War Paradise

Chapter 1057

-Is it so real?

After reading the skill introduction, Lin Chi opened the status bar below. His character this time was also infected with the rotten plague, but it was only Level One at the moment, and there was no sign of decay on his body.

"Opportunity is here." Lin Chi thought to himself.

His role this time should be able to live a little longer, and he also comes with his own persuasive skills, which has increased the success rate of reaching the temple by a few points.

Speaking of this skill, isn't your role as hoarse as before?


Lin Chi opened his mouth to speak, but couldn't make any sound. He continued to exert force, but still no sound came out.

Could it be that……

An ominous premonition emerged in his heart, Lin Chi tried hard to speak, a thousand words rushed to his throat and disappeared without a trace. After holding it for a long time, he finally made a hissing sound.

By now, he can be sure: The own character is dumb.

In this way, the meaning of the "cunning villain" skill seems a little subtle, even with a little irony.

——The setting of these characters is really malicious...

Lin Chi complained secretly in his heart, stretched out his hand to touch own face, and the dirty palm of his right hand was stained with a lot of dust.

Since there is no mirror or anything here, he doesn't know what his character looks like. But now, appearance issues don't seem to matter much anymore.

To survive in such a ghostly place, weapons are naturally a must. He searched the alley, only to find a sharp triangular piece of iron.

Putting the thing in the waist pocket of the "sack", Lin Chi finally stepped forward again to the plague-stricken city, stepped onto the streets full of Death, and passed by the two corpses.

The woman wrapped in rags held her own daughter until she died, but her last protection was unable to save the flesh and blood from the hands of death. The bodies of the two had begun to decompose, and the mother's face that was about to show bones still carried a gentle smile.

Lin Chi speeded up his pace in silence, looking for traces of corpses along the street. If anyone could be found in charge of burning the corpses, the corpse hills in the city would undoubtedly be the most likely locations.

There were no corpses piled up in the mountains on this street, only scattered corpses fell on the side of the street. Lin Chi raised his head and looked at the gray smoke that enveloped the entire sky, trying to determine the location of the fire through the smoke.

The houses on the street were unusually tall, making his field of vision narrow, but Lin Chi still noticed that the smog in the northwest was thicker than other places.

He walked slowly to the northwest, sneaking around the corner, and the street here was also very empty, neither the ballista nor the black-robed "killer" appeared.

"Good luck this time..."

Lin Chi thought in his heart, and stepped towards the direction where the smoke was rising.

On this street, gray plumes of smoke can already be seen. As long as the people in the red robe haven't left, they will have the opportunity to carry out a sneak attack from behind. But the premise is that there are no accidents with this body.

He tried to move his limbs. The rank one's rotting plague hadn't affected his mobility. Except for some erythema on his skin, his current state was considered healthy.

Lin slowly arrived at the street where the smoke was rising. Before he could observe the situation on the street, he immediately retreated to the back alley and once again disguised himself as a dead body.

The black-robed men who had performed the gorgeous Movement Technique to slaughter refugees, the sound of footsteps have sounded again, because these guys have metal parts added to their shoes, the sound of da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da sound is particularly obvious.

Judging from the sound of footsteps, there were at least three people who came over, and now they only have a chance to hide!

In the face of an invincible opponent, Lin Chi also adhered to the spirit of sneaking into games and chose to avoid the opponent's sight. Fortunately, no one was smoking in the alley this time, and the footsteps of those guys quickly disappeared.

It wasn't until the sound completely disappeared that Lin Chi finally stood up again and walked slowly into the burning street, focusing on the rising flames.

Hundreds of corpses piled up in the middle of the road are burning, and the few remaining flesh and blood are quickly burned in the high temperature, leaving behind scorched and withered bones. The sound of popping is endless, like the sound of the dead's eyes bursting in the fire.

Seeing a big hand stretched out in the flame, he twitched a few times and stopped struggling. After witnessing the terrible scene, Lin Chi shook his head and walked towards the "Death Fire" that was emitting thick gray smoke.

From here, the existence of the red-robed man could not be seen, and the corpse burners seemed to have already left. But when they left, something seemed to be left behind...

Lin Chi pulled a rag from his clothes, wrapped it around his face and covered his mouth and nose, and walked slowly towards the burning fire. His eyes were so scorched by the heat that he could hardly open them, but by approaching the scene he saw before, he inferred the location of the thing, closed his eyes and fumbled on the hot ground, and picked up a burning piece. parchment.

The refugees here don't look like they have pens and papers. This piece of paper should have been left by people in red or black robes.

After returning, he stepped on the flames on the edge of the paper with his foot. Lin Chi stared at the text on the paper, and saw it read:

"Kill the weak and infected, burn their bodies, and leave those who are usable—"

Because the second half of the paper was burned, Lin Chi could not continue reading the rest of the content. However, the word "available" alone had already made his mind fill up some "story".

——Does the plague here have any other significance for the law enforcement officers in the city? Are they going to use this plague to conduct some experiments, or have other plans?

Lin Chi put down the incomplete parchment in his hand, opened the game map and looked at it. The street he was currently on seemed to be pointing to the true north of the map.

According to the information obtained before, the "temple" should be in the north of the city. According to the map description, this map is a small map, and it shouldn't take long to get to the temple now.


Lin Chi raised his head in silence, walked toward the big fire in the middle of the street again, bypassed the fiery flames by the wall, and moved toward the north of the city.

No matter what activities the people in the "temple" are planning, just go and see it at a glance.

When he gets there, the plague on his body may also be cured. After all, the introduction of the map mentioned that "enter the church before sunset, you can Ascension survival rate."

However, according to the style of this map, waiting for own in the temple should not be an amiable doctor, and the possibility of encountering a murderer is greater.

He knew that if nothing happened, after arriving at the temple, he should have died again.

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