War Lord

Chapter 710:  Decisive Battle 2

[Thanks to mrrar, the monthly pass for the two brothers only for reading, and the top dog for their rewards]

When Zero returned to the bunker command room, a group of followers had already gathered here. Everyone, including Leah, looked a little strange at him. Ling Mi smiled and said: "If you have any questions, just ask, don't look at me like that." With that, he walked to Zhinao himself, entered the data, and checked the latest data comparison between the party and the Knights.

Feng stood up and said, "Head, we all think you shouldn't let Yafidi go, that's the commander of the 11th Army!"

"What then? Kill him?"

"That's better than letting him go," Feng said, and the others nodded.

Ling raised his head, looked at the crowd and said, "This is not a duel between two people, but a war. Believe me, a Yafidi can't decide anything. On the contrary, if you kill him, then we will see tomorrow. An army of the same enemy, I don’t think you will be willing to face an enemy with high morale."

"Just because of this, let him go? Then there are fewer people who have killed us?" Man Shan asked in a deep voice.

"It's not the same." Ling smiled and said: "Let Yafidi go back, to avoid aggravating the emotions of our enemies and turn them into a deadly warrior. Secondly, to create some trouble for the Knights, such as... Suspicion."


With blank expressions on everyone's faces, Mr. X was the first to react. The former leader nodded first and said: "It turns out that it is, you want to further damage the morale of the Knights."

"Yes." Zero explained: "Like what you just said, everyone who caught Yafidi immediately thought that they would kill him and reduce the enemy's high-level combat power. How can there be exceptions within the Knights? , Replaced by you, if you see Yafidi suddenly come back without any harm, and the body and even the strength level are the same as usual, would you believe that I let him go unconditionally?"

"But you did let him go without any conditions." Leah said.

He nodded and said: "Yes, the contradiction is at this point. The more Yafiddy emphasizes this point, the less his colleagues will believe it, and the mutual suspicion of high-level officials will directly affect the morale of the entire army. So. You see, releasing a Yafidi is far more valuable than killing him. Besides, there may be some time to get him in the future."

Everyone was relieved, and Zero said: "If there is nothing wrong, you can go down first, but one thing I want to re-adjust is. As the highest commander, I hope you don't question any of my decisions. This is the last time, not as an example. ."

His tone was plain, but he was majestic, and he took a special look at Manshan. Man Yamamoto was also a rough and arrogant person, but he could not help looking down at Ling. When he noticed it, he realized that he was scared and stared at him. Until he left the bunker, Man Shan couldn't figure out why.

After pushing everyone away, Ling casually lay on the ground. The ground is his bed, which reminds him of the night he spent on the cold floor of the z7 base warehouse when he just woke up from the hibernation warehouse. After that night, his life went on a magnificent journey. And this war will only be a small episode in this journey. The end of the journey is at the end of the world, in the dark abyss without light. Before reaching the end, Zero won't be caught by anyone else, Yafidi can't, and their Commander Leo can't.

Zero believes that after Yafidi’s move, the war will be won.

Before falling asleep, he called up the data of today's battle with Yafidi, and removed his own data, leaving only Yafidi's. Then began to reversely analyze Yafidi's spiral puncture. As long as he can master the spiral puncture data, his memory group can perfectly copy this ability gene, so that zero attack can also have the characteristics of spiral puncture.

Spiral piercing is not necessarily the most powerful ability among the high-end combat domains, but it is the ability to have the highest defensive effect. Mastering it, even if Zero did not advance to rank, he still possesses the strength that threatens rank ten.

It is not easy to analyze a high-level ability. Zero has built a model in his brain, and it takes seven days for the virtual progress bar to display. Of course, if it is impossible to analyze it out of thin air, it can't be so fast, but when fighting with Yafidi, Zero collected a drop of his blood. With the cell and even genetic information in this blood as a reference, it will naturally increase a lot.

After leaving the analysis work to the brain to operate independently, Zero closed his eyes. And while he was resting, a controversy broke out in the barracks of the Knights at the foot of the mountain.

As Ling said, when Yafidian stood at the gate of the barracks unscathed, all the soldiers who saw him showed weird eyes. Yafidi came to Leo's military tent in silence, Leo sat with a gloomy face, and Frank had a playful expression on his face.

Looking at Leo, Yafidi nodded and said: "I'm back."

Leo did not speak, but Frank said in a weird voice: "Look, our handsome Yafidi Master is back. I don't know how those chaotic parties let you go. I guess you might have provided some special service?"

Yafeidi was furious and said: "What nonsense are you talking about!"

"Am I like nonsense?" Frank touched his bald head and said, "Yafidi, you are the captain. I think it is impossible for the other party not to know you. Since you are caught, if there is no benefit, they will Did you let it go?"

He looked at Leo again and said, "Let's withdraw our troops. Maybe some important information has fallen into the enemy's hands."

A cold light flashed in Yafiddy's eyes, and awe-inspiring power surged over his body: "Captain Frank, you are slander!"

"Why, do you still want to do it?"

"If you insist on trampling on my dignity, I don't mind using force to defend it!"

Just when the two men were at war, Leo said solemnly, "Don't make any noise."

He stood up and said: "Yafidi's return is a good thing, and I also believe that he has not betrayed the Knights. Tomorrow, I will ask the leader of the Poseidon for a decisive battle."

Yafeidi's body shook slightly, and the power of his body disappeared. He knew why Leo wanted to do this, and Zero released him back, which not only caused Frank to make things difficult, but also aroused the suspicion of the soldiers below. Even if Yafiddy himself did not do anything to betray the Knights, it is an indisputable fact that the morale of the army will be greatly reduced.

Now Leo wants to fight Zero, in order to restore the morale of the Knights. But Yafeidi is not sure, will Leo definitely be able to beat Zero?

Without a chance for Yafiddy to question, Leo waved his hand and said, "Go down first and take a good rest. I have something I want to talk to Captain Frank in private."

Yafidi looked at Frank, nodded and exited the camp.

Frank tilted his head and said, "What can we talk about."

Leo looked at him and suddenly sighed: "I know, you are no longer the Frank you used to be. In the face of that grand will, you chose to yield and become its servant. But Frank, I hope you can do me one last favor. In the decisive battle tomorrow, I will give you a signal. When the other party’s attention is attracted by us, you will lead troops to penetrate their position B."

"Do you still play this hand? It's not like you, Leo." Frank's face was obviously a little surprised.

"This is a war. If you can win, you can sacrifice some personal principles."

Looking at Leo's old face, Frank suddenly said, "Are you still not going to give up?"

Leo knew what he was talking about, and the old regimental leader smiled bitterly: "It's not that I don't want to give up, but I have lost. In this battle of wills, as early as when Zero attacked us for the first time. In order to master the complete nine. Rank strength, I made concessions. It is only a matter of time before I was overwhelmed by that will. My weakness has given me no place in this war. Tomorrow I will fight the opponent’s leader in a decisive battle, one for ours Morale, the second is because my time is running out."

"But Frank, I won't surrender like you." Leo emphasized.

Frank sneered: "How can you get rid of the master?"

"There will always be a way."

"Well, stubborn Leo." Frank shrugged: "As an old friend for many years, I still remind you. Tomorrow's decisive battle, it is good to win, what do you plan to do if you lose?"

"If I win, then Sauron still has some luck. But if I lose, then it can only mean that his luck ends here." Leo paused and said: "No, it should be said that he is in his own When the man was hidden in the palace, Sauron's luck was over. Even if I win, Sauron will have to get off the throne one day."

"That person, he can't keep hiding it. And when things were exposed, it was when the Pope's Hall split and collapsed. Back then, we could support Sauron's betrayal, because we needed someone like Sauron to lead the whole of Rome out of that period. During the dark days, His Highness the Pope was not bad, but he was too benevolent. It turns out that under the leadership of Sauron, we have today's glory. This is the reason why our Knights and several giants support him." Leo sighed: "But now, he doesn't believe in himself anymore. That's why he chose to surrender to that man, just like you Frank, Sauron began to betray everyone for strength. Once you let others know about it, Rome will no longer exist."

"Although Sauron is cruel, he is ultimately a man. It is a man who weighs the pros and cons. But that man, and the will behind him, will only bring destruction. They don't care about gains or losses at all, do they? ?"

Frank laughed and said: "Leo, your understanding of the master is very accurate. Unfortunately, your understanding is not thorough enough, otherwise you will not reject the master's will."

"That's because I still remember that I am a human." Leo raised his eyebrows: "I have my pride too!"

Frank spread his hands and said: "Just do whatever you want, and eventually you will find that your so-called pride is worthless. Only immortality and strength are everything."

"Well, tomorrow I will give you one last hand, just for the sake of our friendship over the past ten years."

Leaving this sentence, Frank left the military tent. Looking at the empty camp, Leo suddenly felt that his life had never been so lonely.

The next day, the whole army of the Knights set off. From the sky, I saw a crowd of people surging up at the foot of the mountain. Crawling on the ground like countless ants, they have come to the front of position A on the hillside. At this time, Leo came out more and more, and a penetrating voice sounded across the mountainside: "The leader of the Poseidon Group, dare to come out and fight me!"

In front of the position, Ling came out after the bunker fortifications. He smiled meaningfully and said: "I sent you the same invitation a few days ago. Didn't you refuse it, respectable Captain Leo?"

The words zero reminded the Knights of the day, and felt dull on their faces. Leo didn't care, and said frankly: "I changed my mind today."

"You become so fast." Ling Shi smiled: "Well then, I accept your challenge. But since it's a duel, there can be no prizes."

"If you are stubborn, we will immediately retreat." Leo said simply.

Ling shook his head and said: "It's not enough, you legion leaders can go, soldiers and combat preparations must be left to me. However, I can accept the ransom from the Pope Hall, as long as the number is satisfactory to me."

As soon as these words came out, the soldiers on the side of the Knights immediately screamed. Leo raised his hand to shut the soldier, and said, "Then you lose?"

"Disarmed on the spot, we immediately withdrew from the mainland and never set foot on this land again. Of course, if I lose, at least Captain Leo will be able to take my life, right?"

Leo nodded: "Me too."

Reaching out ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and making a gesture, the Knights immediately retreated like a tide, leaving a gap of nearly 500 meters between Leo and Ling for a duel between Leo and Ling. Leo unlocked the captain's cape and let it float up, like a fluttering red cloud flying in the direction of the Knights. In the Knights, a hand stretched out and grabbed the void, and the cloak fell down as if being pulled by an invisible force field. The one who caught it was Yafidi.

Leo moved his body for a while, and then drew his hands, and a black flame emerged from under his feet. He honestly unfolded an elemental shield for himself, an elemental force field also has several defensive abilities, which can be described as a defensive skill. One payment does not seek merit, but seeks no fault. After several defensive abilities were displayed, Leo's body was surrounded by light bands and black flames, which was spectacular.

When Leo put himself in the tortoise shell, Zero was not idle. He moved his hands and feet, and the joints all over his body snapped loudly. Each shock will form an invisible shock wave. With more and more shock waves, the energy and power of zero gradually rise, and finally leap into the ninth level. Then the bright red energy light band floated from his shoulder socket and elbow. With a layer of metallic luster passing over Ling's body, after activating his steel skin, he entered a state of battle.

"Are you ready?" Ling asked.

Leo beckoned: "Bring your horse here!"

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