War Paradise

Chapter 304: A Weird Welcome

"It's our army's chariot!"

Seeing the apocalypse tank slowly approaching, the Soviet soldiers stationed near the iron curtain device suddenly fell into a frenzy, cheering and cheering, it was like confessing success to the dream lover, or winning a lottery ticket. prize.

The Apocalypse tank driven by the coach and Lin Chi successfully entered the base without even going through any inspection.

However, Lin Chi did not relax even though he easily entered the location of the Iron Curtain installation. When he saw the appearance of the Soviet soldiers, his expression became serious:

The Soviet soldiers on the roadside were ragged and covered in black and gray. They looked like they had gone through a great battle. Some of them even had their military coats torn, exposing bloody wounds on their skin that had long been frozen.

The strange thing is that these guys who seem to be likely to hang up at any time, are all "beautiful", and there seems to be a light of excitement in their eyes, and they don't look like they have been injured at all.

"Are these guys taking drugs?" he whispered.

"It's not right," the coach responded.

——These strange soldiers look a bit mentally abnormal, but such a large-scale "psychiatric attack" is more like the result of brainwashing or mind control.

Could it be that the Soviet soldiers here were controlled by someone?

Thinking of this, Lin Chi asked the crazy Yiwen who was sitting behind the tank and yawning: "Do you know what's going on with these people?"

The blasting expert came forward and stared at the soldier outside the observation port. He frowned in confusion and thought for a while, shook his head and said, "Strange..."

"What's the matter?" Lin Chi asked immediately.

"Um, I seem to have a bit of an impression, but I can't remember exactly who was the person next to the general at the time..."

Crazy Ivan touched his own blindfold, and finally realized it after thinking for a minute, and clenched his fists suddenly:

"It's a bald head!"


Hearing this, Lin Chi suddenly gave up his willingness to continue communicating with this guy, just watching the tank drive to the strange building in the distance:

A huge red metal sphere, installed in the center of the building, looks like a shell made of liquid metal, shining a weird light under the sun's rays.

"Ah!" When he saw the thing, Crazy Yiwen shouted again: "This is the iron curtain device of our army! How is it, isn't it spectacular?"

"This thing can make vehicles and buildings into an invincible state?" Lin Chi asked.

"Yes, but it can't be used directly on humans, otherwise that person will die!" The blaster reminded again.

"I understand." Lin Chi nodded.

While talking, the tank was already watching the dozens of Soviet soldiers standing guard nearby and drove into the square next to the "Iron Curtain Device". Before the three of them opened the hatch, they saw two large men in black. Walked towards the tank.

Compared with the Soviet soldiers who were suspected of being brainwashed, these two men have a more weird appearance. They are three meters tall, they are wrapped in a heavy black long windbreaker, they also wear gloves on their hands, and metal boots on their feet. After taking a step, it made a heavy roar.

Perhaps because the temperature in the Arctic Circle is very low, their exposed facial skin appears deadly bluish white, their expressions are very serious, and their eyes are blocked by dark brown goggles, and they can't see what it looks like.

Seeing these two big weird people, Lin Chi asked his subordinates: "Do you know them?"

"I have never seen it before." Crazy Ivan immediately shook his head: "Even if it is a strong man of Cossacks, there is no such a big man. Has our army cultivated a new race!"

At the same time when the two guys appeared, Lin Chi's vision also appeared in the character introduction. The strange thing is that this time the character name was not displayed, but a question mark was used instead:

? ? ? , Heroic NPC, cannot be recruited.

He was about to ask the coach whether he had seen this kind of weird person, he saw one of them, already stretched out his right fist with metal gloves, knocked on the turret of the Apocalypse tank, and then made a strange sound of Yin & Yang. :

"Welcome, friends."

The voice sounded a little distorted, not like coming from a human voice, but more like coming from a loudspeaker.

"What are you doing here?" The man spoke slowly again, and the two big men standing in front of the tank didn't even open their mouths.

"We are from the Soviet Airborne Troops. We are here to deliver a message to the person in charge of this facility." Lin Chi immediately made up a sounding reason.

Hearing this, the man who did not know where he was hiding spoke again: "I am the person in charge here, you can just say it now."

"In order to prevent leaks, the organization requires me to pass the message to me." Lin Chi continued to speak nonsense: "The United States spy satellite is currently in the sky. Submitting information here is at risk of leaks."

"The satellite can't detect the sound, comrade." The man pointed out the common sense error in Lin Chi's words: "You just need to give me the information, and then you can leave."

This person's voice is like a poisonous snake. Although there is no big problem in the words, it still makes people feel uneasy. Realizing that something was wrong, Lin Chi whispered to the coach sitting in the driving position in a low voice, "What do you think?"

"I don't think it will work." The coach's answer was brief and concise.

——No matter how you look at it, these two silent giants with bald heads and the "person in charge" hiding in the dark giving orders are all a bit too suspicious, plus the weird Soviet soldiers outside the base are even more suspicious. It's a little bit more.

Noting that this place is too weird, Lin Chi immediately made a decision and said loudly, "Since you don't want to meet, then we can only leave first."

——Under the current situation, it is better to withdraw from this area first and then sneak in.

However, the situation does not seem to be that simple.

The other party did not answer this time, but made a buzzing sound, a bit like the sound of a bee flapping its wings.

When he heard that voice, Lin Chi felt his own body suddenly became heavier. And in the eyes of Crazy Ivan sitting behind, a strange light suddenly lit up, exactly like the Soviet soldiers outside!

"This is……"

Noting that the situation was not good, Lin Chi punched him without saying a word, knocking out the blaster who seemed to be under mental control. Then he said to the coach: "Quickly withdraw!"

When the tank engine started again, the two big guys standing next to him suddenly bent down and grabbed the lower part of the side armor of the Apocalypse tank with both hands, and then lifted it hard, causing the heavy behemoth to tilt a bit to the right. !

Seeing that the two "men" were about to overturn the tank, Lin Chi didn't say a word, and immediately used the joystick to rotate the turret, and the barrel hit the cheek of one of the bald men with a "pop" sound.

"There is no way to fire from this distance." He complained, and then asked, "Can I still go?"

"No, the right track is suspended." The coach replied immediately.

It now seems that they must find a way to solve these two guys before they can leave here.

Mindful of this, Lin Chi took the Tyrannosaurus rex shotgun directly from his backpack, then opened the hatch above the tank turret, and pointed the muzzle of the double-barreled shotgun at a bald man who was bending down beside him.


He pulled the trigger without hesitation.

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