War Paradise

Chapter 302: The Coach's Story

Hearing what the coach said, Blood Blade frowned and asked in a low voice:

"Fifteen years ago, wasn't that 2020?"

In that era, let alone civilian brain-computer interfaces, even military brain-computer interfaces were still in the experimental stage. Even if Lin Chi still understands this aspect, he can't think of how the coach came into contact with this technology 15 years ago.

There was a dull roar from the nuclear power plant, and Crazy Evan had obviously begun to do it, but the few players present did not help in the past, but continued to stay in place, waiting for the man who had not had any mood swings to continue to say:

"Have you heard of ‘Radiation Boy’?" The coach’s tone was flat, as if he was telling someone else’s story.

"What's that?" Bloodblade frowned.

Obviously, this murderer had never heard of the incident fifteen years ago. However, when he heard the name, Lin Chi suddenly remembered the old news he had read, and said in surprise:

"There is no follow-up to that incident. I thought he was dead. Wouldn't you just..."

"That's right." The coach nodded, his moustache curled up slightly, showing a polite smile.

"I said, can you explain it?" A confused bloodblade looked at the two men next to him: "I don't understand."

"All right."

While a series of explosions occurred in the nuclear power plant, the coach, in a calm tone, began to state the incident that shocked the country 15 years ago:

But this time, he is not using the perspective of the news reporter when reporting, but his own first-person perspective.

Following the coach's statement, Lin Chi and Xuebane seemed to have returned to the sterile ward, witnessing a young man approaching the end of his life:


The pale teenager lay motionless on the hospital bed. His skinny body was filled with various infusion tubes, and liquid medicines of various colors were injected into his nearly collapsed body.

He knew that he was just lingering. After all, even in this era, there are still diseases that cannot be treated.

For example... Fatal radiation sickness.

In fact, he was only accompanying his friend to the hospital for an examination, but while he was waiting alone in the corridor, a new high-power radiotherapy machine in the next room broke down, but the damn operator did not find out, which caused him The body has been exposed to a super high dose.

Although his head was fortunately not irradiated, his body was bathed in rays, and the DNA structure in the cell was directly broken up. To put it simply-the cells in his body can no longer regenerate.


The long-perforated lungs cannot work and can only rely on a ventilator to provide oxygen to the body. The artificial skin that has just been implanted on the teenager's body becomes waxy and will fall off with a light touch.

Fortunately, the muscles that were almost dissolved had no strength for him to reach out and touch his skin.

He widened his gloomy eyes and stared at the white ceiling above his head. Although his head was still intact, his consciousness began to shatter, and together with his festering body, he slowly faded in despair.

This young man was actually a corpse that was slowly decomposing. Although he was still conscious, he could only wait helplessly for Death to come.

——In order to relieve his pain, the doctor injected a large dose of morphine into his body, but what those guys didn't know was that their nerves were melted, and they had no pain.

Thinking of this, the boy couldn't help but want to laugh, but it was a pity that his vocal cords had already been unable to work, so he couldn't make any sound.

He doesn't know when he will die. He just hopes that day will come sooner. After all, even his own parents have given up on himself now:

——Five days ago, when the mother who came to visit saw his bloody body, she even vomited out in the ward. Since then, his family has never appeared again.

What puzzles the teenager is that these life-sustaining devices in his ward are still operating, injecting expensive drugs worth hundreds of dollars per milliliter into his body.

——Am I a test product?

While he was still confused, the door of the sterile ward opened slowly.

A figure in a white protective suit appeared in front of the teenager lying motionless on the bed. Although he can't see his face clearly, he is tall and has broad shoulders, and he looks like an adult man.

Then, a low but slightly magnetic male voice came from under the other party's mask, shaking the boy's undamaged eardrum:

"Do you... do you want to continue living?"

The boy couldn't answer his question with a voice, but he blinked hard.

Although knowing that his own survival probability is close to zero, for some reason, this person's voice seems to carry a kind of magic, causing the young man's already desperate heart to once again raise a ray of hope.

— "I want to live."

Before he became like this, he was actually a sunny and cheerful boy without any tendency to be pessimistic and world-weary. so now……

The boy exhausted all his remaining strength, moved his head slightly, and made a nodding motion.

Seeing his movements, under the man's mask, a low voice sounded again:

"If you are willing to give up this body, I can give you... a chance to survive."


"So you became a tester later?" Lin Chi focused his gaze on the coach's face: "I thought you were dead before."

——The "Radiation Boy" incident that was a sensation 15 years ago did arouse a lot of attention and raised millions of donations.

Although Lin Chi was only nine years old at the time, he still had an impression of the incident: the bloody photograph of the boy's body taken by the reporter was considered one of his childhood shadows, and it is still fresh in his memory.

"They left my heart and brain that were not destroyed by radiation, as well as part of the blood vessels that could still work, and implanted artificial organs and muscles for me, but the artificial muscles could not work." The coach said.

"So now...you don't have a body?" Bloodblade's scarlet eyes widened.

The coach nodded: "Later, they hoped that I would completely give up and return to the real world. I agreed. After all, I have to be moved around every day, and it is not comfortable to install various things on my body."

"They only left me with artificial organs that were enough to sustain my life, and replaced the rest with machinery, and then installed a brain-computer interface testing machine for me."

"I'm going, man, you are too handsome!" With his left hand, Bloodblade kept patting the coach's shoulder: "I also want to experience the feeling that the whole body cells can't regenerate!"

"Your focus is wrong." Lin Chi murmured, turned to the coach and asked: "So, why did you decide to tell us the truth this time?"

Although I don't know if what the coach said is true or false, in Lin Chi's view, this person's operation is indeed incredible, and it doesn't seem like a human can do it. And his way of action also has subtle similarities with AI.

Hearing Lin Chi's question, the coach slowly raised his head and said an unbelievable answer:

"Because you are'interesting'."

Lin Chi was about to ask him what he meant when he heard crazy Evan's panting voice in the headphones: "Everyone in the nuclear power plant is dead!"

"I'll talk after this round." The coach said, turning and walking towards the main entrance of the nuclear power plant.

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