War Paradise

Chapter 306

The tracks of the Apocalypse tank rolled over the road covered with a thin layer of ice. The ice below cracked and cracked, exposing cement-like frozen soil.

The two cannons on the turret fired at the same time, and the over-saturated brutal firepower blasted several Soviet soldiers in front of them into coke.

The gun smoke from the muzzle had not dissipated, and a dozen Daoist shadows suddenly appeared in the nearby coniferous forest. Ten rockets dragged white smoke and flew toward the tank's armor.

After a burst of bangs, this apocalyptic tank... of course nothing happened.

RPG alone was unable to blast through the armor of the most powerful behemoth of the Soviet Union. Instead, two pieces of explosive reaction armor on the outer side of the tank broke apart, sending out a giant shotgun and blasting a few soldiers who were launching rockets from 20 meters away. Fried into minced meat.

"Where are so many people?" Lin Chi frowned and stared at the bloody picture in the woodland, then fired another shot, sending the soldiers who were still alive next to him to reunite with the comrades who had just died.

He thought that the soldiers controlled by Yuri were limited to the area where the iron curtain device was located, but even if they have now withdrawn five kilometers away, these brainwashed soldiers are still pouring out continuously, like old-fashioned games. Like the "mobs" that can be refreshed indefinitely, they spring from all directions.

After another minute, when he saw the huge airship passing by, Lin Chi immediately understood what was going on, and couldn't help but sigh, "That guy is good at playing."

In the distant sky, the outline of the Kirov airship emerged, and while flying over the island, it made a weird buzzing sound.

Obviously, the NPC soldiers on the island were all manipulated by the sound waves emitted by the airship, but in this way, the Soviet elite airborne troops stationed in the radar station are also at risk of being controlled...

Realizing this, Lin Chi was about to contact the T800 robot staying at the radar station. Suddenly, the sound of bloodblade rushing sounded in the earphones, and there were harsh gunshots and screams in the background:

"What are you doing over there? Why did a bunch of lunatics suddenly come and kill me?"

"You didn't see the prompt to trigger the boss fight?" Lin Chi asked.

"Where? I didn't see anything. Are you fighting the boss?" Bloodblade's hoarse voice was full of confusion, and a dangerous crackle sounded from a nearby location: "I have no hints at all!"

"It's weird..." Lin Chi frowned and asked, "Can you hold it on?"

"They are all messy things, but there are too many people. I can't handle it with just one hand..." Bloodblade said pantingly, "When did the Soviet Union create an army of clones?"

"If you can't beat it, withdraw, don't resist." Lin Chi reminded.

"Don't worry, I'm not a fool."

Speaking of this, the blood blade suddenly roared: "Stop screaming!"

Then what appeared in the earphones was a harsh scream.

Hearing that the firefight had begun over there, Lin Chi decisively cut off the call and said to the coach who was driving the tank: "Let's go back to the radar station and have a look."

Dozens of soldiers were killed along the road, and the hill where the radar station was located finally appeared in their sight. Although I haven't seen what the situation is, the billowing smoke from the top of the mountain has already indicated the current situation of the radar station.

The two high-horsepower engines roared and drove the giant steel beast to climb the hill. The Apocalypse tank stopped in the open space in front of the radar station. Lin Chi and the coach immediately jumped out of the chariot and scanned the surroundings to observe the surrounding conditions.

——Several corpses of Soviet paratroopers were lying down in the open space. The mass-produced T800 robot under the coach was still standing, but it was also covered in cuts and bruises. His clothes and skin melted together, revealing the silver metal skeleton hidden in the body. .

"What's wrong." The coach looked down at his dying entourage, and saw that the circuits and chips of the T800's chest were exposed, and the red light was still flashing. It seemed that it was hopeless.

"Master, they are... constantly attacking."

Even though he was seriously injured, T800 still did not show any fear or pain, and said in a low voice: "We can't support it."

"I see." The coach nodded.


Before T800's words fell, the two red lights that lit up in the metal eye sockets had dimmed, and the steel body fell heavily backwards, no more movement.

"They have to pay the price." Although the coach was still expressionless, there was a little anger in his voice for the first time: "I can't just forget it."

Lin Chi looked around and saw that the T72 tank in the base had turned into a burning steel wreck.

Fortunately, the radar and microwave launch vehicle were not affected and can still operate normally. However, the radio expert who was caught by the blood blade disappeared.

——Is it controlled by Yuri?

"This is a bit too much..." Lin Chi whispered.

He can see that the current situation is completely beyond the scope of ordinary BOSS battles. Yuri may be the final BOSS of this map, or it may be other "things" that involve a deeper level of the game.

The top priority now is to find where Yuri is hiding, otherwise he will only end in defeat.

After all, no matter how strong the combat capability of this squad is, it will not last long when all the NPCs on the island become enemies!

Thinking of this, Lin Chi suddenly turned his head and opened fire, killing an American soldier who rushed up from behind, then looked at the expressionless coach, and slowly said:

"I have a bold idea."

"What are you going to do." The coach raised his head and looked at him intently.

"These soldiers seem to only chase us, our subordinates, and vehicles controlled by us." Lin Chi raised his mouth and smiled: "They don't seem to have the concept of a'base', otherwise they should have already occupied this radar station. NS."

The coach cast a questioning glance, and said: "There are enemies in the iron curtain device."

"But they don't use the iron curtain device as a base. It should have been forcibly'stuffed' into the building after being controlled by Yuri's mind. Think about the situation when hundreds of people rushed out of the building. If their minds are normal, from Isn’t the efficiency of shooting directly from the window much higher?"

Lin Chi continued to say own inference: "So, if we evacuate here, the radar station should be able to continue working."

"But the skill introduction says that it can only be triggered if the radar station is controlled." The coach frowned.

"According to the rules of the game, even if we leave, as long as no one else takes over the radar station, this place should still be under our control. Just try it and you'll know." Lin Chi looked up at the damaged light on the roof. Prismatic tank turret.

Then, he took out the previously printed map from his pocket and fixed his eyes on the location of the nuclear bomb silo on the north side of the island:

"Let's go to the silo and have a look."

"Two people alone can't control nuclear weapons." The coach glanced at him.

Upon hearing this, Lin Chi's face turned blue from the cold suddenly showed a meaningful smile:

"Actually, I only need me to launch a nuclear bomb."

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