War Paradise

Chapter 299 The Second Generation Apocalypse Tank

The three players who had just evacuated to the safe area turned their eyes to the courtyard gate of the nuclear power plant and saw a heavy tank with a scarlet shell slowly approaching from the other end of the nuclear power plant.

Even though he couldn't see the appearance of the chariot from this distance, the roar of the thing and the billowing black smoke from the back of the car made Lin Chi's heart tense.

It seems that the slow speed of that tank is because of its huge body and heavy weight. As for why this tank is so heavy...

Lin Chi was about to take out the binoculars from his backpack, and saw two fire lights lit up in front of the turret of the tank.

——On the turret of that heavy tank, two cannons side by side were installed!


A small mushroom cloud slowly rose from the front of the nuclear power plant's courtyard, and the violent air current from the explosion knocked three players 30 meters away to the ground.

As soon as the three people stood up, they heard the crazy Yiwen who was blown up next to him, and shouted, "That is our army's second-generation apocalypse tank! I have only seen the old version of the previous generation, this new This is the first time I have seen this version!"

Upon hearing this, the expressions of the three players present became serious:

Obviously, they have to face the powerful war machine of the Soviet Union.

After the BOSS battle at the tank factory, Lin Chi also had lingering fears about the barbaric machines produced by the Soviet Union. The army of terrifying robots that are extremely fast can be said to impress him.

——It now appears that Makarov has formed a "unbranded army" with both Soviet soldiers and United States soldiers. After the Apocalypse tank came on the scene, Lin Chi, who was still thinking about whether Makarov's words were true, temporarily relieved his confusion and took out the four-tube grenade launcher from his backpack.

The most urgent task at present is to find a way to solve this tank first!

"Fuck him."

Lin Chi gave a simple and rude instruction, then picked up the grenade launcher and directed a bombardment towards the tank.

Although the explosion smoke in front of the gate blocked Lin Chi's line of sight, at this time, the savage behemoth had already entered the radar's detection range. For a professional player like Lin Chi, as long as he sees the opponent's location on the map, he can hit a grenade near the tank even if he doesn't aim directly!

Bang bang bang...

An explosion sounded from behind the smoke, but the roar of the tank's engine was still slowly approaching. Realizing that the grenade launcher's attack had no effect, the three players also quickly retreated and rushed to the location where the snowmobile was parked.

Although he really wanted to get this tank in hand, Lin Chi knew very well that with his team's current equipment, there was no way to get that tank.

Therefore, it seems that we can only retreat first and then make plans.

As the Apocalypse tank approached, the nearby snowfields began to tremble, and the tracks creaked on the square, as if crushing the ground below.

The three players just got on the snowmobile, and when they were about to start the engine, they saw Crazy Evan did not get in the car, but looked back thoughtfully.

Seeing this scene, Lin Chi immediately asked: "What's wrong?"

"Ah, I forgot to mention it. I heard that a large electromagnetic drag fork was installed in front of the second-generation Apocalypse tank of our army..."

Before it was too late to ask what the "electromagnetic drag fork" was, Lin Chi suddenly found that the snowmobile under his body seemed to be caught by a big hand, and quickly slid to the position of the Apocalypse tank!

"Get out of the car!" he roared.

Without reminding at all, the coach and Bloodblade who noticed the abnormality next to him immediately jumped off the snowmobile, and saw that the four motorcycles that had been parked well had almost "flyed" under the tracks of the Apocalypse tank that had just rushed out of the door. Was crushed mercilessly into powder by that chariot that was more than ten meters long!

Seeing the four snowmobiles crunching and turning into distorted scrap iron, even the blood blade couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Fuck..."

Until then, they finally saw the true face of the tank:

The red armor of the tank is engraved with a black coat of arms with a sickle and a hammer. Two 125mm caliber cannons are installed side by side on both sides of the turret. In order to destroy the metal vehicle dragged by the electromagnetic fork, the front of the tank is even Large gears are also installed. The two exhaust pipes installed at the rear of the turret are emitting thick smoke to the rear.

When this super-heavy beast moved, there was a metal friction noise inside the body. It sounded like a problem with the equipment inside, but no matter what is happening inside the body, the heavy armor installed on the outside is not just three-dimensional. The weapon in the hand of the famous player can be penetrated.


Witnessing the indestructible "big killer" attack, the three players also dispersed and rushed away in three directions, leaving only Crazy Ivan standing there stupidly, as if welcoming the arrival of the Apocalypse tank.

As if to show Own's victory, while the tank was slowly advancing, a dull male voice came from the speaker installed next to the turret:

"Judgment Day has arrived, and Soviet power is supreme."

Then, the heavy tank turned a corner and drove towards Lin Chi who had just fired on it. The two cannons on both sides of the turret were pointed at Lin Chi who was running wild on the snow.

——Sure enough to act in accordance with hatred?

Realizing this, Lin Chi cursed secretly in his heart.

Although the NPC in this game of War of Heaven has a high IQ, there are also some "monsters" that follow the hatred mechanism of the old game and will give priority to attacking the target that hurts them the most.

Those "fearless warriors" in heavy armor that appeared in the city of chaos belonged to this kind of monsters that looked at hatred. To fight against this kind of enemy, the difficulty would actually be lower than usual.

But the problem now is that the power of the Apocalypse tank is really too strong...


The shells fired by the double-barreled tank exploded about 20 meters behind Lin Chi. Lin Chi, who was running wild, opened his arms and flew forward and fell to the snow ten meters away.

"Damn, did you get internal injuries..." He wiped the blood oozing from the corner of his mouth.

If the snow here was not thick enough, he would definitely die after this. Although luckily saved his life, Lin Chi's body was weakened a lot, and the strength of his limbs was also weakened a lot.

Seeing that Lin Chi was bombed, the coach next to him immediately began to hate him. Several shots of grenades hit the turret of the Apocalypse tank. The tank also immediately turned around and chased the coach.

"Are you okay?" Bloodblade rushed to Lin Chi's side, lowered his head to check his injury, and did not forget to add: "Don't get me wrong, I'm just to win this game."

"It's okay, it's just something wrong with the internal organs." Lin Chi said slowly and stood up, trying to move his body.

If there are only three players, it is completely impossible to fight against the Apocalypse Tank. However, owning a certain entourage should be useful in this case.

Thinking of this, Lin Chi opened his throat microphone and shouted to the crazy Yiwen who was still stunned: "Come here."

"Do you need me to do anything?" The bomb expert's voice rang from the earphones, with a hint of excitement.

"Now we can't handle that tank, it's up to you." Lin Chi smiled.

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