War Paradise

Chapter 1233 Old Town

"Welcome to use the'old driver' driverless taxi. The OLD-DRIVER automatic driving system will serve you wholeheartedly. Please select your destination on the electronic map in front of the seat."

Sitting in the green sports car, Lin Chi reached out and clicked on the intersection of Tongshan South Road on the map. After he fastened his seat belt, the taxi suddenly accelerated, and the scenery outside the car window became blurred.

At this time, Lin Chi was wearing an exoskeleton, and the small drone "possessed" by Frankenstein was quietly parked in his backpack.

It is naturally impossible for him to call the police secretly from the surveillance system, otherwise he would be the first person to go to the police station to drink tea. At this time, Universe Hao was also on his way to Tongshan South Road by car.

"You don't have to go."

Frankenstein communicated with Lin Chi secretly through his built-in headphones: "I don't think we should be involved."

"How can a wit and brave man like me not save someone?" Lin Chi said shamelessly, reaching out and patted his chest bound by the exoskeleton.

In addition to saving people, he is more interested in the subject of psychedelics.

——The characters in virtual games begin to enter reality. This kind of thing is very common in various entertainment works, but in the real world, it seems that it has never appeared before.

The problem Lin Chi wants to clarify now is which bastard is selling the "psychedelic agent" in the real world.

In addition, there is another point that makes Lin Chi very concerned:

How did Universe Howe’s Little Sister know the location of the psychedelic agent merchant?


He dialed Universe Howe again and asked bluntly: "Did you bring the information home when you were investigating psychedelics?"

"I'm too tired from working overtime. I went home to work a few times." Having said that, Universe Howe immediately reacted: "You think she saw the survey data from me before she went to find a psychedelic agent merchant. ?"

"It's possible." Lin Chi said seriously.

"Fuck, isn't it that I hurt her..." Universe Howe's regret can be felt even through the phone: "Damn, I'm such a..."

"Don't blame yourself, it's unclear what happened." Lin Chi interrupted the old classmate: "Don't worry, you Little Sister is an adult, she knows exactly what she is doing."

"You didn't see what the poor people who were driven by psychedelic drugs were like!" Howe Universe almost yelled, "I watched them being tied to the bed and yelled. Four people need to hold the sedative injection! If my Little Sister becomes like that..."

Lin Chi also fell silent for a while listening to the other party's hoarse roar.

He knows very well that in this situation, even if he comforts the other party, it is just a waste of effort.

Because of this, Lin Chi also omitted some nonsense, and overwhelmed Universe Howe's roar with a louder voice:

"You Little Sister is also the player of "War Paradise", right? What is her game ID?"

"That has nothing to do with you..." Universe Howe's mood fell.

Skip the question of Lin Chi, the man working in the game management bureau mumbled as if talking to himself: "She is obviously so obedient and courageous. Even a cockroach can’t bear to hurt her, let alone. Said the rat at home..."

"Do you still have mice in your house?" Lin Chi asked in surprise.

"I don't believe that she would take the risk of doing this kind of thing. With her character, she wouldn't suddenly go crazy and find some hallucinogen." Howe Universe continued: "And... the authority has already searched that place, there. Nothing?"

"Perhaps now." Lin Chi whispered: "In short, you will know wherever you go."

The driverless taxi was extremely fast. It only took less than five minutes to reach Tongshan South Road on the outskirts of the city. Lin Chi picked up his backpack and got off the car, stopped at the intersection, and looked at the surrounding conditions.

This is a desolate and decaying street. The stone road at the foot is glowing with a rotting yellow color. The dilapidated bungalows on the left side of the road seem to collapse at any time. On the right is a large wasteland with a few willow trees scattered on the ground.

Today, this kind of old residential area that seems to stay in the old residential area 30 years ago is already very rare.

"This place is really shabby." Lin Chi said with emotion.

Before the words were over, another taxi stopped at the street. Howe Universe jumped out of the car, also carrying a red backpack behind his back.

"I'm here." Lin Chi waved his hand.

"Meeting again, Lin Zi." Universe Howe called out Lin Chi's nickname when he was at school.

He stood beside Lin Chi, took out a sharp short knife from his backpack, turned and walked towards the 33rd position.

"You calm down." Lin Chi reminded: "Don't stabbing people to death."

"I won't let go of those bastards that coaxed my sister." Universe gritted his teeth.

"After all, calm down, let's take a look at the situation inside."

While talking, Lin Chi turned his head to look at the dilapidated courtyard door beside him, and the green mailbox hanging on the wall, with the words "China Post" painted with white paint.

Compared with the steel forest in the city, this residential area seems to be in another world.

However, it is not surprising that this situation occurs:

The development of this city has always been uneven. Among several urban areas, the development speed of Beicheng District is the slowest.

Tongshan South Road, on the outskirts of Beicheng District, is almost a decade behind. Judging from the barrenness on the street, most of the residents have already moved out of this residential area, and there should be few residents left here.

Although the houses here are very dilapidated, the newly installed spider web monitoring system is still operating normally. In order to avoid revealing their identities, Lin Chi and Universe Hao also put on cloth masks prepared in advance.

The two walked quickly along the sidewalk and soon arrived in front of Building 33.

The walls were covered with creepers, and the dark red curtains blocked the indoor scene. In the dim sunlight at dusk, this two-story building is like a gloomy tombstone.

The iron door painted with dark green paint was tightly locked, and it seemed difficult to open. But for Lin Chi's exoskeleton, it is quite easy to open this door of the last century.

"Let's go in..." Universe lowered his voice.

"Wait a minute." Lin Chi said as he stood in front of the rusty mailbox beside the door, stretched out his right hand wearing the exoskeleton, and grabbed the rusty mailbox.

With a click, a rusty breath came to his face.

Lin Chi pried open the mailbox, and a pile of yellowed newspapers fell out.

Universe swiftly caught the newspaper before it fell to the ground, and then opened it quickly: This is a "North City Evening News", and the date written under the headline of the newspaper is April 7, 2020.

"Until 2020, there are still people here who are subscribing to newspapers." Lin Chi looked at the other newspapers piled up in the mailbox, and the time on them was also 2020.

"Leave it alone." Universe Howe stood in front of the door: "I'll open the door right away."

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