War Lord

Chapter 711:  Decisive Battle 3

[Thanks to Brother Xiang for the gifts, rewards, and monthly tickets! ]

"Let me do it first? You are so generous, then I'm not welcome."

Zero smile, squat down, and lightly press one hand on the ground. His eyes became extremely cold in an instant, his body leaned forward slightly, and his foot suddenly pressed against the ground. A shallow pit sank silently on the ground, which exploded with a wave of air, and waves of energy appeared in front of Ling. He passed through the ripples and came to Leo in an instant.

Every movement of his is extremely clear, making the spectators see it very clearly. But the speed was surprisingly fast, and he passed by about 30 meters away from Leo. The boundary between extremely slow and extremely fast seems to have become very blurred at this moment. Simply putting the two contradictory senses of speed together makes ordinary soldiers feel chest tightness and uncomfortable, and their physical fitness is directly worse. A mouthful of blood came out, that is, the information they received in an instant was more than they could accept, so they just glanced from a distance, but they were already injured.

Leo's reaction was not slow either. Zero dashed forward at extreme speed. When the shock wave was just born behind him, Leo had already pressed his palm in the direction of zero.

Zero immediately keenly felt the pushing phenomenon of the fire element in the surrounding space!

How many fire elements must be concentrated before the crowding phenomenon occurs? Lingering no longer attacked Leo, his figure became blurred. When the space around him became bright, he pulled out a series of afterimages and moved away. The afterimage still disappeared, but the explosion came. The collision of the fire element caused a violent flame explosion in the space, a ring of flames overflowed, and then a suffocating shock wave carried the flames flying across.

Although Zero avoided the explosion, he was still within the explosion range, and he was knocked out. He was in mid-air, and the flames swarmed, and the late hair drowned him first. Then he flew out of the flames and flew a few meters before finally stopping.

Looking ahead, ten meters around it became a scorched ground, and black flames burned within a radius of 20 meters around the core of the explosion. The entire space was slightly distorted and it appeared to be hot.

The two competed in one round in an instant, and the total was less than 1 minute. However, such a fierce attack and defense had already occurred, which made the spectators almost forget to breathe. When everyone's eyes were drawn to the duel between Zero and Leo, Frank retreated silently and quietly disappeared on the battlefield.

On the other side, Ling stretched out his hand and randomly wiped the black flames on several places on his body, and then produced and died the sticky black flames. He did it easily and naturally, but he saw Leo's eyes solemnly. He himself is a fire system ability person. After being forcibly promoted by Gaia, the influence from Prosius caused Leo's ability to change.

Originally, only ordinary high-temperature flames evolved into this viscous black flame. Leo himself knew very well that the core temperature of the black flame was close to two thousand high temperatures, which was the temperature at which even steel could melt, and the outer flame part reached thousands. Spend. Of course, such a hot flame needs to be directly released by Leo. Once it leaves the spontaneous combustion, the temperature will drop significantly, but it can't be extinguished by anyone with a hand.

Zero's seemingly simple movements must contain skills or strengths that you don't understand. Leo thought, but he didn't have time to continue scrutinizing, extinguishing the flickering of Hei Yan's zero figure, and approaching him at high speed. Leo didn't dare to neglect, he immediately retreated and threw three black fireballs at the same time. He is a capable person of the element domain, even if he is a high-level reaction ability and speed, he must be a lower level, but he is far from zero.

Neither speed nor physical strength can be compared with Zero, a high-level ability expert in the fighting domain. Of course, Leo dare not stand still and fight against Zero, the enemy. In fact, when players with abilities in two different domains of Elemental Domain and Fighting Domain compete, the former must keep moving away from each other, and then attack the opponent with powerful long-distance abilities.

Leo uses the most standard tactics, and Zero clings to each other like a wolf in You Ge. As long as Leo reveals a flaw, he can tear off a piece of flesh from the prey at any time.

Three fireballs blasted in the shape of fame, and Zero immediately detonated two. When they were about to hit the third one with one shoulder, the fireball suddenly exploded!

Obviously, this fireball was detonated for Leo, and although it did not cause any fatal damage to Zero, it had enough interference. The explosion's flames and hot smoke formed an effective cover. When Zero rushed through the fire curtain, Leo had already made an attacking gesture.

Leo pointed his finger forward, from the space behind him, hundreds of high-temperature flame guns slowly pierced out of the space. Flame waves appeared in the space behind the commander, although the high-temperature flame spear was a low-level ability. But when the number reaches a certain level, it is enough to pose a threat. What's more, the fire element in that space is almost roaring, and flame spears may continue to appear anytime and anywhere. As long as Leo's energy is supported, the flame spears can be said to be endless!

The moment Zero rushed out of the fire curtain, Leo pointed in his direction. Suddenly, several Yan Gun moved forward slightly, and then flashed away. Following the flame guns behind them, they fired continuously, and bombed towards zero like a machine gun. Every time a flame gun is fired, a new flame gun is pierced out of the space, and Leo is using his actual actions to cite the idea of ​​zero.

The flame spear shot up in the air, and zero ran horizontally, avoiding a wave of attacks. After the explosion flames and impact, more flame spears chased them. From a distance, it was as if Leo was holding a high-speed machine gun. The flame guns merged into a bright line of fire, chasing Zero and constantly plowing and exploding on the ground!

In an instant, Zero ran a semicircle, and behind him was a scorched arc. Leo exploded nearly three hundred flame spears in an instant, even if it was a high-end, this kind of violent consumption was not easy. Beads of sweat appeared on the old face of the head, and only one flame gun remained behind him. He grabbed it casually, showing a slight sign. The left hand slid over the flame spear and pulled the flame spear into a broad sword.

Holding a big knife, Leo rushed towards Zero. The Yandao flashed and cut it down towards Ling!

With a thin golden flame spouting from his right eye, he activated his extreme computing power. When this ability is applied to one's own body, Zero's degree of manipulation of his own body has reached the level of micro-control at the cellular level. Yan Dao slid to it, and Zero flashed a position, letting Yan Dao fall through. The failed Yandao blade released a curtain of fire, which plowed across the ground, leaving a deep groove mark.

At this point, Zero knew that the real danger was the fire curtain released by the flame blade. It had both high temperature and sharp properties. Even Zero's steel skin was not enough to withstand this kind of damage like a flame cutter. If he used his body carelessly to block Leo's Flame Sword just now, he would end up very ugly.

Leo usually trains some fighting skills, even if the skills are not as high as zero, but they are far from ordinary. A flame knife in his hand made it fierce and fierce like a heavy hammer. Leo let go and attacked wildly, regardless of whether the flame knife was slashing or slashing, or cutting or picking. Every attack would bring out a black curtain of fire. , So that zero is very jealous.

Zero kept walking next to Leo, and with the help of extreme calculations, he could always avoid Leo's attacks by a few centimetres. It seems extremely dangerous, as long as a negligence is the end of the separation of the body. However, Zero himself had a full grasp, and gradually grasped Leo's lack of fighting skills.

Seizing an opportunity, Zero suddenly condensed his palm under Leo's violent offensive, which seemed to send his hand to Leo's knife. However, under zero-precision calculations, the arm passed through the gap between the blades and the five fingers clamped on Leo's flame blade. Suddenly, Leo couldn't attack any more. The zero one punch blasted out with lightning, carrying several afterimages, and gathered together before the fist fell, and the force of the six punches was superimposed on Le Ao's cheek firmly.

Leo swung his head wildly, dizzy for half a second. When he recovered, he found that he was flying out involuntarily, fiery pain came from the cheek of the punch, and the corners of his eyes, nose and eyes were full of blood.

With this punch, the bones under one of Leo's cheeks were covered with large and small cracks. If Leo hadn't put so many layers of defensive abilities on himself, he would have blown the head with zero blows if he was not in the fighting domain.

This is the first time that Zero has hit Leo since the start of the war. However, the heavy blow made Leo very heartbroken.

At the same time as he flew back, Leo saw that Ling was still holding his flame knife in his palm. He sneered and snapped his fingers. At the same time, the flame blade energy in Lingzhijue's hand suddenly boiled, followed by a violent explosion in his hand. What Ling Zaijue was holding was not a flame sword, but a round of blazing sun!

After the explosion, Ling backed back again and again, and the entire left arm exploded into a terrible blow. Extensive burns on the surface of the skin~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Muscles and bones were injured by explosive shocks at close range. He didn't blow Zero's arm into the air, that's the reason why his body strength was much higher than normal. Even people with such high-level abilities are much inferior to zero in terms of physical strength.

The two went backwards, and pulled out another 30 meters, as if they were back before the war.

Zero suddenly smiled: "This is the end of the tentative exercise."

"Agree, then next, I think this battle can be over." Leo said calmly.

Ling also nodded and said, "I think so too."

The simple dialogue showed that the two people were equally confident. Leo suddenly retreated, pressing his hand in the direction of zero. Zero immediately felt the energy of the space vibrate very violently. This feeling was very familiar, and it was exactly what Leo played at the beginning of the war. Obviously, Leo intends to influence and interfere with Zero's actions through Space Blast, in order to gain time for him to release his high-level abilities.

However, this time, Zero is not ready to evade as before. In his muffled sound, people rushed directly to the area of ​​energy shock. As a result, there were explosions on the battlefield, but there was a burst of conical shock waves passing through the explosion zone, and it was originally that Zero broke into the barbaric breakthrough at extreme speed!

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