War Lord

Chapter 763: Kraken

Sauron almost yelled when he hit zero with an elbow. That seemingly weak and powerless blow, but it brought the force like a flash flood. At the same time, Sauron also knew that it was the result of the superposition of zero speed and his own strength. Even if Zero is not the kind of power-specialized powerhouse, but the basic power of the 9th-order powerhouse is supersonic at supersonic speed, it is not difficult to blast the hills with one punch.

The frightening thing is that the power of Zero General's mountain-opening is confined to the front of the box, so it did not cause a huge breaking through the air, and there was no bursting momentum. However, when he hits the opponent, the terrible penetration force will shred all the opponent's defenses. With zero blow, Sauron's defensive field was almost shattered, and the whole person was in a frozen state for half a second. That is because the body can completely offset the zero impact, so it is in a situation where it can't move.

Just when Sauron frantically resolved the impact of Zero, and then resumed his mobility. A dangerous signal came from his perception, and Moja thought, Sauron used all his energy into the defense, even if he was better at attacking.

The extremely rich combat experience saved his life. In the next less than 1 second, Zero attacked him three times with the same speed, strength and landing point. So two zeros appeared in Sauron's field of vision, one crouching a few meters away, and the other elbow-struck. Between the two zeros, there is a fast-flowing gray band of light, which connects the two zeros together.

Sauron knew that it was Zero who kept repeating forward and sliding back, but when the speed reached supersonic speed, the naked eye could only catch his state after the speed dropped to the speed of sound. So there are two zeros, but they are all afterimages. And the real zero is in the gray light track that represents supersonic motion!

After the four blows, Sauron's sleeves burst to shreds, and his defensive arm became even more red and swollen. The defensive power that had been superimposed on several layers was almost completely shattered. If the attack of Lingjin came two more times, Sauron would be seriously injured if he asked himself. Four more times, then he will confess here.

Zero also sighed secretly. In terms of destructive power, it was also a phantom attack, and his attack strength was already higher than that of Ye Lijie, the queen of worms. But because it was never an Andura bug, Zero also couldn't replicate Ye Lijie's terrifying number of attacks. Otherwise, this move alone would be enough to kill Sauron.

However, under the reduced version of Phantom's assault, it also consumed Sauron's considerable energy, and at the same time suppressed him to let Zero take the lead. Therefore, as soon as the Phantom assault was over, Ling rubbed his body, and the whole person turned into a storm and wrapped Sauron in it. The whole body of Zero can be used as a weapon, regardless of fist or toe, it will always add a spiral of vigor when attacking, but it uses the ability of spiral piercing to achieve the effect of breaking armor and breaking defense. Under such an offensive like Zero, Sauron had to parry cautiously.

Just as the top powerhouses of the enemy and us on the tower launched a fierce attack and defense, headed by Adam, the remaining five high-ranking attackers launched an attack on the power ship. They no longer pounce directly from the bow like their previous colleagues, but put down two assault boats from the ship, and the assault boat broke through the water, approaching the power boat from both sides.

This makes the only three capable people on the ship can only be separated, Hindrella guards one side, and Mr. X and West Wind join forces to fend off the enemy. However, their situation is not optimistic. Although Hindrella's real strength is Tier 9, and the home battle at sea, his ability is greatly blessed. However, she was dealing with Adam and Silius, who both advanced to the ninth rank. Although the power and skills are still very rough, Tier Nine is Tier Nine, not to mention there are as many as two. Only the pure strength is above the Hindrella, the latter can barely resist them through proficient skills and ability advantages.

However, the situation of the combination of Westwind and Mr. X is dangerous. Mr. X was already injured in the confrontation between Naz and Nabba, and his ability was greatly reduced. West Wind is not good at this kind of frontal confrontation. Under the strong attack of the remaining three eighth-ranked school officers, the two of them are in danger, and it is estimated that they will not last long.

Zero let go and stormed, but he also noticed the situation on the power boat. In this way, Mr. X and West Wind will be the most likely to be broken through. When they fell, Hindrella couldn't resist the attacks from the front and back. At that time, everyone on the power boat will not be spared.

"How? Are you in a hurry?"

With a zero punch, he retaliated with his opponent. Sauron took the time to say: "To be honest, you have done a very good job. I didn't expect that in this dominant situation, you would seriously injure four people. Otherwise, their situation would be even more dangerous. But also At the limit, zero, I think you are a talent. If you are willing to surrender to me, I can let them go."

Zero punched Sauron from an incredible angle, forcing him to hurriedly parry. Zero said, "Do you think I would believe in someone who will kill even his whole family?"

Sauron said, "It turns out that Yafidi asked you to save it. Didn't Scar not come back again."

"But forget it, anyway, you will all die here today!" Sauron grinned and kicked out a vacuum slash.

Zero leaned back to avoid, and at the same time flew up and kicked Sauron's lower abdomen. This is where Sauron is extremely troublesome. Zero physical energy has exceeded the limit that humans can do. He can maintain his body balance no matter what environment he is in, and then attack or defend based on this. Just like now, while evasive and counterattack, it happened to be pinched in time, forcing Sauron to take defense.

After kicking Sauron back and forth, he jumped up and said, "It may not be true."

After speaking, he tilted his body in the direction of the power boat, then disappeared out of thin air, and then there was an explosion like breaking through the air. Sauron's face changed, he whispered "not good", and turned his head to look in the direction of the power boat. Zero had already appeared on the boat where the three school officers were. A number of light spots were suddenly released from his fist, and they all blasted on the three school officers, and followed the light spots one by one to explode, forming a cloud of fire on the ship.

The shot crit formed by the death crit combined with the infinite barrage directly blew the three school officers out of the ship and fell back into the sea one by one. Zero jumped back on the power boat again, rushed to Cinderella's side, carrying a series of afterimages in his hand, killing both Adam and Silius. Finally, Zero jumped on their assault boat, kicked the rudder directly and turned back.

As a result, the assault boat could not continue to chase, and there was a zero guarding power boat, and Adam and Seleus alone had nothing to do.

Sauron knew that the most troublesome thing about Zero was his terrible speed, which allowed him to take the lead. but……

"Zero, the game is over!"

Sauron's voice came from the ship, and his face sank as he looked at it. On the deck of the ship, Sauron was full of soldiers on either side. They were either carrying rocket launchers or setting up anti-aircraft machine guns, and even the heavy artillery turrets on both sides of the bow had been adjusted. All the firepower is directed towards the power ship. Under Sauron's indiscriminate bombing, even if a few capable people can save their lives, the ship is absolutely dead.

As long as the power boat is blown up and sunk, a few people will live or die in this sea area.

This is no longer a situation that can be reversed by ability or speed alone. Zero mastermind and split brain can be calculated at the same time, but they can't find a way to completely leave.

The main brain gives a clear answer, unless zero can be promoted to the tenth rank and master the method of extracting a large amount of energy from space, in order to exercise the power that is sufficient to destroy the enemy in one strike. Otherwise, in the current situation, death or arrest is only a matter of time.

"It looks like it's really not saved this time." Paul smiled bitterly. Although he doesn't have the computing power of zero, he is also a person who can judge the situation.

Besides, the situation is clear now, even if Paul is stupid, he can tell. He said to Zero: "Leave us alone, Zero. Take your people and leave. With your ability, it should be no problem to grab a boat in Sauron's hands?"

Zero sighed: "Sauron is not stupid, and won't give us this kind of opportunity. What's more, it is almost impossible to return to Rock City safely even if the ship is robbed in the papal hall."

"Is there really no way?" Paul said in distress.

Zero looked at the ship's way: "If the ship is sunk, we will kill the ship. We can kill as many as we can."

Cinderella was shocked. It was the first time she heard Zero say such helpless words, knowing that Zero was indeed at a point where she could do nothing.

Is there really no way?

No... there is another way!

Cinderella seemed to have made a certain decision. She looked towards Zero and said softly: "Zero, live well."

"What?" Zero was in a daze, wondering why Hindrella said this suddenly. Just when he felt something was wrong with Hindrella, Captain Glamorous had already jumped out of the ship.

"What are you doing? Hindrella!" Zero reached out to catch her, but suddenly the power boat moved abruptly, but a row of waves under the boat pushed the boat a little bit.

Although Cinderella jumped under the boat, he never fell into the sea. A column of water rose in the sea to support Hindrella. Suddenly a row of huge waves rose behind the power boat like a sea wall, blocking Zero's sight.

"Cinderella..." Zero yelled: "Whatever you want to do, come back to me!"

"Sorry, zero." Cinderella looked at the huge waves soaring, and said calmly: "Only this time, I can't listen to your orders."

"What is she going to do..." Sauron shouted in the direction of the sea wall: "Leave that woman alone, attack! Attack!"

Hearing Sauron's voice, Hindrella turned back and said, "I can't let you do whatever you want."

She pointed her hand, and there was a rumbling sound, and a sea wall also rose, blocking the tower of the Pope's Hall. As a result, a trench that was several kilometers long appeared on the sea, and the water diverted to both sides to form huge waves as high as tens of meters. Cinderella was in the middle of the trench, supported by a small water column. At this moment, Cinderella was like a sea god, dominating the sea to form two huge waves, pushing continuously on both sides, continuously pulling the distance between Sauron's tower ship and the power ship.

"I said before that I wanted you to see my field, but I didn't expect it to be in this situation. I'm really sorry, zero." Cinderella looked in the direction of the power boat and smiled: "I hope this scene can be Become a scenery in your memory forever. The scenery created by my realm "Sea Monster"!"

The realm "Kairen", the exclusive domain of Cinderella, is different from Zero's "Abandoned Nation" and the original "War Flame" in that the siren is more inclined to attack. Its range of action can reach a vast sea surface of several kilometers, in this range, Cinderella can completely control every drop of sea water. Within the range of the Sea-Monster, she turned into a Sea-God, who could easily change the environment.

Just like the huge waves and trenches formed by discharging the sea water, the domain's ability is so huge, and the cost is also huge. Before the end of the domain, Cinderella was unable to move or attack because of the need to control the sea with all his will. At the same time, when the domain is over, she will run out of energy and enter a state of extreme weakness.

Therefore, Cinderella did not use this field easily, but now, in order to let the power ship leave safely, she resolutely chose to start the field at this time. As for what will happen after the field is over, she can no longer take care of it.

On the sea walls that lined up on both sides, the sound of water rumbling loudly, like a thousand horses galloping endlessly. The towers of the Pope’s Hall kept retreating, and Sauron roared for the soldiers to attack, but no matter whether it was a heavy artillery shell or an anti-aircraft machine gun, the line of fire could not penetrate the huge waves. Even because of the violent shaking, many soldiers fell off the ship and were swept into the seabed by huge waves and died.

Soon the waves caught up with the three warships behind, and the warship hurriedly dropped out of the fight. However, it was hit by a huge wave as soon as it turned a corner. The structure of the warship was originally not as strong as a tower ship. In addition, it was lying in front of the huge wave, and the attack surface was greatly increased. Suddenly the hull squeezed and exploded with the huge waves, and the soldiers on the ship screamed and were submerged by the sea, and were swept into the sea along with the warship.

When the waves subsided, it was already 10 minutes later. Sauron was trembling with anger. He stood on the bow and looked at the whole sea in a mess. The wreckage of the sunken ship floated on the surface of the water, and many soldiers were waiting for rescue with the ship board or other floating objects. But even if they are saved, the radiation in the sea will kill them, and death will only happen sooner or later.

Although the tower ship was not sunk, it was severely damaged and temporarily unable to pursue it. The waves that Hindrella exerted on this side were extremely fierce, and the currents rolled at extremely fast speeds to produce huge destructive power. The ship did not sink, thanks to its volume and sophisticated structure.

The waves were resurgence, and the rumbling white lines rushed towards the starting point, and then merged into one stream, stirring up water columns, and then gradually calmed down. However, from that position, Sauron saw a figure weakly falling into the sea.


Cinderella fell into the sea weakly, and the icy water immediately surrounded her. She sank into the sea, and at first she could still see the hazy sky light on the sea, but gradually darkness began to wrap around her. Cinderella smiled and closed her eyes, because she knew Zero and they were safe. The waves that pushed the power boat were enough to send them a few kilometers away. This distance, coupled with the damage and inability of the boatmen in the Pope's Hall, to pursue them, the danger of Zero them has been eliminated.

As for myself, I would probably sleep on the bottom of the sea like this.

For me, who was born as a pirate, this is also a kind of home. Cinderella thought, and then his will slid into the darkness.

However, it didn't take long before she woke up again. When I opened my eyes, I saw a thick radiant cloud. Looking around, she was already on the deck. But with shackles between her hands and feet, Hindrella mobilized the energy in her body, and immediately a strong electric current appeared from behind, which made her yell "Yeah" and could no longer use any energy.

It was dark in front of him, Cinderella raised his head and saw Sauron with an angry face. Sauron squatted down and said to her: "You have been arrested, Miss Cinderella!"

It was a few days before returning to the city of rock.

After secretly returning to Rock City, Ling banned himself in the room and saw no one. This unusual behavior surprised Su and the others who came after hearing the news, and saw that Paul and Mr. X, who were accompanying them, also had very bad faces. When asked what happened, Mr. X left without saying a word, and then someone saw him getting drunk in the bar. As for Pope Paul, he smiled bitterly and said that he would let Zero tell everyone.

Soon everyone discovered that Cinderella hadn't even appeared. So they faintly guessed that the anomaly of Class Zero might have something to do with Hindrella.

In the evening, everyone received zero notification. When he came to the conference hall, Ling was already sitting at the main seat of the discussion table. His expression was solemn, and his breath was so suppressed that he could barely breathe. Everyone sat in silently. When the door was closed, Ling Qi raised his head and said in a slightly hoarse voice: "This time we went to the Dark Brotherhood, we were suddenly attacked by the Pope Hall. The city of St. Louis where the Brotherhood stronghold is located has been destroyed, and the members were killed and injured. heavy."

"Then..." Petty's bitter voice said: "We encountered a volley when we fled. Sauron personally led the team and gathered 13 high-ranking attackers to attack our ship. In order to cover our departure, Hindrella... Hindrella... After his death, his life and death are currently unknown."

The last number, zero, almost broke the steel teeth, and only then came these words from the mouth~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After everyone heard it, it didn't change its color. Even naturally staying at night, his face turned pale for a while. And Hook stood up excitedly, pressing the hilt of the knife in his hand and said angrily: "As a man, you let Hindrella break, Zero, you are so disappointing!"

"I'm sorry." Zero whispered, not wanting to argue with Hook at all.

Hook wanted to say more. Mr. X suddenly yelled, "Shut up, kid! The situation at the time was not like you thought. There was no warning about Hindrella's actions, and there was no time for Zero to stop her. If you blame it for it, If zero, then ask the old man for the crime! I believe that, if possible, zero would rather leave the post-office instead of that girl, because the old man thinks like this too!"

"Speaking of pain, Zero hurts more than you!"

Hook's face was blue and white, and finally he sat back with a long sigh. Zero has no words. For him, Cinderella is both a lover and a comrade-in-arms. In the past few days, every time she recalled her absent-minded figure, Ling was heartbroken. The pain in his heart is not as humane as it is.

But at this moment, the door of the conference room was suddenly pushed open, and Paul Don't walk in and said: "There is good news and bad news. The good news is that Cinderella is still alive!"

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