War Paradise

Chapter 1015 The Return of the Slayer

"I'm stuffed."

Jane leaned on the back of the dirty plastic chair, rubbing Own's stomach contentedly. Seeing that the child had finished eating, Lin Chi leaned over to Jane and whispered a few words to him.

"Want to do this, okay... I see." Jane nodded.

After explaining the battle plan, Lin Chi stood up and left the fast-food restaurant with Zhen.

Seeing the "businessman" leaving behind, the polite smile on the face of the young woman in the fast food restaurant disappeared, she took out her mobile phone from under the counter and dialed a number:

"Hey, it's me..."

Lin Chi, who had left the fast food restaurant, took Jane back to the underground parking lot where she parked just now, and began to prepare for the next step.

At the same time, a group of green figures began to gather.

Dozens of Lions gang members who were wandering on the street appeared in front of the only entrance of the parking lot. These gangsters took out the scorpion-style submachine guns hidden in their sweaters, put on the black masks that had been hung around their necks, and bent their eyes to show evil smiles.

The illegal transactions here have always been under the control of the Lions Gang. If other "businessmen" want to come here to open up the market, they will undoubtedly make a huge mistake.

The illegal businessmen who came here were beaten up to death on the street. Regardless of whether they can escape by chance, the goods and money in their hands will definitely not be kept.

Robbing those illegal businessmen who "go astray" is also one of the ways for the Lions Gang to make a fortune.


The black man with dirty braids standing in the middle of the crowd, shaking his mop-like hair, smiled unkindly.

The "merchants" who arrived this time seemed to be very rich. After the tickets were finished, they should be able to make a lot of money again.

Da da da.

Footsteps sounded from the underground parking lot and began to approach the entrance. The members of the Lion Gang formed a semicircle, staring at the dark underground parking lot entrance intently.

Then, two Daoist shadows appeared in their sight:

Walking on the left is a young man with a big back, a gentle smile on his handsome face, a straight gray suit on his body looks more formal, no folds are visible, he is holding a silver metal box in his right hand , Spotless black leather shoes gleamed in the sun.

Standing next to the man was a tall beauty in black. Under her long black hair, a pair of clear green eyes seemed to have breathtaking power. She stepped away from the two long legs covered by the long skirt, and the slender heel hit the ground with a crisp sound, just like a princess from an ancient castle, causing the members of the Lion Gang nearby to lose consciousness for a while.

Seeing the two standing on a small open space in front of the parking lot, a member of the Lions gang finally recovered, raised a gun and aimed at the man holding the suitcase, and shouted: "Don't move!"

"Sorry, we're just here to talk about business." The man with neat hair standing behind him smiled slightly: "We didn't mean to oppose you."

"Stop talking nonsense, it's a mistake for you to come here!" The black man standing in the front pointed his gun at the "merchant"'s head: "Hand over the things and money, and then get out, I can leave you a way out!"

Facing the muzzle that was almost on his face, Lin Chi, who was standing still, did not panic. He just shook the suitcase in his hand and continued to put on a cheerful expression, with the gang members who surrounded the entrance of the parking lot. Have a "friendly" exchange:

"Can't talk anymore? We are really just here to sell things."

"The market here is monopolized by the Lions Gang." The black voice was very rough: "Whether you buy guns, medicines, or other things, you are all in the wrong place..."

While speaking, the dirty black man turned his gaze to the beauty in black next to Lin Chi, staring at the woman's exquisite white face like a work of art, whistling maliciously, and proposed another solution. :

"Of course, if you leave this beauty behind, you can take money and goods and get out by yourself~"

As soon as this was said, a group of gang members surrounding the entrance of the parking lot laughed like barbells, and the parking lot was filled with joyful air.

Realizing that he couldn't communicate with the other party at all, Lin Chi was not surprised. After all, this was already in his plan. He turned his head and looked at the "beauty" standing beside him, nodding slightly.

Then, the two suddenly turned around and rushed into the parking lot, so fast that the members of the Lions gang could not react.

"Grab them!" The black man yelled, and the scorpion submachine gun in his hand shot a string of bullets, hitting the wall of the parking lot entrance, and a few wisps of smoke floated from the bullet holes.

The speed of the two people seemed to be teleporting, and the members of the Lion Gang looked at each other, not knowing what to do next. Seeing that all his subordinates were stunned, the black turned his head and roared: "What are you in a daze? Go down and grab them!"


At the same moment, Lin Chi and the "butcher" standing underground, were standing in the deepest part of the parking lot, and began to make final preparations.

There is no light inside the parking lot that has been in disrepair, only the faint yellow light from the military tactical light stick that Lin Chi dropped, which brightens the nearby space.

"Shall we start?" The butcher blinked at Lin Chi, looking eager to try.

As the most ferocious killer among Jane's seven personalities, she finally got the opportunity to do it. At this time, the butcher couldn't wait to start.

But before that, Lin Chi still has something to remind her:

"Leave a few lives, don't kill them all, I want to interrogate."

"I know." The butcher shook his head impatiently: "Don't remind me every time..."

Before she finished her words, the woman's body had undergone abnormal changes again:

The black dress on her body began to transform into a blood-stained human fur coat, and her body suddenly swelled twice. It reached a height of nearly two meters.

The skin of the butcher's whole body began to turn into a deadly gray, and a rusty pointed metal helmet appeared on her head, covering her face. He was dragging a broad-blade knife in his hand. The blade was two meters long, with dark red stains hanging on the blade, like bloodstains that had not been washed away.

As the appearance of the woman in black changed, the murderer who had confronted Lin Chi in the Doom Hotel once again appeared in front of Lin Chi. At the same time, there was also a scarlet skull icon and a text indicating his identity:

The butcher of the Doom Inn, a hero-level character (boss-level).

"Are you going back to your old business?" Lin Chi smiled, took out a black leather mask from his backpack and put it on Own's head.

The leather mask covered the upper half of Lin Chi's face. While putting on the mask, the name of the equipment appeared in Lin Chi's sight:

Fan, Duckholm's mask. (Van.Darkholme's-Mask)

He opened the skill bar at will, and saw a new skill appeared at the bottom:


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