War Paradise

Chapter 300-Conquering the Giant Beast

The heavy tracks of the red chariot ran across the snow, shaking the pale ground. Two cannons fired at the coach running wildly ahead, creating a mushroom cloud again.

At this time, the coach should have allocated most of the attribute points to strength and agility. His running speed was so fast that he was not affected by the explosion, but his body still fell on the snow, and then he quickly got up and moved forward. Gallop.

——It seems that if the lucky value is not enough, even if you are running on flat ground, you will fall down inexplicably...

Realizing this, looking at the fireball rapidly rising in the clearing, Lin Chi, who suffered internal injuries, spit out another mouthful of blood, vomiting: "This thing has too much firepower..."

It is actually unnecessary to install such powerful twin-barreled guns on the tank. In modern warfare, unless it is "slinging and beating children" all over the world like the US military does, a lighter and more flexible tank is more reliable.

Lin Chi could see that the firepower of this Apocalypse tank was used on the ground, not to mention missiles, it didn't even have an anti-aircraft machine gun. As long as an armed helicopter came, the single Apocalypse tank was hoisted and beaten. The ending.

"Our army's Apocalypse tank is used to deter opponents with its powerful ground combat capabilities!" Crazy Ivan's voice came: "This tank is very popular, even children like it. Every family in Minsk has it. The model of this tank..."

"Okay." Lin Chi brought back the subject that was biased by the other party: "Do you have a bomb that can paralyze the tank?"

Although he can use the locator to call the cruise missile of the nuclear submarine to attack, but calling the cruise missile next to the nuclear power plant is obviously a complete death.

Now, the only hope to solve the Apocalypse tank is the mysterious red backpack of Crazy Ivan.

"Yes, yes, but I need some time to prepare. And you need to help me guide the tank to the designated position." Crazy Yiwen quickly said: "If necessary, I will prepare now, and I will send you a signal after success. of!"

As if seeing that the situation is not suitable for joking, this bomb expert, who is always not very serious, also returned to "normal" in a short time, and immediately began to plant bombs on the snow:

"Give me five minutes!" the bald man shouted.

"This is more troublesome..." Lin Chi said, vomiting the blood out of his mouth, and said to the blood blade next to him: "Can you still attract the firepower of that thing now?"

At this time, both of them were injured. Although the coach was running wildly to attract the attention of the Apocalypse Tank, even that guy could not last long in front of the Apocalypse Tank.

If the coach dies, even if the remaining people can escape, after losing a general, their chances of winning will undoubtedly be reduced by a few points.

When Lin Chi was thinking about it, he heard the coach's panting voice, which rang from the earphones:

"I can only hold it for another minute."

"I will figure out a way before then."

Looking at the Apocalypse tank slowly advancing forward, Lin Chi focused his gaze on the two horn-shaped exhaust pipes standing behind the turret and emitting thick smoke.

No matter how indestructible the armor of the tank is, the exhaust pipe directly connected to the engine is still the weak point. As long as you start from this point, you may be able to defeat that indestructible tank!

However, even if the speed of the Apocalypse tank is not fast, it cannot be caught up by human legs alone. The horn of war is still cooling down. When it is unable to transform the attributes like a coach, it must catch up with that tank. It is simply impossible.

Hearing Lin Chi's gaze, the bloodblade standing aside looked at the exhaust pipe of the Apocalypse tank, immediately understood what he was thinking, and said, "Are you serious?"

"As long as I can stop the tank, I have the confidence to throw the grenade in from the exhaust pipe." Lin Chi said as he took out a green-clad grenade from his backpack, and then forcibly concentrated again and tried to enter. Limit state".

Under the condition of observing the data flow, he can indeed measure the approximate parabola, plus the grenade throwing skills that have been trained in the previous modern war games, to complete the grenade bombing tank similar to the domestic war "sacred drama" The operation also has a chance of success.

Although the success rate is not high, I can only try it now!

"Your kid is crazy, I really like this." Bloodblade said as he took out an RPG-7 rocket launcher from his backpack, and smiled: "Look at mine..."

Before the words were over, she had already carried the rocket launcher with one hand and opened fire on the turret of the Apocalypse tank.


The rocket hit the large turret of the tank and exploded a cloud of white smoke, leaving no dents.

After being directly fired by the RPG, the Apocalypse tank also slowly stopped, and the turret began to turn to the position where the blood blade was.

--It's now!

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the tank to stop, Lin Chi immediately threw a grenade in the direction of the turret.

According to his calculations, if the turret continues to rotate at this speed, the landing point of the grenade will almost exactly fall into the exhaust pipe behind it!


At that moment, the nearby air seemed to be heavy. Except for the roar inside the tank, the three players were silent, staring at the grenade drawing a parabola in the air, flying towards the Tianqi tank and emitting thick smoke. Turret!


With a crisp sound, the grenade actually hit the exhaust pipe, but it did not fall into the "basket" as Lin Chi wanted, but hit the edge of the exhaust pipe.

Seeing that the grenade was about to fall to the outside of the turret, Lin Chi opened his throat and roared, "Shoot!"

The communication between professional players does not require much language. The coach standing at the far end pulled out the revolver almost instantaneously, and raising his hand was a shot. Just hit the shell of the grenade.


A ball of fire rose from the exhaust pipe position behind the turret of the Apocalypse tank, and the exhaust pipe on the right side of the car body was blown into a distorted shape, and the engine noise in the car suddenly became quieter.

Although the desired effect was not achieved this time, the original rotating turret of the Apocalypse tank suddenly stopped as if it was stuck.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin Chi immediately took out the four-tube grenade launcher from his backpack, and there was an indiscriminate bombardment behind the turret of the Apocalypse tank, which also blew the other exhaust pipe into shape.

At the same time, the other two players next to them also began to use explosive weapons to "encircle and suppress" the tank.

As the three of them started to work, the snow was full of smoke, and the poor Apocalypse tank had not had time to turn back to the turret, and had been swallowed by the fiery flames and explosive smoke.

With this level of attack alone, it is naturally impossible to cause damage to the Apocalypse Tank. But what they have to do now is to delay time!

Hearing a dangerous click in the smoke, the three of them also retreated in three directions tacitly. The apocalyptic tank, whose hatred began to chaos, finally rushed out of the smoke after a minute and rushed towards the blood blade.

Then, from the location where Crazy Ivan installed the bomb, a red flare rose up, reflecting the gloomy sky.

"Bring the tank to that position!" Lin Chi shouted.

"I see..." Bloodblade said and ran away.

Although she had lost an arm, the woman's speed did not slow down at all, but it was a pity that the speed of the tank's guns was much faster than her!

The hot smoke covered the snow in front of him. The blood blade that was still running wild was pushed ten meters away by the air wave, and then immediately stood up, as if it hadn't been affected in any way, and continued to run towards the trap.

The murderer who couldn't feel the pain, didn't know what skill he used, even temporarily ignored the injury, rushed all the way to the snow behind the trap, and a hoarse roar broke out in his chest:

"Have the ability to kill me! Miscellaneous!"

"The end is coming..." A dull male voice came out again from the tank's speakers.

Then, the chariot that had been advancing at a slow speed suddenly accelerated slightly and drove towards the bloodblade.

It seems that the irritated tank driver was planning to drive the chariot to kill this ignorant woman, but unfortunately, this situation happened to be within the calculation range of the three!


When the tank drove to that piece of snow that looked the same as the normal ground, a violent explosion suddenly occurred around the body, and the entire tank was once again swallowed by smoke.

"This kind of trick cannot stop the Soviet fighters!" the pilot roared.

Before he could say anything, the land under the heavy tank he was driving suddenly began to collapse...

After this round of explosions, the ground where the explosives were buried by Crazy Ivan finally couldn't bear the weight of the Apocalypse tank, collapsed without any suspense, and threw the tank into a huge pit six meters deep!

Seeing that the heavy behemoth was still trying in vain to drive out of the pit, Lin Chi laughed proudly and walked over to the condescending turret of the tank:

"Comrade, you are done."

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