War Paradise

Chapter 1058 The Redemption of Pilgrims

The unspeakable villain walked slowly north, leaving a long shadow on the street.

Although the smoke has always obscured the sky, Lin Chi's line of sight is shrinking, and the darkening sky shows the dangerous fact: night is about to fall.

Once at night, the city will undoubtedly become more dangerous. According to the prompt text when entering the game, you can get a glimmer of life by arriving at the temple before dark.

Thinking of this, Lin Chi dragged his body infected with the plague and walked towards the north of the city at the fastest speed. After walking along the street for a short time, he stopped at the intersection in front of him.

In the gray smoke directly in front, the outline of a huge building faintly emerged.

——Is that the temple?

A gloomy giant shadow stood quietly in the smoke, and it was at least fifty meters high visually, and its dark outline was very oppressive, like a huge tombstone.

Because of the low visibility, Lin Chi couldn't see the appearance of the building, and could only vaguely see the rigid edges. However, in this small map, as long as there is a special building that is much taller than other nearby houses, it should be where you want to go.

Seeing that the "temple" was just ahead, Lin Chi walked over quickly, and suddenly there was a sharp metal knock on the road ahead.

Lin Chi had no time to dodge. The three "killers" in black robes had already walked out of the smoke and stood in the middle of the street. With bloodshot eyes under the brim of the hat, he looked straight at Lin Chi's face.

——It's almost ready to reopen.

Lin Chi, who was leaning against the wall with nowhere to hide, clearly realized that he might be cold again this time. Then, something unexpected happened:

The three black-robed men didn't attack him, and didn't even mean to pull out their weapons. They just took a big step to the south, passing by Lin Chi silently, and disappearing into the smoke again.

——What do these people mean?

Seeing that the three people had already left, recalling the content on the parchment before, Lin Chi immediately thought of some possibilities:

The order they received was "Kill the weak infected", followed by the sentence "Keep usable." Is the role of own "available" in the eyes of the black-robed people?

If this is the case, waiting for own in the temple is definitely a trap. You may be caught for slicing and research, or you may encounter a worse situation.

But if you don't reach the temple, you can't investigate. Moreover, the mission requirements in this map are obviously for the players to go to the temple, even if it is dangerous, nothing can be started without entering the temple.

Lin Chi silently walked towards the giant building in front. When he entered the smoke, he felt dizzy for a short time. He walked a few steps forward and his vision suddenly became "suddenly clear":

"This is……"

He opened his mouth and subconsciously sighed, and then he was surprised to find that he had successfully made a sound. The "temple" seemed to possess incredible magic power, and even made the mute speak.

But compared to this, the picture in front of him shocked him even more:

The imaginary gloomy castle did not appear. Instead, it was replaced by the flawless "Wall of Light." The pure white building did not know what building materials were used, and there was no trace of flaws at all, as if it were cast from white light.

The bloody breath in the air disappeared, a sweet fragrance floated over, and the ground under my feet became soft, and the feeling of stepping on it was like stepping on a cloud. Lin Chi opened his eyes wide and tried to see the real appearance of the building, but only the soft light caught his eyes.

"Is it an illusion..." he whispered.

Suddenly experiencing such a big change in perception, it is very likely that one will encounter hallucinations. Is this the way the "temple" confuses believers?

Of course, besides hallucinations, there is another possibility: I may have actually entered "paradise"...

Lin Chi walked forward a little hesitantly, a beautiful female voice rang in his ears, soft but very clear, guiding him the way forward:

"Welcome, pilgrim, the temple will always open its doors for you."

"Where is the gate?" Lin Chi asked.

The voice of his character is very dry, it sounds like a typical drake voice. However, now that he has gained the ability to speak, the persuasive skills that come with the character can finally be effective.

"Please keep moving forward, and your heart will guide you to the temple." The velvet-like voice softened Lin Chi's nervousness a little.

"Hey, are you lying to me?"

Lin Chi, who was randomly assigned to a "rogue" role, entered the role decisively, fully restoring the original owner of this body, and tried to use the skill called "cunning villain" to ask the truth from the guide.

"Don't want to fool daddy, I know this is the human bone church." Lin Chi scolded: "Don't fool me with illusions, let me see the real picture, hurry up!"

"Pilgrim, you misunderstood."

Even though Lin Chi yelled, the guide still showed no signs of anger, and said patiently: "Since you have arrived at the temple, you can be redeemed, there is nothing to be afraid of. You will have eternal life, eternal youth, all Sorrow and sorrow will be far away from you, please enjoy eternal peace here."

Before the leader's words fell, Lin Chi's body suddenly floated. As the woman said, all the fatigue and weakness in him had indeed disappeared.

The scene in front of me began to become hazy, but it did not cause any discomfort. His whole person seemed to float on the clouds, and what followed was unprecedented...comfort.

"That's not good, isn't it?" Lin Chi vomited.

——It is indeed possible to simulate a strong "pleasure" in brain imaging games, but it usually appears in illegal content such as "playing on the computer" in Realm, and it rarely occurs in serious games. This situation.

So, what is "War Paradise" doing this time?

At this time, Lin Chi felt like he was lying on an extremely soft bed, and his consciousness began to blur. The comfort brought by the "temple" paralyzed his nerves and directly triggered his saltiness in the real world. Fish pattern.

However, Lin Chi, a veteran salted fish, quickly realized that the sleepiness this time was different from what he felt before going to bed.

"Wait a minute, shouldn't this be... a plot event?"

Realizing that he was being hypnotized, Lin Chi tried hard to stay awake. But the power of the "temple" was irresistible, and he lost consciousness after less than five seconds.


I played the remake of Biochemical 2 for a day. This is not one of the best remake games I have ever played. If you haven’t played it, buy it now!

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