War Paradise

Chapter 303 Occupy Nuclear Power Plant

"Comrade, can we go out?"

Seeing a few weirdos next to the tank drift away, the three sturdy men in the Apocalypse tank that fell into the pit, finally breathed a sigh of relief, sitting in the cockpit with red lights and staring at each other.

Now that those guys have left, they should also be able to take the opportunity to run away...

Mindful of this, the three strong men immediately picked up the RPD machine guns in the cockpit and observed them through the pilot’s observation screen for a while, until they were sure that they could not be seen, and finally opened them carefully. Alloy casting hatch.

Then, the three sturdy men seemed to have turned on some kind of switch, and jumped out of the cockpit of the Apocalypse tank at a speed that almost brought out the afterimage, and turned and rushed to the opposite direction of the nuclear power plant.


Just now in the cockpit of the tank, they heard the screams of their comrades in the nuclear power plant over the radio. This elite force formed by Makarov was actually destroyed by the crazy "Bomberman" group!

Realizing that the opponent's combat power was beyond imagination, these three soldiers who had betrayed the Soviet Union completely gave up the idea of ​​resistance and turned around like rabbits and ran away!

It's a pity that before they ran two steps, there was a dangerous gunshot behind them——


Although the gunshot sounded like only one bullet was fired, the three of them fell heavily to the ground at the same time, and a large hole was punched in their heads. A mixture of blood and brain pulp penetrated into the white snow below.

Before putting down the revolver, the coach didn't forget to blow the white smoke from the muzzle very irritably, and said, "I won."

"Count you cruel." Lin Chi said as he put the pistol back into his backpack.

Seeing the "match result" just now, he also held the blood blade of the pistol, bowed his head and spat. Obviously, she was the one who shot the slowest just now.

"If my right hand is still there, you can wait to die." She muttered a low voice, stuffed her pistol into her backpack, followed the two people next to her, and walked into the building next to the cooling tower of the nuclear power plant.

At this moment, Crazy Ivan, who was blackened all over, was already standing in the hall and waiting. There was no need to ask any more. The "scent of barbecue" floating from him had already explained what had happened just now.

Like other buildings in the Soviet Union, the internal structure of this building is simple and rude, full of the power of "Soviet Communism", and even the distance between each first-level staircase is much larger than that of ordinary staircases.

"Have you found the control room?" Lin Chi asked his own subordinates.

"On the third floor!" Crazy Evan said immediately.

When the three players walked up to the third floor, they saw that the corridor was burnt by magma, the walls had already become scorched, and the cement floor even burned out a hole, revealing the dark red "lava".

Lin Chi stepped across the big hole in the floor, looking for the location of the control room in the row of charred metal doors on the wall.

"Here." Bloodblade's voice sounded from behind him.

As the blood blade kicked open the door, what entered the sight of the three players was a room full of old-fashioned electronic tube screens and "original keyboards" similar to typewriters.

The lights in the room were ghostly blue, and there were a few lines of small characters written in Russian on the walls. I don't know what they meant.

The three of them walked into the house quickly, looked around to observe the conditions in the control room, and soon found a "Nuclear Power Plant Control Guide" on the metal square table in the center of the house.

"There should be a way to power the radar station." Lin Chi said as he turned the first page, Bloodblade and the coach immediately came over.

"How do I feel that we are like thieves." Bloodblade curled his lips: "Maybe a monster will appear to chase us after a while."

"Then you were hung on the tree?" The coach, who was still taciturn before, started a serious joke.

"Come on, usually I hang someone else." Bloodblade smiled.

Ignoring the nonsense of the two guys, Lin Chi quickly read the contents of this guide, and then his expression became serious:

"This nuclear power plant uses old-fashioned units and power grids..." He read the content of the book: "It cannot be powered separately, but it can provide electricity to all Soviet facilities on the island at the same time."

"That is to say, when the radar station restores power, all Soviet buildings on the island will receive power?" The bloodblade immediately reacted.

"Yes, in this way, the iron curtain device and nuclear bomb silo should also receive sufficient power." Lin Chi put down the pamphlet in his hand and muttered to himself in a low voice: "This is in trouble."

If only the NPC is there, what Lin Chi is worried about now is that the two buildings are occupied by other players.

If other players fired a nuclear bomb, they would have to wait for death on the island if they had not yet occupied the iron curtain device.

Thinking of this, Lin Chi looked at the two people around him, and quickly made a judgment:

"Bloodblade stays here to defend. Waiting for our news. Don't supply power to the Soviet buildings for the time being. My coach and I will visit those two buildings."

"Leave it to me." Bloodblade didn't show any resistance this time, but nodded enthusiastically: "Don't worry, I'm a professional..."

"If you can't stand it, please contact us." Lin Chi pointed to the headset he was wearing.

When they were chatting outside just now, a few more teams were wiped out. Now in this game, there are only ten player teams left.

In this case, as long as it is not too bad luck, this nuclear power plant built in the mountains should not encounter a large-scale attack.

Thinking of this, Lin Chi gave another sentence, and he walked out of the control room of the nuclear power plant with his coach, called Crazy Yiwen, who was still in the hall on the first floor studying the explosion marks on the wall, and left the nuclear power plant together and stood on the abandoned one. The front of the apocalypse tank.

"Get this thing out." Lin Chi ordered.

"Leave it to me..." Crazy Ivan said as he took out a few detonators from his backpack and installed them on the ground in front of the tank.

With a few soft sounds of "Puff Puff", the tank body stuck in the pit finally fell down, hitting the mud below, and the front end of the sinking hole was also blown out of a fairly smooth ramp.

Seeing that the Apocalypse tank was ready for use, the three of them jumped into the car from the cockpit, too lazy to drive the tank's blaster, and directly found a place to sit behind. Lin Chi and Coach started to study the operation of this tank.

Compared with the United States tank, the Soviet-made tank interior style in the game is much rougher, and the angular cockpit reveals a heart-pounding sense of power. The operation of this apocalyptic tank is also more than that of a light-ribbed tank. Simpler.

"You come to drive and I will shoot." Lin Chi said as he sat on the gunner's seat inside the turret.

Driven by the instructor, this heavy steel behemoth started up again, and drove three people to the location of the "Iron Curtain Device" on the map.

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