this, Mamiro proposed to Zero to select the pilot of the Knights of the Round Table from the members of the Trident, and finally determined that the Jaeger Eureka is most suitable for this status. First of all, Eureka itself is a seventh-order capable person, and it is only one step away from the eighth-order itself. Secondly, in the previous series of tests, Eureka has a high adaptability to the Knights of the Round Table operating system, at least far more than other guys.

So there is no suspense, Essien's Round Table Knights are operated by Eureka. The logo of Essien on the knight's mecha was erased, and a black Jaeger was sprayed again as the mech's logo.

As for the twenty Paladin mechas sent from Tucson later, suitable pilots have also been found. At present, Mamiro is leading the 21 pilots to carry out combat training on mechas. However, Mamiro said that to pose a certain threat on the battlefield, twenty Paladins alone are not enough. This kind of mecha must be increased to at least fifty to be able to play a role in battles with more than thousands of people.

For this, zero can't give satisfaction, at least temporarily. However, the Paladin type is already an obsolete mecha. When the fourth-generation Air Angel can be mass-produced, the unmanned mecha with low-altitude cruising and firepower advantages will surely replace the Paladin. Insufficient flexibility is the weakness of the Paladins' mechas, and their function is only stronger than the heavy firepower of the heavy gun turret.

But for the zero party who does not have the production capacity, as long as it is used properly, the Paladin mecha can still play a certain role. As Mamiro said, thirty aircraft are needed to play a role in a major battle, and zero consideration is whether to make another trip to Mesa before the Pope’s Hall. Last time, because of the lack of life he brought, there was no time to go to the mecha warehouse in the city.

In large cities like Mesa, there should be a stock of Paladin mechas. Thinking of this, Zero immediately made a decision, intending to let Manshan take the people to search again, only hope that their mecha has not been transferred.

Most of the following reports are about the daily operations of the fortress and even the three towns of Tucson. For now, all factories and mining areas have been operating at full capacity, especially the mining areas, because they are equipped with enough workers, their production capacity will be doubled than before. Times. The second is the training of recruits. They have completed the first phase of training. Now they are divided into the Poseidon regiment according to the predetermined plan, and they are trained together with the veterans. In another month, they will be on the battlefield.

Of course, these are just the most basic training. In turbulent times, exquisite tactics and strong survival ability can only be truly mastered after experiencing the temper of war. What the instructors teach is only basic experience. As for how many of these people will survive in the end, more are hoped for luck. . For recruits, the first war is the most dangerous. As long as they survive the first war, their chances of survival will increase accordingly.

Soon, they will have their first test.

What Zero Energy does is just try to give them enough equipment to improve their survival rate on the battlefield.

In the end, it was a report from Dr. Ji Ya. At present, she has started to cultivate the first artificial heart embryo. According to the plan, this embryo will be formed in one week. The reason why the molding cycle is so short is that this embryo is mainly a prototype, which is used to verify certain ideas and ideas of the doctor. Whether it succeeds or fails, it can allow Ji Ya to correct her thinking in time.

However, with thunderous organs as a reference, according to Ji Ya's words, the probability of success is relatively higher. Once successful, she can face the second problem, which is how to make the artificial heart provide the host with energy of order eight, while balancing the energy generated by the artificial heart to the low-order host. In addition to this, of course there are other additional problems.

When these problems are successfully solved, the last level is left. The problem of ability construction is that the eighth-level abilities generated through transformation are not the reason for natural advancement, so it is impossible for them to form their own abilities. This requires Ji Ya to build certain abilities for them so that they can use it. Judging from the artificial organs obtained from Thunder's body, biologists in the Pope's Hall used a cryptic genetic code to make Thunder generate specific abilities.

Ji Ya'an can interpret this code and then transplant them to an artificial heart, thereby assigning the host a thunder-like ability. This is the quickest way to put the artificial heart into use. After that, based on this code, Ji Ya may be able to build other abilities, but these are all things to follow. Now, this genetic code has been handed over to a special team for interpretation.

However, Ji Ya said that the level of intelligence in their hands was too low, and it would take hundreds of years to fully interpret this code. Currently, Ji Ya needs a super brain, or a brain hub, to be able to improve the degree of interpretation.

This is even more difficult for Zero than Mamiro's request. He can only ask Oran whether there are any items for sale in this area. In addition, it is necessary to expand Ji Ya's bio-modulation system. After calculating, the doctor's investment is at the top of the list.

Suddenly, Ling missed the continent very much. At least in that continent, it's not too difficult to get these things.

When thinking of Continent, Ling's heart moved slightly. A vague picture flashed in front of him, and in that picture, it seemed to be the figure of a young girl. Ling was stunned for a moment, and the screen had already flashed by. He immediately played back the picture in his mind and made it clear. Finally, a girl with long silver hair appeared in Zero's eyes.


For some reason, Zero suddenly popped up a picture of this girl in his mind, knowing that after Moni and Girutan left, he never heard from them again. Now, Zero thought of her inadvertently. With this picture that appeared in her mind, Moni seemed to be a little older. If we meet now, Ling believes that she is like this now.

As for why, zero can't be said. It was like a message imprinted in my mind, with a sense of what it was. Zero suddenly stood up from the chair, shocking Leah who just opened the door.

"What's the matter?" Leah asked.

Zero shook his head. He seemed to have grasped something just now. But the various thoughts passed by, the speed was so fast that it was too late to capture, only a vocabulary was vaguely parsed from the information.


What does this mean? Zero puzzled.


A deserted city stands alone on the surface of the wilderness, it is already sunset, but the city is not necessarily so quiet. From time to time, a few living corpses will wander in the street. Three or five corpse wolves appear on the roof of a certain building, squatting or lying prone. A large group of dog-sized abnormal bats fly through the air. They are like large movies. Of dark clouds.

The city is very "lively", but humans are not seen.

This city has been abandoned for decades, and in the last ten years, no human has appeared. The people around here either died or became living corpses. The rest have already migrated to other places. Just over eighty kilometers away from this deserted city, there is a small town. It was one of the human settlements nearby. The mutant beasts in the deserted city had attacked there, but they had to fight back.

There is a guard team in that town, and the captain is a Tier 6 fire elemental ability person. The mutant beast has not suffered from that man's pain less. After trying it a few times, he found that the town was like a bone that was too hard to gnaw, so the mutant beast had learned a lot.

Occasionally, a few living corpses were attracted by the fire there, but later, they all became exhibits inserted outside the town.

Most of the mutant beasts in the deserted city have also left, but they are looking for new feeding places, or die on the way of migration. However, there is still a part left, and they hunt each other and kill other mutant beasts. But this way will only add to their deaths, new lives are too late to come, and the original lives are rapidly dying. In another ten years, this city will become an isolated city in the true sense.

In it, there will never be a beast.

However, that is not now.

Now, a corpse wolf lying on the roof suddenly got up and made a sound to his companion. The corpse wolves gathered together, and with the gloomy eyes of the wolf, a figure in the street downstairs seemed very abrupt. The corpse wolves first judged that it was not a living corpse, and the living corpse always wandered aimlessly. They always stop here and there, but they don't walk straight forward like the one underneath.

It is a human being. After the corpse wolf got this judgment, many wild beasts have drooled from their mouths.

After a while, they left the rooftop.

After 5 minutes, they attacked the human. In less than 3 seconds, they would become the corpses frozen into ice sculptures under Xiuya's hands.

After clapping his hands, the figure of the first knight flashed and came to the roof of a building. Looking around, in Xiuya's perception, the city feeds back a lot of life information. She sneered, and she didn't see how to raise her voice, but the sound spread far away, and it sounded from every corner of the city: "Moni, I know you are here! Is this the battlefield you chose? Very good, See how my sister caught you this time!"

After a while, a young girl's voice sounded: "Sister, what do you want to do?"

The sound flew from east to west, making people totally unable to anchor its position.

"After catching you, of course you will **** first and then kill!" Xiu Ya said viciously.

Since the first encounter in Juan City, the battle between Xiuya and Moni has not stopped. The two sides launched a fierce chase battle in the vast wilderness, everything seemed to bring them back to the days when they were in the black earth.

Moni is good at guerrillas. She takes Girutan to quietly reach Xiuya's resting place, and then assassinations, traps, and harassment are repeated. In this process, Moni used almost all available means. As long as she can use it, she doesn't care what her opponent thinks of herself, everything is just to kill Xiuya. If it weren't for Xiuya who was already familiar with Moni's way of doing things, she would have been replaced by someone else~www.wuxiaspot.com~ even if she was a high-end, she wouldn't know how many times she had died under Moni's endless tricks.

The method of acting completely opposite to Moni is the style of Xiuya. Every time she attacks, she is upright and upright. From the front, he used his almost endless energy to pile up with various abilities. Every time Xiuya was asked to start first, it usually ended up with Moni and Girutan fleeing.

In the face of a Tier 10 powerhouse, if Moni and Girutan have nine lives in a head-on confrontation, it is not enough for her to kill.

Traveling westward, the two sides have fought no fewer than dozens of battles. It has been entangled for thousands of kilometers, and now it is very close to the Julian Mountains. This time Xiuya discovered Moni's trail in advance. She originally wanted to teach this cunning silver rider a profound lesson. Unexpectedly, under anti-tracking, she led Moni farther and farther, and finally came to this deserted city. From this, Xiuya knew that this was the battlefield chosen by Moni. However, she was fearless, Xiuya's power surpassed Moni, and she believed that any tricks of the other party would also fall apart under her own power.

When the power gap between the two became large to a certain extent, it was not possible to make up for it by tricks or means, and Xiuya even began to think about what to do with the girl after she caught Moni. As I thought, the first knight had already shown a bad smile on his face.

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