War Lord

Chapter 764: Iron Hell

With a word of Paul, everyone in the conference hall stood up. Zero also stood up, and said solemnly: "Are you sure, Your Highness Paul?"

"One hundred percent sure." Paul nodded: "This is a message sent back to me by Mendriza. Sauron arrested Cinderella and returned to Rome. Many people saw it. So Cinderella did not die. This is absolute."

"Very good!"

"In this way we still have a chance to rescue."

Hook and others fisted one after another and looked towards zero. Ling let out a long breath and said, "As long as people are not dead, there is hope."

Seeing the excitement of these people in front of him, Paul smiled bitterly: "It's not that I poured cold water on you, but I also said just now, there is bad news."

Suddenly, everyone fell silent. Zero looked at Paul and said, "What's the bad news?"

Paul sighed: "The man is not dead, but on the second day of being taken back to Rome, Cinderella was escorted to the Great Prison of Debes again."

"Iron Prison?"

Mr. X and Mamiro, the two former members of the Pope’s Hall system, took a breath of air. Hearing the two people’s anger so surprised, Ling shook his heart. Knowing that this so-called big prison might not be easy, they asked: "This is better than that. What's going on in the Stadhuis?"

Paul replied: "It is located on the island of Kunafanta in the northern waters. It is used to confine some wicked people. It is more appropriate to be a base under the sea than a prison."

The island of Kunavando on the northern waters of the Western Continent is where the Great Prison of Thebes, referred to as the Iron Prison, is located. The Iron Prison is heavily guarded. Since it was built, no prisoner has been able to escape. In addition, its biggest feature is that the real prison is located three hundred meters below the seabed of the island, connected to the surface through a lift channel.

The elevator corridor has six gates, and one of them will close the gate when the prisoner is found to have escaped from the prison. But apart from using the elevator to leave, the Great Prison of Thebes has no other way to get out. Even if it can cut through the walls made of armor plates, it will only be submerged by seawater full of radiation. Therefore, the big prison is also known as the iron prison.

After briefly explaining the special features of the Great Prison of Thebes, Paul said again: "But this is not the worst news. The worst news is that Sauron has already spoken out and will speak to Cindrix in two months. Ra’s execution is public. I don’t need to remind you, you should also know what time is two months from now. At that time, the early spring had begun and the winter snow had melted. It was when Sauron attacked the Rock City. The time for Cinderella’s execution was set This critical moment is clearly a trap!"

"Because only on the day of execution, Cinderella will appear on the surface. That is the only chance to rescue her."

Everyone was silent, and Paul was right. Setting Cinderella's execution time at this juncture, whether or not Zero goes to rescue her is very unfavorable. Go to the Iron Prison to rescue, but ignore Rock City. If you stay in the city, you will definitely be affected by the execution, causing Zero to be unable to make correct judgments, and even end in defeat in the war. No matter which option, it is extremely detrimental to zero. It can be said that Sauron throws him a dilemma.

An automatic door opened silently, allowing the light from outside the door to slip in, which made Cindrila a little uncomfortable, who had been accustomed to the dim environment. In the dim environment, the dilated pupils suddenly came into contact with the light, creating a dazzling sensation, making things in the line of sight blurry, so only one figure could be seen roughly.

After a while, she finally got used to it, so she could see that the figure in front of her was Sauron.

Sauron was also looking at her, and Cinderella was now like a mummy lying in a coffin. It's just that this coffin is made of metal and comes with a life support system. It is actually a straight prison for Hindrella. This is a prison system called "Iron Prison", which will fix the prisoner in an immobile metal warehouse. At the same time, it has the same life support system as the hibernation warehouse, but the prisoner's body is in the warehouse, but the head can be kept outside the warehouse.

There are four thick-arm alloy metal bars that are connected to the gravity lock behind the iron jail. When fixing the prisoner in an upright posture, it also prevents the prisoner from leaving this terrible prison.

The iron prison does not have a sleep system, which means that the prisoner can stay awake and see the automatic door within easy reach. This is undoubtedly a torture for the prisoner's psychology. It is said that since this system has been used, no prisoner can stay for three days without going crazy.

However, Cinderella has been here for the fourth day.

"Looks good." Sauron smiled.

"Thank you for your care, I'm just curious, why didn't you just kill me." Hindrella said calmly.

Sauron stretched out his hand and slashed across Cinderella’s face: "Dear Miss Cinderella, you ruined my plan and incidentally destroyed my three warships and my seat frame. As for the one who died in the tsunami that you directed There are countless soldiers. You who committed such a crime could expect to die?"

"Oh, besides killing me, I really can't think of what else you can punish me?" Hindrella said slightly mockingly: "Rely on this ingenious system? Honestly, it is really special. If it is normal As a human being, I will go crazy in a few days. Unfortunately, I have a way to put myself into a deep sleep. If I want to sleep for ten or twenty years, there is no problem."

"Indeed, I never thought of using it to torture you. It's just that in this prison, only this thing can completely block a high-level activity." Sauron stood two steps away: "Miss Cinderella, yes. In my opinion, besides keeping you here, you actually have some value. For example, I have passed through the mouths of those in Mendriza and passed the news of your public execution two months later. I want zero It will be known soon, so let us guess, will he be in danger to rescue you in two months?"

"It doesn't matter if he comes or not, it is a torture for him. This is my real punishment for you." Soron laughed and said, "Enjoy the next two months of vacation. ."

Cinderella was not angry, not surprised. When the automatic door closed, she whispered in the dimness: "Don't come, zero, this is a trap..."

Walking out of the tunnel quickly, Wither and a bearded man followed. Sauron said to the man: "Guardian Hiller, I want you to pay attention. Prisoner No. 98 is of great significance. You must take care of your subordinates and don't let them make trivial tricks. Otherwise, you Know what I will do?"

The man named Hiller trembled and said in a deep voice, "Don't worry, sir. In these two months, no one will touch the prisoner's hair."

Sauron just said "um" and left with Wither.

"My lord, you are really kind. The atmosphere of the iron prison is not good, and things often happen to play with female prisoners. Unexpectedly, you will personally present an amulet to that woman." Wither said respectfully.

"Benevolence?" Sauron shook his head: "Wither, that woman destroyed my three warships, causing serious damage to my building, and hundreds of dead and wounded soldiers. More importantly, she let Zero and Paul be in my possession. I ran away under my nose. I hate her for being so boned, but I have to admit that she is a strong man. This alone makes me qualified to keep her dignity!"

"This is her... the right she deserves!"

That night, Sauron returned to Rome from the Great Prison of Thebes. As soon as he stepped into the Pope's Hall, his heart beat wildly. The entire papal hall was shrouded in a strange force field. It seemed to be everywhere, but when it was touched, it was like air. This force field is deep and cryptic, completely in Gaia's style. So he knew that the silver-haired man had returned.

Leaving Wesel behind, Sauron came to the palace alone. The palace is being rebuilt, but the scene is still in ruins, clearly recording the scene after the explosion that day. As soon as Sauron walked in, he saw Gaia still sitting on the miraculously damaged throne. As always, he rested his chin with his hands, as if sleeping in a fake sleep. But when Sauron stepped in, he opened his eyes.

"Master Gaia, you are back. Narcine..." Sauron asked.

Gaia said lightly: "He is very interesting, but I was tired of playing games with him for a few days, so I solved him easily. But you, I heard that you just did an interesting thing recently. "

"Yes, my lord." Sauron said: "Just a little bit, I can bring the man named Zero back to you."

Hearing Zero, Gaia's pupils dilated, and then asked: "Let's talk about it in detail."

So Sauron surrendered Rex, raided the city of St. Louis and launched a chase battle on the sea and the power ship where the zero was located, but at a critical juncture, a series of good things were broken by Hindrella. Finally he said: "But it doesn’t matter, sir. I have already released the news that I will execute Cinderella publicly in two months. From the information we have collected so far, Zero cherishes Wings very much. This Cinderella is his woman again. The possibility of him coming to the Iron Prison to be rescued is very high. As long as he dares to come, I will give him a huge surprise."

"Good job, Sauron. I want you to bring him to me, as long as he doesn't die. As for the rest, you can arrange it."

"Yes, my lord." Sauron said with a turn of his breath, "but I have fought against zero on the boat, although we did not use our full strength. But to be honest, my lord, I don't think that with my current strength, I can't achieve an overwhelming effect. Advantage. So in two months, I’m really not sure whether I can give you the zero."

Gaia smiled faintly and said: "I understand, don't worry. Two months later, you will face Zero with a tenth rank. But if you still fail like this, you don't need to tell me the consequences."

"Of course, my lord." Sauron was ecstatic, watching Adam and the others break through their bottlenecks one by one, Sauron was eager to get Gaia's help.

Now, the door to the tenth step was right in front of him, how could he suppress the excitement in his heart. At this time, Gaia said again: "It is not a problem to promote you to the tenth level, but the tenth and the ninth level are different after all. I need you to provide some blood so that I can analyze your genetic sequence and work out the best promotion plan. ."

When Sauron heard this, his excitement immediately dropped a lot. Things like blood, as Gaia said, with his level of power, it is enough to analyze a lot of things from the blood. Including the limits and weaknesses of Sauron's abilities, it can be said that once the blood is provided to Gaia, it also means that Sauron's life will be sold to this man from then on. No matter how he wanted to improve his strength, he couldn't help but hesitate at this moment.

Seeing Sauron's hesitation, Gaia sneered and said: "If you don't want it, it's okay, then I can't improve your strength."

Sauron gritted his teeth and said, "I don't know how much do you need?"

"One drop is enough."

Sauron didn't hesitate anymore, cut through the skin of his finger with a front, and then squeezed a drop of blood from it. As soon as the blood was squeezed out, it was immediately wrapped in a force field. Gaia waved his hand at the drop of blood, and it automatically flew to Gaia's place. Gaia opened his mouth, and the drop of blood flew in and swallowed it into his body. Finally, Gaia said: "You can go down, and come to me in three days. Don't let people disturb you these days, I want to analyze your genes."

"Yes, my lord."

Sauron retreated, knowing that he had already embarked on a path of no return. Today, he has no retreat. Only to go forward desperately, once back, there is a cliff behind him!

In the morning, Leah woke up and found that Zero was no longer by her side. There is still residual temperature in the bed, I should get up soon after thinking about it. She got out of bed, put on her clothes and walked out of the bedroom. Quietly in the house, it seemed to leave. She fell silent a little. Since learning that Hindrella will be executed two months later, Zero's mood has been depressed for the past two days. Leah knew exactly why this happened.

After all, Sauron is now giving a dilemma.

On one side is Cinderella, on the other side is the City of Rock. On one side is personal affair, on the other side is the overall situation. Sauron wanted Zero to be unable to take care of both ends, thus making mistakes and then leading to failure. Knowing this, Zero still inevitably slid in the direction Sauron wanted.

As a zero woman, Leah knows very well. Although there are many people around him, he is lonely. In Beyonce's mouth, Leah already knew something about Zero. Knowing that he is not an ordinary human, but a clone of some super life. For Zero, this life was not born naturally, but from a scientific experiment.

The reason why human beings have self-awareness is based on the uniqueness of self.

who am I? Where am i from? What is the difference between me and others. All these are self-defining labels, which are different references from others. Without these, the self will become blurred, and the self without boundaries is like a confused life. Fortunately, before Zero awakens, all other clones have died, and Zero's uniqueness has been achieved.

So he didn't fall apart. In this, there was the credit of Beyonce and Leah. It is because of their emotional dedication that Zero will be a beacon of self-definition, so that he will not get lost in this world that does not belong to him.

Therefore, as Ling said, he is a man who cherishes his wings. Whether he is a lover or a comrade-in-arms, he cherishes the people who walked with him. His indifference is more of a disguise. Only with an indifferent face can we face this cruel era. But inside, it was like a ball of flame wrapped in ice. If it can be as cold as one inside and outside, zero will not be as distressed as it is now.

It's a pity that he can't do it.

Because he is zero.

Leah found Zero in the office of the City Hall. Zero who usually stayed here was either reviewing documents or standing in front of the plasma tactical board and silently looking at the map of the Western Continent in order to deploy the next work. But today, looking in through the gap of the door, nothing has been done. He just sat at the table, lifeless, like a puppet with an empty shell.

This picture made Leah feel painful, and she backed away. He just retreated, as if he had hit someone. Turning around, he saw Su who was smiling.

Su Chao pointed inside and said, "Your head is inside, right?"

"Yeah." Leah nodded.

"Sure enough, I felt that there was a depressive but huge breath in it early in the morning. I knew it must be the head. He must be very confused now, so he allowed his breath to leak out. Otherwise, he would stand still. It's hard to be spotted behind me. It seems that this time, he is really troublesome." Su said with his arms around his chest.

"How can it not hurt your brain, that man, his heart is far less cold than it seems on the surface." Leah shook her head.

"Since this is the case, let's go cheer him up." Su said suddenly.

"Pep up?"

Before Leah had come to understand, she had already pushed in the door for Su. At the moment the door opened, the heavy and huge pressure entrenched in the room suddenly disappeared completely, and then Ling raised his head to look at the two of them: "You are here."

The sound is low, like a rusty machine.

Leah suddenly pushed Su forward, and then Su said, "Boss, Leah has something to tell you."

"Eh?" Ling looked at Leah and asked, "What's the matter?"

Leah was almost crying, she just asked Su to push it over~www.wuxiaspot.com~ She didn't have the slightest plan to let her say anything. But seeing that zero hour, Leah moved suddenly. When she came back to her senses, she found that she was holding Zero tightly in her arms like a mother hugging a child.

Ling's body tightened slightly, and then relaxed. Leah pressed against his face and whispered in Ling's ear, "Isn't it tired? Since the z7 base awakened, Ling has been fighting like this. Now, she has so many responsibilities on her body. They just Like a chain of shackles, tangible and intangible are set on you. So you can’t move freely, because you have too many things to consider. Is that right, zero?"

Zero nodded softly in her arms.

"So now, I want you to remove the shackles." Leah said suddenly and unexpectedly.

Zero raised his head and said in surprise: "Remove it?"

"Yes, take it off!" Leah lightly touched her chest and said: "Now, Zero is not alone. There is me, you, and everyone. We are all by Zero's side, aren't we? If there are too many yokes on Zero , It’s too heavy. Then we can share zero burdens alone, isn’t it all right?"

"Zero responsibility and pain, let us take it together!"

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