War Paradise

Chapter 1234 The Overture Of The Gods

Perhaps because of the relevant experience, Universe is very skilled in picking the lock.

He inserted a short knife into the crack of the door, and with only a few strokes, he easily opened the old-fashioned door lock of the building.

With a creak, the metal door slowly opened, revealing the dark staircase leading to the basement.


Before Lin Chi's words were finished, Universe Hao had already rushed down the lead.

At this time, Universe can't keep calm at all. Seeing that the guy had entered, Lin Chi took the drone from his backpack and let it fly onto the street.

"If you find someone approaching, notify me immediately." He gave orders to Frankenstein.

"I see." The cold female voice resounded from Lin Chi's earphones: "I will watch."

Relying on the strength of the exoskeleton, Lin Chi rushed down the stairs, just in time to see Universe kick open the broken wooden door of the basement, and the whole figure bounced into the basement like a cannonball.

——This guy is too reckless...

Although he could understand Universe Hao's thoughts, Lin Chi sighed, turned on the flashlight he had brought, and dazzled the "underground world" in front of him with a white aperture.

In this dark and damp basement, the wall skin peeled off in large pieces, which looked very unsightly. Except for some rubbish piled up in the corner, the only "big piece of furniture" in the house is a large game warehouse standing in the center of the basement.

"Is this really a game warehouse?"

Looking at the device that was refracting the flashlight beam, Lin Chi opened his eyes in surprise:

Unlike the streamlined shell equipment on the market today, the shell of this "game warehouse" looks like a sharp blade, which is unusually sharp. On both ends of the dark brown shell, the slender tip of the knife seems to be able to easily shred human flesh and blood.

Obviously, even if any company develops a device of this form factor, it will not be allowed to sell it. So... this metal warehouse, I'm afraid some guys have made it by themselves.

"What the hell? Damn..."

Universe cursed and came to the peculiar-looking metal warehouse, looking for a way to open this "coffin".

Then, the two quickly noticed the slender infusion tube extending from the right side of the metal bin, and a bottle of unidentified liquid hanging beside it.

"It's the trick of the'old player'." Lin Chi said.

—— Back then, when the brain imaging device was just released, the players who were exposed to this type of game for the first time were like opening the door to a new world, wishing to spend 24 hours a day in the game.

However, unlike traditional game types, when playing brain imaging games, the player's body in the real world cannot make any response.

In order to avoid dying of thirst or starvation while playing games, enthusiastic players came up with crazy methods: replenish their energy through the hospital's infusion equipment, and forcefully play for a long time.

While those madmen are killing the Quartet in the game, their bodies in the real world are like patients with advanced gastric cancer who cannot eat, sustaining their lives through infusions.

Because the damage to the body was too great, this life-threatening game method quickly withdrew from the stage of history. Today, there are only a handful of players who are still using the "infusion method" to play for a long time.

But now it seems that Little Sister of Universe is also using this crazy method."I will open it..."

Seeing the strange-looking "game warehouse", Howe Universe was completely anxious, and even planned to pry it open with a knife.

Just as Universe Hao was about to start, Lin Chi firmly grasped the opponent's arm and dragged the guy aside.

"Are you crazy? This will kill her."

——Even in the second-generation brain imaging game compartment, a sudden power failure has a very small chance of impairing the player's consciousness. What's more, the origin of this device is not clear. If it is opened rashly, it may directly destroy the consciousness of the user inside. and……

"It's still not certain whether it is her or not," Lin Chi said.

"let me go!"

Universe Hao struggled hard, but the hands under the blessing of the exoskeleton still firmly fixed his body, making his arms unable to move.

"Calm down, call the police first..."

Lin Chigang spoke, and an electronically synthesized sound suddenly sounded in the room:

"Don't notify the police, otherwise this girl's life... I can't guarantee it."

Hearing the other party's words, a depressed roar erupted in Universe Howe's chest, like a wounded beast: "Who the hell are you?"

"I have no malice, just a'leader'." The other person's voice was kind: "This woman chose us, and that's how it is."

"Fart NM!" The Universe roared, his body suddenly exerted strength, and he broke free from the restraint of the exoskeleton: "The kidnappers of the cult, you are dead!"

"We are not a cult, nor are we kidnappers." The other party's tone still sounded very patient, and he explained slowly: "Please calm down first, and I will explain it to you. Also, please don't try to open the cabin again. The door is closed, it's good for us."


In the next minute, Universe Hao scolded all the dirty Chinese characters that Lin Chi had heard since he was born. But even if he was furious, he really had no choice but to stand beside the metal warehouse and stare at the brown metal shell.

"damn it……"

Universe Hao stared at his swollen eyes and looked back at Lin Chi. The muscles on his face kept cramping and his back bends a lot:

"Man, what should I do? I can't lose her..."

"Calm down, listen to what that guy said." Lin Chi pointed to the small speaker installed diagonally above the game compartment.

The electronic sound just now came from this speaker. Since the other party can have a conversation, there must be a device for receiving voice in the basement.

"My friend's mood is a bit unstable, I take him out slowly." Lin Chi waved at the game warehouse: "We will be back soon, okay?"

"Please." The other party gave an affirmative answer.

Lin Chi increased the power of the exoskeleton and forcibly dragged Universe up the stairs and back to the street outside the house. Seeing that Universe Hao was planning to rush in again, he reached out and knocked on the opponent's forehead, reminding:

"We don't know the identity of the other party yet, don't irritate him yet."

——If Universe Howe continues to be reckless, if he annoys the mysterious person who communicates with them remotely, Universe Howe’s Little Sister may be dangerous.

So the first thing to do now is to calm this angry and frustrated man.


Universe gasped wildly, and a lot of blue veins burst on his forehead. After about five minutes, the breathing rate finally slowed down:

"You are right, I am so excited."

"I think about it now, why did your Little Sister come here?" Lin Chi stared at Universe Howe's eyes: "Have she ever acted abnormally before? Have you said anything strange?"

"In the past few days...no, but I suddenly enrolled in a piano class. I originally planned to ask her to enroll in remote teaching on the Internet. She had to choose a tutoring class with on-site teaching."

Universe Howe lowered his head and pulled off a strand of hair hanging down from his forehead: "If I stopped her then, she wouldn't be here..."

——It seems that this so-called piano lesson is just a trick for the girl to get away from home.

Lin Chi thought to himself, and continued to ask, "What happened before then? Are there any signs of abnormality?"

"I'm usually busy and go home less often. I haven't noticed anything..." Hao Universe shook her head: "I just remember that she seemed to say something like'Xanadu' and'Oasis', what I thought it was at the time. TV series, I didn’t ask much."


Lin Chi frowned when he heard the familiar name.

Could this incident be caused by the "Oasis Army" again?

Judging from the situation of the fishing strategy group, the Oasis Army has indeed begun to extend its own hand to the player of "War Paradise". However, if this is the case, how did Universe Howe’s Little Sister get involved with the "Oasis Army"?

"Are you Little Sister playing "Paradise of War" recently?" Lin Chi asked.

"She's played it before, and it seems to have changed to another game recently." Howe Universe shook her head: "She said before, own War Paradise ID, which has the same name as a famous player, and is often targeted in the game, so she simply Stop playing."

"War Paradise doesn't seem to allow repeated IDs." Lin Chi narrowed his eyes.

"That might be because she took the other party's original name." Universe shook his head irritably: "What's that name... General? Or something..."

"Female Martial Sage?" Lin Chi thought of a name that fits the description.

"Yes, that's it." Howe Universe nodded immediately: "This is the ID she said!"

"In this case, I met her once in the game a long time ago." Lin Chi said softly.

——The famous player "Female Martial Sage" of the brain imaging game, the ID in the war paradise is indeed occupied by others, so that she can only change the name of "Valkyrie" to enter the game.

As for the player who registered the female Martial Sage ID, Lin Chi once encountered it on a map of New York, and had a "passionate duel" with the girl at the time. However, this is not the time to recall such past events:

"Are you sure you Little Sister really didn't play War of Heaven recently?" Lin Chi asked again.

"I don't know what she played? I can't check her game console. People also have privacy, okay?" Universe said depressedly: "She seemed to say that she didn't play games very much, but she went to'Realm' every day. 'Wander around.'

"Then it will be troublesome." Lin Chi raised his head and looked at the drone that was hovering over the street.

——Compared with the world of "War Paradise", the situation in the giant online community like Realm is more complicated, and the number of users has completely crushed the war Paradise.

It is completely impossible to find out who the Little Sister of Universe Hao met in Realm. Even if Frankenstein was allowed to go out again, it would be difficult to find out any information.

"What the hell should I do..."Universe Howe's body leaned against the wall and slumped down, and the whole person seemed to be much older: "My parents are busy with work, and Little Sister has lived with me for the past few years. I think she grew up watching her. I’m still young and have a lot of good times, how can I go crazy in this ghost place..."

"She won't be crazy." Lin Chi comforted: "Let's listen to what that person is going to say first."

Although it is still uncertain whether the opponent is a member of the Oasis Army, the guy who "abducted" the girl must be the one who had just spoken and did not run away.

Leaving Frankenstein to continue investigating on the street, Lin Chi took Universe Hao back to the basement. As soon as I entered the door, the disturbing voice came into my ears again:

"Sir, have you calmed down?"

"I'm calm..." Universe gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

"That's good."

In this case, the other party is still very calm, calm to the point of anger, and said with a gentle speed: "Please don't be angry, this woman will come here by choosing to cooperate with us. If everything goes well , She will be home soon."

Judging from the surveillance video, the girl did come to this building by herself. The credibility of the mysterious person's "choice of cooperation" is actually not low.

"How could she do such a thing, what did you say to him?" Universe Howe squeezed a suppressed voice from between his teeth.

"We just told her the truth." The other party said in a deep voice.

"What's the truth?" Universe Howe's eyes were almost bleeding.

"I'm sorry, this is confidential content." The other party replied.

"You fool me!"

Universe Hao slammed his fist towards the speaker, but was stopped by Lin Chi. Lin Chi once again used the power of the exoskeleton to control the old classmate who was almost going crazy, and at the same time said loudly:

"You better tell the truth, otherwise he will really take down the metal bin."

"Can't you calm down?" The voice sounded helpless.

"Seriously, I want to tear you up now, too." Lin Chi told the truth.

"Well, let's make a long story short..."

As if aware of the imminent danger, the other party finally started to get into the subject.

With a click, a small projector installed at the back of the game room suddenly started, and on the wall deep in the basement, it played a black-and-white picture similar to an old-fashioned movie.

What appeared on the screen was like a Life image of a white family: a man with a flat head sitting on an old sofa watching "Star Wars" on the TV screen, a girl walking by in the living room, yawning and walking towards the bathroom. A quiet and peaceful look.

After watching the "Enjoyable" Life screen for a while, Howe Universe finally couldn't help it, and shouted, "What the hell is this?"

"Don't worry, please keep watching." The mysterious voice was serious.

Then what appeared in front of the two people was still the seemingly unremarkable real life scene. I couldn't see any abnormalities at all, and I couldn't find the slightest contact with Universe hero Little Sister.

"What on earth do you want to express?" This time it was changed to Lin Chi to ask questions.

While he was talking, the sound of Frankenstein suddenly came from the built-in headset:

"Two off-road vehicles are coming here."

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