War Paradise

Chapter 1041 Devil's Invitation


The woman who had been in a coma opened her mouth and made a vague sound. Zenia slowly opened her eyes and saw that she was lying on the shabby sofa, her black tights had been taken off somehow, and she changed her eyes. Become a men’s shirt and shorts.

"What..." She was startled.

Zenia knows very well that own super combat power is actually bestowed by the latest U.S. military combat system in the tights. It is a nano-robot developed by the military's research organization, which can make the user's movements more sensitive.

Without that suit, his own combat effectiveness has dropped several levels directly, returning to the level of an ordinary soldier. What's more deadly is that he is still injured.

Realizing that she might be captured, and still not knowing what happened, Zenia had already sat up, but there was a sudden pain in her chest, and her body slumped on the sofa again.

At this time, she was in a poorly lit living room, with heavy curtains tightly drawn, and a few cigarette butts still emitting white smoke in the ashtray on the coffee table.

Zenia tried to reach out and grab the ashtray as a self-defense weapon, but found that Own's body was completely useless. At this time, a familiar male voice rang behind her:

"you're awake?"

"Miscellaneous..." Zenia cursed in a low voice.

"Don't be angry, I have no choice." The jackal staggered over. Just looking at his hunchback, he knew that he must have been hurt a lot just now.

"If I didn't save you, you would have died there." A faint smile appeared on the vicissitudes of Jackal's face.

"I would rather die," Zenia whispered.

In front of her, the jackal finally removed his mask, revealing his true face. For a middle-aged man in his forties, his face looked older than his true age, with white sideburns and wrinkled vicissitudes. He is at least sixty years old.

"I know you hate me, and I hate myself for making the wrong choice. But...give me a chance, I am already atoneting for my sins."

As the jackal said, he put the basin on the coffee table, took out the wet towel in it and handed it to his own ex-wife: "I don't ask for anything. From now on, we will part ways and don't disturb each other. How about?"

"You thought it would be clear this way, and I didn't let you save me." Zenia reached out and touched the scar on her face. Having said that, her expression was a little softer.

——The deceased cannot be resurrected. No matter how much regret, the daughter cannot return.

Over the years, I have always wanted to retaliate against her husband who committed a big mistake, but when she saw that guy was still taking care of her even though she was injured, Zenia still had a strange feeling in her heart.

Then, the words of the jackal made her panic:

"At that time... you didn't use all your strength, right."

"I just want to kill you." Zenia retorted.

"No, if you really wanted to kill me back then, I should have died there a long time ago." The jackal sat on the wooden chair opposite Zenia and looked at the woman who had loved herself deeply but now turned her head against her. "You It is absolutely merciful."

Zenia was silent.

Even if she didn't want to admit it, she knew very well that when she was fighting this man in the lobby of the Silver Shield headquarters, she did not choose to hurt the killer. In that battle, I hesitated more than once.

"Whatever you say, I am leaving here..."

Zenia struggled to stand up, her injured body still couldn't use her strength, watching her writhing stupidly, the jackal couldn't help but laugh again:

"Don't use any more force, maybe you will fracture."

"Go and die..." Zenia cursed, and gave up her plan to get up and lay back on the sofa feebly.

"Don't think I will thank you," she said.

"I didn't think so much." Jackal smiled: "You save my life, I take you away from there, we are even."

--Is that right?

Zenia closed her eyes, as if a scene from decades ago appeared before her eyes. The scene of her first meeting with this man in the Marine Corps station is still vivid.

"Well, we will clean up after this matter is over, and I will leave this city." Zenia said weakly, "but I want to remind you not to rob the bank in the future, otherwise I will come back and take you Cut off his head and threw it into the Pacific Ocean."

"Ha, have you figured it out?" The jackal showed a surprised expression, and asked with great precision, "Can I still be friends in the future?"

"Impossible, I hate you idiot." Zenia immediately shook her head.

"Well..." The Jackal sighed.

Seeing that Own's ex-wife is fine, this relieved old man returned to the bedroom of the hiding place and turned on the radio to contact the partner who had acted with him before.

"What's the matter?" A certain man's "lazy" voice sounded over there.

"Uh, I just want to say thank you, man." Jackal said solemnly, "You gave me a second life..."

"Don't say it so numb." Lin Chi on the other end of the radio laughed, then suddenly changed the subject and asked, "Are you interested in joining us?"

"Huh?" The jackal didn't react for a while.

"I have formed a mercenary organization. There are not many members. My two partners are both members of the organization. You have already met them."

Lin Chi threw an olive branch to the robber who was marked as "unrecruitable" by the system: "Would you like to join us? You can do whatever you normally do. It doesn't matter if you leave the station. Just be me when I need you to help. Partner is just fine."

As soon as this word came out, the jackal didn't know how to answer it for a while.

After seeing the man's terrifying killing method, the jackal at this time had already developed a little sense of fear for the man. The scene of countless souls rushing over, still makes him frightened in retrospect.

However, the other party did obtain salvation, and the ex-wife, who had turned against him, is now temporarily reconciled.

The Jackal knew that if he hadn't had that man and his men, even if he hadn't died in Zenia's hands, he would have died in the hands of the soldiers of the Silver Shield.

He pondered for a while, and then slowly replied: "I haven't thought about it yet... Give me one day, and I will definitely reply to you tomorrow, man."

"Then I am waiting for your reply. There is still something here, so hang up first." Lin Chi's voice quickly disappeared, leaving only the rustling noise on the channel.

Putting down the intercom, the jackal looked up at the mirror hung on the wall. Since he hadn't used this face for a long time, the vicissitudes of life in the mirror looked a little strange.

——Do you want to join that man's mercenary organization? It seems very interesting. Since I can't continue to rob in the future, joining a mercenary group seems to be a good choice...

The jackal leaned against the door with frowning brows, and began to think.

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