War Paradise

Chapter 1016 The Butcher In The Parking Lot

This leather mask, which can cover the upper half of his face, is the trophy that Lin Chi won after defeating a certain wrestling man in the All-Star Game. Although it can be used to hide the face, because the side effects of the mask's built-in skills are too great, Lin Chi has never used it after obtaining it.

As for why the side effects of skills are too great, just read the item introduction to make it clear:

Van Duckholm's mask. (Van.Darkholme's-Mask)


Item level: Epic.

Light armor, no proficiency is required to use. Requires minimum strength value: 15.

Players wearing this mask will get a new skill: DEEP-DARK-FANTASY (Deep Dark Fantasy), which awakens the dark power hidden deep in the heart. Strength, agility and endurance will increase by 6 points, but the lucky value will be reduced by 6 points.

"This is a mask used by the legendary wrestler Duckholm. It is said that when he wears this mask, he will gain a terrifying Ascension in combat power. But at the same time, his men also betrayed him."

——The physical attribute value provided by this skill of the mask is even better than the recognized magical skill "War Horn" obtained after the construction of the barracks, but the negative effect of reducing the lucky value by six points is lower for the early stage. For some players, it might be a fatal blow to kill them.

Regarding the importance of the lucky value in the game, a genuine European King has personally demonstrated it in front of hundreds of thousands of viewers. When it comes to players with too low lucky values, there are already anchors such as "Terminator" who have done it personally. demonstration. Taking Lin Chi's current attribute value, the side effect of lowering his luck by six points is basically unbearable.

But this time, with the help of another prop, the wrestler's mask finally came into play.

Lin Chi took out the sacred badge that had been upgraded by Mephistopheles from his backpack, chose the option to upgrade his skills, and directly changed the skill that just appeared in his skill bar from first-level Ascension to third-level. As the skills are upgraded by two consecutive levels, the effects brought about by them have also changed dramatically:


Awaken the dark power hidden deep in the heart, strength, agility and endurance will increase by 10 points, but the lucky value will be reduced by 2 points.

After the upgrade, the positive effect of this skill has been increased, while the negative effect has been weakened a lot.

Now, the attribute value provided by the mask has completely crushed the horn of war, and as long as the mask is worn, the effect can last forever. As for the reduced two points of luck, it is basically negligible compared with the positive effect.

At this time, Lin Chi's strength and agility had reached 27 points, his stamina was 26 points, and his luck dropped to 13. Although this attribute value could not compete with the butcher, it was definitely more than enough to deal with the lion gang.

He drew two sabers and triggered the Titan's Grip of Level 4, directly breaking through 30 points in strength and agility. Seeing Lin Chi wearing a mask, a dull voice rang under the butcher's metal helmet:

"Your mask is so stupid."

"Isn't it normal for a murderer to wear a mask to kill?" Lin Chi smiled and said, "Otherwise, what's the matter with the iron helmet on your head?"

"The helmet is part of my head, similar to the skull." The butcher opened his mouth to reveal his sharp teeth, and a corpse odor floated out of his mouth: "In the Doomsday Hotel, I am responsible for cleaning out the outsiders who invaded the child's consciousness. ."

"Okay, let's start." Hearing the messy footsteps at the entrance of the parking lot, Lin slowly stepped forward: "It's time for them to feel the real fear."


"What are you doing? Hurry up!" The black man with dirty braids roared.

In the eyes of this little boss, no matter how fast the opponent is, it is only a flesh and blood body. When facing the submachine guns of dozens of armed bandits, they can only end up being shot dead!

It wasn't until the black people called out again that the members of the Lion Gang finally came back to their senses, clenched their submachine guns and carefully walked into the parking lot, entered the dark underground space, and started looking for the traces of the two "businessmen" just now.

This underground parking lot has been left unattended for a long time. The interior space is very wide. Some abandoned broken cars are parked in it, and the car body has already been covered with a layer of dust.

In addition, there are a lot of debris accumulated in the parking lot, which seems to have been used as a temporary garbage dump, making the visibility inside the car even lower.

Several gang members took out flashlights to create a few rays of light in the dark, and several others took out their mobile phones to illuminate them, looking for the two who fled into the parking lot.

Then they heard a harsh metal rubbing sound:


The sharp sound seemed to evoke the instinctive fear deep in my heart, causing the gang members who walked in front to retreat again and again, while the others immediately raised their guns and aimed at the direction where the sound came from.

"Who?" a gang member shouted.

These Chengri-li thugs who are at large in Beicheng District and do no evil do not know what "fear" is, but now they feel a little bit of fear.

——In the dark shadow of the parking lot, something seems to be staring at itself.

The harsh metal friction sound became more and more intense, like a sharp knife across the heart, heavy footsteps were mixed in it, and it sounded from nowhere, as if it was surrounding the mob from all directions.

Even if I haven’t seen anyone yet, a terrifying sense of oppression has swept through, making the thugs in the underground parking lot almost unable to breathe. The gang members gasped for breath, although the air around them was cold, but the foreheads were still cold. A lot of sweat came out.

Leaning next to a dusty jeep, a gang member was obviously about to collapse. His eyes were turning wildly, his gaze was cruising wildly, and he kept breathing deeply trying to calm his own emotions, but it was completely useless.

The loud noise of metal friction began to approach, as if someone was dragging something heavy. There was a smell in the cold air, and it smelled like the corpse of a tramp who fell on the street in the middle of summer. .

"Give me... eat X!"

The gang members who lost their minds under the pressure of intense fear roared and turned back, raising their guns to aim at the dark space behind them.

However, he saw nothing.

The flashlight held in the trembling left hand opened a circle in the dark, and only the dusty ground, some life garbage piled on the ground, and the flies flying around in the garbage pile entered the line of sight.

Is it an illusion?

Realizing that the friction sound just now disappeared, he took a breath, raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his head, and turned to go back to the jeep—


With a crisp sound, his body froze.


At the moment the voice sounded, he still didn't know what was going on, until the incredibly hot pain burst from his chest, the member of the Lions gang finally realized a terrifying fact:

——I was opened!

He screamed frantically, but his voice became smaller and smaller. At the last moment before his consciousness was destroyed by the pain, a tall gray white figure appeared in his sight.

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