War Paradise

Chapter 1042

Putting down the walkie-talkie, Lin Chi returned to the living room and continued to filter useful information from the storage devices he had obtained.

With only one hand left, he is much less efficient than Mason. In the past half an hour, they checked a lot of equipment and found nothing related to "psychedelics" except for the abnormal corruption inside the Silver Shield Security Company.

At this time, the equipment that had been inspected was thrown directly into the trash can by the table, and the equipment that was temporarily unable to view the information with a code lock was placed in the fruit basket on the right hand of Lin Chi, and piled up on the left hand. CD-ROM, U-disk and mobile hard disk are the content to be checked next.


After operating with one hand for a long time, Lin Chi, feeling a little tired, leaned on the sofa, planning to rest for a while before continuing to work. At this time, Mason, who had been searching for information quickly, suddenly found some clues from a USB flash drive:

"Here is a hidden document..."

Mason quickly clicked the mouse to open the document hidden in the "empty folder", and then suddenly his eyes lit up and said, "I found a clue."


Lin Chi, who had just closed his eyes and meditation, opened his eyes instantly, his body seemed to be teleported, and he suddenly appeared beside Mason, focusing his gaze on the screen of the laptop that Mason was using, and a few lines of text came into his sight:

"On June 5th, meet with Methuselah's connector."

"On June 9, I received the hallucinogen."

"On June 12, sell psychedelics to designated customers."

——Although there are only a few lines that mention "psychedelics", Lin Chi knows that he has got what he wants: these few lines describe the "psychedelic" transaction with mysterious customers on the 21st. Agent" process!

So, who is this "Mesh Sarah"?

Looking at the name that was obviously a code name, Lin Chi fell into deep thought.

After having a religious showdown with "Cain" on the map of New York, Lin Chi once deliberately checked some legends related to the "Bible", in which he saw the name Methuselah.

Methuselah was the patriarch mentioned in the Old Testament of the Bible and lived 969 years. He is the son of Enoch. In the "Genesis" record, he is the descendant of Seth born after Cain by Adam and Eve.

This person is the longest-lived person in the biblical record. People in later generations often associate his name with "ancient". There is a kind of bacteria that may have lived for hundreds of millions of years, so it was named "Mesh Sala", and there was an ancient tree that lived for several thousand years, and it was named the "Mesh Sala".

So, the names appearing here are just random codes? Or is it a metaphor?

After Lin Chi wrote down these few lines, he continued to read the content at the back of the document. Only other goods transaction records appeared in it. There was no mention of psychedelics, and the name Methuselah never appeared again.


Realizing that things might not be that simple, Lin Chi immediately issued instructions: "Mason will continue to check other content. I will go out first and Jane will come with me."

Regarding this code name, the intelligence merchants in the City of Chaos may have some clues. What Lin Chi had to do now was to ask the intelligence dealers in the city to find out any clues about "Mesh Sala".

The first he visited was the place where the elite mercenaries had been hired before, and the bearded intelligence dealer who had a good relationship with the "Jackal" was still hiding in his small shop and was operating normally as usual.

"Well, I haven't heard of this name." The bearded man shook his head, his eyes flickering a little: "You go and ask somewhere else?"

"Tell me the location of the other intelligence merchants." Lin Chi's request was simple and clear.

After taking out five thousand dollars and handing it to the other party, he finally obtained the positions of several other intelligence dealers in the city. Under Zhen's protection, Lin Chi visited several nearby intelligence merchants one by one, but did not get any clues.

The intelligence dealers in the city basically didn't know the existence of this person. It seems that this Masselah may have only traded with "No. 21", or it may have used other code names in peacetime. Just relying on a name in the document, there is no way to figure out the true identity of the other party.

"Isn't it that easy..."

After looking for a few intelligence agents, nothing was found. When Lin Chi returned to the safe house, the sky was already dark.

Mason, who has been "resident" in the safe room for a long time, has checked all the information that can be viewed at this time, and has not found any other information related to "psychedelics". Apart from the three lines of records, there are no other clues. .

Dozens of encrypted storage devices cannot be unlocked for the time being. The clues about psychedelics seemed to be temporarily interrupted.

——So, only got one name after searching for a long time?

But even with only the name, some information should be inferred.

Lin Chi leaned back lazily on the sofa, his virtual brain started to move fast, thinking about various possibilities:

If this "Mesh Sala" also appears in other Chaos City games, it may be the kind of permanent NPC that has been set. Of course, there is another possibility-he is a "barbarian" who can switch at will on the map.

If Methuselah is an "awakened NPC" similar to the Rebels, circulates in various maps and sells his deadly hallucinogen, things become even more troublesome.

Lin Chi knew very well that it was almost impossible to track the "barbarians" on his own. Unless he relied on the power of the resistance army or the administrator, he could not switch to other maps in a game, even if he could. Finding the trace of the opponent, it is impossible to follow the opponent to leave this map.

However, it is still not certain that "Mesh Sala" also belongs to this NPC. If you want to find out the truth of the matter, you must conduct the next investigation and find more clues.

Although it didn't rank in the same game, Blood Blade should also be investigating in the Chaos City map now. If she can also get some clues over there, maybe she can make the incomplete puzzle complete and figure out the true body of "Mesh Sala".

"Okay, let's rest first." Lin Chi waved to the two subordinates.

It's getting late, and since "full-band scanning" won't appear again, it's time to go to bed now. Lin Chi turned and walked into the bedroom, but the radio intercom suddenly buzzed. Needless to say, you know that it must be the jackal who sent the message:

"Hello?" Lin Chi grabbed the walkie-talkie and asked, "Anything?"

"I'm thinking about it." The jackal's voice sounded.

"So fast?" Lin Chi smiled, "So what do you think?"

"Man, I'm willing to join your mercenary organization, even if you are not paid. But there is a condition...you have to help me with the last vote."

"What last vote?"

Before Lin Chi's voice fell, a task prompt popped up in his sight:

Start mission: "Last vote"

"Jackal" Mondillo asks you to help him complete his revenge.

Task reward: hero-level NPC "Jackal".

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